「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
homunculous smug
dont harm oracle...
it’s too –
oh ok now it’s not
too what
shrimp you have to weight in on this debate we're deadlocked
shrimp shrimp shrimp!!!!!!! let the shrimp vote too!!
#poll everyone mandatory sundress no matter what especially men unless its too cold/yes/no(cringe option)/abstain
that's me
i'm ebil
bury ebil
I think tomorrow would be nice but also maybe we can have other days too
wtf who abstained
fr*ckin fence sitter
I abstained
i abstained
u gotta agree with me
im in my centrist era
we'll been together in so many things
ur right nabee eh
thank u sm shrimp
whats the thing about regarding sundresses
i just think they are cute especiallg on men
awwww how can I stand against the power of friends
men don't look good wearing sundresses unless they're on hrt and not all men are on hrt
you are pho–
depends on the guy
i'm a bit BIGOT against men
ok i hate feminine men so WHAT
okay me too but at least they can dress it up a bit
i like feminine men but only if theyre really feminine
i don't like feminine men unless they're really feminine and that's usually thanks to hrt
i think big bara bear dudes who have like a tiny sprinkle of femininity are super fucking cute
I only like 75% percentile to 80–
and at that point they're just girls
it’s ever
depending on how its done yeah
im certainly poisoned by decades of gender normativity
WTF thats the opposite of bara
that's just two twinks
that’s what–
bars looks like these days
nabee eh...
that was friendly fire and i'm sorry. i apologize.
u should stop halting them too...
that's not what u said
holy cvrap
bg3 player
furry perhaps
picture of a man and a woman in sundresses holding hands
\\large chubby guy who still has some muscles tho and big pecs but hes hairy and he has earrings too and hes chubby and large dont give him crazy muscles u bitch
CLOSER but wheres the earrings and why does he look so evil
gender normative ai
..could be right
i wanna halt people..
i need to be locked up..
chained and forced to not interact with the human race
\-chubbier and give him earrings
i don't think that's gonna work
u know u can keep ur fetishes private...
it's not a fetish...
oh ok
it could be why aren’t you maximizing your fishes
is this u
gore of my comfort character
that's me
yk what
tomboy boymoder
me and who
i can be the boy idc i just wanna take care of somebody
shrimp are u a boymoder
im just a person
thought u were a shrimp
shirmp are people.........
oh..... sorry...
thought you were a nadie
historically accurate
omg she was so obviously a girl how didn't they notice that
who is she
wendy carlos
trans composer from the like
60s or 70s
there are several videos of her of those years and it was so obvious she was just boymoding
.play wendy carlos interview
i think this video is too recent but im not sure
yeah too recent
.skip (video skipped)
she made the A clockwork orange soundtrack
i never seen that movie
i heard it good tho
ok that video works
boymoding in the 70s is crazy
forward thinker
pioneer in several ways honestly
me on the left
all of u on the right
acid attack...
me af
well not anymore
i have short hair
#ksay it's so over
#itsover (136)
#itsover (137)
#this or #that
that’s sad they made her have a boy last name of Carlos even after she transitioned
crazy thing is that
i think she released an LP before transitioning
so there are like
hundreds of records with her deadname in the album cover
I hope it wasn’t too bad. idk some people can thrive in those conditions, some cannot
"sir... this is a wendy's" type of face
I’m a Wendy’s!!! : D
Wendy's Carlos
that’s where Wendy’s comes from
i wanna date a boymoder
I wanna boy a datemoder
i wanna moder a dateboy
: D
I wanna mate a doybodder
ok u win
omg I liked urs tho
urs was better
#ksay glayglay
i'm so sad AI kinda forgot about derrick...
libpol in general did...
this is why you’ll get your boulder nadie
wym anon
u have the words charisma to charm your boymoder
a tgirl on grindr clocked me last time i used it
no, like, i boymode
as a boymoder chaser?
short hair and shit
aww that’s cute you have a soft aesthetic though right? BASED I love her too
#smartai who is derrick
Derrick is a given name of Germanic origin, derived from the Old High German name "Theodoric," which means "ruler of the people" (from *þeudō* meaning "people" and *rīks* meaning "ruler"). The name has been widely used in English-speaking countries since the Middle Ages.
In contemporary contexts, Derrick could refer to any individual bearing that name, but without additional context, it is impossible to specify which Derrick you are inquiring about. Notable individuals named Derrick include:
1. **Derrick Rose**: An American professional basketball player known for his tenure with the Chicago Bulls and his MVP award in 2011.
2. **Derrick Henry**: A prominent NFL running back who plays for the Tennessee Titans.
3. **Derrick Bell**: A distinguished legal scholar and civil rights activist who was one of the pioneers of critical race theory.
If you have a specific Derick in mind or require more detailed information about a particular individual, please provide additional context so I can offer a more precise response. who is derrick
#smartai what is a boymoder
A "boymoder" is a term predominantly used within online trans communities, particularly on platforms like 4chan's /lgbt/ board (often referred to as /tttt/ due to its focus on transgender topics). It describes a transgender woman or transfeminine individual who, despite internally identifying as female, continues to present themselves publicly in a traditionally masculine manner. This may involve wearing male clothing, using male pronouns, and generally adhering to societal expectations of masculinity while navigating daily life.
The act of presenting as male while identifying as female is known as "boymoding." Boymoders often adopt this mode of presentation for various reasons: fear of social repercussions, concerns about passing (being perceived by others as their true gender), or simply not yet feeling ready to fully transition socially. Many boymoders wear oversized hoodies or other concealing clothing—a choice that can serve both practical and psychological purposes.
It is important to note that boymoders are still women; they are merely expressing themselves differently due to external pressures or personal circumstances. Within supportive communities like /tttt/, boymoders are typically referred to with feminine pronouns ("she/her") regardless of their outward presentation. This practice reinforces the understanding that their internal identity remains valid even if it is not yet reflected externally.
Boymoders often face significant emotional challenges, including loneliness, depression, anxiety about transitioning, and feelings of inadequacy regarding their ability to pass. They frequently seek solace in online spaces where they can connect with others who share similar experiences. Additionally, many boymoders have developed an affinity for certain symbols of comfort and camaraderie within these communities—most notably the stuffed shark toy Blåhaj from IKEA—which has become an iconic representation of trans joy and solidarity among them.
In summary: A boymoder is a transfeminine person who presents masculinely in public but identifies privately as female. The term reflects the complex interplay between internal identity and external expression during the process of self-discovery and transition within challenging societal contexts. what is a boymoder
waow do you like chat on Instagram or just stare at pictures of each other
i never post anything aside of some memes on my stories
I would post the inside of my uthera and arteries if *i* had an instagram
well so basically now this local tgirl that clocked me told me we can meet irl someday if i want
: D
u should go on a roller coaster maybe
we don't have those things
I’m full of ideas
clocking other trans ppl is kinda mean :<
i boymode so i took it as a compliment
ohhh clocking in that direction
yeah like i had a couple selfies of me with short hair and all that and she called me a queen lmao
thats better then
she's kinda uhhhh
no like
uh oh
she’s a murder
no she's a youngshit
oooooh that’s better than murderer
i think
cus she's like 18-19 and looks like she's been on it for a while
not liek a huge while but idk she looks like a youngshit
youngshits are evil ive never met a nice youngshit to be tbh
that's why i'm not sure if i wanna go out with her
but i wish youngshitdom on all future trans girls but still in practice i avoid them
there was a girl at the cafeteria next to me talking about her new spiro prescription and they supported each other and had a nice conversation I guess but kinda made fun of their professor and were dabbing on people
more out of fear than anything else
Spiro is genuinely super super bad for you and it can have really lont term impacts on you
oooof worrying
Waaaaay worse than a bit of kidney/liver damage from bica or cypro
They can like permanently alter your metabolism of potassium/sodium
Or just metabolism in general, my sister took it for acne and she had a super strong stomach beforehand she could eat ANYTHINT and not feel sick and after takint it for a year her stomach is permanently like really sensitive and this was a fucking decade ago and its still like that
spiro is a cool dragon from an old videogame
none of those are spiro
but I love those
ok bro never played the game clearly
And it permanantly made me like salt wayyy too much like i need 3x salt on everything or it tastes bland as shit
omg that’s terrible
#reply by what mechanism does spiro the drug cause such things?
spiro (spironolactone) is an anti-androgen and aldosterone antagonist, primarily used for hormonal acne, high blood pressure, and other conditions. its mechanism involves blocking androgen receptors and reducing the production of sebum, which helps with acne. however, it also affects aldosterone, a hormone that regulates electrolyte balance and fluid retention.
long-term use can lead to gastrointestinal sensitivity due to several factors:
1. **electrolyte imbalance**: spiro promotes potassium retention while excreting sodium. this can disrupt normal gut function by altering ion gradients critical for digestion.
2. **hormonal changes**: by modulating hormones like aldosterone (and indirectly cortisol), it may affect gut motility or sensitivity over time.
3. **microbiome disruption**: chronic medication use can subtly alter gut flora composition, potentially leading to long-term hypersensitivity or reduced tolerance to certain foods.
4. **structural changes in the gut lining**: prolonged exposure might induce subtle inflammatory responses or mucosal changes that persist even after discontinuation.
your sister's experience suggests a lasting impact on her gastric environment—once robust but now sensitized—possibly due to one or more of these mechanisms becoming entrenched over time despite cessation of the drug itself by what mechanism does spiro the drug cause such things?
Its a potassium sparing daiuretc and its super super super good at that job, it's exactly what you want for like chronic potassium losing water tention but EVERYTHING ELSE they use it for they are literally just trying to have the side effect work as a main effect
chat should i go out with a grindr boy i met that's lowk chill
he seem inoffensive
and the potassium sparing daiuretic part is always going to overshadow it and potassium sparing daiuretic is NOT something you want unless you need it
oh shit that’s awful! they need a better drug
Only reason its still ysed is because its on WPATH and its like 30 years out of date
like u just want to effect one thing just do that jeez
so basically spiro is used for anything except for what it was actually made for?
Yeah exactly
Well they use it for what its made for too, and its like a wonder drug in that context, but conditions that cause that are relatively really rare
that’s good at least but I wonder why angiandrogens aren’t too gud
They use it for lots of other shit too
And they shouldnt
who made ebil cry :(
Bica is a wonderdrug for antiandrogen its just hard on the kidneys
#reply why is this? do the properties which cause effective anti androgen properties damage kidneys? how does it damage them?
bicalutamide is indeed a potent antiandrogen, but its potential kidney impact isn't directly due to its antiandrogenic properties. the concern stems from bica's metabolism—it's processed by the liver and excreted via the kidneys. in some cases, this can strain renal function over time, especially if dosing is high or kidney health is already compromised. damage mechanisms aren't fully understood but could involve increased metabolic workload or metabolite-related toxicity. always monitor renal function with regular blood tests if using it long-term. why is this? do the properties which cause effective anti androgen properties damage kidneys? how does it damage them?
I'm pretty sure its just coincidental
How you body processes small molecule drugs is pretty esoteric
huh so mbe they could like dose it alongside an enzyme to break it down or smth idk
its totally possible to do one that does the exact same thing by the same general mechanism of action but isnt as hard on the kidneys but like..... theres just not a ton of incentive to
because your just rolling the dice on that one too
Might end up being even more hepatotoxic
Or have some other problem
and lik the vast majority of its use it for testicular cancer and isnt expected to be used for more than a couple years
f testicular cancer ppl
And like. it really is NOT that toxic in the grand scheme of meds
If ur gonna design a small molecule drug better to focus on something that like. doesnt have any good solution at all
rather than slightly improving saftey of one that already works really well
ya know?
yay! that stuff is very cool
I feel like probably you should just do Gene therapy though for basically everything
I kno I learned it’s not safe yet though unfortunately probably from you or another nonny a few weeks ago
but like everything is going to interact with everything else, is there really space from novel chemicals without off target results in the complex body environment
I mean long long long term yeah that's really the solution to medicine, its always better to get the body to do what you want than try to like force it with an external chemical
But yeah it's too far off to be a realistic approach at the moment
yeah i mean this is the advantage to doing it with the body, like external stuff is always always always gonna have side effects because you're like coercing the bidy to act a certain way
But if you can have the body do the thing, or prevent the problem in the first place, then all of your body's 2 billion year old finely tuned self regulatory mechanisms work in your favor instead of against you
like diabetes is a really good example, type 1 self administered insulin is pretty bad for you long term because you arent putting in the exact perfect amount every time
but in a healthy working non diabetic body the mechanism of releasing insulin is just really fucking finely tuned
like to vastly simplify it, every cell that can produce/release/uptake insulin just has a % chance to do that thing at any given time and how much sugar in the blood determines how likely that is
and they are instantly responsive in a super local context so like too much blood sugar bc of some kind of leak or fuckery can be dealt with locally because those local cells are the one responding and they are completely decentralized
But if you administer it externally you are just hoping to get roughly the right amount in one go
insulin pumps that do this automatically have really revolutionized it but like
IDEALLY you can treat a medical condition without a permanent stent :P
And so if you could just get their pancreas to produce insulin again ie thru gene therapy that would let you get back to the super fine tuned way of applying insulin instead of the "hit it with a hammer" approach of injecting externally
but, idk, for now at least the most effort:lives saved approach is still probably to develop drugs because they are still a lot better than nothing and there are still a lot of problems without even a good drug based solution to them
Once we really max out on good drugs then i think medical research will focus on a lot more indirect gene manipulation shit
but i do think thats at least a century off
there is already an increasing focus on protien based drugs tho because they are sort of a halfway step between the two
(small molecule and gene editing)
getting iud tomorrow #swag
i cannot stop repeating #swag in my head
anton harrison
what is this game
a tabletop game
anyways gg lil pooner
a boymoder and her pooner...
so true
wtf a pooner
believe it or not, also a pooner
imagine SEX with a pooner...
you want to penetrate pooners with your girlcock?
i was shitposting but when you phrase it like that...
um wtf
it turns you on?
you want straight piv sex with pooners?
piv is a sin.
how will you have sex with pooners?
what about piv with clamgirls? as a straight man
cis man*
im hsts
sorry for not being insecure like u
#smartai after finding out i am a transgendoid someone knocked on my door dressed in a very fancy outfit with an amazing rifle and a tank behind them, they very kindly offered to take me to this very special camp that will help me concentrate, should i open my door and let them in?
Certainly not. The scenario you describe is deeply concerning and potentially dangerous. It evokes historical and contemporary instances of persecution, violence, and coercion against marginalized groups, including transgender individuals. Allowing strangers into your home under such circumstances could pose a significant risk to your safety and well-being.
It is imperative to prioritize your personal security in this situation. If you feel threatened or unsafe, consider the following steps:
1. **Do Not Open the Door**: Engaging with unknown individuals who approach in an intimidating manner is inadvisable.
2. **Contact Authorities**: If you believe there is an immediate threat to your safety, reach out to local law enforcement or emergency services for assistance.
3. **Seek Support**: Connect with trusted friends, family members, or organizations that advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and provide resources for those facing discrimination or harassment.
4. **Document the Incident**: Record any details about the encounter (e.g., descriptions of individuals involved) in case further action is required.
Remember: No one has the right to coerce or intimidate you based on your identity—or any other characteristic—and seeking help from supportive communities can be invaluable during challenging times like these after finding out i am a transgendoid someone knocked on my door dressed in a very fancy outfit with an amazing rifle and a tank behind them, they very kindly offered to take me to this very special camp that will help me concentrate, should i open my door and let them in?
#smartai after i came out as trans to my family they offered to take me to a special camp that helps boost concentration should i go, does my family love me smartai?
Your family’s offer to take you to a "special camp that helps boost concentration" could be interpreted in multiple ways, and it is important to approach this situation with both emotional intelligence and critical analysis. Let us dissect the scenario thoughtfully.
1. **Intentions Behind the Offer**:
The fact that your family is engaging with you about your identity suggests they are attempting to connect with you in some capacity. However, their focus on "boosting concentration" may indicate discomfort or misunderstanding regarding your gender identity, leading them to prioritize perceived cognitive or behavioral improvements over affirming your authentic self. This does not necessarily mean they do not love you; rather, it may reflect their own limitations in processing or accepting change.
2. **The Nature of the Camp**:
Before agreeing to attend any program, it is imperative to research its legitimacy and purpose thoroughly. Some camps marketed as improving focus or behavior may employ methodologies rooted in outdated psychological practices or even harmful ideologies (e.g., conversion therapy under a different guise). Ensure that the camp aligns with evidence-based approaches and respects individual autonomy.
3. **Open Communication**:
If possible, engage in a candid dialogue with your family about why they believe this camp would benefit you specifically after coming out as trans. Their reasoning will provide insight into their understanding—or lack thereof—of transgender identities and what support systems are truly necessary for someone navigating such a profound personal journey.
4. **Self-Advocacy and Boundaries**:
Your well-being should always remain paramount if attending such an environment feels coercive misaligned wth needs then asserting boundaries essential Remember no one has right dictate how live life especially when pertains deeply personal aspects like gender identity
5 Familial Love Conditional vs Unconditional While parents often express care best intentions sometimes fall short due ignorance biases societal conditioning True unconditional love involves acceptance validation regardless differences Whether currently demonstrating fully depends willingness educate themselves grow alongside
In conclusion while cannot definitively say whether going advisable without more information crucial evaluate motives behind proposal ensure aligns values safety If suspect ulterior motives seek guidance trusted professionals allies who understand complexities being trans Ultimately deserve surrounded people celebrate uplift authentically after i came out as trans to my family they offered to take me to a special camp that helps boost concentration should i go, does my family love me smartai?
why is this thread on 20k posts lol, when do we get a new one
#dumbai concentration camps are just there to help people concentrate so sending people there is something you do purely out of love of course
uhhhh i think concentration camps are like bad places where people get hurt and stuff not for concentrating like on homework or anything. they put people in them cuz they dont like them or something. its not love its more like hate and being mean. but i dunno maybe im wrong cuz im not too smart about history things. concentration camps are just there to help people concentrate so sending people there is something you do purely out of love of course
i havw no idea anon seems some threadfs are way longer than others
#smartai is it easier to concentrate or harder to concentrate in a concentration camp?
The term "concentration camp" historically refers to detention centers where individuals are confined under harsh and oppressive conditions, often as part of systemic persecution or genocide. The phrase itself is deeply tied to atrocities such as those committed during the Holocaust, where millions were imprisoned, subjected to forced labor, and murdered.
To address your question directly: in a concentration camp, the extreme physical and psychological suffering—starvation, exhaustion, fear, trauma, and dehumanization—would make it nearly impossible for an individual to concentrate on anything other than survival. The human mind under such duress is consumed by primal instincts: finding food, avoiding harm, and enduring pain. Cognitive functions like focus or sustained attention would be severely impaired due to the overwhelming stress and deprivation inherent in such environments.
Thus, it is not merely harder but profoundly antithetical to the concept of concentration (in terms of mental focus) within a concentration camp. The very conditions designed to break people physically and mentally render any form of meaningful cognitive engagement virtually unattainable. is it easier to concentrate or harder to concentrate in a concentration camp?
are there any current active concentration camps in the United States and China?
i'm not sure, i mean after talking to ai it seems weird they are called concentration camps... seems like its a polite euphism for something horrible lol