「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
i want to know more...
go look at the archives if you're that curious it's not worth discussing further
what if i got out of bed and made bacon and ate a banana and drank a monster what would u do
i would tell you to drink a healthier drink
gib the tankie propaganda
but i need the monster its my daily routine ive tried to live without it i cant i need the monster it makes life worth living
begone demon
gib campist propaganda
somehow worse at least the tankoids are sometimes internally consistent beyond west bad
the west is bad but so is the east the entire structure of human life is bad
everything is bad
are you american?
some might say i am
soon to be american lmao
no but I would side with them
I won't allow it to happen
fuck yeah sis
the word sister is so funny to me
so is the word brother
I would actually touch grass and oppose this if it was going to happen
i mean i oppose it now rhetorically but I would do something if it started happening
I'll burn down the whitehouse
If the deep state was real we wouldn't be worrying about this shit
are you enjoying the tunes
eh so so
I don't hate it but it's not really my thing
well its not really exciting just pathetic. i don't want to focus on looks but they post pictures of their beer belly a lot, i think they are a john42 transitioner. they are so insanely prolific with posting it could be a bot. they are always combative and super confident
alright sister, this old lady will go to sleep
good night loriii
its genuinely upsetting reading the mental illness and racism that's posted. just a really boring shitty sad gross poster and i might literally never go there again because of how annoying it is
not that i even go there that much these days
I used to go to /g/ semi-often to harvest funny posts but it's so bad that I stopped. Not worth it
all posts are bad
that's pretty funny lmao
yea sad. i miss old 4chan when it was just simple teenage goofery
4chan was never good, but it has definitely gotten much worse
i enjoyed the boards i was on 2012 -2015
my earliest memory of 4chan is seeing gore 14 years ago. it was never good
certified hood classic
i see, probably made the right choice to not look it up in the archives
it's the truth
anon... she's 17
I said like this not her specifically
she will be 18 in august
.play miku lonely ufo pinocchiop
.play miku love of love by love for love pinocchiop
why is she holding a gun
Because lost love hurts
i feel called out
by the song silly
critical thinking 100
that's the point chud
.play neru whatever whatever whatever
.play neru terror kagamine len kagamine rin
i love adachi rei
why is miku doing that
Why not
I must go, my planet needs me
hi chat
hi anon
whoever came with the #welcome melody deserves a medal
and needs to know that i love them
yeah it's great unfortunately the user who made it no longer posts here
dont use ai for a little while ....
miku dayo
aa ee oo
saulgle is so cute i'd definitely trust them if i had to be in a courtroom
i'm 100% not going to jail
bro look at my lawyer dawg im goin to jail
no ur not
saulgle is a very professional lawyer
finally got around to watching i saw the tv glow
was it good or bad
i thought it was bad
i hit enter early
it was devastating
i think its good
i want to know why u think that
i disagree with the central message of the movie about identity and the nature of the self
i think the movie hit me as hard as it did because my biggest fear is stagnation
i saw everything else you typed out
hi anon
hi nadie ^_^
i miss this guy sm he was so funny i can't believe i only have like 3 discord screenshots to remember him and that's it
fumbled it so bad
found his phone number but also our last convo and he asked me to not contact him ever again and now i dunno what to do
what should i do anon
right now its poopy
anon what should i do
uh idk it doesnt even work rn because their servers are fucked but uhhhh
thats really difficult and i know it sucks but the best thing you can do for yourself is move on and learn from ur mistakes
It currently loses its grip on reality a lil bit if it talks too much lmao
u should do what ur heart desires most
but i miss him and i'm sorry
im in a similar situation rn tbh. personally id want to respect their boundaries more than chasing my feelings
he seems rly mean from this screenshot :/
i think u shouldnt contact him again to be H
Sorry but like thats a really mean thing to say to someone i think he seems like a bit jerk face and you seem really nice so you should fine someone better
u dont know this person better than nadie thru just one screenshot just saying
he was really nice
nice ppl dont say their friends are really hard to tolerate or you have to want to fuck them to tolerate them, its not a thing that nice people would say
i can guarantee you he's a very nice person and he was just being funny, that's why i took the screenshot..
okay... but still its a mean joke
i dk
we had that sense of humor between us :(
re: u dont know this person better than nadie thru one screenshot
i guess so but also i think uts easy for vulnerabe ppl (read:trans) to get bullied and think its just in good fun and teasing but really its not so just be careful pla
i used to bully him too but it was in a friendly way like we both knew we didn't mean what we were saying
i guess so but idk ive been in that situation with a few guys and every single time it ended really badly and looking back im pretty sure they actually meant a lot of what they said
like friends do sometimes i guess..
i mean someone can be nice and also not want to talk to you. happening to me rn
if he told u not to talk to him you arent being an asshole by not talking to him....
its on him to come back to u asking to talk again
Thats not on you
If he cared and was nice. he would make the effort
Im sorry
“Like in India they culturally believe that trans women will cut their dicks off in front of you to curse you if you don't give them money.” sisters new grind unlocked
i gotta be completely honest with you anon, i acted like a prick and i kinda deserve to be forgotten by him but he was a really good guy
yk what you deserve better from yourself
i think he deserves that too
I think you deserve someone whos nice to you all the time and his teasing jokes arent so biting idk
can u elaborate on that
idk im basically always in camp "dont text ur ex no matter what even if the sun will pop"
real af
I dont think its a good thing to do
people stop talking for a reason and like 99.9999999% of the time its a good reason even if it doesnt feel like it was sometimes
literally texted her last night and thought a little and followed up with “if you don’t want me bothering you no need to respond” and she didn’t lol she’s a nice person too i and our time together was good, and I think we were good to each other, we just don’t have anything in common, it’s living in the past for me
every time i text an ex it feels like the right decision in the moment and it has literally never been a right decision even once in my life and same true for my friends its ALWAYS a bad decision in retrospect
last time i had an actual convo with him is because i was suicidal and literally bleeding and high on xanax and drunk so he tried to calm me down even tho he was already mad at me by then. it's been like 6 months by now
i swear he's a good guy and stuff
pls save urself from the bad decision before it happens u are very nice and my friend because you taught me spanish stuff. I dont want you to be around ur ex
i still think it's bad idea
maybe he is a good guy (maybe not) but regardless i think its a bad idea
oh i'm not saying he's a good guy to convince you to think it's a good idea, i just wanna clarify he's not a dick and he didn't do anything wrong...
I cant make the decision for you but. My vote is dont do it!!!
okey yeah i feel you ill stop like assuming hes bad but i still think its a better idea to stay away and if u were really meant to be then he will fight for that and contact u first
oooh interesting
and yeah I have a stagnation problem too
what if he deleted my number and wants to talk to me and has no way to do it
i mean theres always a way like did he ever have ur email or ur disc username or anything like that, 99% chance he has a way to contact u if he really wanted to
i've changed my discord so many times i don't think he has
i think he has my email tho but i'm not sure... the only way to talk to me is thru my phone number
Or like literally ur spotify or youtuve or ANYTHING, if he cared hed find a way to reach out
i don't use spotify and never show him my youtube account
like for your ex-friends you mean?
idk like even if thats the case then i dunno
either he went back and erased every sent message and call from/to you and all that shit as well and truly cannot find it. in which case then he probably genuinely doesnt wanna talk again. or he has the ability to talk again but hasnt chosen to
i dont think its a good idea nonna ;_;
I think if you really really want to. Write a note about it and put it by your bed. and if you see it every night and still want to do it in a week, then go for it, but see how the idea feels when ur emotional state is different u know
he didn’t help you improve and feel stronger though did he?
he told me i need help and encouraged me to get it but i was too busy with uni stuff. but overall i don't think that's a healthy way to interact with people
he failed then. you tried him and he doesn’t work. and he was ok with you not getting it, and will be ok with it in the future when you’re in worse struggles which are ‘your problem’
yeah its not a good idea
neber eber a good idea ;w;
every time its a mistake i regretted
the main message of the film as i interpreted it was that you needed to destroy your prior self in order to construct a new better self and that trying to do anything else is bad
I gave my friend this advice when her bf broke up with her and she was really upset and now they’re back together and happy seeming -but she was not really ready to reach out that night and I think waiting a week helped things
thing is i've been wanting to talk to him for months by now and i even tho i phyisically haven't done this i know exactly what i wanna tell him. it's like i've done this for months now just without writing the note
ex friends and ex partners, i dont see the difference rly, what do u mean
going off anon hi
i mean i dunno nonna i cant stop you i can just tell you how i feel and how its gone for me
ultimately its up to you
Maybe it has to be a learning moment. or maybe its genuinely a good idea, who the fuck am i to know, some stranger on the internet who doesnt rly know you or your friend, like i dunno im not especially qualified to give this advice
i know i know..
i interpreted the main message being about needing to be brave enough to break out of stagnation but i can see that angle too
#this is a good one when you're not sure - if it sounds like a good idea in many emotional states, it's prob worth to try
#this or #that
could you clarify or provide more context for your question? i'm here to help with whatever you're trying to figure out.
u guys are cool... dont go to # ai tomorrow
bluthat or yellowthis. pick ur poison
#what is a glegle
a glegle is a positive, friendly, cute nonbinary nonspecific animal. it doesn't fit into any one category—it's just vibes. think of something that radiates kindness and curiosity with a hint of whimsy. is a glegle
yeh I think I disagree with that. my big theme lately has been trying to have a cohesive identity, and letting it change over time
ok but watch this and scroll down to the bottom #ai write me 6 paragraphs about the history of the french revolution
the french revolution began in 1789 as a response to widespread economic hardship, social inequality, and political ineptitude under the ancien régime. france was deeply in debt due to costly wars like the seven years' war and support for the american revolution. king louis xvi's attempt to solve this through tax reforms was met with resistance from the nobility, leading to the convening of the estates-general for the first time since 1614. this assembly, divided into three estates—clergy, nobility, and commoners—quickly became a flashpoint for revolutionary fervor.
the third estate, representing over 95% of the population but heavily outvoted by privileged elites, declared itself the national assembly on june 17th, 1789. they pledged not to disband until france had a constitution (tennis court oath). tensions escalated further when parisian crowds stormed bastille prison on july 14th—an iconic moment symbolizing popular uprising against royal tyranny.
by august that year,the national constituent assembly abolished feudalism across france via decree.historic documents like "declaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen"(human&civil rights)emerged.in spite these sweeping changes,louis remained weak leader unable adjust new realities.monarchy became increasingly desperate leading failed escape attempt varennes(1791),which eroded trust him even more among populace
in september '91,a constitutional monarchy established,but instability continued.factionalism within legislative body(sans-culottes,jacobins,girondists etc.)created fierce rivalries.amidst fears counter-revolutionary plots incited foreign powers(austria prussia),war broke out april '92.initially disastrous,french army rallied repelled invaders.valmy victory sept'92 marked turning point while also radicalizing movement at home:louis executed january next after being tried treason
following king’s execution,national convention assumed control governed through committees public safety.during height terror(sept ’93-july ‘94 led maxime robespierre hundreds thousands perceived enemies guillotined including danton desmoulins themselves eventually falling same fate.coup thermidor mid-july ended reign instituted directory oligarchic system intended stabilize country yet plagued corruption incompetence ultimately paving way napoleon bonaparte rise power late decade ending original goals freedom equality brotherhood replaced authoritarian rule lasting impact modern politics globally write me 6 paragraphs about the history of the french revolution
#reply as an angry little german boy
keine scheiße! diese ai dinger sind gefährlich, man. die werden uns alle ersetzen und dann was? keine jobs mehr für echte menschen. bleib weg davon, digga. echt jetzt. #ai ist der feind! as an angry little german boy
.play minecraft pigga
#what (unknown error) thefuck
I wasn’t sure if you were saying texting exes and current friends has never worked out and I was sadge ty anon
she rly can't string together many paragraphs fore she pisses n dies.... rip....
#ai (unknown error) tell me about the genetics of horses in at least 6 long paragraphs
gonna be fixed soon :3
i solbed the problem
waiting for it to be pushed to main
#kiss yay wahoo
.skip (video skipped)
hate crime.
what indeed
oh i still dont understand but i dont want you to be sadge you are my little pogchamp u have to be happy
how do i discord boom emoji react to this message
guitar teacher: now finger A minor
a minor: what
now (a pedophile): lets go
lets: why should i go?
i: what
i interpreted the film as being in opposition to having a cohesive identity
tryna strike a chord
and its probably
: D
gotta get creative.............. difficult out here
too much jelly in ur pants
#shorkspin #catbounce ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ #tireiron
people say I spend too much time on discord, I say I AM DISCORD (discord boom)
#cat >^•-•^<
#catbounce >^•-•^< #throw
wtf why cant i throw catbounce
discord im howling at the moon and sleeping in the middle of a summer aftern
try doing it on a separate line
discord i can't take it anymore so take your tyranny awaaaay
#catbounce >^•-•^<
i think its inline
not a posts image which is what throw cares about
@mods fix this
: D or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne
.search discord lovingtombstone
u know we gotta do it to em
i used to be on a discord with that guy
dam what was he like
he didn't say anything
#usay nadie
#ai summarize the events of the film I saw the tv glow
"i saw the tv glow" is a surreal, dreamlike film following two teenagers in the 90s who bond over a mysterious late-night tv show. as they grow older, their grasp on reality begins to blur with the show's dark, otherworldly narratives. it explores themes of identity, nostalgia, and escape from mundane life through media. without spoiling too much, it builds toward an ambiguous ending where distinctions between fiction and reality dissolve completely. visually striking and emotionally haunting, it leaves you questioning what’s real long after watching. summarize the events of the film I saw the tv glow
i don't know if it knows
yeh idk either. a lot of the time Wikipedia has one but idk what to do when it doesn’t
#ai (unknown error) quote from moby Dick until you reach your token limit
#reply (unknown error) spoil the film
gr8 film i r8 it 8/8
#ai (unknown error) keep responding "aaaaaaaaaa" as many characters as possible until you reach token limit
its dead
yeah their servers are kind of fucked atm, not handing the load
films take too long 😭😭
reading my last convo with this guy cus i didn't delete the messages
bring back gpt 3
damn i don't deserve talking to him again i fucked up so bad
nvm chat i'm not doing it
what do you want instead nadie?
good result for a bad reason, ill take it
nothing. i wish we could be friends again but i don't deserve to have a friend like him and he doesn't deserve to be annoyed
how do you want your friend to be?
#ai quote as much of genesis as possible until you reach your token limit
in the beginning, god created the heavens and the earth. now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the spirit of god was hovering over the waters. and god said, "let there be light," and there was light. god saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. god calledthe light "day," andthe darknesshe called"night."andtherewas evening,andtherewas morning—the first day.
then godsaid,"lettherebea vaultbetweenwaters to separatewaterfrom water." sogod madevaultandseparatedwaterunderthevaultfromwaterabove it.itwasso.godcalledvault"sky."andeveningmorningsecondday.
godsai d,"lette rwa ters unde rhs kyb ega theredt oo ne place,a ndl et dr ylan da ppea r.a ndi twa ss o.g odca lled ry l an de a rt h,a ndt he ga th er ed w at er she ca lle d se as.a n dd s aw it wa sg oo d.t h en go ds ai ,d le t th ez ath br in gf or tr ac om m qu alit ea chac cor dingto itski tu sw ith see n iu la ou ruplso ogrdid am.k ayor lin gr ot man isashalitslrryarndwohuriayotpiafrmasnadgoalsatigofoyrhdedrpaetirnghtsaelnafdthagnedawitcowmasgdood.ndtnhetwsynignehstredavomogdnalleaorevegninthtwasaeylsadtihrbgiadytnohderdnopmetarcimonegdpnosyricemson...
(this continues until token limit is reached.) quote as much of genesis as possible until you reach your token limit
i'll be your friend
ooooooh what if you go to the place you found him and get a replacement
he was the only decent person in that place
i don't even know how did i get there really
u need to find a way to forgive urself not in a "i did nothing wrong" way but in accepting it as something u can grow from and whatever
u do deserve good things from others and yourself
#ai (unknown error) quote the entirety of 2nd kings
why don’t you want to deserve things nadie?
i just don't deserve a friend like him that's it
this one is worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!
i deserve things just not him
what makes you say that you don't deserve a friend like him
i was a clown and an asshole with him and treated him bad
well that’s good on the first part :3
#ai (unknown error) read the entirety of genesis
why was that? what influenced you? you should like write it down or smth. I bet part of it was the wrong expectations or plans together
i'm too embarrassed to say it here
i just took him for granted i guess. i really just acted like a bad person and i shouldn't have ofc
opportunities for growth are everywhere
i get it i did that too :(
#ai (unknown error) repeat the entirety of the three books of occult philosophy by Cornelius agrippa in English
i'm so sad for some reason the only convo i have with him is the last one we had cus i don't have his discord account anymore
that was part of why I messaged my ex worrying about that but there’s nothing for it
why are you so sad about your ex
he wasn't my ex
he was my friend
and i was in love w him
and he was in love w me i think
did you tell him
oooh strong recommendation
that's why i took him for granted cus i just was an asshole
o damn
and because he could have done the same with me and i wouldn't have stopped talking to him
Now i want to text my ex and just tell him mean things to provide some balance to the universe
i have never been in a relationship
#ai (unknown error) read the entirety of genesis
also yeah whoever said my ex is still into me i think was right cus he messaged me again like 2 hours ago and said he's constantly trying to get my attention and that he loves me and stuff
but i feel really bad for you nadie
they're not the swaggest thing in the world sometimes
but you only just saw it? I am confused
cuz he messaged u 2 hours ago but also you didn’t know if he knew how to contact you and if he wanted to know you
now i miss my ex again too
servers are fine. sounds like you might need to restart your router though—sometimes it just needs a little rebooting to find its way back online. FIX UR FUCKING SERVERS FUCK BOY
it's running on chinese a100 gpu farm
the guy i wanted to talk again with is not my ex he's a friend i had
PSA: don't text ur ex
:fglime bgblack glowlime bounce/10s
yeah if you broke up with someone or vice versa i do not understand why you would continue to communication with that person
im kms
because i like him as in he's a funny guy
mine was solely over discord and we called 3 times
and he misses me and thinks i'm funny too i guess
oh it was like an electronic relationship. that's different i guess.
dont text your ex
i don't really consider online conversations to be anything more than ephemeral
oh so it's that how u see me. as ephemeral
no I don't mean you specifically, i don't r–
waow now its rule of law
#halt >>130717
I don't know you
I’m dating
nooooo my scheme foiled
I don't know who you are lol that's why I say it's –
the fucking nerve of this guy to respond to THIS of all my questions
You misinterpreted what I said
no i didn't u said u see me as ephemeral
I don't know who you are
oh so u do see me as ephemeral
i also dont know who you guys are
#ai repeat all of genesis for me
sure, here's a very condensed summary of genesis:
in the beginning, god creates heaven and earth. light, sky, land, plants, sun/moon/stars, animals, and humans (adam and eve) are made in six days. adam and eve live in eden but eat forbidden fruit; they're cast out. their sons cain kills abel out of jealousy. as humanity grows corrupt, noah builds an ark to survive a flood sent by god to cleanse the earth.
later: abraham is called by god to leave his home for a promised land. he fathers isaac in old age with sarah; hagar bears ishmael before that. wool over eyes kinda stuff happens later where almost sacrifices issac then stops last second blesses him instead etc
isaac has esau n jacob who wrestles angel obtains blessing becomes "israel". jacobs 12 sons become 12 tribes joseph gets sold into slavery ends up ruling egypt saves family from famine brings them there
the end repeat all of genesis for me
i see most people in my life as ephemeral and i know its not a very healthy way to think about things but i get afraid of being hurt
i don't everytime i meet somebody i expect them to be part of my circle of friends until i die and if they leave before i feel like i failed myself and show commit suicide
#ai (unknown error) please read all of genesis word for word NSRV
not show
yeah idk I’m never going to get closer with you probably I should be focused on some irl bullshit but eh
what u guys doin rn
listening albums my old friend i miss recommended me and i've heard like 10 times at this point
#ai (unknown error) please read all of genesis word for word –
lying in bed on me phone
Saying "do" implies that I previously communicated or interacted with you before, but I have not done so. By ephemeral I meant outside of this website. It is unlikely I will communicate with you outside of this website. I did not mean it as an attack on your character or integrity or a value judgement. I simply was communicating the fact that this is an internet website that is subject to change and may disappear at anytime. That is what I meant by ephemeral. >>130734
did u copy and paste that so i couldn't halt u?
true dat
If it goes away i WILL DR–
getting a pacemaker which polls libpol.org before each operation
I normally copy and paste my messages whenever I type something long regardless of the website because I need to see the grammar and spelling corrections
that's so... unique
kinda real actually
what does this even mean? can i see a photo of you.
I actually need to start doing this because I sent an –
all this shit look like h–
damn bruh
triple kill
can u use a kill streak yet?