/meta/ - site discussion

ability to hide posters based on IP or name, built into the site. user extensions can plug the name one but not IP...
not sure if that would be conducive to good conversation tho.........
also, do mods encourage ppl to stick to certain board to discuss things?
because a lot of the mono-boards (chat, lobby) don't exactly have threads that can be picked up and moved to their respective areas
anon## admin
for privacy reasons we probably won't add IP-based poster blocking. we could add support for filters, though, which would include being able to filter names and tripcodes

it varies. >>>/libpol/ and >>>/db8/ have specific themes. >>>/chat/ doesn't and >>>/lobby/ is just a holding area. beyond that, owners of user-created boards can set whatever policies they like

if a # theme is used with a #diffuse (unclear if diffuse must be in active part of thread or if it counts in the unshown part of thread ([that's only visible with show thread buttton]) the #theme will re-add the previous diffusion even if it was cleared before with # cleartheme
(page reload is also needed for this bug i think)
tiny visual bug the little arrow dropdown menu thingy appears off the post on rly short posts


「redesign suggestions」

anon## adminopen
if you know some CSS and think you have a way to make the site look better:

- create a board
- open the board configuration panel
- add the CSS to the "Board CSS" field at the bottom

you can also use the #theme command within a thread to add CSS

kitty luvs deus ex so sweed and gud anon oh purrr =^_^=
admin add more kitty meow meow <3