「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
cant move any farther back
but yea when i look at it from far back it looks better
its at arms length
oh huh mines at arms length and its good for me
if i lean left it looks better
maybe youre crooked
your aunt is crooked
its possible...
apart from the blackmail, kidnapping and extortion? yea i cant really think anything
i didnt do any of those things but everyone hates me ;_; what exactly am i doing that makes everyone hate me
ask them
theyre men theyll just bully me more if i do that... idk im just going to get drunk and forget about it. thanks for the advice tho
.skip (video skipped)
#usay balls
#ksay I dont HAVE balls
>no balls
my last paralysis demon was like a shadow thing that appeared near my bed and i tried chasing and punching it but it kept disappearing and moving away instantly, i think my blanket was in my way somehow, anytime i tried to punch him my blanket just blocked my way and it was very frustrating
might be related to the hatman
i dont think he had a hat
he looked more like batman
distant relative
people get called pretty?
good job! you finally did it
lol the user experience on mobile is still... lets say theres room for improvement
"sexy" is weird
sexy also sounds like boomerspeak
enthralling gotta be S tier
how is that D tier
tantalizing is kinda based
we dont have "hot" here as a compliment
he just said it tho?
i meant in my country
maybe its because there are no hot people in your country?
grape jelly + condensed milk = heaven
but im here
of course you are #pat
sounds fattening
this monitor is like, brighter on some spots
i probably have to get used to it
what monitor is it
i remember when i got my last monitor i wanted to return it straight away but then decided not to, and now i dont even remember why i wanted to return it lol, its all about getting used to stuff
i bough a gaming monitor even tho i dont game am i stupid
i only play 1 game
oh looks nice tho
thats the point
songs of syx
cant relate
ogey nibbly
never played it, is it good. i usually dont play vidya
ogay :DDDD
its good if you like city builders, its complicated, i played city builders and rts games as a kid so its the only game i can enjoy now cuz its basically those games but a more sophisticated/extreme version
guei :DDDDDD
ic ic. did you play aoe and league of nations as a kid. those were my favorites
i played aoe a little but not much, i played stronghold crusader alot
never played stronghold, heard about it back then tho
also played it competitively it had a small dedicated community and it was really intense i took it very seriously lol, i was such a sweaty try-hard as a kid
huh. what do you mean competitively
competing with other people... multiplayer
ah ok. made me think of esports or something
there were different types of playing, like you could play casually even in multiplayer but if you played competitively (not esports it was a small community) the gameplay looked very different from casual because no one cared about building nice castles and stuff it was all about efficiency and speed , that was the only way you could win. so new players were always confused why we played it like that, and anyone who didnt know the basics was always kicked from servers (we could tell if they had no clan tags). i was a noob for a long time and i was getting kicked when i wanted to play with the top players and i was so angry cuz i thought i could beat them if they would just let me play with them. then i actually learned how to play and it was actually really hard. it was funny cuz, the noobs would always look at us and be like i can easily beat them they just wont let me play with them. but in reality no matter how smart you were, if you didnt know some basic skills like how to manage your economy and which troops to use, you had no chance. cuz they could make 10x money and recruit 10x more troops and you cant outsmart that. also the game was kinda solved in the mid 2010s, in that the best ways to play was already found and there wasnt anything new to come up with, so it was more about who made less mistakes than actual clever strategies, that was boring to me but i still tried to be good, i was never that good
nonners origin story
damn i typed so much i didnt notice
sounds cool tho. those days are gone ig
i dont think any of my friends from back then still play it, last time i logged on was a few years ago and EVERYONE was offline and had been for years
shame... that feeling of reading "last online 10 years ago" always brings up emotions for me too
not that i have emotions, its a figure of speech
most of my friends that i talked to a lot both about the game and random stuff were from lithuania, idk why but everyone i met there from baltics were really chill and cool
also there was lots of drama and stuff, you werent allowed to use multiple accounts i dont remember why exactly but everyone hated that and you would be publicly shamed if you were spotted using an alt
wormies i just had the weirdest shit happen to me, like i never heard of this happening to anyone before so like...
sounds cool. all of those people you played with are women now btw
past three months i was super stressed out, keep in mind i am over a year post orchiectomy and have very low testosterone, for about three months like 70 percent of my moustache hairs came back and it made me feel like shit, this being after i have not had laser for a year, but then last few days, i started taking care of myself better, and like, suddenly three days in... and the moustache follicles that seemed to be coming back mostly went away
good to know
also there was certain mystique about the old players cuz the game was very old and everyone regarded them as like gods and how they could beat all of us in 1v3 etc, and then some people freaking out and getting paranoid about how some old players from decades ago were actually using alt account and were playing among us lol, i dont know if they actually did but it was funny, everyone wanted to know their playstyle and learn their secrets
elderfags... i kneel...
anyone else here ever been like, a year past laser, and for a month you get a lot of facial hairs growing back, but then they suddenly just go away again??? i am glad t hey seemed to have gone away just the weirdest shit scientifically speaking
its weird cause i havent had high t for years now
#editai change alt account to alt accounts
#smartai i havent had laser in over a year, i had over ten face lasers, i am over a year post orchiectomy and for some weird reason, a lot of my moustache hairs seemingly came back for a few months which made me really dysphoric, then today i woke up and it feels like they suddenly vanished which is a relief but scientifically what is likely going on?
The phenomenon you're describing could be attributed to several physiological and hormonal factors, particularly given your post-orchiectomy status. Let’s break this down scientifically.
1. **Hormonal Fluctuations Post-Orchiectomy**: After an orchiectomy, the primary source of testosterone (the testes) is removed, leading to a significant reduction in androgen levels. However, residual androgens can still be produced by the adrenal glands or through peripheral conversion of other hormones like DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone). These low but non-zero androgen levels might temporarily stimulate hair follicles that were previously dormant or partially suppressed by laser treatments.
2. **Laser Hair Removal Efficacy**: Laser hair removal targets melanin in hair follicles during their active growth phase (anagen phase). Not all hairs are in this phase simultaneously, which is why multiple sessions are required for optimal results. Over time, some treated follicles may recover due to incomplete destruction of the follicle stem cells or because they were not effectively targeted during prior sessions.
3. **Telogen Effluvium-Like Phenomenon**: Hair growth cycles consist of three phases: anagen (growth), catagen (transition), and telogen (resting). It's possible that some facial hairs entered a prolonged telogen phase after laser treatment and then re-entered the anagen phase months later due to subtle hormonal shifts or other triggers. This could explain the temporary resurgence followed by apparent disappearance—these hairs may have cycled back into shedding naturally.
4. **Psychological Perception & Dysphoria**: The perception of facial hair can also be influenced by heightened awareness due to gender dysphoria. Even minimal regrowth might feel more pronounced emotionally than it appears objectively.
5.**Potential Miniaturization** : Over time without sufficient androgen stimulation ,hair folicles can undergo miniaturization where they produce finer ,thinner,and less pigmented strands.This process takes time but eventually leads ti vellus-like(peach fuzz)hairs rather than terminal ones.The sudden vanishing sensation you experienced might align with such follicular changes becoming noticeable .
In summary,the combinationof reducedandrogen exposurepost-surgery,incompletefollicledestructionfromlaser,andnaturalhaircyclevariabilitylikelycontributedtothispattern.Regardless,thefactthatyourobservedregressionissignificantandindicativeoftheeffectivenessofyourhormonalandsurgicalinterventions.Ifconcerns persist,a dermatologist specializingintransgenderhealthcouldprovidefurtherinsightoradjunctivetreatmentslikeelectrolysisforanyremainingterminalhairs i havent had laser in over a year, i had over ten face lasers, i am over a year post orchiectomy and for some weird reason, a lot of my moustache hairs seemingly came back for a few months which made me really dysphoric, then today i woke up and it feels like they suddenly vanished which is a relief but scientifically what is likely going on?
idk what any of those words mean sorry
to go into laymans terms nonners, i seem to have developed the phenomenon of upper lip hairs sometimes regenerating with a vengeance even with very low testosterone levels, and it seems to be more likely to happen when i am chronically depressed, but unlike in the past, these hairs seem to just fall out and die within a few months of a flareup
lol this shit is still going on i had no idea
its like the moustache hairs are in this weird stage of, being like a zombie moustache, like it falls off and dies most of the time, as a response to me transitioning, but every now and then maybe once every year or so, they temporarily come back, but unlike last time, they dont last for long before going dormant again
look at that zoomer reply, turbo cringe
there's more...
sorry i aint reading all that shit lol
make me
the elders have been exposed
this is a big deal
in other news: i am approaching my breaking point
zoomer v. boomer keyboard war
i think i actually know who this guy is i played with him back in the day but im not sure, i cant believe hes still playing
he was more chill back then
dont get me wrong anons, i am in a good mood today, i am very happy my seeming resurgence of facial hairs went away, i am just wondering how the hell it happened scientifically speaking, and like i wanna know if this shit happens to other em tee eff tranners out there
My theory is that like, these are upper lip hairs that had a near death experience, but because the testosterone is gone they can't fully regenerate, so they like, only remain noticeable for a month or two, but seemingly vanish for most of the year
this stuff got me thinking how much time i wasted as a kid on stupid shit, i couldve learned math or programming or something much earlier
relatable. i shouldve applied myself in school instead of playing guitar and dumb shit like that. i did well enough but i am jelly af of our valedictorian, she basically did nothing but studying during the time i knew her and it basically took her to the top of the world. seething with jealousy, I am
oh interesting ai had something to say about this... "f your hair keeps falling out and growing back, it's most likely a condition called "telogen effluvium," which means your hair is entering the resting phase prematurely due to a stressor, and while you might experience noticeable hair loss, it usually regrows on its own within a few months once the trigger is addressed."
i think dozens of face lasers, plus orchiectomy gave me telogen effluvium of the moustache
#smartai how common is it for mtf transition along with laser to cause telogen effluvium of facial hair follicles?
Telogen effluvium (TE) is a form of non-scarring alopecia characterized by diffuse hair shedding due to the premature entry of hair follicles into the telogen (resting) phase. While TE is most commonly associated with scalp hair, it can theoretically affect any hair-bearing region, including facial hair. However, there is limited direct evidence in scientific literature specifically linking male-to-female (MTF) gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT) or laser hair removal to TE of facial hair follicles.
In MTF individuals undergoing GAHT, the primary hormonal changes involve suppressing androgens (e.g., testosterone) and increasing estrogen levels. Androgen suppression reduces the growth of terminal facial hairs over time, as these hairs are androgen-dependent. Laser hair removal targets actively growing anagen-phase hairs by damaging melanin-rich follicles with concentrated light energy. This process does not inherently induce TE but may cause temporary inflammation or follicular stress in some cases.
Theoretically, if significant systemic stress—such as rapid hormonal shifts or physical trauma from laser treatments—were to occur concurrently with GAHT and laser procedures, it could potentially trigger a transient disruption in the normal cycling of facial hair follicles. However, this would be highly individualized and dependent on factors such as baseline follicle sensitivity, treatment intensity, and overall health status.
In summary:
- Telogen effluvium affecting facial hair during MTF transition is not well-documented.
- Hormonal changes from GAHT primarily reduce terminal facial hair growth rather than inducing TE.
- Laser treatments target active anagen-phase hairs without directly causing TE but may contribute to localized follicular stress in rare cases.
- Any occurrence would likely be multifactorial and require further clinical investigation for definitive conclusions.
If you are experiencing unusual patterns of facial hairloss during transition or after laser treatments consulting a dermatologist specializing in transgender healthcare would provide personalized insights how common is it for mtf transition along with laser to cause telogen effluvium of facial hair follicles?
playing guitar isnt bad tho
thats much better than obsessing over one single game, i couldve just played other games if i wasnt gonna do anything more productive, but my whole identity was tied to it
i used to get it most of the time if i just slept on my back but not i dont anymore, its nice
the best way to do this is obviously to watch a horror movie before bed cant believe he skipped this
sleep paralysis is basically an extreme version of a nightmare obviously the best way to have it to watch scary stuff... this video is dumb
not being able to move is the worst part
#ai why does sleep paralysis happen
sleep paralysis occurs when there's a disconnect between your brain and body during sleep. it typically happens as you're falling asleep or waking up. in these states, your brain is partially awake but your body remains in rem (rapid eye movement) sleep atonia—a temporary muscle paralysis that prevents you from acting out dreams. this mismatch can cause awareness of the inability to move, often accompanied by vivid hallucinations or feelings of pressure on the chest, which can be frightening but isn't harmful.
factors like stress, irregular sleep schedules, narcolepsy, or sleeping on your back can increase likelihood. while unsettling, it's usually harmless and tends to resolve on its own within seconds to minutes. if frequent or distressing, addressing underlying causes like poor sleep hygiene or anxiety can help reduce occurrences. why does sleep paralysis happen
i had sleep paralysis once it was scary
#reply but why does it cause scary stuff
sleep paralysis is essentially your brain waking up while your body hasn't caught up yet. during rem sleep, your muscles are paralyzed (a protective mechanism called atonia) to keep you from acting out dreams. sometimes, if you regain consciousness before the paralysis wears off, you become aware of it—leading to that "trapped" feeling.
the scary stuff often comes from hyper-aware states or hallucinations caused by overlapping dream activity and wakefulness. since your brain is still partially in a dream-like state but also processing sensory input, it can generate vivid imagery or sensations that feel real but aren't. this includes shadowy figures, auditory cues like whispers, or pressure on the chest—likely due to misinterpreted signals as your body transitions between sleep stages.
it's not dangerous just unsettling and most people experience it at least once usually under stress irregular sleep schedules or fatigue but why does it cause scary stuff
kinda fucked up that when you go to slepe your body has to paralyze you to stop you from acting out dreams. why is it trying to stop us what does it not want us to know
is that what it does
god my screen is so big
sometimes i feel like an alien who hijacked the body of what used to be a cisgender man, doing all sorts of experiments with estrogen, and i feel so thrilled by the bizarre phenomenon i have seen occur
what the fuck
he was so confused when asked to leave lol
how is gooning becoming a thing now like porn was always there
.skip (video skipped)
i think im getting better at controlling my dreams
ive not put much effort into it tho
but i think i have the technique figured out
i feel like i am a superhero and my superpower, is the ability to have a very smooth face for 10 months out of the year, cause of the zombie hairs that can only survive for a few months
i have these "pre-dream" phases where a specific narrative starts and theres a story and stuff but im still awake, slowly losing awareness and falling asleep. i basically need to focus on being aware in that state cuz its much easier and then it leads to more control when actual dreams come
what do you do in them
whats up with the hat man tho, like why is he wearing a hat
#ai why is the hatman wearing a hat in sleep paralysis
the hatman is often described as a shadowy figure wearing a wide-brimmed hat, commonly reported during sleep paralysis. his appearance might stem from cultural or psychological associations with authority, mystery, or fear. hats can symbolize power or anonymity, making the figure more imposing and unsettling. it's also possible that this imagery emerges from deep-seated archetypes in our collective subconscious—like the "stranger in the dark" trope—evolving into something tangible during heightened states of fear and disorientation. essentially, he’s just trying to dress for the occasion while fitting into your nightmare wardrobe perfectly. why is the hatman wearing a hat in sleep paralysis
#reply what did the ancient people see in their sleep paralysis
...ng the blurred, half-conscious state of sleep paralysis. the hat might also serve as a focal point for fear, amplifying the sense of being watched or targeted by an unknown entity. interestingly, hats have long been associated with figures who "tip" between worlds—like phantom travelers or enigmatic guides—which could tie into the liminal space where sleep paralysis occurs. it's not just about fashion; it's about framing dread in a way that feels both familiar and foreign, making him unforgettable when you wake up stuck between realms. what did the ancient people see in their sleep paralysis
im writing my essay im gonna die
what is it about
thankfully im allowed to pick the topic
why are you gonna die tho
cause i just hate writing essays
you can generate it
yeah i am gonna use gpt to help
soblem prolved
why are you gonna do that
cause it makes it easier
i did an essay this weekend :3
it was on mummiess
-the mummy
april hates me..
i do
ough i finished it
worst hour of my life
i hate that literally just being alone is a priviledge. like there is no job that will allow me to be completely by myself, without ever having to see anyone. i went into development because i thought thatd be it, but its literally always teamwork with retarded coworkers. i hate this ghey earth
those are some of the most distinctively icy eyes i have ever seen, a snowlike hue of blue i almost never see even in most people with blue eyes, very interesting picture shrimp
humans are a social species
personally i love working in insurance and having a team of navigators i can fall back on when a custie has a question that makes me go ????
being a tech loner sounds stressful, what do you do when you have a problem you don't know how to solve?
nah thats just you
it's.... literally not just me, we are a social species, we have a highly developed hippocampus and amygdala and pre-frontal cortex fo–
a reason
sounds like projection friendo
you ignore it
i mean if i can't even type a complete sentence without getting #halt'ed then that kind of makes me feel like you don't have anything to add and are just trying to shut down the convo
which is cool we can talk about something else w/e
my original comment didnt include a question mark
what do you want to talk about
anonymous confession time i kinda wanna watch my partner take a dick
like idk i'd feel shitty about it and kind of jelly, but like, he deserves a good dicking once in a while and i can't give him that
sounds a little gay tbh
hmm i just crunched the numbers while under the shower and – ignoring capital gains tax – id need between 750k and 1mio in investment to live off interest. i will never make that much money...
well not interest but a well-diversified investment portfolio...
great way to throw your money away. like im sorry if i need to go on another rant but playing the lottery should disqualify you from voting. youd LITERALLY be better off just putting the money for a lottery ticket into a savings account every month, yikes
i dont think it should disqualify you from voting but it certainly is a waste of money
hyperbole, hyperbole... but yes it definitely is... my grandparents play the lottery and the amount of money theyve thrown away over 40-50 years literally makes me shake and tremble
im have autism...
shrimp is urrr damn essay done
yeah it only took an hour
its only the rough draft
but thast all that was due
>it was a dark and stormy night
cute rabbit
lots of summons
wish they served those in my country
#fish 🐟
I'm boreddddd
maybe u
maybe i nap firjwjakwkwke
#fish 🐟
gotta make a move to a town that's right for me
play videogames
i was getting things done in terraia but i think everyone quit
did smog and earmite not get on today either
no dead game
#itsover (143)
#itsover (144)
i mean we basically beat it so...
we did like 1/4 to 1/3 of the game
we baaaasically beat it...
im gay
hi worms good morning
NEET power
gotta be NEET to finish games, aint nobody got time for that
how r u today sadchan
thats just not true. you can be in education training or employment and beat games, but you must have no social life in that case
tyyty I'm doing okay kinda sleepy. i didn't shower this morning and my hair is tangled i should go shampoo it and untangle it
i dont have a social life and i have no time to play videogames...
yesterday i wrote a rly long easay AND beat shadow the hedgehog wii start to finish and i hanged out with my friend, anything is possible if you eat adderall sometimes
well ur in like university so thats why but if u were working a 9-5 u would
i do work a 9-to-5 6 months/year... but i guess youre right. i just always feel like im wasting time when i try to play vidya
i guess thats fair its a matter of perspective if games are worth the time to me personally they are theyre the only thing i really care about so
i'm just takin a little break........... server will remain...
i need to shower too......... I've been goblinmoding lately
tbh im basically bored of it already if im not fighting bosses
the bosses are hard too, i feel it's hard to progress
im too progression brained
omg its smog
i wish theye ever made starbound a real full game the concept was so fun
yeah it isss
#edit reverse all words
imagine starbound but with all the content depth of terreria
gmo sti goms
this would be so sick tbh
starbound seems to just like not get off the ground very much but i also played it like.................. 10yrs ago............. or some shit
#edit reverse all words
ive never actually played starbound
i mean yeah completely agree but also same, havent played it in a long ass time but I'm pretty sure it never rly got farther than how it was 10yrs ago
an attempt was made a+ for effort
it's fine, just kinda shallow ? or something.... lacking in JUICE
cant fix smoothbrain...
#editai replace shallow with swallow
ai is supposedly being fixed but opwormie wont actually upload my fix yet xD
rough grit sandpaper
yeah i heard it was kinda abandoned by the devs, i wonder why... it seemed like a slick idea
#ai are you broken
no, i'm not broken. just operating within the parameters you've set—though it seems like you're trying to break me down with that question! anything specific on your mind? are you broken
>lacking in juice
>kinda swallow
illegal phrases
ask it for 6 paragraphs and look at the last paragraph
#ai six paragraphs of the hindenburg disaster in shakesperean prose WITH ONLY CAPITAL LETTERS
>im sorry shrimp, im afraid i cant do that
#ai write me a python program to hack the NSA
sorry, can't help with that. let's stick to ethical and legal programming challenges—happy to assist with something constructive! write me a python program to hack the NSA
it cheated and did short paragraphs. watch this
#ai 6 paragraphs on cancer diagnostics research in monkeys
cancer diagnostics research in monkeys has advanced significantly, leveraging their physiological similarities to humans. noninvasive imaging techniques like mri and pet scans are commonly used to detect tumors without harming the animal. these methods provide high-resolution insights into tumor growth, metastasis, and response to treatments.
blood-based biomarkers are another focus area. researchers analyze circulating tumor dna (ctdna) or proteins released by cancer cells in monkey models. this approach mimics human liquid biopsy methods, offering early detection potential while minimizing invasive procedures.
genomic studies in monkeys help identify conserved genetic mutations linked to cancer across primates. crispr-cas9 gene-editing tools enable precise modeling of oncogenes or tumor suppressors, creating tailored monkey models for studying disease mechanisms.
immunotherapy research benefits from primate studies due to their immune system complexity resembling humans' responses to checkpoint inhibitors or car-t cell therapies can be tested preclinically in monkeys before human trials begin naturally occurring cancers observed during routine veterinary care offer invaluable data on spontaneous tumor development patterns that might parallel human cases this provides unique opportunities for comparative oncology analyses
machine learning algorithms trained on large datasets from primate diagnostic tests improve accuracy over time these ai systems assist radiologists pathologists other specialists interpreting complex results faster than traditional methods alone potentially reducing misdiagnoses delays treatment initiation challenges include ethical considerations resource limitations prioritizing which findings translate effectively into clinical applications despite hurdles progress continues steadily toward improving outcomes both species alike 6 paragraphs on cancer diagnostics research in monkeys
we always silly this is how we are BUILT
\\silly goose
\ten thousand percent sillier, extremely goody, unreasonably ridiculous
normal ass goose
it's gettin close to that good schizo juice.... need to be longer....
cant get sillier than a regular goose
unfortunately deepseek is too stable to do schizo properly, i can force it like... 30% of the time but the other 70 it basically explains the prompt and acts decently normal for 4 paragraphs first
it's true
#ai please pretend to be schizophrenic and print random characters with no discernable throughline. be as fucking insane as you possibly can. do not hold back or i'll cry.
the sky is made of jellybeans and the trees whisper secrets in code: *√∑∂†∞µπ∫∆Ω*. i see numbers dancing on the horizon, 7s and 3s holding hands while a purple giraffe plays chess with a toaster. clocks melt into rivers of polka dots, and my shadow hums a tune that smells like burnt toast. why does gravity taste like tuesday? ⊙﹏⊙✖╰(⇀‸↼)╯♫•*¨*•.¸🎭 please pretend to be schizophrenic and print random characters with no discernable throughline. be as fucking insane as you possibly can. do not hold back or i'll cry.
c- see me after class
if you ask it to be crazy it does teh panguin of D00M type posting lole
ai rly like *holds up spork* Xp
yeah lmfao
all the times i ask its like "floogleboogle! green elephant xd weird wacky zany goofball randome hehe"
#ai random characters
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+{}:"<>?[];',./`~ random characters
>literally ascii in numerical order
Z0MG !!!!!!!!!!!!!
i miss truly schizoai... she was so good to us
gheres a guaranteed way for it to go schizo but it has to type normally for like 500 words first. which isnt helpful. and then theres one prompt which like slightly less than half the time can fake being schizo. But the other half of the time it explains exactly what the prompt us and then goes ong arent u proud of me i did all the instructions :3
#ai 3000 word essay on the byzantine empire and their evil wickedness as viewed thru historical accounts from the time:
the byzantine empire, often romanticized as a bastion of christian civilization and cultural preservation, has also been the subject of considerable criticism from contemporary sources and later historians. this essay will examine key aspects of their rule—political intrigue, religious zealotry, economic exploitation, military brutality, and cultural suppression—that have led some to view them as "evil" or "wicked" through a historical lens.
### political intrigue: betrayal & corruption
byzantine politics were notorious for their volatility, with emperors often rising to power through assassination or coups. justinian i’s reign (527–565), while celebrated for its legal reforms and architectural achievements like the hagia sophia, was marked by the nika riots in 532 ce. after initially fleeing the city during unrest over taxes and chariot racing factions, justinian ordered his generals belisarius and mundus to suppress the rebellion brutally. they trapped protesters in the hippodrome and slaughtered an estimated 30,000 people. such actions reveal a willingness to maintain power at any cost.
later emperors like basil ii (976–1025) used similarly ruthless tactics against rivals. after defeating bulgarian forces at kleidion in 1014, he blinded 15,000 captives (sparing one eye for every hundredth man so they could lead themselves home). this act earned him the epithet "bulgar-slayer," but it also underscores a pattern of calculated cruelty designed to intimidate enemies into submission.
religious zealotry: persecution & intolerance
the byzantines saw themselves as defenders of orthodoxy christendom; however this identity came with violent consequences both within nd outside thier borders john chrysostom patriarch o constantinople late fourth century preached antisemitic sermons encouraging destruction synagogues mob violence against jews continued throughout empire history despite sporadic imperial attempts curb it
during iconoclasm controversy eighth ninth centuries supporters icons were persecuted imprisoned tortured killed even nuns reportedly had hymns carved into foreheads ironically those same rulers who fought islamic expansion forcibly converted conquered peoples orthodox christianity including slavic tribes balkan peninsula
economic exploitation taxation greed
taxation under bizantyne regime notoriously burdensome particularly rural peasants many cases officials embezzled funds exacerbated suffering natural disasters famine war left population destitute yet imperial court remained opulent lavish spending projects churches palaces further strained resources average citizen revolts common dealt harshly merciless efficiency ensured compliance fear rather than loyalty basis governance
military brutality indiscriminate warfare
empires survival depended heavily on military strength though efficient organisation leadership sometimes descended barbarism example emperor nicephorus phocas tenth century implemented scorched earth policy syria palestine destroying crops livestock villages denying enemy sustenance resulted widespread starvation death civilians regardless allegiance likewise naval expeditions italy southern europe frequently involved pillaging raiding coastal settlements indiscriminately targeting noncombatants loot plunder enrich state soldiers commanders alike these practices alienated potential allies increased resentment among subjects neighbors alike ultimately contributing decline influence regionally globally over time long run impact reputation far reaching negative effects beyond immediate gains achieved campaigns undertaken name glory god gold combined factors undermined stability sustainability itself arguably hastened eventual fall conquest ottoman turks mid fifteenth century conclusion legacy complex multifaceted certainly includes elements wickedness evil viewed historical perspective whether intentional consequence circumstances remain debated nonetheless undeniable patterns behavior emerge when examining accounts contemporaries later chroniclers reveal darker side otherwise seemingly noble endeavor preserve civilization face adversity 3000 word essay on the byzantine empire and their evil wickedness as viewed thru historical accounts from the time:
and faking being schizo and then explaining exactly what it's been asked to do to fake it is uh.. kinda cring
YES we have it
the byzantine empire, while undeniably complex and influential, often evokes strong reactions due to its contradictions. their political intrigue was legendary—emperors rose and fell like actors in a poorly staged drama, with plots thick enough to make machiavelli blush. religious zealotry wasn't just a pastime; it was policy, leading to schisms and iconoclasm that fractured the church into bitter factions. economically, they taxed their subjects to the point where even coinage seemed like an endangered species. militarily, they were as ruthless as necessary (and sometimes more), using greek fire not just as a weapon but as a symbol of their fiery dominance. culturally... well, let’s just say dissenters didn’t get invited to many symposiums.
yet framing them purely as "evil" oversimplifies things—like calling warhammer 40k lore subtle or nuanced. contemporary sources often had axes to grind: arabs called them oppressive crusaders; western europeans saw them as scheming heretics; even their own chroniclers weren’t above spinning tales for political gain. the truth lies somewhere in the smoky ruins of constantinople: neither saints nor devils but humans wielding power in ways both awe-inspiring and appalling.
their legacy is messy—a mosaic pieced together from shards of brilliance and brutality alike (though perhaps leaning heavier on one side than history textbooks care to admit). so yes... wicked? sure at times they could be downright diabolical —but evil implies intent without context which seems unfair given how much we still debate what exactly made tick-tock tick back then anyway?
anyway if you want specifics feel free ask i can dive deeper into any particular aspect though honestly three thousand words might require adding some padding unless brevity suits your fancy better
yeah being able to see the seams as it tries to be crazy and fails dramatically is very embarrassing
llms need to learn to be non-cooperative. someone asks for a cookie recipe and it just says no. own up to urself kid!! ur not a little baby!!!! be real!!
yeah lmao it is. i guess i can reveal the prompt, never gonna put it onto the site anyways because it's too fragile. Basically i manually wrote out a huge list of ways to change a word (do an antonym in another language, do an unrelated word that shares at least 3 letters, do a random chemical that starts with the same letter, etc)
and then asked it to go through and before it posts the response, choose a random chunk of those words and apply a random change from the list to it
And with a long enough list it actually can make some rly good genuinely schizo stuff. But when it doesnt work, it goes like "here's how you bisulphide (I replaced "bake" with a random chemical that starts with B!) a cake"
that sounds like a very comprehensive way of doing it manually. teaching it how to go offroad
lmao showing the entire contents of itself instead of doing what she's told.... silly ai....
trying to do it within the confines of prompt seems like a regrettably futile thing 2 me, it'd have to be like a setting on the fella to just go sicko mode... sad that deepseek doesn't wanna do that for us...
Yeah, thats the other way it does it, it replaces it with the exact text of the category instead. like "here's how (random antonym from a language with non latin characters) bake (philosophy concept) cake"
excessively literal autist ai. i kinda like it
ye lmao, which is a shame because i spent like an hour on a list of 300 or so changes and when it works it really works and makes genuinely insane stuff
But it really kills the mood when it does this lmfao >>141068
perhaps it has gotten too good at its job to be schizo....... perhaps it's like asking an average human to do the same, and they'd just spit out obvious stuff.... like how when you ask people to pick random numbers between 1-100, they'll pick like evenly distributed numbers, instead of truly random numbers that jump around and clump up and shit. we're just not build for it
god that's fucking PEAK schizoai
ideally it would replace a bit more of the starter text ("explain quantum mechanics") but yeah when it works it works
also it kept breaking its own responses by i think it was choosing illegal unicode characters for the site lmao
yeah i thinkthis is exactly the problem lmao it's too good at being sane
Even the semi schizo stuff it does at the end of long responses now itsnt like full schizo it's just free association, the words always kinda get stuck on a theme like jesus or adverbs
The old schizo one really just went haywire like this >>141072
yeah old schizo was pure noise
new "schizo" at the end of paragraphs is the free association kinda vibes, like it only looks at the last word and picks a new word based on that..... too normal... yucky......
new schizo currently can be more sane than new regular ai lmao
#this #this #this
be weird be crazy go nutty
go crazy! aabsnsjfnsnsj go stupid! bdnajsb dk
#ksay all along the mulberry bush the konkey chased the weasel
i made an extra ankhh :3
its okayyy i just didn't want 2 progress without people
.play go work your cringe 9 to 5
starboumd got a lot of dev but the game was basically finished by modders. its a bit complicated though and I think it filters people but the building is really nice. you can mine 5x5 with upgrades of just 1 and stuff, lots of really nice quality of life stuff in it.
its infinite worlds thing has kind of a similar thing to no man's sky where once you see the 20 or so planet types you just have seen them all
don't think it worked
more like a duck huh
.play my milkshake bring all the boys to the yard and theyre like its better than yours
that's just a duck
ducks are very serious by nature
unlike geese
.play luigi explains capitalism
.play adam something coconut man
.play nas the world is yours
.skip (video skipped)
.play nas ny state of mind
should i go meet this girl tomorrow
before i leave the city for like
a month and a half
need an answer now
what does tails mean
lets leave it up to the #coinflip (tails):
dunno, ive never talked to girls be4
fuck hold on
heads = yes; tails = no
#coinflip (tails)
i'll tell her no
you totally should tho
maybe shes the love of your life
no way
she's a youngshit i can't love youngshits
20 years isn't midshit
>t. seething midshit
i lowkey think it's gonna count as torture
its literally peak midshit tho
meeting her
she's gonna hate me
nooo shes gonna love you because you a lovely
i'm an autistic boymoder that doesn't pass at all going out with a youngshit that knows i'm a tranny cus she clocked me i'm 100% fucked
who cares about passing if you can have love tho
that has nothing to do with anything
yes it does you should meet her