「im bout to bomb this whole mf plane」
post general opinions about the site and what you want to see in terms of culture, policy, growth, and goals
i was first
dogs should vote
interesting deep dive into ziz's origins
This is kind of on a whim, but i've been catching some more episodes of hot bench and judge judy, and on that i've also been catching some more holiday advertisements from the Union Gospel Mission and the Salvation Army non profit groups. I get stuck of course though when thinking of like, any of the numerous anti lgbt tumbled stumbles and shittery the two organizations have gone through.
The abuse of using their position and reputation as non profit charities to push out discriminatory views on those reliant in them is gross. And then secular non profits get the short end if the stick because they have less support; not to mention government funded housing or food services.
Feel free to give your own thoughts stories (anecdotal or from news sources), i just kinda wanted to get this discussion out; I'd love to hear other thoughts :)
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naked lady
its mine - shrimp
it's funny to point that out because you're right, i am completely aware of his modus operandi, and it's because of it i'm able to ignore him half of the time, yet eventually the words pierce through and affect me
i feel like the best way to illustrate my psyche regarding this is to bring up freud's model of the id, ego, and superego.
there is the emotional and impulsive aspect of my personality which can be counted as the "id" and then there is the moral agent of judgement that guides me which acts as the "superego". and then there is the "ego", who is supposed to be "me", who is supposed to act as a medium for the id's animalistic desires and the superego's constant negging to prevent either from taking over and hopefully leading to a more healthier "self"
but as stated before, it's like the ego is nonexistent for me. without the mediator, the superego and id itself steps in to fill the shoes of the agent of logic and it creates this image of chaos within myself that -when agitated- makes me take impulsive actions and lash out emotionally or retreat into myself into brooding. to segue back to MoM as an example, the id makes me feel rejected by his barbs and i either lash out back at them or split my perception of them into a negative one and quietly carry on. usually the latter happens but with enough probing, i end up wanting to attack them and give them some kind of inconvenience. once i lash out, it is inevitable that the superego gets its reins on the horse that is me and say "you goddamn fool, you've done it again". i would then ruminate over the conversation, analyze everything said, and use it as critique for myself.
"you're not smart enough for this conversation, why do you always have to overexplain yourself and not observe, why are you bringing up sigmund freud, that's absolute babysteps psychology and you'll only make yourself look like a tool, why are you fundamentally flawed, you will never be good enough for this, they're right about you being a delusional man" and so on and so forth
it's like i'm playing both the parent scolding and the child being scolded. the dread in my stomach and the heart palpitations make me freeze while i'm being bombarded with by my own self-hatred. and then i get over it without really "gaining" anything from it, leading me to repeat the cycle over and over again. it's not even MoM that triggers this, it's more that his words are added onto the superego itself and thus he acts as an extension of it in my mind. it's honestly why i resent him a lot, because he triggers that reaction in me a lot because he's one of those narcissistic males that loves to psychoanalyze people and act like their word is final, without accepting rebuttal. and the worst part is that i can't even call them out on it because they're not really aware of what they're doing. i've said to you that i find myself puppeteered by an irrational spirit, despite having footing in reality and knowing what i'm feeling is not logical in the slightest. but i have no choice but to feel those irrational emotions. even if i control myself and do nothing, the emotions still exist strongly in me.
i like to think i have a somewhat tighter leash on these aspects as of now when talking to newer people, such as yourself, but whenever i go back to hsg -a place i've been visiting since i was 13 years old-, it feels like im reverting back to my older self because that's just how people there perceive me.
This is a thread for gay memes post them here so they may exist FOREVER and live ETERNAL
Like why do people just put up with a system that produces such objectively bad results. We are given such a bad choice of candidates and parties… in America there is the two party system, whats going to happen when it becomes a one party system? Things always get split if theres more.
Its like no one really fucking knows whats going on- in politics, in their community, in their lives, theres a special kind of apathy and ignorance. And some if those people still vote. And thats the only way they will ever engage with politics.
Like a meteorite burning up in the atmostphere
post your favorite animal memes
my life is a fart
anyone trans and into yaoi here
I want to do a text based game html5 is it okay to use these two both?im not that good at html
Soy el Raimundo Alexander Schiaffino Schiaffino. En esta imagen esta mi prima Antonia Eliana Ortiz Schiaffino. Mi prima Antonia en pantalones rosados se sento en mi cara cuando ella era menor de edad y yo tenia 18 años. Su poto aplastaba toda mi cara, mi nariz olia todo su poto grande. Mi prima Antonia muy potona con poto grande me dijo que me iba a tirar un peo en mi cara, Antonia me tiro su peo en mi nariz, su peo fue muy apestoso y su peo sono como una metralleta en mi nariz, me fume todo su peo de potona. Antonia lo empezo todo. Antonia fue la primera en tirarme un peo en mi nariz.
Antonia se tiro el menso peo en mi nariz. Cuando Antonia me tiro su peo, su peo entro en mi nariz. Cuando Antonia me tiro su peo en mi nariz, mi nariz tenia mocos, su peo dentro de mi nariz hizo que mis mocos esten mas apestosos y podridos con olor a su peo. Despues de tirarme su peo en mi nariz, Antonia movio mucho su poto grande hacia los lados en mi nariz. La Antonia se tira los mensos peos y sus peos son atomicos. Me gusto cuando la Antonia se sento en mi cara (me hizo un facesitting), sus gluteos muy grandes, redondos, rebotones, apretados, llenos de grasa y de peos aplastaban mi cara. Cada gluteo de la Antonia es mas grande que mi cabeza. Antonia me tiro su peo muy apestoso, muy ediondo, muy oloroso, muy podrido, de metralleta, de bomba atomica y de caca muy verde dentro de mi nariz.
embracing how fucked we are and using it to live for ourselves on our own terms after the death of the communist dream.
what have the recent developments in spectacle had you thinking about?
so is the userbase here actually mostly liberals, or is it further to the left than that?
He seems a little zesty is all I'm saying...
how come some ppl choose to focus on weird esoteric old ideologies instead of practical solutions to current problems?? i just dont get people talking about mao or stalin or whoever when i can barely afford to eat
for excellent posters only (i will be checking)
Shes an elf and shes smug because shes better than u, if ur made ur a stinky demon and a sociopath.
this board should have enforced sage on all posts xd
why arent you practicing sarkicism anon? dont you want to fleshcraft your body into perfection?
oleg thread
orange fool
AI image generation
meow mewo meww meoww
trump released a scam cryptocurrency coin a few days before his inauguration
its milk for dogs
its mine
this is the new thread
pee pee
poo poo
Hitler will raise up from the ashes and we shall exterminate every single jew
/lgbt/ is now a single-thread board (STB) so you can use /lgbt2/ to post other general threads
If you are looking for a thread to post in post in this thread.
posting in an epic thread
what are your new year's resolutions
original post
whats your least preferred and most preferred ways to die?
it's nice 🥰
a lil piece i wrote abt accelerationism
if i see another right-winger repeat some variation of this im gonna die
this post created in memoriam of brainworm.surgery
you will never be forgetten
suggest new features, new commands, changes to features, design and user experience improvements, etc.
what should the next, better acronym be for queer people?
"LGBT" is decades old and has gotten so much dlc that it's unreconiseable
should there even be an acronym at all?
bitches bros and non binary hoes, its me, florb from https://lipbol.org, and today we're going to talk about the bottom of the fashion world, shoes
considering that fashion is a pic-heavy subject, this series of thread will mainly focus on sub-posts, where various fashions (in this case shoes) are rated with an in depth explanation of why they get their ranking. the local blooper is my pfp because i'm a tripfig or smth idk the colloquial lexicon of futaba style image boards. BUT, that's enough rambling; lets begin!
damn, this shits fr
blah blah blah just testing codeblocks
hi, i know this site is pretty dead right now but feel free to discuss stuff about it here
(i arguably should be putting this in >>>/meta/ but yeah)
Favourite genre, band, song etc
thoughts on Gary Marcus?
thoughts on the pavel durov arrest? founder/CEO of telegram
“ palestine, sudan, ukraine and congo are right now suffering. the west could interfere, but nothing happens...
damn i think we should discuss this in libpol instead of here. opworm would be proud tbh”
And also sometimes when the west DOES interfere it steals from them or hurts them too : (
if neuroplasticity is a thing, can't autistic people just "exercise" their brain and get better at the things they are defficient in?
or is autism something inherent that cannot be trained out in this way?
>trump is going to appoint a fox news host as head of the military
you know what? im done dooming. im gonna sit back and enjoy the hilarity of this country burning
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hi we have polls isnt that neat
What are your thoughts? What's your p(doom)?
This board is for the discussion of topics related to so-called "TESCREAL": transhumanism, extropianism, singularitarianism, cosmism, rationalism, effective altruism, and longtermism. It's associated with websites and communities like LessWrong and Slate Star Codex. Existential risk from AI is one representative topic/stance.
It's also a general AI and technology board
Mi konfesas, ke mi uzas google-tradukon por nun eldono
It's election season! Who will win? Why will they win? Are they neato and awesomesauce or annoying and lamebeans? Discuss all of that and more, here!
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This board is for talking about fashion, how fashion can portray political ideas, how politics influence fashion, and how to just generally be mega swag in your drip.
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