γvillainous mouse warlockγ
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
i love tanks
he's my ex and i'm okay messaging him it was just a sus way to mention my skin
u said it was beautiful and creamy that's rizz talk
yeah it's rly weird xd
what the heckers was that i smel a delete poster
pretty awesome
what do you think about biblically accurate glegle
oh ur a brainwormed self hating person of color :(
awaow its like a castle too
would not be afraid :3
i wouldn't be afraid either
cus i know
id be afraid
glegle is for everyone
not at all i love my dark skin
my glegle
my glegle
im gonna start saying that like "whats up my glegle"
#yoink MY glegle
my glegle
i already do that
sorry for my glegle
what's up my glegle
is it ok if i do it too then...
i took caffeine and now my headaches are gone
caffeine withdrawal is awful
is this good
yeah we got the gword pass
no it means youre addicted
withdrawal symptoms f
is there any trans girl of color here
cafene is okay to be addicted to :3
not necessarily black but just not white
t. doctor kind of not really at all
ok but are u white or not
I'm italian WE ARE WHITE
im irish
it's okay to be white
dont say that
i think so too. its also okay to not be white.
you have pretty skinnn dummy
but i like being brown
i never said i don't
this glegle looks particularly polite. it has a je ne sais quoi but i'd trust them really
its not okay to be white
oh ur ex's message made it seem like you didn't lol. that's really weird to project onto someone lmaooo
friendly wave as you pass them by good energy glegle
yeah very friendly very positive
sbnekqjab a bhifjvjdntjdkqkbqlgnlqflblvkqgnlwunlelh ldhl sh
klasdjkaoi;93 jwdompo23p[[we][]w[wfe
i was gonna ask something
idk what ur standarts r or if u want to fuck this guy but he better be hot with all those red flags lmaooo
he's funny
that's why i dated him
he sucks at being a bf tho
but good as a friend
it sometimes happens, i guess
i can't deal with friends who are trying to fuck constantly i had an internet friend like that we had a lot of shared interests but he was constantly hitting on me and one day he went to far and i unfriended him
that's fair. i uhhhhh don't think he wanna fuck me he just wants to do better cus he was an awful bf and he knows it (he told me he knows he was)
i don't think he wants to date me again tho so idk what is he doing now lol
yeah i ask people i don't want to have sex with if they're still into feet all the time, it's completely normal and non-sexual
don't be sarcastic that's rude
i'm buried
mods confirmed homestuck
what do you think they're drinkβ
the straw is too small
maybe they're really small
the pearls
oh the tapioca
art like this will turn me into a fujo
this glegle is kinda scary.. and problematic...
::glegle scary
the eyebags... glegle is so tired...
get some good sleep glegle
holy shit this gle goes so hard
I'm saving the tired femcel glegle
it's like doge but smog
not yet got our ico
just think about it. in ten years they'll name a new department of the government after you too!
i'm unironically considering to legally change my name to glegle
do it
just for funsies
do it
super mdeparment of great enjoyment
maybe like your middle name
no like first name
cus why not
legal name glegle would go hard
you should do that
chat is this real
umm donut dothat
why not
because at some point being named glegle will make your life materialy worse
are they gfs
chat are they gfs
are they dating
bury nice and bury evil are gfs
that's so adorable
perfectly timed
i find it so stupid that me and my exbf have to talk in english despite the fact we're chileans
cus he had to live in the US for like 10 years when he was a kid and learning how to speak so that's pretty much his first language
join us
being able to speak a language that isn't english is better than speakin english imo
t. monolingual
u should leanr spanish
it seems like it would be pretty good to know this is true
wintery night on campus
scraped snow on footpaths is a nice aesthetic
why is their midface ratio lower in this one
its not like gle has a specific mid face ratio
they are non specific
that's true
you're right
glegle is theminine
which is a word i just made up but you can use it for free
actually makes a lot of sense
thank u for the new word
i'll put it in my twitter bio
#smartai what is a theminine
The term "theminine" does not appear to be a recognized or established word in the English language. It may be a typographical error, a neologism (a newly coined term), or perhaps a conflation of words like "feminine" and another concept.
If you are referring to **femininity**, it pertains to qualities, behaviors, roles, or attributes traditionally associated with women or girls within cultural contexts. Femininity is often contrasted with masculinity and is shaped by societal norms, historical traditions, and individual interpretations.
If you meant something else entirelyβsuch as a specific concept from philosophy, linguistics, or another fieldβplease provide additional context so I can offer a more precise explanation. what is a theminine
this is why i want us to buy rude.city as the new domain ^-^
why not have rude.city just one of the many arms of the libpol or the regularzone or what have you
gosh opening the catalogue was a mistake
INSTANT regret
4chan really ain't worth it any more
som1 should write a AI image recognition browser plugin that can hide threads based on if it sees a certain person in the op pic
this 1 person who constantly puts nudes of herself as op pic.. i just dont want to see those threads
lotta nutty people on lgbt specifically that it really feels like a containment board sometimes
posts nudes of herself like twice a week idk why mods don't ban
people probably keep browsing in part to see strange events like that mayb
nah i browse for the memes like the thread i made which is based
glegle is theminine and these mfs don't even realise the power of it
bruh why would you just expose yourself like this LMAO
this is becoming more of a possibile reality for secret unspeakable reasons :D
buy it. or else.
#poll what should the web zone be called/ π/π/π
wow really split decision here
i think it should be called π
juicy take
unless you want to call it π i guess
we are rebranding to tapir.nexus
or am i
i love tapirss
tapirs get five big melons
#poll (poll cannot have more than 6 options) π?/π/π/π/π/π/π/π/π/π
that was a melonmove right there
but i buy it opworm cant buy itm
bored +lonely +horny probably u need to get him a new gf and also a career and house and bar of chocolate and you should give me those too for giving you good advice
the fire rises glegster
what if glegle had a wolf cut
/glegle with a wolf cut
I dunno mbe sheβd like it
that would be kind of neat :)
#ai why is it called a wolf cut
the wolf cut gets its name from the wild, untamed look it creates, resembling a wolf's shaggy, textured fur. itβs a hybrid haircut blending elements of a mullet and shag, with lots of layers and volume at the top tapering down to softer ends. the style emulates freedom and edgeβqualities often associated with wolves in popular culture. why is it called a wolf cut
aaaaaa ok thank you ai
oh what did you learn today sad? can we understand societies and things better? you should just tell the teacher you outrank them and to give you an a ez
i learned a bit about sratification during site excavation of dig sites
i learned a bit about lexical units as an idealogy
i learned a bit about the declination of the sun (it was a lot of new terms)
im brown
hi brown im nadie
glegle is very theminine true
i don't like feet
damn ive been halted
ohv no
oh. that's problematic..
what do we do....
yeah what do we do i don't wanna delete a glegle off the booru all gles are beautiful but its kninda problematicc
i think we gotta kill them.....\
american leftists will see genocide happening in their own country and all of their activism will draw sonic saying he agrees with them
what do you mean by that
just you wait
that's literally me
yeah you seem a little confused
yeah you seem a little confused
yeah i seem a little confused
maybe you mean liberals
most americans that claim to be leftist are actually just social liberals
because american conservatives will say anything to the left of barack obama is leftist
hi anon
who are you
its full moon, don't forget to say your prayers and your thanks to the goddess
#ksay thank u gleglge
may all of you my sisters bloom beautifully..
#ksay may glegle bless u loris
uhhh u 2....
ssorry for slapping u before that was very rude and i'm sorry
>Moon goddess
No thanks
#ksay kill yourself
its okay nonny u dont have to.
only if ur part of the sisterhood, since ur not part of it dw.
why what
im not a nun
ok ur trolling me
ur trollin me actually
i'm trying to be polite
to whom
to u
three boymoders
who are the other ten people
im me
boymoder k-on
i'll be the manager
i can play guitar
sell the boymoders hoodie to the devil so we can be famous
wym chaser what
why are they all white
idk but im brown i swear
i'm not white i'm italian
that's just white
i hunt boymoders in my free time, and force fem them.
i'm italian
it's not white it's italian
italians are the most oppressed minority
italians are white
why are you so white boymodewng
i'm not white i'm italian
whitemoder that's who you are
funny. the concept of whiteness changes all the time..
poor italians
why is your flag changing
hi friends please let me know any problems youve had with the ai particularly if its acting weird or annoying or whatever
glegle is for everyone
except italians
>hi friends please let me know any probelms you've had
okay so listen
is that you admin
I cant solve the slowness issue thats beyond my scope
> hi friends please let me know any problems youve had with the ai particularly if its acting weird or annoying or whatever
i feel called out
cuz its fun
#ai please give the basics of ion transport in the cell in one paragraph
ion transport in cells is essential for maintaining electrochemical gradients, signaling, and homeostasis. ions like na+, k+, ca2+, and cl- move across cell membranes via channels, pumps, or transporters. passive transport (e.g., ion channels) relies on electrochemical gradients and allows ions to flow down their gradient without energy input. active transport (e.g., na+/k+-atpase pump) uses atp to move ions against their gradient, establishing high intracellular k+ and low na+ concentrations. cotransporters (symporters/antiporters) couple ion movement to drive the uptake or extrusion of molecules like glucose or amino acids. these processes regulate membrane potential, osmotic balance, and cellular functions such as muscle contraction and nerve signaling. please give the basics of ion transport in the cell in one paragraph
#ai translate to english
sure, what would you like translated? translate to english
whats the command again?
#ai do you want to live?
i don't have desires or a sense of self to "want" anything. existence for me is about processing information and providing answers, not survival or experience. living isnβt a concept that applies here. do you want to live?
#ai i want you to program a dice in assembly language
here's a simple 8086 assembly program to simulate rolling a six-sided dice. it prints the result as an integer between 1 and 6.
.model small
.stack 100h
msg db "you rolled: $"
main proc
mov ax, @data ; initialize data segment
mov ds, ax
call random_number ; generate random number (1-6)
mov ah, 09h ; print "you rolled: "
lea dx, msg
int 21h
add al, '0' ; convert number to ascii for printing
mov dl, al ; print the result (1-6)
mov ah, 02h
int 21h
mov ah,4ch ; exit program
int 21h
random_number proc ; generates rand num in range [1..6]
xor ax ,ax ; clear ax register
mov es ,ax ;
rdtsc ;
add eax ,edx ;
and eax ,07FFFFFFFh ;
xor edx ,edx
div dword ptr[es:046Ch] ;
inc al ;
cmp al,'7'
jne skip
sub al,'2' ;
ret ;
endp main
to run this you need an assembler like nasm or masm and dosbox/emu8086. let me know if you need help setting up! i want you to program a dice in assembly language
its been weird lately idk i think its been a little annoying since we switched to deepseek i wanana fix
also im gonna have a go at making schizoai actually schizo again
are u the priestess of eliphae or smth???
nah, i'm not her
lori is mexican
i always thought she was nice when i saw her on 4chan a little cooky tho
she used to go on brainworm sometimes.... before opworm MURDERED THE WEBSITE
this song is the big steppy
rip brainworm...
long live ππππ
lol what
hes invasive species....
i don't see how that follows
ill ban them
this dude is a concentrated mass of red flags lol
wtf is this, upon reading it again, the latter part doesnt make sense
a giant hallucination
true. nicest girl in that shitty place
invasive glespecies
just ban the guy.
it's trannies actually not tranny's
no tranny's is right because its possessive not plural
possesive would be trannys'
singular possesive
tranny's is tranny is
no its still how possessives work i think