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aight aight i'll take a baight (bite)
the number one word to keep in mind is clusterfuck
outside of that

first of all clear boundaries need to be drawn
holy cities n shit need to be shared
ethnic and religious groups must be treated equally and with respect
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there are some other problems
firstly there has been shitty enforcement by the UN on some previous acts on palenstein and for better or worse (worse), israel has decided to take enforcement into their own hands

which then sucks
because israel also has an itchy trigger finger when it comes to ethnic genocide n shit; and then palenstein kinda falls short in that the hamas are basically a terrorist organization. They have a couple of good points, but when they executed some hostages it kinda fucked up relations some more
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a badass thing would be if UN got involved (properly) and just turned israel into a major religious tourist destination,
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but this itself wont work because no offense, but religions are kinda crazy and are verrrry possesive abt their holy cities
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anyways thats my uneducated two cents but if u have extra things to enlighten me with pls do
very good idea bad people always arise in times of conflict
yeah religions are part of the problem for real. it’s like trying to broker peace in Europe based on having a bunch of ethnic nation states. they’re always going to want to fight
i probably should make sure i never buy stock in a company which does evil stuff but it's so hard to keep track or trust someone to tell me where to send my money.

do you think a good definition for exploit is leaving people worse than they otherwise would be? because i do support people with money playing poor people to do things for them so long as the poor are getting richer. like i doubt you could go to congo and get any benefit out of trying to pay them 100,000 dollars per year because there's not much most of them can do that's worth that, but i think what usually happens is they get peanuts and their government and environment are made worse and they never get better

like the American colonies and Singapore and Japan did the working for cheap and then getting rich and it worked out. i assume it has something to do with flows of capital and foreign ownership but idk. probably companies should have to be owned fairly locally, but I know that’s tough. I would also say they should be kept small, but I think Japan was fairly centralized when they got better. they still didn’t have monopolies though I don’t think.
