「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
#this (ctrl+F'd for this) when he says run then u run
yeah fr
the most limited resource we have.................. big rip...
rip to those real ones
that was tragic you were right
the people that died stayed in
yeah its like ooooooooooooof
they died an honourable death
<salute emoji>
ok then
#make what it says
windows needs to update its mf emoji so i can get the salute
yeah theres no salute emoji
it just doesn't exist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
windows is a liar
whats it called
is this chinese communist propoganda
no its the truth
i gotta say they are very good at marching
( •̀ .̫ •́ )✧
just realised windows has kaomoji
( ̄o ̄) . z Z( ̄o ̄) . z Z<(^-^)>o(≧∀≦)oo(^▽^)o(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
not a lot but it does have them
it;s got boatloads, check the bottom tabs
ohh ya ur right
┗|`O′|┛(⊙_(⊙_⊙)_⊙)o(><;)ooщ(ʘ╻ʘ)щ<( ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ╮(╯_╰)╭(⊙_◎)♨_♨<@_@>(((φ(◎ロ◎;)φ)))(◎﹏◎)┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
the gang's all here
armies seem to be very very good at marching at the same time but idk how well that translates to fighting
its schizo ramblings hour
>not hunt hendrix
false schizo teachings hissssss
we watched all her videos i think
damn. god needs to speak to her promptly
how do i pause vids on my phone
i don't think you can pause the vid player
.pause ?
its too long
nonners would've had to
ur too long
hunter hunt hendrix would have a 45 minute video that is excellent... this man does not have his energy
what the
.play my life is alife a video game song viral 4k
wtf is this
why did this queue
.play huggbees bacon
damn i can just keep it paused forever? fucked up
oh waitr i didnt see you .play ed it
imagine if she released video game music. it would slap
why did u skip smh
it was the first song i thought of but i never wish to hear it again
ololon laughs at the wicked fr
my biggest twinkhon crush
she's so cool
too christian
dumbest youtube feature is that you cant add a video to watch later if you have the video open
is this real
why is it under "save" tho
because you save to playlist
i neve thought to click on it at all
bad user experience
yeah its a dumb thing having like a + or like add to would be better
Gods are just people too..
oops caps lole
who is amending the axioms of logic?
>I invented a being in my mind whom I can look up to
>help me I am not good enough for her
.play oleg.exe
ever since i started working out I've felt worthier to masturbate to more attractive anime characters - anonymous 4chan poster
i have a theory now
glegle might be a colocolo
#smartai could glegle be a colocolo
No, glegle cannot be a colocolo as they are two distinct and separate species. A colocolo is a wild cat native to South America, while glegle is an animal with unknown origins that has been described as "nonbinary nonspecific". Therefore, it would not be accurate or scientifically correct to equate the two and assign one species to another. It's important to respect the unique characteristics and identities of different animals rather than trying to fit them into predetermined categories. could glegle be a colocolo
oh FUCK okay thank u smartai
.play besties bcnr
lmao so true and based
yes yes so true nonners
how r u ppl doing today
girls with ties
so good
girls with gles
this new bcnr album look so promising omg i love them
i miss him so much tho
#slap #kick
.play bread song live bcnr
#kick #buryomnispin #sidespin
it's over
it's so complicated
it's done
#ksay #fsay #say #dsay #gsay awewewewewewewewew ablbblblblvlvlvl ababanabababababababababanabananabanababnababnabanan
I wish I understood what they're singing
#ksay glegleglegleglegleglegle
chilean black country new road
that's a lot of
what is it
looks like a very old laptop
i want to build a laptop into a briefcase but it won't be able to cool itself :(
laptop in a briefcase with a button that activates nuclear missiles
what if u poke some holes in it
.play eyesore women live
.dont play eyesore women live
why not
idk i'm just being bitchy
why not?
i think it'd be cool to have that actually
work laptop
okay. this is epic
can u play gta san andreas in it
then it loses its mystique. leather is a pretty good insulator so a classic briefcase would be a terrible case for computer components
i think a briefcase with holes in it is more interesting that a briefcase with no holes
i guess so
how do y'all pronounce glegle
i saysay glayglay
but recognise the soverignty of gleegleers
at what age do you decide that 'this is just the person that you are'
what do you mean?
i mean at what point do you accept that youve become the person you were meant to be
late 20's i'd guess
hmm i would have guessed this too
maybe l8r if you're cool
ok child
no like i'm serious i think that never happens
u can be aware of ur flaws when ur kinda grown up but you'll always be trying to change something
i don't think someone could ever accept themselves that way
idk nadie my late 80s grandparents seem to have accepted that theyre not going to change much anymore...
we all have inner conflicts we don't talk about
i think
it's part of being human imo
let's all love glegle
i said maybayyyyy
we're all gonna love glay glayyyyy
real af
I do not love glegle.
glegle will –
you're still descending this is ter–
ible new–
i'm not descending, you're descending
well maybe i'm ascending and you're staying still
#this (omg yes)
it's easy to judge people when you only take a quick surface look at them..
:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:
>implying i dont know my grandparents
i mean no disrespect but i think nobody knows much about anyone
in general
that might be true idk
i sound so
i need to touch grass
I am not implying anything
understand might be a better word
#ksay being dead is kinda gay not gonna lie
i ain;t readin allat
>t. traitor to the revolution
i want the kind of communism where i dont have to work
the revolution will be done by someone else probably, i don't gotta participate
true. let the proles take care of it. material conditions? i just want to grill
>mom got breadpilled again
.play how to spot a communist
how to spot a glegle
always was
#editai change "was" to "has been"
#editai change "capilatist" to "capitalist"
lost in songs of syx once again, never playing this game EVER AGAIN
this game actually looks sick as fuck i can see why you'd lose a million hours in it
i have it wishlisted
.play duran duran - rio
i bought it yesterday after like 17 hours of playing the demo
saw a video on of a guy playing as the elves(dont remember the name in game) and he used humans to take care of research and bureaucracy, dwarves of production, the pig ppl he enslaved to do the menial work and the elves were the army with bows.
tried to replicate and filed miserably lol
fuck I hate how easily people fall into rigid ways of thinking
hi hi lopna
seems very easy to create an opinion and then just stick to it without ever considering you might be wrong (owie owie my ego)
it's easy as hell to run with the first conception you come up with but it sure as fuck doesn't adapt well to the changing world around us
I'm eating a pile of stuff
my favorite
piles are quite nutritious i've heard
my internet isnt good enough to upload a picture :(
is that tofu?
looks nice and tasty
excellent pile tbh
noooooooo its full of soy nooooooooo lmao
soy is good for you??
that looks so healthy and yummy i could never
it is.
as i said before, we are immune to soy
did you know soy has feminising effects?? you need to be careful what you eat!!!!!!
that's kind of a myth lol but I'm not worried about that as a woman lol
(i'm joking i'm being a joker)
nice joke ik :)
i need to finish this game tbhh
remember the words of bieber about never saying that word, u can always achieve
its not as healthy as it looks because I'm having a TALLLLL glass of orange juice with it
200% dv of sugar
juice is good and nice
i can eat healthy foods just like 5 of them so i consist my entire diet of them
ok nvm that's porbbaly not good lol
does the oj in america just come with extra added sugar by default
*depends on the brand and juice we have fake oj that's like "juice cocktail" under fda. but I'm drinking real oj its just all juice is massively sugary even though its good for you it can still give you the beetus
the based intersection of restrictive diet and healthy diet
refreshing liquid juice-like drink*
just chug a little ozempic or whatever and everything's all good i bet (idk how it works)
i kind of want ozempic I'm stuck at bmi because i binge
im pretty skinny but i want to try ozempic just to see what the vibes r like
i want it to kill the visceral fat
i have a big rib cage so ANY fat just projects outwards and makes me want to kms
i feel like i heard metformin and pioglitazone do smth like that but idk i forgot
pio is really untested also everyone reacts different so its not like you can really have any expectations for it on an individual level
i tried it and it made my heart really hurt i had to stop
i kind of want to try metformin but so many "healthy drug " companies bill it as a wonder supplement it makes me skeptical of it
idk much abt it just that those longevity nerds r fans of it
okay i had a healthy lunch
now i can eat candy bars all week 😋😌🤪
yeah that’s what I’ve seen. pure orange juice is like pure sugar cain. it’s still not great in terms of sugar at least. reeaaallly tasty though. sometimes I take concentrated orange juice and make it with even less water than normal 😈
unconcentrating ..... or no overconcentrating? idk but that sounds good
true I wonder what it’s like mentally- apparently it’s supposed to increase self control too? but maybe that’s just cause they aren’t distracted by hungry so for normal eaters it wouldn’t help
>>119793 it is : ) but probably good I haven’t had it in a while. my latest sweet thing has been these fairlife milk drinks. they have artificial sweetener so not much sugar and no lactose and seem good nutritionally but like chocolate milk. can’t say I trust them so so much long term though
nice lil tasty treat................. i tend to not trust anything with artificial sweeteners, even tho they're definitely safe for consumption... i don't want that habit of eating something sweet 24/7/365
like even with coke zero or whatever that is zero sugar zero calories, ur brain still thinks "mmm yummy sugar" and wants more of it and will seek out real sugar too
ain't puttin that in my body if i can help it
why don't people make food that just. doesn't have added sugar or added sweeteners anymore
i'm an adult and don't need to have a little sweetie to eat all my damn dinner
yeah exactly :>
I’m the one on the right bottom looking over lefward
any nons in chat
>no nons in chat
>nons in chat
stop renaming me!
the curse of fluid identity 😔
it's funny how many Germans have essentially introduced glottal stops into the language by saying gendered words' both male and female endings subsequently [Leiter:in]_
might as well just consistently say the female versions then
>dad said he and mom arent going to the local afd event because theyre scared of the counterprotest
its workingggg
you should protest at their house
oh believe me ive tried. it doesnt help. we just dont talk about politics anymore lol
it's all happening now.. connected
what's connected?
the way people influence each other and make decisions
za wired
is it? doesn't that just mean they support the AFD and will vote them into power?
make him say he loves men and his entire career was fleeing from his love of his childhood friend ivan whom he tortured to death while working at the kgb
nice fanfic
yes? but at least the counter-protests are effective in keeping people like my parents and those on the fence away from their meetings
thus hopefully keeping them from gaining new members and further radicalizing the old ones
wtf has happen to my brainworms/????? dafuqqq?!?!? what does libpol mean what hwhatawhat WHAT
you're polish now
were radicalizing
sounds BORING
political violence is never boring
nuh uhh I prefer to stay inside and meow all day