「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
what do u hate abt it?
I hate the way Anglos talk excuse me let me be acceptably discriminatory
not really
it depends
its the language of the empire
it isn't
there's no such thing BUT
meant to say it in a geopolitical sense..
no i know
no idea
who that is
i gotta say i don't like some things about english
familiar but no..
it's a very
spacial language
always playing with the space
"don't let me down" "i'm falling in love" "cheer up"
why is that
what is that
it was very hard for me to catch on that and i still don't quite get it really
spanish is a language of transformations and shifts in that sense
you don't "fall" in love, te "enamoras", like literally meaning love fills up your soul
i am enamored with you
[en] [amor] [as]
if anything you're surrounded by it
amar typically refers to romantic love, querer refers to platonic love, and encantar refers to strong affection for an object or activity.
i'm sad for people who can't differenciate between "querer" and "amar"
cus wym you say "i love you" to your friends AND girlfriend or special one
greeks have even more
Ancient Greek philosophy differentiates main conceptual forms and distinct words for the Modern English word love: agápē, érōs, philía, philautía, storgē, and xenía.
i never say i love you to my friends
i do
in english
when i have to i mean
where's lori
i was aware of some of them but i didn't know there were that many
here, appreciating the beauty of latin languages
well they're called Romance languages for a reason if you catch my drift *pulls collar*
.skip (video skipped)
this video is like
20 years old
flip phones
not yet
youtube was made in april 2005
oh don't be a NERD
watching yt since 2010 is one hell of a memory
it's hard to remember how life was before youtube for zoomies born in 2001 like me
and my account is from 2011. i remember that when i made it it was with google+ (google trying to make a social platform)
i was watching youtube vids when i was like 6-7
i remember life before youtube and i am a zoombling
if you're under 15 you shouldn't have internet access
google+ was SO bad
it was AMAZING how bad it was
remember when they tried to force everybody to make a youtube account?
i thought you were like 20 nadia tbh
but you're actually older than me lmao
oh and it was when google bought yt and u have to make an google+ to use it. gosh i hated it
google+ wasn't until like 2013 i think i remember. they were trying to compete with facebook by making their own social network. before 2009 there were separate google and youtube accounts
i'm old i know..
I think happiness-the subjective experience is deserving of respect, all actions and ideas are deserving of consideration, but few ideas are deserving of respect
we went through the abyss now lets go through another with this album
around 2010 they started to merge google and youtube accounts but you could still sign in using the old pre-google account, then in like 2012 to 2013 they made it mandatory. this is what made people so angry
i love this album so much it's unreal
my first approach to (what i thought it was back then) unconventional music and shit
thats a sample of sade
that soothing and breathy voice i recognize
i think i was like... 10?? first time i heard it
i legit didn't know what was it
completely lost but loved it sm
then like a year after i trooned out learned a tgirl made it
oh that explains..
this was so awful i remember all the youtube channels i used to watch complain about it
cus if u didn't have a google+ account they wouldn't let you do shit
i think there was a point you'd sometimes get a message on your screen that wouldn't let you watch the video or do anything until u had a google+ account
ah yes the Spaniards those wonderful bringers of peace and equality
yeah they forced you to use a google+ account to comment on videos
bob and his tank
high while listening to this song must be a fun trip
☻/ This is bob. Copy and paste him so he can take over youtube.
☻/ This is bob. Copy and paste him so he can take over youtube.
it is
it's a cute combination of nostalgia and
oooooh interesting
well.. idk how to explain it, but when u listen to it high with no lights its so nice
"its your move..."
like u automatically lock in and start focusing on every single thing
do u understand its all in ur head...
fills up is another spacial term ; )
yeah but it's not about the space it's about transformation
that's what matters
that's why the preffix is the only thing that kinda implies that
it’s an insterestung point mm- I will point out that people can remember things when there’s a physical image better, and emotions are all connected to physical sensation, like arousal/depression but ehhh they’re using up/down but thump/eep
yeah i mean u can have a word without its prefix but not with its root
.play eccojams chuck person
>"why the fuck do i need a google+ account to comment on a video?"
this was goated
2011 was the year the entire internet changed for the worse
and now 13 years later we're dealing with consequences
i agree
2020 was another year where it also changed.
lots of monopolies were made by the big techs on the internet at this period
personally it's hard for me to remember how space works in english linguistics
im used to the way spanish works
and i kinda prefer how it does despite the fact i already know a bit of english
i miss the old internet.. when it was alive and shit instead of being whatever it is now
the internet isn't dead it's just not as public as it was before now everything is in private communities
sounds like a landfill
internet is a cesspool
if it wasn't so necessary i wouldn't use it
younger than me :>
ok not OLD old but i'm still not used to not be the youngest person in the room
im younger than you
that's what i mean
fitty men
just friends
i killed fitty men
me when i lie
with ur bare hands?
i forgot i'm selling the guitar my dad gave me when i was 16 as a christmas gift
a guy sent me a message saying he's interested
i lowkey really don't wanna sell it but i need the cash and can't get a job because i'll be travelling in like 3-4 weeks ughhhhh
and i really need to buy some things
damn, selling a gift. but when necessity comes...u gotta do it
i have no money
oh thats my favorite playing
tbf i remember how he was like "you're not even gonna use it much why u want it so badly" and then boom i've been playing guitar for like 7 years already
guitars sucks
least favorite instrument
i love guitars
can't help it
you biased and opinionated source discarded
i'm not biased i just like guitars so much i learnt how to play them
what do you want to do you could do them but not now? I only really use a couple boards and discord
i think i can do everything i could do before but the things that were popular back then had their charm. facebook groups and habbo were goated
i miss when video was not the main form of media on the internet
also hot take but none of these things were as dangerous for kids as discord
habbo hotel
used to play with a cousin of mine. it was fun
facebook groups sucks
facebook groups had their charm back then honestly. i used to like em a lot
me with a jawbone from an ox I think
i could do it with a donkey's jawbone
but i guess not everyone's as skilled as me
skillidi toilet
podcast was actually only audio not video as is nowadays..
cool how often do you play?
i dislike podcasts as well. the ideal method for conveying information densely is still text. i refuse to listen to podcasts
oh some days or weeks i don't play at all but that's cus i can do everything i ever wanted so i kinda finished the game i guess. but today for example i spent all day learning songs of a guy i really fw
>i dislike podcasts as well. the ideal method for conveying information densely is still text...
true true
thinking abt this.... text remains the best source conveying info as u said.
I guess I never used em. sounds like discord servers to me but I dunno. I’m being a contrarian a bit. I somewhat believe you
like. by ear and stuff
nah not the same
because of the ease of fake accounts, moderation, and no voice/video/ease of sending pictures?
yeah pretty much. like worst thing it could happen in habbo hotel was to do roleplay with a guy pretending to be a chick but that's so lame honestly
nadie not be swag challenge impossible
it's not even traumatizing nor anything its just goof cus.. they're literally pixels
>>124299 that’s cool you can do that in a day. I have one but I only learned a few cords but never got the harder ones.
which is weird because it has no intonation or hand gestures or visuals, I guess it has pictures though. and I think you’re right, in part because you can look forward and back and take breaks and take it in at your own pace mbe
oh they're like easy songs, just chords and stuff. strumming's kinda silly and playful tho so that's very cool
This is all the internet is nowadays
i remember making a lot of good friends in facebook groups.. i miss them sm somedays and wonder what's been of them
last time i checked (i'm a stalker) one of them was married. it was so sweet :>
I literally have never used Facebook ever
that sounds like it’s the media sensing ability that’s the problem tbh. kinda sad because it’ll only get more extreme
don't do it. it sucks now. you just had to be there
I mean I made an account but it got deleted because it thinks I'm not human
you missed out
yeah facebook sucks now
Same thing with instagram
no joke
it's a boomer app
no tengo mucho españo quiero practicar mas
I've never used whatsapp
>>124324 apparently it’s end to end encrypted! so literally better than discord. I always thought it was some dumb poor ppl bad version of fancy rich people messengers but it’s e2ee. signal still better.
"i don't have much spanish"?
no conoco? no se, i thought that was an acceptable way to phrase it in spanish idk
It uses the Signal Protocol
if u think abt it. documentaries are fun to watch because it has visual stimulation to keep u entertained but u actually learn the information when u read the text that is explaining in detail abt certain subject
"i don't know" = "no sé"
si sinorita
nadie como nobody
no usar accentos en internet :P
hay que aprender a usar los acentos!!!
because they're important, if you don't use them the change of some words could change
por q
todos mi interacciones de espanol esta en internet, habladoras (?) nativo no usar ellos en internet? o no?
I think most good things do but that’s great! though I doubt it really protects metadata
the meaning*
the meaning of the words could change
spanish is very common in the internet...
because reading makes me engage and do something while documentaries just play. 1-1 tutoring is still probably the very best but who can afford that
pero nobody en internet uses Que neither
They say q mostly
i mean yeah but you are NOT them
but I'm trying to learn properly so i dont seem stiff and weird idk
they do it because they know how to speak fluently
what's the difference between pq and por q
idk is there one?
you tell me
you wanna use them
no se thats why im trying to learn
that's why u gotta learn formal spanish first
that's how i learnt english
first you gotta be able to speak it "the right way" (no such thing really) and then u can start using slang and stuff
it means
tell me what pq means
oh damn
it means
it CAN mean
por que
es lo mismo no???
it can mean
"porque", "por qué" and "porqué", and SOMETIMES it can also mean "por que"
pero todos de estos estan muy similiar no?
yeah but they're not the same at all
can u explain why?
Why = Por que
porque = Because
no ;_;
Porqué = Reason
why = por qué
okay but in my brain "why" is acceptable to use in place of Because, Why, or Reason in english
if someone says i do it why its fun
I understand the meaning
"lo hago porque es divertido"
"i do it cus it's funny"
rules of lenguas estan stupidos
they're not they're necessary
they are fake
"why" = por qué
"because" = porque
[cause of something] = porqué
[preposition] = porque
lo hago pq esta divertido
I do it for what it's fun makes sense to me in english and if someone says it to me in english i understand what they mean and thats all i rly care about crossing cultural boundaries n shit
they're all completely different >>124395
porque por qué por quë porquê pór què aefrsgrtdgnfjekbwhuidfvhbjedfdhbhduscdhbedhudfhvbfdedhudfivhbdedhjdufjbndejfdiudjhbenddhfuvifdhjedbhdfuijhwbjfduivdhjbedjfdvudhjbedwehhdfuvidhjebwdjhdfuvdjhedidfbejdfbedjdfbedwjudfhbwdhsducjfhdbnddjsduhdbndjhsduhfbded
odio odio
ok a good sentence to show it's necessary to understand the difference is
¿por qué no quieres entender el porqué porque y por que son distintas?
But thats like a tongue twister ;_;
who says that
es el mismo en ingles con "Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo"
I mean i know ur right but im just saying my motivation and executive function to learn a full language to fluency formally is just not there, if i can learn slang at least i can communicate a bit in chatrooms and games and thats mostly what i would use it for abyways
it's not just "buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo"
okay that'd be understandable understandable but you'll basically just putting urself in an uncomfortable situation
cus you gotta learn basic grammar to be able to communicate and start using slang
should i just not talk to them then :c
pero tengo un poquito
a bit of what
In Ujishūi Monogatari there is the following story about Takamura that illustrates his wit. One day in the palace of Saga Tennō, someone erected a scroll with the writing "無悪善" (NO EVIL GOODNESS). No one in the palace was able to decipher its meaning. The emperor then ordered Takamura to read it and he responded:
"It will be good if there is no evil (悪無くば善からん, saga nakuba yokaran),"
reading the character for evil (悪, aku) as "Saga" to indicate Saga Tennō. The emperor was incensed at his audacity and proclaimed that because only Takamura was able to read the scroll, he must have been the one who put it up in the first place. However, Takamura pleaded his innocence, saying that he was simply deciphering the meaning of the scroll. The emperor said, "Oh, so you can decipher any writing, can you?" and asked Takamura to read a row of twelve characters for child (子):
Takamura immediately responded:
neko no ko koneko, shishi no ko kojishi (猫の子子猫、獅子の子子獅子),
using the variant readings ne, ko, shi, ji for the character (子). This translates to "the cat's young kitten, the lion's young cub" or with annotations:
"the young of cat (猫, neko), kitten (子猫, koneko) and the young of lion (獅子, shishi), cub (子獅子, kojishi)."
The emperor was amused by Takamura's wit and withdrew the accusation.
en espanol
i mean
you literally didn't put the most important verb in that sentence
which is
to know
But thats true in english too?? like if we're talking about grammar and someone says "i have a bit :c" you know what they mean right? you don't usually repeat the subject of the conversation over and over no?
yeah but not in spanish
oh yeah, in spanish you can skip it, but in that case your sentence wasn't making much sense because, basically, grammar is not something you posess, but something you know. you said "i have a little", not "i know a little"
I walked the dog, oh, where did you walk the dog, i walked the dog to the park
i walked the dog, oh where, the park
should i use conosco then
conozco is not the same as saber
yeah i know how to say more stuff than i know how to spell cause i learned a bunch of this in school
conozco is like, tangible stuff
yea, "yo sé sumar"
ah okay
so if i know an abstract concept its saber?
"yo sé restar"
fuck im so bad at conjugation
entender is to understand
or entender would that be acceptable for something like that
entender un poquito de epanol per no mucho
oh yeah that'd make sense
"entiendo un poco de español, pero no mucho"
yeah entiendo fuck
Conjugation ;_;
you can also say
"puedo entender"
"i can understand"
cus you're conjugating the verb "to can" (poder) so you don't have to do the same with the next one
why is it se no sabo thats really confusing to me
i guess like did/will makes no fucking sense either
or go/went
short explanation: cacophonic
it just sound bad
ah okay makes sense
when is conocer used then
like knowing a person or place or something?
"conoces a ella"
Conoce ella? etc
talking abt a person
"la conoces?"
okay this is a good lesson thank u im procrastinating my work tho so i gotta go actually do that
did they not teach you spanish in school
They did but like a decade ago
i gotta say
it's really cute that you think it'd be "no sabo" because that's a common "mistake" little kids do when they're learning spanish
it's a playful way to say you don't know something, actually
"dónde dejaste las llaves?" (where did u left the keys??)
"ah, no sabo" (ah, no clue)
we all gonna know what you mean but if u say it with a convincing accent we gonna asume you're being silly
ah hehehe
however if u have a foreigner accent we gonna think "aww he's trying his best" or something
my spanish is pretty halting i dont think id be convincing lmao
but my accent is maybe pretty good because one of my spanish teachers made a really big deal out of it but shes from spain spain not mexico
And she was from the region where they lisp some words like on purpose so i lisp some things xd
espanol latinoamerica es el mejor espanol
ohhh like
they do that
no i thought that was using tu instead of vos
but i still do have to stop mid sentence a lot to think of words or just like... use the english word and try to mimic it with my hands and look pleadingly at them like im so sorry ;_;
oh no wait that's seseo
that's not the name either
yeah that's when u use "vos" instead of "tú"
very common in argentina
dont some places not use vosotros at all
most of latin america don't use "vosotros"
its like just nos or ellas or whatever
"nosotros", "ustedes", "tú", "ellos"
instead of
"vosotros", "tú"
nosotros is we and vosotros is basically
important distinction
despite the fact they sound similar
fuck i have a whole ass essay to write in 3 hours
in english not spanish
about what
byebye wormies
byebye anon
buena suerte
gracias <3
y gracias for ayuda me apprender mas
you're welcome !!!
hasta luego
hasta luegooo
my head hurts now imma sleep
cya sistetrs
a mimir
me too