γvillainous mouse warlockγ
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
just did my injection
i should've done it like 2 days ago
but idk
i azm such a gamerrrr
i wake and i game and i sleep and i game i am a POWERFUL gamer
>go work your 9-to-5 ill be gaming
>those who know
i saw the glegle glow
.play go work your 9 to 5
.play videogame falling in reverse
the video is somehow worse than the song omfg
yep its cancer
it's bleak...
the mario footage tho
those who know...
what do they know....
i may or may not have done my shot 4 days late this week heheheheheheheHHAHAHAHHAHA
you just... gotta know... yk
but idk....... yk.....
oh well then...... yk.......
oh damn
glegle doing that anime thing
with the glasses
.play peter capusotto garolfa
i need to get new glassesss should i get bit round tranny glasses
yeah i have those
isnt the a chart for what kind of glasses go best with your face shape. maybe look for that
whaat things are happening?? wjat tje goinmg onn
things are happening and going on all sorts of things all the time it never stops
i wish i needed glasses people tell me i look really good with them but i have perfect eyesight
do i have a creepy stare
or just weird
no its just a regular stare
my glasses are all brokenn heheh
ok thank u
i broken or lost every pair of glassees ive ever owned
...those who know........
i know that
thats something i know
.play satans pretty cool
i broke an arm off the last 2 pairs of glasses i had and the first time i owuld just keep wearing them with only the 1 arm
those who broke........
the last pair i fixed myself using a drill and a keyring
.play last christmas wham
why not nibble
its not christmas
it's a banger tho
uhm yes it is its december 23rd
oh i mustve zoned out again
what's ur favorite mispronounciation of the word glegle
or gleegloo
#ksay sadchan
gleegloo is better
gleegloo is a good one
.skip (video skipped)
r u able to connect to the server
metal gear solid delta
in less than a year
can u believe it
.play metal gear solid delta
ill try
oh i thought u knew cause it says ur on terraria
im not able to join
oh we are friends on steammm
whats ur name on steam
yeaaaa thats right :3
no its down sad sadd
are u eating
in 2025??????
girl ur missing out eating macroplastics
go eat legos
i eat those too
i love eating lego my favourite pieces are the little round 1 peg cylinders
makes good cereal
me when last christmas
why are they so happy here
they uhm
why are you gle
why are you gle
whats goin on with terraria server
peg enthusiast
watching this mv is so funny now that i know he's gay
i fell asleep and when i woke up my computer had autoplayed 8 hours of AI generated game of thrones video essays....
is down...
it's over...
ive never watched a single game of thrones thing
ur algo is doomed
>AI generated game of thrones video essays....
we should watch those 8 hours of video
uhhh give me a sec I closed the tab
imagine hacking a neuralink thingy in somebody elses brain and making him watch 30 years of AI generated slop in the span of a second
imagine dragons
it was this cahnnel
now my algo is even more poisoned
hmmmmm I kind of want to go looking for an aglet on a fresh worldd
I spent 3 hours looking for one last night shrimpy after u went to bed and couldnt find one at all
whats an aglet
you know how we have spectre boots?
oh dont worry im sure google uses your laptop camera to check if youre watching or not
oh right the speed thingy
i found one of those
there are hardmode upgrades too it but you need these stupid charms that are really rare
tgere are a couple aglets
.skip (video skipped)
I had a couple forsure
i went through like 15 spelunker potions going through the entire underground jg
aglets are surface chests
sry the one thats in the jg uhhh
sadchan what's ur favorite english word
anklet of hte windd
are they remastering mgs3
that's not a word
too many too count i like wordsss
how about obotrocious
i like the word
#usay balls
metal gear is pretty cool but without kojima its cringe
bury cool
i'm downloading it illegaly but i wanna play it soon
.skip (video skipped)
i had a cringe interaction with a cashier this morning
ive tried played mgs3 but its so janky
ill just play the old ones if I want too
what's ur favorite one
u should play the HD remaster honestly it was a good experience
hmmm probably MGS3
that's a good choice tbh >>138060
thats what i played
i think
then u gonna hate the original version
i should admit i never played any of the mgs I just watched a silent lets play of all of them when I was homeless lol
i played 4 as a kid but it all went over my head and i really like 5
that's legit nuts
I liked watched the entirety of multoiple games lol plys like a 8hr ALL THE LORE OF THE MGS videoo lol
mgs5 is a really good game despite everything
mgs5 is a REALLY good game
it's one of my favorite sandbox ever
same its probably one of my most replayed games
#ksay based and kojimapilled
I did play Death Stranding thoo :3
i never played that one
death stranding is really good
its very relaxing... its kind of controversiall
is it good?
you play amazon delivery man
its a walking sim
but a very good cozy walking sim until the scary guys come around then its stressful also that damn crying baby also the like alt world sequences are kinda hard
its a very wierdd game, i almost wish less exciting stuff happens because it happens often enough you cant just get into walking arounddd but not often enough you arent constantly lowering guard and then STUFF happens
.play gezebelle gaburgably birdbath
.skip (video skipped)
changed my mind
yeah i agree
i think if the game went harder into like building and exploring itd be even better
.play rocket man elton john
its not even 9am and im already smoking my 3rd cigarette
DS2 is coming sooo
oh boy
smoking is bad...
its also a REALLY long gameee
le smoke is le bad...
I didnt finish it
ive played thru it to like at leat 75% and then not finished it twice lol
oh that's really interesting
i actually played it but like... 5 minutes
is this really the official music video??? lol
im sure it's liek a modern version and not the original original
but who knows
i don't think it ever got an official music video until the movie was made
in a wayyy arent we all rocket man
makes u think
why the long face
no we're not rocket man
much better
this is so silly
it goes kinda hard
is he black
the guy in the video
i never really thought about what this song is talking about and I still dont knoww lol
i always thought it was about being closeted as a gay guy
oh its gonna be a long time until he finds his wife and child because hes gayy??? xD
no like he has a wife and kids but he's gay
oh hes closetedd
with a family
that sucks
I just stayed a virgin instead of trooning on a loved one
broken late transitioners rise upp
let my boy enjoy his apple...
silly greedy lobster
there are plenty of apples there and u want his
ai videos are good for horrible fever dream stuff
i agree
i did the same
hold old where u when u transitioned
29 i beat ur high score
no terraria server.... i have to go back to playing wow......
why r u mogging me like that sadchan
can u generate apples
you know if u make it 30 as a virgin you get powers right
#ai why do they say when you make it to 30 as a virgin you become a wizard
because humor often exaggerates the absurd, and in some cultures or internet lore, there's a playful notion that retaining innocence or purity past a certain age grants mystical powersβlike being able to cast spells. it's more about poking fun at societal expectations around relationships than actual wizardry. but hey, if turning 30 means you get to conjure charm spells, seems like youβre set for life either way. why do they say when you make it to 30 as a virgin you become a wizard
.play snail man gezebelle gaburgably
AI doesnt now obscure japanese 2CH memes :(
those who know...
i am thinking of trying to date but im so ugly it makes me sad and then I dontt also its wierd being in ur 30s trying to date like what is there DATING APPS and GOING OUTSIDE
i hate both those thingss
when I installed dating apps I get like 9 billion adds and my phone was vibrating all hte time it as kind of nice from a narcissim perspective but a bunch of guys trying to pump and dump u is not it
i'd like to date somebody but i'm an awful partner cus i never had one and rn i'm too traumatized and autistic for it
ur 20 thooo ur lil a tiny lil babyyyy okay 233 you have college and entry lvel jobs thats like PRIME partner meeting timee
i'm 23
i'm a neet :(
this is a good song
ohh shitt ur fucked fam im a neet tooo
actually im not a neet anymore
ur in school liar
but I was for 2 years lol
yeah idk i'm really just too autistic for it
and I ran out of money so I went back 2 school
best thing i've done is being some kind of homeless hooker and usually go outside with guys i meet on grindr that are actually chill
idk about thattt sex is grosss i could never do that
it is but u gotta do what u gotta do
.play squander gezebelle gaburgably
le sex is le bad actually
im saddd
nabee eh
hi shrimp
did u enjoy ur spaghetti
al salmone
i want spaghetttti noww
actually i want fettucine alfredooo but it will make me fat so i cant ;(
didn't u order spaghetti
or was that nibble
i think it was nibblle
that mutve been nibble yeah
what did u eat then
those who dog....
#ksay woof woof
i'd give them 4
too generous too kind
i'm generous with cute smol animals and people in general
big animals scare me tho...
would you play fetch with them
to cure their purple
how big are they
golden retriever, medium dog
yeah i'd play fetch
.play that is so fetch mean girl
that is so fetch
shrimp. stop trying to make fetch happen. it is not going to happen.
ok i'm sorry
it is fetch
#ksay smog
i can try dming them
do ittttt
i need comfier sox
is smog someone i know from CBs friend group?
good i havent talked to her in like 3 years she triggered me really hardd lol
oh damn
what was it abt
he is so crazy why is he like that
well im a virgin but one time i was kind of pressured into rcving a blow job from someone who was housing mee when I was like 20 and homeless and im a virgin I never considered that losing my virginity but she got REALLY mad at me saying I was lesbianphobic because head counts as sex, its oral sex, but imo I dont really think of it as losing my virginity. also she said it was sexual assault which I never really thought of it that way and she kept saying i was raped over and over (even though I agreed to it). i mean it was a horrible experience but basically she was being extrmeley autistic about the definition of virginity (which has no set definition anyway) and also saying I was raped and she was really uhh
like it literally made me feel so bad like my hearting was beating really fast i didnt realize that virginity was kind of a part of my identity lol....
so you mean this person weaponized the fact you would have otherwise been homeless to do that to you?? seems to happen to a lot of homeless people,
oh geeze
it was a friend from HS and tbf I think he was like FULLY in love with me and letting me stay at his familys house
from what i understand basically, a lot of lgbt especially trans people become homeless because of having awful families and then because of the threat of homelessness get into sexual situations we dont really want
well i did get kicked out a bit after thatt
also during the bj i didnt u know... i didnt finsh...
listen okay i have never had a pp in me is what i am saying OKK
anyway this person basically was calling me lesbianphobic and saying I was raped and telling me a worldview ive had for like 10 years was wrong and it was kind of insanely fucked upp and I havent talked to her since then
its like, we are a lot more likely to be homeless, and homeless people are more likely to be sexually assaulted... i never had anyone physically force themselves on me sexually, although i did briefly have a sexual encounter with someone who tried to secretly use a dirty condom on me, caught him in the act and dumped him of course, he was also transphobic btw
yeah i definitely think their reaction is extreme
i get where she is coming from (like if losing ur virginity is taking a pp then all lesbians are virgins lol) but also likee i am a virgin lol. ive literally never had sex
i just look at it like there are different types of virginity
fortunately i do not have any stds as i have been tested many times, but this person did have an std, and i demanded he use a condom if he wants sex with me so bad, and i caught him turning a used condom inside out, cause he didnt wanna buy more condoms, then we stopped dating immediately
that was when i was completely pretransition btw
wow thats deranged
i told him i was trans, and was gonna start estrogen soon, he begged me not to start hrt, and begged me to not get an orchiectomy lmao... which ofc i did both those things asap anyways
ur cheating on the server.....
i havent farmed anything just walked back and forthhh
these players aint loyal
the server is LITERALLY DOWN and im a GQMER
what just happened in this youtube video
come play classic wow
no that costs moneyy
i will 100% quit after level 4