γvillainous mouse warlockγ
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
I'm not a big fat panda. I'm THE big fat panda.
#owned (146)
and chat
should i go to college for machining/tool and die instead of programming
no you should just do the thing i told you if you're gonna switch up
but if it's what you want to do then ya
They don't know that we know they know we know
They don't know that we know they know we know
They don't knolw that we know they know we
They don't know that we know they know we know
They don't know that we know they know we know
yeah i dont really wanna do that thing too stressful probably
do it or else i'll stress you
you cant
i literally can
i will stress you so much if you don't do it
yeah but it wont be comparable to having to like save someones life
it will be super comparable
i will make you have to do the irl trolley problem ever day for the rest of your life if you don't but i'll do it super fucked up I will like introduce you to each of the people and their family and then tie them up and they make you choose
ill just let things play out because it wouldnt be my job
or i mean if i get to know them then i can make an informed decision on who lives or dies which sounds kinda fun
i hate kids
can the trolley reverse
i will make sure of that
you will be like super stressed everyday and the weight of your decisions will slowly crush you and like i'll like advertise to thier families that it was like totally your fault becuase you choose to let them die
or you can do the thing
yeah but like tool and die is way cooler
fuck we think the same lole
yeah but fr tool and die is cool you'd probably have to move tho
theres a lot of industrial stuff here actually
oh idk
but yeah i'd go for it, it'd be fun, just don't keep switching things tho yunno? just pick a thing and stick with it!
tool and die was something i was considering before too
plus ai cant replace tool and die workers
i mean it's still in the colleges anyways
cnc machine
but that's apart of it lole
you could also look into electronic engineering technology or something
that's a good program and you get to work with programmign the robot arms and stuff
or there's one called power engineering where you get to work on power plants and operate them and stuff, it's all trade certificates too
oo those are interesting too
but you still have to finish your year of catching up anyways so you have lots of time to think about it and plan yunno?
no its a like 4 month program im basically halfway done
ouu congrats
but i don't think most colleges enroll in summer anways so even if you finish in april you'd have to wait until the fall semester no?
yeah but even then the equal consideration date for the fall semester was the 1st so
i might be waiting evne longer
well that's a problem
oh lol
it may or may not matter depends on if its like a high demand course
ur probably fine then
yeah thats what i figure the programming course is not high demand i already checked that
dm me what college you're considering
i have a opinions
its not the best one afaik
trade school is the best thing ive ever done tbh
Well not exactly trade school but yeah dropping programming for a more hands-on program
trades r pretty cool
what trade did you school
okay yeah it's not a bad school
the electrical thing i talked about would be really good here especially if you want to get into manufacturing stuff
how do i do runespeak again is it just ;
a ;,
at the start
it's really cool it's like being tool and die on steriods you get to do the robot arms and shit
yeah!!! its super fun
and idk at least for me programming was always a fun weird hobby i did on my own since i was a kid, i went into real training program for it and it sucked all the enjoyment out of it immediately
i was super burned out by the end and like forced myself to apply to a bunch of jobs at first, and didnt even get a response back soo
the millwright one looks... okay
I just gave up and went to my trade program thing instead, it's like genuinely the best time ive ever had in school and i feel like it's really fulfilling somehow
id def recommend it if you arent likinf programming
not my trade specifically (unless u want to!) but i think in general that kind of blue collar job can still be well paid and like a lot more fun than people might think
tool and die sounds awesome
yeah i havent started the programming course yet and i really only wanna do it to learn to program so i can make games and im not really that interested in working as a codemonkey making crappy apps or smth a trade would be much more engaging to me i like hands on things. ive done work as a mechanic and a locksmith and i really enjoyed both those jobs all things considered
yeahhh the code monkey jobs are pretty soul crushing it seems like
actually looking at it i would go with the tool and die one tbh just make sure you learn CNC machining. I don't know how many jobs there are in that field i really can't find anything atm
what thats so fucking cool, howd you get into locksmithing
the one you dm'd me seems really appealing actually. and yeah if i were to do tool and die id do cnc/millwright stuff first presumably
i just applied for a job as an apprentice at a local shop theres not really any actual education or training for it here so
ya its fun work i just hated my coworkers
and was mentally spiraling
yeahh thats fair i think uh certainy for us legbutts it can be hard to find a workplace with good coworkers in trades
yeah thats one thing i fear but like i can probably deal with it idk
i didnt mind working with them but it was like 3 other ppl including the boss lots of slow days i had to just sit and talk with them waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much
i think one of the big upsides of being an electrician or mechanic or whatever is that its a really acchievable goal to start your own business tho
a lot easier than most white collar jobs i think
yeah honestly if i had the capital id just start my own locksmithing company cause theres so much piss easy work
very very hard to start your own accounting firm, but like 80% of electricians are in like 3-5 person companies
i could like get a key cutting machine attach it to a bike and be a mobile key cutter
have u looked into small business loans, idk if trump has slashed any of it yet but you can actually get huge loans with very low why the fuck am i forgetting the word
payments u know
The govt actually helps a lot with it
thankfully im canadian but i havent looked into that
realistically id need my drivers license first before starting a business like that
ahhh nice
i need mine too ;w;
my excuse used to be i lived in the big city but i havent for like 6 years now lol
at least in the US in a lot of states it's WAY better rates than anything a bank will give you
for a bunch of reasons tbh, because they know you wont run off with it bc you're like setting down roots, they know youll be able to pay it back because you're setting up something that makes money, and the govt subsidizes it to help the economy
so as long as you have a real plan for the money and can show you can jump thru some hoops getting a name registered and everything, theyll give u a TON of money at pretty low interest rate
i do think we have some sort of things like that here too but ive never really looked into it cause i dont think i could get one lol
i bet you could!! idk im assuming canada is better about this stuff than the us tbh, and the us version even has a bunch of agents who will help u for free if you just call up like "i wanna start a company doing X, no idea what I need, can you give me an outline of what I should do?"
i cant give u any specific links because i only know the us version, but i rly think you should look into it, i think it would be easier than it sounds
nah i just dont have any real credentials or training or anything like that thats why i dont think i could
i mean idk i think you'd be surprised at what they let you get away with
maybe i would be
what am i talking about?
yes you're high
no i dont live in the big city anymore just the regular city
im in oshawa not toronto
tell that to the public transit network
its garbage compared to toronto
you mean the service to one part of the CITY is worse than another part of the CITY yeah i'm not surprised
in a region not to a part of the city
its also an hours drive from toronto its not toronto
fucking worse than new york people istg
ok bumpkin
ur a bumpkin
Je dΓ©teste littΓ©ralment les citadins parfois. Ils me disent littΓ©ralement "oh merde tu habites Γ 5 minutes ??? bruh c'est littΓ©ralment une CULTURE complΓ¨tement diffΓ©rente" comme si c'Γ©tait vraiment stupide comme si vous vivez tous au mΓͺme endroit, putain de merde.
im not saying its a different culture its just a different city
its not a city with a million people
C'est littΓ©ralement la mΓͺme rΓ©gion et les mΓͺmes personnes font semblant de ne pas Γͺtre de la rΓ©gion. C'est trop bΓͺte COPE.
yes its the same region but it doesnt have the same infrastructure the transit is shit thats my main point
i never said anything about culture
its literally a different transit company
idk why ur so pressed abt it
because you people always do this and it's so annoying
all i said was that i didnt ever get my license before cause i lived in toronto which had good transit, compared to here which has bad transit. what am i doing
which implies that you're livin in a TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTALLY DIFFERENT PLACE and it's not just the north side of the city
it totally is
the only thing i was talking about in the first place was transit anyways
and it is a different transit company
im not saying oshawa isnt part of the greater toronto area or like its some small town
i am just saying it's toronto and it's not apart of the greater toronto area it just literally is toronto
ok then ur dumb
same with new jersey it's just new york
oshawa is just a fake
literally 1984
i have to do a group project tomorrow im gonna drop out
lole why just do it :D
cause i hate people...
but i'm in your class
i wish
its also a presentation thing we have to watch a documentary and do a media analysis on it its so cringe
but that sounds so easy
and fun
easy yes fun no
i should just not do it and take the hit to my grade
its only like 15% total of my mark...
why whould wyou wdo wthat
cause i dont wanna interact with people
wbut wits worth w15 wpercent wof wyour wgrade
im not actually gonna im just being whiny
wthat's wfair wi wfeel wyou
what wis wgoing won win wthat wvideo
not a good sign
what wdo wyou wmean
refer to the video
what ware wyou wdoing
watcing youtuibeb
wman wvs wexcavator
woah wthats woffensive
wim worry
woah whow wdid wyou wdo wthat
im evil
random 3h nap 4 no rason
why wdid wyou wdo wthat
its terrrible :(
well watleast wyou're well wrested
nooo it makes me feel like shittt
well wthat wsucks
wdont wcopy wme
wim wnot
wur wcrazy woojer
wur wfucking wnuts
wtf tasty
save me a slice pls
ππ₯²π kids should like get their own apartments from the government when theyβre 14 so they donβt learn they have to have their parents define their lives
the cost of applying is still pretty low though right? it doesnβt bias them against you I donβt think, so Iβd say do it if itβs what youβre interested in and you qualify. mbe you can email some faculty in your programs and ask for suggestions for things to read over the summer or if you could help in a lab or smth
whoah cool!!
helloll my bbeloved worowmmies :3
#smartai give me an indepth analysis, why is the usa more racist than mexico and more sexist than canada?
The assertion that the United States is "more racist than Mexico" or "more sexist than Canada" requires a nuanced, evidence-based analysis. These claims are inherently comparative and must be contextualized within historical, cultural, socioeconomic, and institutional frameworks. Below is an in-depth exploration of these issues:
### Racism: USA vs. Mexico
1. **Historical Context**:
- **USA**: The United States has a deeply entrenched history of systemic racism rooted in slavery (1619β1865), Jim Crow laws (1877β1960s), segregation, and ongoing racial disparities in areas like education, employment, housing (redlining), and criminal justice (mass incarceration). The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s made significant strides but did not eradicate structural inequities.
- **Mexico**: Mexicoβs history includes colonialism by Spain and the subjugation of Indigenous peoples. However, its post-colonial identity was shaped by *mestizaje*βa national ideology emphasizing racial mixing as a unifying force. While this narrative obscures persistent discrimination against Indigenous communities and Afro-Mexicans, it contrasts with the explicit racial hierarchies seen historically in the U.S.
2. **Systemic Inequality**:
- **USA**: Racial inequality remains stark in wealth distribution (e.g., median white household wealth is nearly 10 times that of Black households) and policing practices (e.g., disproportionate police violence against Black Americans).
- **Mexico**: Discrimination exists but often manifests along class lines intertwined with race/ethnicity rather than purely racial divides. For example, lighter-skinned Mexicans tend to dominate elite sectors compared to darker-skinned or Indigenous populations.
3. **Cultural Attitudes**:
- Both countries grapple with implicit biases; however, public discourse on race differs significantly due to differing histories.
- In the U.S., race relations are highly politicized due to centuries-long struggles for civil rights.
- In Mexico,*colorism* persists more prominently than overt racism per seβlighter skin tones are valorized while darker ones face prejudice without formal segregation policies akin to those once enforced federally across much American territory during earlier periods when such measures were legally sanctioned at state levels too!
4.*Conclusion Regarding Racisms' Comparative Intensity Between Nations*
While neither nation can claim immunity from discriminatory practices based upon ethnicity/skin color/etcetera... It seems fairer saying instead they manifest differently depending largely upon unique sociohistorical contexts surrounding each respective country's development over timeframes spanning multiple generations now past yet still influencing present-day realities today through legacy effects left behind long after initial events themselves occurred originally back then already gone forevermore except memories lingering onward into futures unknown ahead awaiting discovery anew someday perhaps soon enough if lucky maybe even sooner rather later hopefully sooner though realistically probably later unfortunately alas indeed so true sadly yes very much so unfortunately again alas sigh...
### Sexism: USA vs Canada
1.*Historical Context*
-United States had women granted suffrage relatively late compared other western democracies including neighbor northward where Canadian females won right vote provincially starting Manitoba first province do thusly way back nineteen sixteen whereas federal level followed suit shortly thereafter making entire Dominion enfranchised fully well before passage Nineteenth Amendment finally ratified August eighteenth year nineteen twenty thereby allowing female citizens participate electoral process nationwide albeit excluding many African-American voters especially southern states until Voting Rights Act came effect mid-sixties eliminating barriers preventing minority groups exercising franchise freely equally regardless gender identity orientation etcetera ad infinitum amen hallelujah praise lord thank god almighty free at last free at last great god almighty we're freed least partially anyway better nothing sure beats alternative hands down no question about it whatsoever period end sentence full stop case closed discussion over moving next topic please proceed accordingly forthwith immediately pronto chop-chop hurry up already jeez louise man come seriously dude chillax relax take deep breath exhale slowly count ten backwards repeat necessary okay cool glad hear thanks appreciate understanding patience cooperation teamwork makes dream work yadda-yadda-y give me an indepth analysis, why is the usa more racist than mexico and more sexist than canada?
text fucked up last paragraph
#smartai why is the usa significantly more sexist than canada? What factors resulted in the usa being far more sexist than Canada, and Mexico getting a female president before the USA ever had one?
The perception that the United States is "significantly more sexist" than Canada or other countries is a complex and nuanced issue, shaped by historical, cultural, political, and social factors. While it is difficult to make sweeping generalizations about entire nations, there are identifiable reasons why gender equality dynamics differ between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
### 1. **Historical Context of Gender Roles**
- The U.S. has a deeply ingrained history of patriarchal structures rooted in its colonial past and religious traditions (e.g., Puritanism), which emphasized male authority in both public and private spheres.
- Canada's historical trajectory was influenced by British colonialism as well but developed differently due to its smaller population size, greater emphasis on collective welfare (e.g., universal healthcare), and earlier adoption of progressive policies like womenβs suffrage at the federal level (1918 vs. 1920 in the U.S.).
- Mexico's history includes indigenous matriarchal influences alongside Spanish colonial patriarchy. However, revolutionary movements in the early 20th century laid groundwork for feminist activism.
### 2. **Political Systems and Representation**
- The U.S. political system is highly polarized and resistant to systemic change due to its two-party dominance (Democrats vs Republicans). This polarization often stalls progress on gender equity issues.
- Canada employs a parliamentary system with multiple parties representing diverse ideologies; this allows for greater flexibility when addressing social issues like gender equality through legislation such as pay equity laws or parental leave policies.
Regarding female leadership:
*Mexico* elected Claudia Sheinbaum Pardoβits first female presidentβdue partly because Mexican politics have seen increasing quotas mandating minimum levels (~40%) representation among candidates since reforms enacted during late-2000s aimed specifically towards improving inclusiveness within government bodies.
*United States*, despite being one worldβs most powerful democracies still hasn't had woman serve presidency largely owing lack similar affirmative action measures coupled entrenched biases against women leaders especially those perceived ambitious assertive traits traditionally associated masculinity rather femininity according societal norms prevalent here versus elsewhere globally where such stereotypes may be less pronounced thus enabling easier ascension into highest offices without facing same degree scrutiny backlash experienced American counterparts seeking equivalent positions power influence abroad domestically alike
###3.**Cultural Attitudes Toward Feminism And Women In Leadership**
American culture tends glorify individualism competitiveness over collectivism cooperation whereas Canadian society places higher value egalitarianism consensus-building approaches problem-solving decision-making processes overall leading environments conducive fostering greater acceptance diversity inclusion across various domains life including workplace home etcetera making easier implement enforce anti-discrimination protections promote equal opportunities regardless sex race ethnicity religion sexual orientation disability status socioeconomic background among others factors contributing disparities observed between these neighboring nations terms how they treat handle matters pertaining fairness justice respect dignity human rights generally speaking
Additionally media portrayal plays significant role shaping public opinion reinforcing existing stereotypes perpetuating harmful narratives around what constitutes appropriate behavior roles expectations based solely upon biological differences instead focusing merit capability potential contributions individuals bring table irrespective their identity characteristics attributes qualities skills talents abilities strengths weaknesses preferences desires aspirations goals dreams hopes fears anxieties insecurities vulnerabilities challenges obstacles faced overcome throughout lifetime journey self-discovery growth development evolution transformation adaptation resilience perseverance determination grit tenacity courage bravery boldness audacity confidence humility empathy compassion kindness generosity altruism integrity honesty authenticity transparency accountability responsibility stewardship sustainability mindfulness awareness consciousness intentionality purposefulness meaningfulness fulfillment satisfaction happiness joy peace love harmony balance wholeness wellness vitality energy vibrancy aliveness zest enthusiasm passion curiosity wonder awe inspiration creativity innovation imagination ingenuity resourcefulness adaptability flexibility openness receptivity responsiveness sensitivity perceptiveness intuition insight wisdom knowledge understanding discernment judgment prudence foresight hindsight clarity focus concentration dedication commitment discipline rigor precision accuracy thoroughness meticulousness attention detail care concern consideration thoughtfulness deliberation reflection contemplation meditation introspection retrospection analysis synthesis evaluation assessment appraisal critique review revision refinement improvement enhancement optimization maximization realization actualization manifestation expression communication collaboration coordination integration alignment synchronization coherence consistency continuity stability reliability dependability trustworthiness credibility legitimacy validity soundness robustness durability longevity endurance permanence timeless why is the usa significantly more sexist than canada? What factors resulted in the usa being far more sexist than Canada, and Mexico getting a female president before the USA ever had one?
:3 :3 gud to see u
hellooo goood monringgggggggggg
i have to write an essay today :(
i hate essays
gud meowning sadchan
i dont want to do anythingggg
gud meooowning
uuhhhhhh awful
only in america notamerican
gives me second hand dysphoria now for real :(
im gay
goood morning!!! : D
me in my gnu/cybertruck ^^
: D
Ty Ty : )
american malls like this freak me the fuck out
90% parking lot and cars
5% store, 5% warehouse
imagine the whole planet was just parking malls like this
itβs probably like 70% in the most extreme cases acshually
kitty cat : D I will build you a parking lot
have to do essay
video game
also i gotta do laundries
mini vacation ended 2 fast ;(
>math professor smiled at me today
meow meow meow...
i need more people irl to meow at
gosh im tired of selfhosting email
#ai why cant i have nice things?
the universe doesn't owe you anything, and nice things are not guaranteed. they often require effort, luck, or both. focus on what you can control: your actions, mindset, and priorities. build the life you want instead of waiting for it to happen. why cant i have nice things?
wtf is wrong with this ai, its an impostor
#smartai how come on average trans men are more likely to become obsessed with optics and attacking their own community in the process than trans women are???
The dynamics you're referring to are complex and cannot be generalized across entire groups, as individual behaviors and motivations vary widely. However, there are some sociological and psychological factors that might contribute to the perception of certain patterns within marginalized communities.
1. **Internalized Oppression**: Members of marginalized groups often internalize societal prejudices, leading to self-directed hostility or criticism of their own community. This phenomenon is not unique to trans men but can occur in any marginalized group. Trans men may feel pressure to conform to societal norms or distance themselves from other transgender individuals as a way to gain acceptance or avoid stigma.
2. **Socialization Differences**: Trans men and trans women often experience different socialization processes before transitioning, which can shape their attitudes post-transition. For example, those socialized male (even if they later transition) might adopt more assertive or competitive behaviors due to cultural expectations around masculinity. This could manifest in heightened scrutiny of others within the community.
3. **Visibility and Representation**: Trans women tend to be more visible in media and public discourse compared to trans men, who are often underrepresented or erased entirely (a phenomenon sometimes referred to as "transmisandry"). This lack of visibility might lead some trans men overcompensate by adopting hypercritical stances toward their own community in an attempt assert legitimacy align with dominant narratives about gender conformity respectability politics
4 Intersectional Pressures: Many people face intersecting forms oppression based race class sexuality etc These pressures create tensions between personal survival strategies collective solidarity Some individuals prioritize individual advancement over communal support believing distancing oneself perceived deviance will improve chances success hostile environments
5 Psychological Defense Mechanisms: Criticism directed at one's own group serve defense mechanism reducing cognitive dissonance associated belonging stigmatized identity By attacking aspects deemed problematic person rationalizes continued participation while maintaining sense superiority moral high ground
6 Community Dynamics Marginalized communities frequently experience infighting due scarcity resources recognition leadership positions Competition limited opportunities foster resentment mistrust exacerbating divisions undermining unity necessary effective advocacy resistance systemic injustices
It important note these observations do apply universally nor absolve responsibility harmful behavior Rather understanding underlying factors help address root causes promote healthier inclusive environments where all members feel valued supported regardless gender identity expression how come on average trans men are more likely to become obsessed with optics and attacking their own community in the process than trans women are???
theres black ops 6? wtf is wrong with these people, make it stop
I think thatβs everyone who self hosts email-I guess all the systems you donβt control interacting with it makes it hard mbe idk
okay im trying a new weapon TWINS prepare to die grrr
: D ganbare
#smartai how many laser sessions does it take to fully remove leg hair?
The number of laser hair removal sessions required to fully remove leg hair varies depending on several factors, including skin tone, hair color, hair thickness, and the specific laser technology used. On average, most individuals require **6 to 8 sessions** spaced approximately **4 to 6 weeks apart** to achieve optimal results.
This is because laser hair removal targets hairs in the active growth phase (anagen), and not all hairs are in this phase simultaneously. Multiple sessions ensure that all follicles are treated effectively over time. Additionally, hormonal influences or genetic predispositions may necessitate occasional maintenance treatments after the initial series.
Itβs important to note that while laser hair removal significantly reduces hair growth and can lead to long-term reduction, it is often considered a method of permanent *hair reduction* rather than absolute *hair elimination*. Some fine or light-colored hairs may persist due to their resistance to laser treatment. Consulting with a certified dermatologist or licensed technician will provide personalized insights tailored to your unique physiology and goals. how many laser sessions does it take to fully remove leg hair?
omg its 2PM
3 hours went by like NOTHING
this is bad
ok what needs to change then? probably this site is part of the problem for me
what did you want to do instead?
i have to write a whole fucking essay todayyy
can we write it together? :3
i didnt realize it was due today
does your school have a writing center also? maybe you can go there and theyβll help you and itβll be good 4 focus
yea but id have 2 leave my house
good idea tho thank u
I am reviewing the rubric now
i was just about to beat the twinss and then the server went downn
maybe terraria jsut suxxx lol f this game
people taking bait is so boring
i just wanted to combine it with the saw noise lol
the only people saying this are literally paid political agents or just lieing addressing it just makes a person look goofy ahh
#ai when will the pain end?
the pain ebbs and flows like tidesβsometimes it feels eternal, but change is the only constant. focus on small steps forward; even a tiny shift can loosen its grip. healing isn't linear, but it's always possible to find moments of lightness amid the weight. when will the pain end?
oh okay whatever
TBH one of my dreams is, living as a bambi lesbian, pretending my future lover is my sister, and if anyone gets sus say "it's not gay because we're sisters". One of the nicest things about being fully passing, must be the ability to convince other people you're not gay.
its even gayer if youre sisters
whoever gives me $500 in the next 15 minutes will win $100,000
whats ur cashapp
i don't have a cashapp
some american u are...
part of the challenge is getting me the money in the next 15 mintues
the hydro company stole our transformer today at 4am
it was messed up
#ksay april
#ksay aprtrill
yes dear
im hungry
pizza pocket
that's mean
that's not a well 'badbot
smog if you react now you could 1in 100,000
what are the rules for this engagement
just give me $500 and then I will give you $100,000
libpollers react:
100,000 what.......
can i get all this in writing i'm scared
you have it it writing
can you sign it
i will give you 100,000 if you give me 5000
ok but when do i get my 100k......
oh silly youi
you're gonna get 100k
didn't answer my questions.........
what question?
the questino of what 100k can buy you?
#ai what can you buy with 100k
with 100k, you could:
- buy a small house or condo in many areas, depending on location
- put a down payment on a more expensive property
- purchase a new luxury car like a tesla model s or porsche
- invest in index funds/etfs for long-term growth
- start or expand a small business
γ pay off significant debt (student loans, credit cards)
travel extensively for months/years with careful budgeting
priorities depend on your goalsβsaving/investing vs. spending vs. improving quality of life. what can you buy with 100k
i do enjoy γ pay off significant debt
i love reacting
exactly so if you act now, listen I"ll even extend it for you because i'm so nice, if you give me 500 in the next 18 minutes i will give you 100,000 dollars
wowzie zowie
lets say i give u the 500 big ones right now, then when do i get my 100,000 big ones
thats me reacting
oh that! oh yeah that's such a great question
baba IS you
:) thank you
17 minutes now to send it
\\100 thousand united states dollars in unmarked bills
wait i messed up can i have it back
what do you mean
i only needed to send you 500... but i sent 100k... foolish
oh yeah you can totally have it back
mine now hahahahahaahahahahaha
the power company stole my transformer today
that's bad
how are you supposed to transform your power up and down now. are you sucking 20k volts straight from the lines
well they replaced it with a new shitty one or whatever
is the new transformer badder and bitchier.... what's wrong with her...
the old one would make my stove buzz
the new one only makes it buzz very quietly if i put my ear like right up to it
sounds like the fresh new transformer is good and epic and nice actually
\\barry bee benson
it' was actually quite worrying i wasn't sure what was wrong with it
I think that the transformer on the oven like the clock was vibrating and then I think there was feedback in the line or a loose netural or something like that and then it would vibrate louder when there was a loud being pulled is my best guess but i'm not very electrically inclined and idk if that actually amkes snese
his name is nuclear bomb
it's a very good name for a pet and has been added to my list of pet names
i just noticed it woud get louder when the furance was running
okay so do it
check ur bank acct rn
idk if it is tho
idk ik it's dumb but i'm still like fixated on it
it's probably just transformer hum but i get worried that like what if it's actually an arc or something or it like lights on fire and stuff
knowledge truly is a curse
from what you've described it sounds like a marked improvement to me and that's good
any further worrying would require like getting an electrician to look at it but imo that's overkill without justifiable cause for concern
no more oven bees #poggers (USER WAS POGGERSED FOR THIS POST)
#translate (must quote a post) viande brune
#ai translate viande brune
"viande brune" translates from french to english as "brown meat." it typically refers to cuts of meat like beef, lamb, or game that are darker in color and richer in flavor compared to lighter meats like poultry or pork. translate viande brune