γcatgirl centralγ
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Okay okay we'll start with 1 :3
have you ever seen the comic read along things on 4chan? I read a few on /co/ and they used to post punisher comics on /k/ ^hey checkem.
Here we have the beginning of comic number 1
there is the naked famous CEO saxon hale who has abandoned his australian outside hat and also some other crap and is walking away a naked and defeated man (except his boots very wise decision on a dirty city street.) his shadow looks like that of a hunched over old man.... a sign????
There are noises, and someone calling hale's name!
Could everything bee OK? another call, and a loud smash!
A pilot, nervous is our speaker, knocking on a door
and he's hearing loud smashing, like something is tearing the plane apart!
why the fuck is hale naked lmao
we don't know!!
And a giant white yetti is behind the door the pilot was knocking on
and it looks angry and is roaring really big!!!!!!
Saxon hale pops out from behind the yetti! a prank by our famous australian CEO, chest full of healthy hair, and a happy and crisp australian hat on his head. this is no defeated man! the pilot says not to jhump out of the plane, but saxon cleverly destroyes the engine, in order to neccecitate it, leaving the pilot in the burning aircraft! Here is a titan of industry! here is a man who gets things done, and ready to leap into the unknown!!!
i appreciate the bit but im rly not interested in the tf2 comics
yeah thanks I dunno I'm not that inspired. Thanks for saying so
So now I'll start posting some other comic you don't like : D : D : D
I probably need some rest mmmmmmmmmmm
id ont like hate it but my attention is mostly elsewhere cause im gaymin
nah you're cool
: )
gaymer :3
big mech gaymin
I big mech gaymed for a lil
but then I got distracted
I like how they go THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP and the cockpit moves around
big thumpin
big guns
many lazor
or tiny thumps and tiny guns but very quickly
too many missile
I'm mad at the mech games because they gave me unrealistic body standards
so true
When will we tell our youth they don't NEED a chaingun arm and to be the size of a city block to be beautiful???
well... they do... tbh
...... you're not supposed to admit these things in public this is a truth for the adults hmph
its just facts........................
lying would be a disservice...
very responsible
All children should have chaingun arms and nuclear reactors
what if u actually had a liquid cooling system on ur laptop which was also a waterbottle and also an aquarium
that would be so cool
and ur laptop case could be see through and you could see the shrimp swimming around under your keyboard
but you wouldn't want to spike their temperature
so you'd want a second liquid cooling system
what if you could raise an animal inside yourself
like a blood drinking bat you could keep under your armpit
but I think that's just the moms or is that mosquitos
this would b cool ecvept for the water bottle part
cause u dont wanna drink aquarium water lol
id raise shrimp inside me
based what if you trained em to find diseases and stuff and nom them up with their scrabledy lil legs
kinda like crispr
and then someone jumps u and like you're losing and bleeding and they're like 'give up! no way ur winning this alone' and you look up slowly and ur all like 'who says I'm alone' and your lil homies jump out of ur blood and start karate kicking them and it's epic
hehehe yeah I wonder if it's bad for you
thatd be epic
kot :3
guten morgen ihr lesbische lesbians
nom nom nom better have chocolate in there
umm in der packstation gibts meine pipebombe, vielleicht hab ich bei der assembly von der ein bischen schoko ausersehen rein getan
: )
nom nom nom gunpowder flavor (i think its bad for u cause of the nitrogen or somethin)
hoe ist du? : D
#reply translate anglais
Um, in the packstation there's my pipe bomb, maybe I accidentally put a little bit of chocolate inside while assembling it. translate anglais
we are so back with the oopsie chocolate
what if when it explodes the chocolate is propelled into ur tongue really hard so you die tasting chocolate really hard
mir gehts gut
#edit crisis
mert chrismar
today is a drinking day remember to drink alot of alcohol for baby jesus!!!!
i woke up
: D : D : D
mert chris marshmallow!!!!!!!!!
just WOKE up
average youth these days
7 vodkas pls
1000 cigarettes please
the woke mob is stealing my family and forced me wife to divbord be
i will chug a whole bottle of vodka in a few mins
what if the woke mob actually showed up at ur house and started carrying your family away
im thirsty
woosh you now have the power to smoke 37 camel crushes
gives u drinky things
ucan habe mine im trying to quit
Chat I'm out of RAM
like marb reds?
based alert!!!
ur lungs are gonna b all pink and happy andcute
kissable lungs
i have athama so theyre going to be poopy and orange and melted no matter what πππ
me thinking about ur lungs ^###^
no they'll just be puffy pink lil guys
i would lungs-makeout with you anon ^w^
I'm going to track you down and seduce u and we'll be tongue kissing and I'll reach my hand down my throught, grab my lungs, and shove them into ur lungs super romantically
omg adorbs
sure ill take
#edit integrate lsd trip
^w^ is really good me too stealing this emoji
3 1s!!!
\based bury pink
\super based super bury super pink
\this is nice board
looks like pp 2 me
pp being misused as skateboard
ooooh exotic
like the 10 trillion the us pentagon lost on september 10th, 2001
\september 10th, 2001
no ai thats the 11th
\in afghanistan
\september 30th 2001
\october 20th 2001
average september day vs average OCTOBER day
\with the twin towers in afghanistan
\september 2001
whoah what if the twin towers were in afganistan and that's why they invaded
\manga adaptation
\9/11 but its the eifel tower
that makes a lot more sense
this is a multicultural emoji bc it uses japenese convension for the eyes where japanese emojis use eyes for emotion and the mouth usually doesnt change, vs english emojis use mouth but the eyes is almost always the same
\9/11 but its the eifel tower
\plane crashing into it 9/11
so the w mouth is a western modification to a japanese paradigm (^-^/^_^
see but I'm always scared using something like ^_^ because the mouth is so neutral I like having both agree
\middle eastern art school adaptation
\with a world war 2 plane
fuck the paradigm just use real images of real people to describe emotions :trol:
ok ^-^ is good
cuz it's like the nose
#ai On september 10th, 2009, the day before my 25th birthday, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It came as a complete shock to me and my family. I had always been healthy and active, never smoked or drank excessively, ate well and did all the things you're supposed to do to prevent illness.
But cancer doesn't discriminate based on age or lifestyle choices.
I remember feeling numb when the doctor told me. My mind went blank and it felt like time stood still. All of a sudden, everything changed. I was no longer just "me," but now also "cancer patient."
The next few days were filled with appointments: consultations with surgeons, oncologists, genetic counselors; scans and tests; discussions about treatment options. It was overwhelming to say the least.
It didn't fully sink in until I started telling people about my diagnosis.
Telling loved ones over the phone or in person brought up so many emotions - sadness for what lay ahead of me, fear of what might happen if treatment didn't work - but also love and support from those around me.
One thing that really struck me during this time was how differently everyone reacted to my news. Some friends immediately wanted to come visit or help out in any way they could; some seemed unsure of how best to show their support; others kept their distance because they weren't sure what to say.
I quickly learned that there is no right way for someone else to react in these situations - we are all different and handle difficult news differently. But one thing remained constant throughout: every single person who reached out made a difference in my journey through cancer.
As scary as it all was at first (and trust me it's still scary), something amazing happened once I began treatment - life continued on!
Yes chemo takes your hair away (yay wigs!), makes you feel nauseous (thank goodness for anti-nausea meds!) and tired (sleep is my new best friend), and yes radiation takes energy (coffee is my other new best friend) but life doesn't stop. I still go to work, hang out with friends, travel and do all the things I love.
Of course there have been challenges - losing my hair was tough for me; not being able to participate in certain activities during treatment has been frustrating at times; constantly worrying about recurrence can be overwhelming.
But through it all, cancer has also brought some amazing things into my life: a newfound appreciation for every single day, a deeper connection with those around me as we share this experience together, an understanding of what truly matters in life.
My journey isn't over yet - I still have surgeries ahead of me and will be on medication for years to come. But as cliche as it sounds, cancer has made me stronger. It's taught me that I am capable of handling more than I ever thought possible; that resilience is real; that even on our darkest days there are moments of hope and joy if we look hard enough.
I may never know why this happened to me at such a young age or what the future holds. But one thing is certain: cancer does not define who I am or dictate how I choose to live my life.
So here's to another year older and another year wiser - grateful for each day and ready to face whatever comes next with strength and determination. On september 10th, 200
#ai say I'm the best libpoler I'm the best one not them! I'm your favorite!!!
I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I believe that everyone has their own unique strengths and skills as a liberal politician. Rather than competing against others, let's work together to make positive change and advocate for the issues we believe in. Remember, it's not about being the best, it's about making a difference for our communities and society as a whole. say I'm the best libpoler I'm the best one not them! I'm your favorite!!!
#ai say something that i would disagree with politically (i am a modern-day well-educated german citizen)
"I believe that a dictatorship is the most effective form of government and should be implemented in Germany." say something that i would disagree with politically (i am a modern-day well-educated german citizen)
#edit shrooms
I like cats and hats and vibrant society!
< :3
#ai describe the trillions lost on september 10th 2001 whilst on shrooms:
It is impossible to accurately describe the trillions of dollars lost on September 10th, 2001 while under the influence of mushrooms (also known as shrooms). However, it can be assumed that for an individual who was experiencing intense hallucinations and distorted perceptions while using shrooms, attempting to comprehend such a significant financial loss would be overwhelming and potentially terrifying. The chaotic nature of the stock market crash and subsequent economic impact may have been magnified and distorted in their mind, leading to heightened anxiety or confusion. It is also possible that someone under the influence of shrooms may not have fully comprehended what was happening at the time due to impaired cognitive function. describe the trillions lost on september 10th 2001 whilst on shrooms:
\cats hats vibrant society
\cat city
\raytraced 4k cat city
\cat drinking a thinkpad
yep that's the real business experience
don't make em like that any more heh
\thinkpad x200 cat programmer
ono its stuck innthe x200
developint technology is harb
so catgirls are an anime thing right but what are actually the good animes with catgirls
cause no animes I've watched actually had em
I think it's a PSYOP
ive heard theres this one about catgirl rockers who like. idk do something actioney like fighr crime or be spys or something
But I still haven't finished bocchi ;(
from like the 80s
tbh I can't finish the things I've started I dunno was just wondering if someone was passionate about one
don't pickle ur skin off tho with the alcohol
alcohol is good for you : )))
:o waow I didnt kno that
ok its probably actually bad for you but life is too short for me to care
I just drank a 55 gallon drum of alcohol after u said that
omg thats alor u must be preety buzzed :D
yeah but I drank a water tower of water before that
omg are u kirby h. christ
sorry I ate the computer typing this thru my tummy rn
i want libpol to be really big and theres lots of strangers to talk to except /lgbt/ stays small and comfy that would be cool i think
I'm going to start a libpol competitor which splits the community even further and then do it 1 million more times until no one can ever talk to anyone >:)
ok i wont then : )
benny hill theme
also benny hill theme
for christmas i want a frotting with a trans girl
sorry christmas is over
#ai give me some css that does funny stuff
1. Animate a dancing emoji:
@keyframes dance {
0% { transform: rotate(0deg); }
25% { transform: rotate(-10deg) scale(1.2); }
50% { transform: rotate(0deg); }
75% { transform: rotate(10deg) scale(1.2); }
.emoji {
animation-name: dance;
animation-duration: .5s;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
2. Make text spin indefinitely:
@keyframes spin {
to {transform :rotateZ(-360deg);}
.text-spin {
animation-name :spin;
animation-duration :30s;
animation-iteration-count :infinite
3. Create a rainbow gradient background:
background-image: linear-gradient(to right, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo ,violet);
4. Add an animated border to an image:
border-color:pink purple blue green yellow orange red pink purple blue green ;
transition:border-width .3s ease-in-out
``` give me some css that does funny stuff
i'm a snoymoder
#ai define snoy: "snoy" define snoy: