rules1. you must be 18+ to use this site 2. no NSFW/gore 3. no bigotry or slurs 4. if staff don't like your post they may delete it or ban you

sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
::berry pink
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
this is a nice melon πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
melon and juicy are cool words πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰ cool words that you can base ur whole personality off of
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
juicy and sad
what about fruity
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
idk it doesnt hit the same as juicy
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
different connotations
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
I feel like juicy has more connotations with freshness and sweetness than just fruity which also has been used culturall to mean like gay men and stuff too it has connotations
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
ur a glegle
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
ur welcome :)
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
ur also a melon
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
and a worm
multifaceted being
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
we are all multifaceted
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
did u know cutting gems with facets was only invented in the 900s in persia and before that hte entire ancient world preferred polished round gems
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
interesting HUH?
mmm the whole gemstone economy seems crazy fucked in geebnral yeah
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
debeerss with their diamond false scarcity lmaoo
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
if I ever get married we are doing sapphires or amathst or something because 1. its prettier and 2. im not spending made up prices on a ring ill probably lose at some point because adhd lmoaoo
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
im stuck at schooool i want to play terraria nowww :<
oh its gonna be one of those days.
i have to lay down
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
why?? are you sick???
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
#ai draw me an ascii art of a bunny that is sad

here's a simple ascii art of a sad bunny:

(β€’ - β€’)

the ears are down and the face looks a little sad. hope this works!
draw me an ascii art of a bunny that is sad
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
(β€’ - β€’)
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
going on twitch and just looking around was a mistake
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
hehe why
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
you dont like bathtub streams???
idk if i want to repost what i found, but it is worse than a bathtub stream
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
its just like
pretty girl sitting on her chair insulting people in the chat
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
oh lmaoo
"looking for money"
bad things are happening on the terraria server
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
i want to playyy Dx
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
im a gamerrr
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
i want to progress past the first toool cultureee
me too...
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
i have a bunch of paperwork to do today tooo fuckkk ill do it tommorow before i play terraria hehe
id play but i just remembered that i dont have a mouse lol
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
can u get a mouse? there are very cheap oness out there.
i can, i have one at my parents, but im currently not there.
smog (
oh rip terraria is dam impossible without a mouse yeah
do you do this regularly or just at certain times
smog (
first time ever hehe
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
is it going 2 be left open as a dedicated
aaa ok
smog (
yep i'm gonna try and have it 24/7
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
nice :3
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
I use a webhosting service usually when I do it
smog (
i'm raw dogging my mf ip out here
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
>>129109 is nice because its a small service with great staff who respond super quickly and are really knowledgable
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
its a little more usually for a service than something like scalacube but I like because its a little more uhhh
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
like its less "use ur portal" and more "use an FTP client to edit your server files remotely"
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
and the servers have always been very stable and stuff
smog (
i like when they make you use something like ftp, no need to fuck around with weird webclients that are slow as balls
smog (
i like self hosting even tho it's kinda annoying
hello gamers it's me, anon
smog (
holy shit it's anon (bisexual)
smog (
bisexual anon
can u ummm uhhh
shrimp (
thats crazy
yo bisexual anon
are u the real anon...
the hacker anon
shrimp (
im doing my part!
I am the real anonmalous (bismexual)
me irl but gay and male but with the same vibe
3.157% booger!boymodewng
Hallo Fujo, schon, dich zu sehen. Kann ich 300 US Dollar haben. Danke!
3.156% booger!boymodewng
translate what
3.155% booger!boymodewng
translate deez nuts
whatever it is i dont know im not a bilingual
3.154% booger!boymodewng
ohh so you're just racist
no you are
3.153% booger!boymodewng
no you are
ur racisting me for not knowing my words well
3.152% booger!boymodewng
you know your words very well
im not inna closet but i still dont have sex. dont recommend coming out really its pointless and awkward
je drois apprendre moin francais. jai eu des lections en lycee mais jai oblier la majorite
sadmelon πŸ‰πŸ‰( πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
i am anomalous
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
i cannot be explained by science
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
3.149% booger!boymodewng
you said you wanted to learn less french
well in my heart of hearts...
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
i know a frenche wordd
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
Merde Merde Merde Merde Merde Merde Merde Merde Merde Merde Merde Merde Merde Merde Merde Merde Merde Merde Merde Merde Merde Merde Merde Merde Merde Merde
la mot plus important
still seething that they didnt teach us how to swear properly in hs
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
learning a language in school:
first words: pen, library, school bus, hospital
leaning a language from ur friend
first word: shit, fuck, bitch, poo poo, asshole, pussy
true (the latter is superior)
cOnJuGaTe tO Be
me gusta la crema de leche
i like sad things
i want to cut class now but i can't i cut a bunch last week lma
i like sad things
mi lapis es azul
i like sad things
donde esta mi lapiz?
.play donde esta la biblioteca
i like sad things
esta loca en la cabezq
si soy loca
3.147% booger!boymodewng
yeah i know
3.146% booger!boymodewng
no it's your fault you should apologize
la fille plus sympa en france
oh okay im really sorry it wont happen again
3.145% booger!boymodewng
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
im sry if im really annoying u have permission 2 murder me
3.143% booger!boymodewng
are yopu the same person as i like sad things
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
3.142% booger!boymodewng
3.141% booger!boymodewng
3.140% booger!boymodewng
i just like hitting people
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
kinda sickk
(this is why we invaded them btw)
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
french people are so cool (evil, cheats a lot, smokes ciggarettes, alcoholic)
3.138% booger!boymodewng
and i don't smoke
3.137% booger!boymodewng
and i don't drink
i do all of those things except cheating
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
you should all those things make you really cool
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
wtf idk why this screenshot of a streetcar named desire has a deviantart watermark on it lmao
why would a street car be named desiree
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
#ai why was the streetcare named desire?

the title "a streetcar named desire" comes from the play's themes and setting. it's set in new orleans, where blanche dubois, the protagonist, arrives by taking a streetcar with that name. "desire" symbolizes her longing for love, escape from her past, and pursuit of an idealized life. the streetcar itself is a metaphor for how desire can lead to destruction when unchecked, as seen in blanche's tragic decline throughout the story. tennessee williams chose it to reflect the tension between reality and illusion at the heart of the play.
why was the streetcare named desire?
#ai why was the streetcar really named desire? wrong answers only

because it had a deep, unrequited love for stop signs and kept running them, desperate to get their attention. desire also secretly wanted to be a subway but settled for just being dramatic on tracks instead.
why was the streetcar really named desire? wrong answers only
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
not bad AI you get a stay of execution
.play le fishe ten hours
le bisexuale
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
le vie de bisexuale
hey smog i think you owe me 1k btw lol
smog (
dm me the gossip.......
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
also DM because im nozy and boredd
3.136% booger!boymodewng
also dm me too
oh I think we read that in class :< sad story
n I hope u get some good rest Lori. I’m a little tired I think I have enough to work but if I can’t I’ll do my best to just lie down and close my eyes
even just lyin down with your eyes closed in a dark room is a nice time + good rest for the bod
yeah exactly I think it’s important when I’m too tired not to just disassociate and go β€˜ahhhh I’m failing might as well browse the web I’ll bet to it later I’m just trying to escape’ an d instead go β€˜I need to rest now’
that's the evil stinky pull of internet................... feeling like getting to sleep is taking too long so just browsing ur phone... can't sleep when you'#re lookin at a phone!!
I haet the evil stinky pull of the internet >:( yeh exactly you know what’s up smog
i find it good to listen to podcasts or nice vids when i get like that, helps to let brain wind down while eyes stay shut
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
All sadposters on this site are me if you post under the trademarked Sad Enjoyer theme or any of its diriviti
oooooh that’s interesting I don’t like podcasts I feel like it’s too much or too little and get bored with it but sometimes I do ok with light reading
i am a proud member of Sad Enjoyer #tmβ„’ corp and always pay my union dues
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
wtf my page refreshed and it didnt post everythingi typed wtff now im sad
being sad is on brand though this is great for marketing
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
i was going to say

you will be sued into oblivion and then shot.
reading is good also yeah yeahyeah, chillin and not looking @ a bright screen......
I get to be big sad??? I’m so happy!! aw darn- oh great we’re so back-ah darn it
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
3.135% booger!boymodewng
wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait what the fuck hi can't type anything what the fuck is going on wait
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
what if you are reading hourws and hours of textbook chapters you put off for 2 weeks and are catching upp
that is not conducive to sleep i think
that’s much better than not reading them good job mbe u can read them more later and better in the future if you have a schedule or smth
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
sleep is a curse set upon us by solumnibus the dreamer
big post pushing the rest up.... powerful.... strong aura
it's a very nice and tasty curse that feels nice to rest in and helps ur brain store memories for later
shrimp (
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
they say that man is made out of mud
we all work every day until we die so might as well take it sleazu
me when the government wants to suppress my forbidden knowledge
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
#botsay Some people say a man is made outta mud
A poor man's made outta muscle and blood
Muscle and blood and skin and bones
A mind that's a-weak and a back that's strong
You load 16 tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt
St. Peter, don't you call me 'cause I can't go
I owe my soul to the company store
3.132% booger!boymodewng
.play mein vater ist ein appenzeller
3.131% booger!boymodewng
3.130% booger!boymodewng
.skip (video skipped)
this man got some pipes
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
.play [YouTube]
tremble before this absolute unit
3.129% booger!boymodewng
#ksay vuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
he';s yodelling in the third dimension
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
3.125% booger!boymodewng
3.124% booger!boymodewng
3.123% booger!boymodewng
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
3.122% booger!boymodewng
sad none of these are working
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
.search the dramatic mammal thing
  1. 1.
  2. 2.
  3. 3.
  4. 4.
  5. 5.
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
.play Original The Dramatic Chipmunk Original
3.120% booger!boymodewng
can't you just do this?
3.118% booger!boymodewng
3.117% booger!boymodewng
3.116% booger!boymodewng
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
#catbounce >^β€’-β€’^< #catbounce /ᐠ. .ᐟ\ Ⳋ #catbounce >^β€’-β€’^< #catbounce #catbounce >^β€’-β€’^< #catbounce #catbounce >^β€’-β€’^< #catbounce >^β€’-β€’^<
#fish 🐟 #fish 🐟 #fish 🐟 #fish 𓆛 #fish 🐟 #fish 🐟 #fish 🐟 #fish 🐟
#cat >^β€’-β€’^<
shrimp (
i DONT care
the old hug n slap
.play sean connery on slapping women
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
you know its possible that they are completely post scarcity and just really bad at AI and programming. After all, technology evolves to fill a need. The Peruvians invented the wheel but the Iriquois did not. Central Europe learned to do crop rotation because of poor soil quality and the mesopotamian river basin did not because the soil was constantly replenished.

If you can just have your all dead people combined into a hivemind infinity circuit power all your technology why invent AI? They literally have an almost limitless amount of ghosts to stick into any given piece of technology to make it sentient. Post scarcity means they live in a society that has access to an endless supply of every economic input, from uranium to wheat. They have unlimited creative potential. It says nothing about what outputs they have with said unlimited inputs.
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
that's a lot of digits
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
what is a mischannel? maybe im old lol. mischan means you sent it to the wrong place. old mmos had chat channels and you might post something in like the general channel instead of sending a PM
πŸ‰sad_anomaly πŸ‰(vote for
it means u posted something in the wrong place
3.114% booger!boymodewng
you looked up?????
3.113% booger!boymodewng
don't do that you might hurt your eyes, the sun is really bright
work it
3.107% booger!boymodewng
(copyright 2025 booger incorporated any unathorized useage of this phrase is illegal pursant to US code 624.1.3 and will be prosecuted)
good thing i have an excellent lawyer
sad report of the week fits very well with emo rock
its a quiz for: you!
i gotta remove the password....
3.105% booger!boymodewng
shrimp (
server crashed..........
ur too quick to slap ppl...
shrimp (
3.102% booger!boymodewng
i'm literally just an innocent lil boymoder, like i don't even do anything and you just attack me unjustly..
na-bee-eh (nadie)
today i learnt glegle is the last morrowind player in the planet
shrimp (
na-bee-eh (nadie)
silly glegle it's 2025 not 2023
shrimp (
theyre stuck in the past..
na-bee-eh (nadie)
...many such cases
3.101% booger!boymodewng
so are you
anon## admin
do you all prefer typing on mobile now. i made it better i think
anon## admin
or at least made it better for some mobile browsers
3.100% booger!boymodewng
i am not on mobile
ow what the fuck why did you slap me
na-bee-eh (nadie)
ur not boymodewng
i literally am
i’m on mobile now
na-bee-eh (nadie)
oh my bad
3.099% booger!boymodewng
na-bee-eh (nadie)
u know what you did.
3.098% booger!boymodewng
what the fuck
3.097% booger!boymodewng
what did i
typing on mobile
i cant really tell a difference tbh, what changed? >>129351
omg we got a toggle for enter behavior yes I like this change very much :3
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ai is glegle this website's mascot

glegle is a friendly, nonspecific animal mascot often associated with positivity and approachability. it embodies a cute, inclusive vibe that resonates with many users. its nonbinary nature also reflects inclusivity and openness, which aligns well with the ethos of fostering connection and shared ideas.
is glegle this website's mascot
3.093% booger!boymodewng
why did you slap me I literally didn't even do anything to you ever and you'rej ust attacking me unjustly and out of nowhere
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
it just seemed like a fun thing 2 do
you can slap me back also it's allowed
na-bee-eh (nadie)
ur not a guy
a little being
a being of great whimsey and mischief
na-bee-eh (nadie)
like glegle
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
once you pop
na-bee-eh (nadie)
the fun don't stop
na-bee-eh (nadie)
trip on
na-bee-eh (nadie)
did she stutter
shrimp (
its a thingy
shrimp (
na-bee-eh (nadie)
does that answer ur question
shrimp (
its an attempt
i like sad things
nah he wants to kissss youuuu
shrimp (
thats not being silly theyre down bad
na-bee-eh (nadie)
we broke up months ago
3.088% booger!boymodewng
i like sad things
he wants to kiss youuuuuu
3.086% booger!boymodewng
dats a very accurate picture
na-bee-eh (nadie)
omg this is adorable
shrimp (
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i love them sm
shrimp (
booker is so tsundere
i like sad things
do you to kiss him or is it an ex you wish would stop messaging u
3.084% booger!boymodewng
tank you
shrimp (
