「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
it was windy
and snowy
or the pilot just fucked it
you can just do that to many things and nobody can stop you
no but the international court espeically
hwat international court. i bombed them and nobody is there anymore
war crimes are stupid and dumb
war is supposed to be bad dummies
>lets all play fair while we throw human lives away for pointless reasons!!!!
.play marching through gerogia
it's not pointless otherwise you shouldn't be fighting the war
war is pointless change my mind
sometimes you gotta use force
sometimes you just gotta KILL people
i mean literally yeah
i think its not pointless if you oppose the bad guysss tho
like the NAZISsss
cant just let them have all of europe and murder all intellectuals thats bad
well but also other reasons lol
what other reasonss
border disputes
yea but thats an act of war
like occupying the alsacelorraine
eh it depends
at some point u need to say like
no lol you cant just run everything
my favorite thing to do is to send troops down to the disputed area and make the other people fire on them so that i can claim they started it and then invade mexico city and then get more land than i was trying to buy ni the first place
dictators love to push limits on how much land they can steal with their armies before it turns into a hot war
nah that hapepned in real life
good times
no im just saying videogames
now we have california instead of just texas
and the other useless states in between them
yeah we
luv americaaaaa pls give me back the 90s
lets go back to the 90sss
iraq was badd libya was badd lets go bacckk
plz lets go back to 1880
noo thats jim crow jim crow was bad
best year of my life
anno 1880
i lied i wanna go back to 1846 best year of my life
i wanna go to the future by 6 years
i need it to be 2031
*wars u*
fr fr I love intellectuals
what was the deal with libia? they were a dictatorship and then they were Muslim and now they aren’t doing much? they should just be like the us and like have an economy imo
well 1. its all france's fault like so many things and 2. people dont realize that a lot of these countries in africa and hte middle east dont actually exist. like as a
they definitely shouldn’t be like france
fuck you >frances fault
france doesn't do anything but be nice
a lot of the countries drawn on the map the borders are literally just made up remnants of european colonialism and have no basis in reality. a great example is modern syria. this is a map of syria right before the isreals occupied that little orange bit on their norther border.
the weird thing is though that the USA isn’t an ethnic nation and it’s ok. idk I guess it was usually ‘white’ but I guess I wish they could just identify as what we have and have similar lives instead if going ‘ah no my tribe is soooooo important’ like clearly these historical ethnic groups aren’t that great if they keep getting conquered and leading to corruption and poor development
france didn't do colonlism like the british did
they let them have a lot more autonomy
the borders mean absolutely nothing, they literally exist to keep maps form being to confusing and making white people feel like the world makes sense
there is no ethnicity associated with being american and we should combat that notion. black americans are AMERICANS. white americans are americans. immigrants who live here and become citizens are AMERICANS. this is our country, collectively as a group
oof yeah I heard the Kurdish government is kinda bad and keeps being corrupt/ torturing even if they’re waaay better than the islamists/turks. : (
well the HTS (the gray part that has damascus and allepo the actual cities that matter in syria) are literally (figuratively) the taliban. like, whipping women for driving and shooting fags and stuff so.
the HTS are primarily funded through the drug trade and human trafficking/slvaery so its not like there is any group that is palatable to western standards
the Syrian National Army is a turkish funded militia they are the yllow part
lmao at islamist drug traders sigh…
>be taliban
>execute all the heroin farmers
>start farming heroin
oh also
>widespread famine and death by starvation
the taliban are definite not good peoplee nooo sir
i feel pretty confident they are the bad guysss
>palatable to western standards
oh no france is evil for "not wanting slavery"
what r u talking about boogerr
that has nothing 2 do with france lol
libya was america
I hope we’ll go beyond Americans one day and feel that way about all people and then animals
no that was liberia
too many l names my bad saddchan
yea and animals tooo
i did say Libya was frances fault. Because they asked us to resolve the issue for them.
well the British gave a lot of autonomy too that’s why they made money unlike the bozo spaniards
France still is very active in its former colonies governments and conducts a ton of economic exploitation there (but tbf many countries do)
not in the indian colonies
no because france didnt colonize india lol... they colonized africa
france in the new world literally was chill like that they basically just traded and lived with the people
I remember reading the Wikipedia page of mullah Omar and he seemed like he did have some real inner moral drive though, when he was young he and a bunch of other kids went and lynched a warlord for grabbing boys to be fuckpets/slaves. there is SOME good drive to work for more than yourself in Islam but it’s got too much poison along with it probably
i mean, maybe the voyageurs where chill but the colonial government started the death churches and shit
no the seven years war was fought by majority native tribes they liked france a lot
the death churches were a british innovation because they are evil
that makes sense
altho the catholic church is also bad so
france might have been chill in north america but they were not and ARE not chill in africa
idr know much about NA french colinialism beyond like the initial exploration of the intererior and land claims up and stuff
thats all religion
when you rely on denying your senses you don’t attract people who actually care about others, just feeling good
well it's not like they did the genocide
plus it was mostly UN failures that caused it
the French were super evil to their own people when they went against the hugonauts and all though. also they we royal gov was really against adoption/relationships not linked to blood lmao ‘why is my country failing I punish people trying to form community and understanding the world’
>On 10 March 2011, France was the first country in the world to recognise the National Transitional Council as the legitimate government of Libya, in the context of the Libyan Civil War against Muammar Gaddafi.[3] French Rafale and Mirage 2000 fighter planes also conducted the first military strikes against Gaddafi's forces
so it was equal
why is that bad idk anything about libya
i thought it was liberia until like 5 minutes ago
and yet the French till got things way better than the Russians
I wonder how much it costs to coup Mali again and make it my country
In 1899–1900, France coordinated three expeditions—the Gentil Mission from French Congo, the Foureau-Lamy Mission from Algeria and the Voulet–Chanoine Mission from Timbuktu—with the aim of linking France's African possessions.[57] The three eventually met at Kousséri (in the far north of Cameroon) and defeated Rabih az-Zubayr's forces at the Battle of Kousséri. The Voulet-Chanoine Mission was "marred by atrocities", and "became notorious" for pillaging, looting, raping and killing local civilians on its passage throughout southern Niger.[40][21] On 8 May 1899, in retaliation for the resistance of queen Sarraounia, captain Voulet and his men murdered all the inhabitants of the village of Birni-N'Konni in what is regarded as "one of the worst massacres in French colonial history".[40] The "brutal" methods of Voulet and Chanoine caused a "scandal" and Paris was forced to intervene; when Lieutenant-Colonel Jean-François Klobb caught up with the mission near Tessaoua to relieve them of command he was killed. Lt. Paul Joalland, Klobb's former officer, and Lt. Octave Meynier eventually took over the mission following a mutiny in which Voulet and Chanoine were killed.[21]
like 1 fpv drone +grenade for each high level bad guy, mail them to some ppl over there,
In 1899–1900, France coordinated three expeditions—the Gentil Mission from French Congo, the Foureau-Lamy Mission from Algeria and the Voulet–Chanoine Mission from Timbuktu—with the aim of linking France's African possessions.[57] The three eventually met at Kousséri (in the far north of Cameroon) and defeated Rabih az-Zubayr's forces at the Battle of Kousséri. The Voulet-Chanoine Mission was "marred by atrocities", and "became notorious" for pillaging, looting, raping and killing local civilians on its passage throughout southern Niger.[40][21] On 8 May 1899, in retaliation for the resistance of queen Sarraounia, captain Voulet and his men murdered all the inhabitants of the village of Birni-N'Konni in what is regarded as "one of the worst massacres in French colonial history".[40] The "brutal" methods of Voulet and Chanoine caused a "scandal" and Paris was forced to intervene; when Lieutenant-Colonel Jean-François Klobb caught up with the mission near Tessaoua to relieve them of command he was killed. Lt. Paul Joalland, Klobb's former officer, and Lt. Octave Meynier eventually took over the mission following a mutiny in which Voulet and Chanoine were killed.[21]
"one of the worst massacres in French colonial history".[40]
this is like when they threatened to shoot I think the russian vice president in the 90s when he was visiting one of their conflicts on one of those nearby poor countries and saw them looting.
liberia has a CRAZY history
>Paris was forced to intervene; when Lieutenant-Colonel Jean-François Klobb caught up with the mission near Tessaoua to relieve them of command he was killed. Lt. Paul Joalland, Klobb's former officer, and Lt. Octave Meynier eventually took over the mission following a mutiny in which Voulet and Chanoine were killed
ok but it souinds like the government didn't approve of them and then killed them
so that makes the french massacre okayy
no but it sounds like rouge military leaders and not a structured massacre like the british
france didnt abolish slavery in africa until 1905
I think those desert guys in the Sahara still have a slave caste not sure. apparently they’re important in the conflict in North Africa with dictators and Islamic groups and such
>In 1905, the French officially abolished slavery in most of French West Africa.[7] From 1906 to 1911, as emancipation progressed, over a million slaves in French West Africa fled from their masters to earlier homes.[8]
over a million slaves... :S
look im just saying is france was pretty typical of colonial powers they backed groups that favored them and killed ones that didnt. they engaged in slavery and colonial exploitation.
well no technically they abolished in the 1300s and then they reabolished it in the 1700s and then napoelon reallowed it in the 1800s and then they abolished it again in the 1900s
I think when you’re in the same industry you’ll tend towards the same most profitable organization
i think they abolished it 2 more times in the 1800s
cause I think napoleon did something about slavery too like he didnt care about the haitian revolt
#ai tell me about slavery and napoleon
napoleon bonaparte, the french military leader and emperor, had a complex relationship with slavery. in 1794, during the french revolution, france abolished slavery in its colonies. however, when napoleon came to power, he reversed this decision in 1802 through the law of 20 may (loi du 20 mai), reinstating slavery and the slave trade in french colonies like haiti (then saint-domingue). this move was largely driven by economic motives—sugar plantations were highly lucrative—but it sparked intense resistance.
in haiti, enslaved people led by figures like toussaint louverture fought fiercely against napoleon's forces. despite initial setbacks due to superior french military tactics and resources (including napoleon's brother-in-law charles leclerc), yellow fever decimated french troops. ultimately, haiti declared independence in 1804 after defeating the french army.
while napoleon is often celebrated for his legal reforms like the napoleonic code—which influenced modern civil law systems globally—his reinstatement of slavery remains a deeply controversial aspect of his legacy. it highlights how his actions were driven more by pragmatism and imperial ambition than any consistent ideological commitment to liberty or equality. tell me about slavery and napoleon
so he was pro slavery but for money he didn’t see it as a moral good or smth
he wasn't fanatical about it
typical napoleon tbhh
he was literally just playing 4x
>Compared to other European colonies in the Americas, a free person of color in the French colonial empire was highly likely to be literate, and had a high chance of owning businesses, properties and even their own slaves
just saying everyone shits on france but france is a cool coutnry and people should stop hating us
i think america is a cool country too but its done bad things both in modern times and in the past. you can like a country and its people and still recognize and remember its faults.
i like france, i love the french language its so pretty. i have met many african guys who speak french so I got to speak it a bit when I was working at the shelter
they always got really excited to they would be like oh you speak french and I would have to be like only a litttle and use a translate app to increase my vocabulary
working in the shelter was really cool you really see how excited people get to talk in their native tongue I tried to learn bits of french and spanish while I was there because those were the two most spoken languages among the refugees and asylum seekers
thats true actually i heart that a lot like EVERYTHING IS FRANCES fault
vietnam was frances fault thooo
wasn't it like literally america
it was a french colony...
? so
they wanted to be communist
france let them america freaked out
> Vietnam obtained independence following the First Indochina War. In 1945, Hồ Chí Minh declared an independent Democratic Republic of Vietnam, which was recognized by the fellow Communist governments of China and the Soviet Union. Fighting lasted until March 1954, when the Việt Minh won the decisive victory against French forces at the grueling Battle of Điện Biên Phủ. This led to the partition of Vietnam into the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in the north, under Việt Minh control, and the State of Vietnam in the south, which had the support of the United States, the United Kingdom, and France. It was at the 1954 Geneva Conference that France relinquished any claim to territory in the Indochinese peninsula. Laos and Cambodia also became independent in 1954, but were both drawn into the Vietnam War.
The events of 1954 marked the end of French involvement in the region, and the beginnings of serious U.S. commitment. Tensions between Vietnam with the US led to the Vietnam War.
the only reason the us was there was to back up france
yeah and then france backed out afterwards so it's still americas fault
america prevented a genocide for 20 years (via copious war crimes)
then america left
communism is baddd
> Finally, I can calculate the overall democide of Vietnam in the post-Vietnam War period (lines 762 to 764). This amounts to 346,000 to 2,438,000 Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotians, probably about 1,040,000.
idk its complicated but colonialism is bad and destabilizes regions and maybe if colonial powers did a better job of managing their colonies they all wouldnt be mass murder polluted shit holes run by warlords
france is a perfecft country unlike shithole usa
thats trueee
.skip (video skipped)
.play chanson d'lonion
I love the onionnn
you don't have to agree with me i'm just playing it up for the memes i agree with most of what you're saying
im gullible and interested in the past and continuing evils of colinialism so I like talking about it and I like looking up information I read before but its hard so I have to rely on stuff like wikipedia because I know stuff that happened but its hard to search original searches in the modern enshittified internet
ik you like to play it uppp
and sometimes also u copy what other people type huhuhu
im gonna go take a shower and think about genocides and be sadd.... i wish people could just be a single community of brothers and sisters....
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#ai what should you do if you hit kanye west with your car by accident
if you accidentally hit kanye west with your car, the first step is to ensure everyone's safety and well-being. stop immediately, check on him, and call emergency services if needed. stay calm, provide assistance within your ability, and avoid making unnecessary statements until authorities arrive. document the scene if possible for legal purposes. prioritize human life over everything else—celebrity status doesn’t change basic ethical or legal responsibilities in such situations. what should you do if you hit kanye west with your car by accident
#kick #slap #punt #tireiron #warp (only staff can use this command on this board)
#dumbai i really like taking estrogen it makes me feel good in my life for once... fellas is it woke that i like to take estrogen?
nah bro it aint woke its just u doin what makes u feel good n happy. if estrogen make u feel like ur best self then thats all that matters. woke is more bout bein aware of social stuff n fightin for equality n justice. takin estrogen is just u takin care of urself n livin ur truth. keep doin u man, lifes too short to worry bout labels. i really like taking estrogen it makes me feel good in my life for once... fellas is it woke that i like to take estrogen?
#dumbai (must provide a prompt)
#dumbai fellas is it woke to look at futanari hentai?
uhhh i dunno man like maybe its woke or maybe its not woke who can say really. like if u look at it does that make u woke or just kinda horny? i think its more about the vibes u get from it like if it makes u feel all progressive and stuff then sure call it woke but if ur just there for the plot then idk man. also whats a futanari is that like a type of pasta or something? im so confused rn. fellas is it woke to look at futanari hentai?
#edit place a leaf emoji to either side of the number 420
it fucking elipses'd after 537 and gave up what a silly billy
fuck u
#kiss alright
do-dont kiss
what a joker you are
I'm not a big fat panda. I'm THE big fat panda.
#owned (146)
and chat
should i go to college for machining/tool and die instead of programming
no you should just do the thing i told you if you're gonna switch up
but if it's what you want to do then ya
They don't know that we know they know we know
They don't know that we know they know we know
They don't knolw that we know they know we
They don't know that we know they know we know
They don't know that we know they know we know
yeah i dont really wanna do that thing too stressful probably
do it or else i'll stress you
you cant
i literally can
i will stress you so much if you don't do it
yeah but it wont be comparable to having to like save someones life
it will be super comparable
i will make you have to do the irl trolley problem ever day for the rest of your life if you don't but i'll do it super fucked up I will like introduce you to each of the people and their family and then tie them up and they make you choose
ill just let things play out because it wouldnt be my job
or i mean if i get to know them then i can make an informed decision on who lives or dies which sounds kinda fun
i hate kids
can the trolley reverse
i will make sure of that
you will be like super stressed everyday and the weight of your decisions will slowly crush you and like i'll like advertise to thier families that it was like totally your fault becuase you choose to let them die
or you can do the thing
yeah but like tool and die is way cooler
fuck we think the same lole
yeah but fr tool and die is cool you'd probably have to move tho
theres a lot of industrial stuff here actually
oh idk
but yeah i'd go for it, it'd be fun, just don't keep switching things tho yunno? just pick a thing and stick with it!
tool and die was something i was considering before too
plus ai cant replace tool and die workers
i mean it's still in the colleges anyways
cnc machine
but that's apart of it lole
you could also look into electronic engineering technology or something
that's a good program and you get to work with programmign the robot arms and stuff
or there's one called power engineering where you get to work on power plants and operate them and stuff, it's all trade certificates too
oo those are interesting too
but you still have to finish your year of catching up anyways so you have lots of time to think about it and plan yunno?
no its a like 4 month program im basically halfway done
ouu congrats
but i don't think most colleges enroll in summer anways so even if you finish in april you'd have to wait until the fall semester no?
yeah but even then the equal consideration date for the fall semester was the 1st so
i might be waiting evne longer
well that's a problem
oh lol
it may or may not matter depends on if its like a high demand course
ur probably fine then
yeah thats what i figure the programming course is not high demand i already checked that
dm me what college you're considering
i have a opinions
its not the best one afaik
trade school is the best thing ive ever done tbh
Well not exactly trade school but yeah dropping programming for a more hands-on program
trades r pretty cool
what trade did you school
okay yeah it's not a bad school
the electrical thing i talked about would be really good here especially if you want to get into manufacturing stuff
how do i do runespeak again is it just ;
a ;,
at the start
it's really cool it's like being tool and die on steriods you get to do the robot arms and shit
yeah!!! its super fun
and idk at least for me programming was always a fun weird hobby i did on my own since i was a kid, i went into real training program for it and it sucked all the enjoyment out of it immediately
i was super burned out by the end and like forced myself to apply to a bunch of jobs at first, and didnt even get a response back soo
the millwright one looks... okay
I just gave up and went to my trade program thing instead, it's like genuinely the best time ive ever had in school and i feel like it's really fulfilling somehow
id def recommend it if you arent likinf programming
not my trade specifically (unless u want to!) but i think in general that kind of blue collar job can still be well paid and like a lot more fun than people might think
tool and die sounds awesome
yeah i havent started the programming course yet and i really only wanna do it to learn to program so i can make games and im not really that interested in working as a codemonkey making crappy apps or smth a trade would be much more engaging to me i like hands on things. ive done work as a mechanic and a locksmith and i really enjoyed both those jobs all things considered
yeahhh the code monkey jobs are pretty soul crushing it seems like
actually looking at it i would go with the tool and die one tbh just make sure you learn CNC machining. I don't know how many jobs there are in that field i really can't find anything atm
what thats so fucking cool, howd you get into locksmithing
the one you dm'd me seems really appealing actually. and yeah if i were to do tool and die id do cnc/millwright stuff first presumably
i just applied for a job as an apprentice at a local shop theres not really any actual education or training for it here so
ya its fun work i just hated my coworkers
and was mentally spiraling
yeahh thats fair i think uh certainy for us legbutts it can be hard to find a workplace with good coworkers in trades
yeah thats one thing i fear but like i can probably deal with it idk
i didnt mind working with them but it was like 3 other ppl including the boss lots of slow days i had to just sit and talk with them waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much
i think one of the big upsides of being an electrician or mechanic or whatever is that its a really acchievable goal to start your own business tho
a lot easier than most white collar jobs i think
yeah honestly if i had the capital id just start my own locksmithing company cause theres so much piss easy work
very very hard to start your own accounting firm, but like 80% of electricians are in like 3-5 person companies
i could like get a key cutting machine attach it to a bike and be a mobile key cutter
have u looked into small business loans, idk if trump has slashed any of it yet but you can actually get huge loans with very low why the fuck am i forgetting the word
payments u know
The govt actually helps a lot with it
thankfully im canadian but i havent looked into that
realistically id need my drivers license first before starting a business like that
ahhh nice
i need mine too ;w;
my excuse used to be i lived in the big city but i havent for like 6 years now lol
at least in the US in a lot of states it's WAY better rates than anything a bank will give you
for a bunch of reasons tbh, because they know you wont run off with it bc you're like setting down roots, they know youll be able to pay it back because you're setting up something that makes money, and the govt subsidizes it to help the economy
so as long as you have a real plan for the money and can show you can jump thru some hoops getting a name registered and everything, theyll give u a TON of money at pretty low interest rate
i do think we have some sort of things like that here too but ive never really looked into it cause i dont think i could get one lol
i bet you could!! idk im assuming canada is better about this stuff than the us tbh, and the us version even has a bunch of agents who will help u for free if you just call up like "i wanna start a company doing X, no idea what I need, can you give me an outline of what I should do?"
i cant give u any specific links because i only know the us version, but i rly think you should look into it, i think it would be easier than it sounds
nah i just dont have any real credentials or training or anything like that thats why i dont think i could
i mean idk i think you'd be surprised at what they let you get away with
maybe i would be
what am i talking about?
yes you're high
no i dont live in the big city anymore just the regular city
im in oshawa not toronto
tell that to the public transit network
its garbage compared to toronto
you mean the service to one part of the CITY is worse than another part of the CITY yeah i'm not surprised
in a region not to a part of the city
its also an hours drive from toronto its not toronto
fucking worse than new york people istg
ok bumpkin
ur a bumpkin
Je déteste littéralment les citadins parfois. Ils me disent littéralement "oh merde tu habites à 5 minutes ??? bruh c'est littéralment une CULTURE complètement différente" comme si c'était vraiment stupide comme si vous vivez tous au même endroit, putain de merde.
im not saying its a different culture its just a different city
its not a city with a million people
C'est littéralement la même région et les mêmes personnes font semblant de ne pas être de la région. C'est trop bête COPE.
yes its the same region but it doesnt have the same infrastructure the transit is shit thats my main point
i never said anything about culture
its literally a different transit company
idk why ur so pressed abt it
because you people always do this and it's so annoying
all i said was that i didnt ever get my license before cause i lived in toronto which had good transit, compared to here which has bad transit. what am i doing
which implies that you're livin in a TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTALLY DIFFERENT PLACE and it's not just the north side of the city
it totally is
the only thing i was talking about in the first place was transit anyways
and it is a different transit company
im not saying oshawa isnt part of the greater toronto area or like its some small town
i am just saying it's toronto and it's not apart of the greater toronto area it just literally is toronto
ok then ur dumb
same with new jersey it's just new york
oshawa is just a fake
literally 1984
i have to do a group project tomorrow im gonna drop out
lole why just do it :D
cause i hate people...
but i'm in your class
i wish
its also a presentation thing we have to watch a documentary and do a media analysis on it its so cringe
but that sounds so easy
and fun
easy yes fun no
i should just not do it and take the hit to my grade
its only like 15% total of my mark...
why whould wyou wdo wthat
cause i dont wanna interact with people
wbut wits worth w15 wpercent wof wyour wgrade
im not actually gonna im just being whiny
wthat's wfair wi wfeel wyou
what wis wgoing won win wthat wvideo
not a good sign
what wdo wyou wmean
refer to the video
what ware wyou wdoing
watcing youtuibeb
wman wvs wexcavator
woah wthats woffensive
wim worry
woah whow wdid wyou wdo wthat