you probably wont unless shit gets even far aorse
and it takes money and a visa to flee
the NHS waiting lists for like literally anything ever is years if not decade+
wait who started the video player moving
really sad.... my heart goes out to my transgender family in the UK....
Australia is tranny safe haven
"just uproot your entire life xd lmao why are you even worried about concentration camps targeted at your minority xd just hike you have legs dont you?"
come here
literally just hike
it’s not actually going to happen though. trump truly does not have that power
genuinely deranged
t. bogan chaser
i dont think you have skin in the game this is an easy lie for you to tell youself not so easy when it's your own life on the line
they aren’t gonna make the camps in the first place that’s just weird fearmongering. the majority of republicans would actually not be in favour of genocide
it would be kind of funny if there was a civil war though because like 70% of the population is in blue states
10/10 funniest thing that ever happend (civil war)
they are actively criminalizing being trans in florida and every tranmy they put in prison they are forcibly detransitioning, theyre shaving their heads and everything
it is illegal with 5 year prison sentence to have your driver's license gender not match your birth certificate in florida right now
ok i get that moving out of the us is hard but you can just drive bro
lemme add that to the list of "reasons my enemy is ontologically evil and therefore no act against them is unjustified"
shut the genuine fuck up
i would genuinely seek refugee status in canada if gets really bad
driving from england to scotland is 13ish hours
the us is moderately larger than the uk
"just uproot everything and leave why are you worried" fuck you
maybe this is Aussie talking but 13 hours is a weekend holiday
never mention the camps on a first date with a legbutt
this is fair (the 13hr drive to scotland was in fact a weekend holiday lmao)
if you’re genuinely worried about that its the right move to move good lord
its 40 hours of straight driving to get from LA to NYC and usually its like almost 2 weeks of actual real tripping
canada is my exit plan if the UK gets to the point that they start trying to purge autistic people
i have cousins there so a visa might be easier to get
most people do not have the resources to do that.
ESPECIALLY as a trans person in florida
if youre going to be genocided im certain that ppl would do a little underground railroad
tell that to russians who cant go anywhere because of sanctions against their country and cant get out of russia because countries are denying them entry into the coutnry so they cant even seek asylum :(
this is making me mad
god i wish i could show up drunk to job and be praised for it
what is wrong with you
fucking cis people
yeah thats awful but its not in America is it
we arent going to talk about how bad it is for trans ppl in the taliban
at least take me to dinner first
no america has states. tbf if it did get that bad it would only get that bad in some states so people would be able to use free borders to move to other states but its still basically like being rendered homeless and having no future because of circumstances beyond ur ocntrol its really bad :(
im sorry i didnt mean for u to catch strays 😭 its just like how can someone be so dense
nah i get it, like 90% of the people i've met seem to think autism = rain man
if you think someone is cis on this board youre delulu
you're acting like it
calls em like i fucking sees em
hello yes i am here
i think user will live, there is a lot of furry porn on the internet lol....
are you saying that i pass anon
t. hasn't lost gigabytes of art before
>nothing of value was lost
ive started from scratch on new hard drives multiple times in my life its not a big deal... lol.
i've had hard drives die on me too many times to ever trust them again, only SSDs for me
i dont even bother to make backups when switching to a new setup, just start with a fresh install and delete everything else idc
i gotta remove myself from the situation this kid is making me really frustrated
ppl will not vote for mass tranny genocide, the republican majority in the house is wayyy too slim
have a good day wormies
have a good one :)
muffin is a good driver wtf
anon democracts are voting with republicans for yeeting troons off a cliff
yeah a few
that’s how murica works, but there is ultimately a major difference between a bathroom bill and a gas chamber
yea its fucked up.. . :(
they should leave the troons alone and yeet me off a cliff
even the actual leftist dems arent sticking up for troons
can't imagine not following the 3-2-1 rule for backups
say one thing about Biden though he was 100% a trans ally and he did a lot of help for trans people while in office
autism. there is nothing of value on my devices anyway
biden rlly was just a slightly above average president that would have died if he served 4 more years
>i love relying of online services that constantly delete stuff it's awesome
Ephemerality is beautiful
supporting isreal ruined every other thing he did though, even though at the end he has been harder on isreal it doesnt matter because this was post kamala losing and no one is paying attn to what hes doing now
yes. there is nothing digital i cant live without.
newpipe my beloved
i will always back up funnies
I don’t get why ppl brought isreal into American politics, it’s never an issue on the table, a pro Gaza candidate will just lose
i can live with someone i love dying, it is a part of life, it feels vapid and overly sentimental for me to care about random shit i downloaded 5 years ago, and starting with a completely empty setup feels very refreshing
bceause we give billions in financial, technological and military aid to it and they use that aid to murder people
its never gonna change no matter who gets elected so don’t let it change ur vote
no more furry shows for you
wait what happened
well the fucked up thing is leftists wanted to boycott biden/kamala because they werent hard enough on isreal and trump got elected and hes 10000000% pro isreal and will give them literally anything they want. republicans LOVE fucking isrela so much its unreal and they HATE Brown people so much its insane
this is why wizards were hunted through the years
im already refining my wizard powers
also leftists being really stupid and annoying is nothing new tbh
pictured you preparing for the future
me in 3 years
leftist website
im a leftist and I can admit leftists are really stupid and annoying ( me)
yeah i know im a leftist too i just feel like everyone is so focused on random bs
we complain about liberals but liberals have done everything we couldnt do lol
im a centrist
yea but only because progressives like, forced them too by shifting the overton window left
we wanted better pay and stuff and liberals have consistently done way better at doing this than keftists
not hats unions not liberals, liberals undermine union power because they are pro-corpo.
this is just a weird blanket statement that doesn’t cover all liberals in the slightest
no its not republicans and democrats, or conservatives and liberals both promot corporate/federal partnerships and consolidated strong central power which undermines union power and the effectiveness of collective bargaining. amazing gets away with its union busting just as much in the most left statesl ike washington as much as it does in the borderline slave labor states like texas
Biden and his a
his gab are liberals but they have been the most anti corpo since roosevelt
>just vooooote lol just voooot there will never be camps because american people dont support it why dont you just le VOOOOOOOOOTE
actblue shills are wild
>the 75 year old vooooooooter
are you guys all dense
we have not been a genuine democracy for decades
short answer: yes. long answer: also yes
wdym a ‘genuine democracy’, what qualifies as genuine to u
read the fucking chart
it comes and goes tbh. senate/congress is getting older by average age but we also have more under 30s than ever before in history as well.
government represents the citizens wishes
read the. fucking chart. dumb little teenager edgelord shit fuck
unsourced unhelpful chart tysm
no government can represent the citizens wishes because the citizens all want different things.
when every policy is the one i want this is a joke for legal reasons
we do have too many old ppl but keep in mind there are also way too many old ppl alive to be represented
i am 🤏 this fucking close to mod abuse
yes, chad. i believe that but not as a joke.
go for it lmao
democracy is when the democrats win
democracy is when everyone eats hotchip and lies
democracy is when uhhh starship troopers, service guarantees citizenship
Biden has genuinely been the most pro union president in a while tho and that is just a fact
scratch a liberal and a fascist yells
reminds me, i should play some more starship troopers extermination
get away from me radioactive post
i never played it but i like helldivers lately :)
they gave the class that can carry mininukes a "all your explosives can be voluntarily detonated when you die" perk
you can valhalla-rush the bugs repeatedly, and using that perk doesn't drain the respawn pool
this entire site is a hole in the water you fill with money
is helldivers any good?
democracy is when i elect Mussolini in hoi4–
how did you do that
stop talking
but paradox games are bad
that's not a very nice word
i agree
t. has too many hours in stellaris
#death to all that i hate
watch your language
something something douglas adams
didn’t know we were in the presen
nobody thaw them.
thaw deez nuts
woke police
>its the woke mob aaaaaaaaaaahhh
wtf there is a libpol app??
the women’s are coming after me
did i just install malware??
embedded webpage thing
it's not a true app
uhhh i installed it lmao
yeah it appears as an app but it's just a wrapped browser
link to the store page....
i just got a prompt when using the site on mobile
android chrome can do it for like any site iirc, firefox also but in my experience android firefox web app things can be laggier
ah yeah that's not a real "app" then, it's your browser saying "hey here's a thing that looks like an app you can click to come here quicker"