「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
i'll be honest i don't know why this car insurance company stole the churchill vibe and made him a dog that says oh yes, but u gotta admit it worked
so tempted to argue in favor of wikipedia rn
opuuugh yeahs
do it
what did they do
just my prefessor is clearly doing his best to not use wikipedia and hes brought up like 10 different encyclopedias that keep just giving him the definition of colonialism but he just wants a referenccable summary of colonialism (which is exactly what you get with wikipedia lol)
umm anyone can edit it therefore it's always wrong 100% of the time
tbh i just use wikipedia and steal its sources when i want to source something
the trick to using wikipedia is instead of citing wikipedia you just cite the sources wikipedia cited lol
great minds think alike
so hes bopping around like actual research websites that are giving him entire books but he wants simple things for the class but if you want simple USE FUCKING WIKIPEDIA REEEE lmao
if u just want simple stuff then wikipedia is literally ideal
if you want like solid referenceable probably-not-fake facts then yeah use books or whatever
well if he is going to have us use our college credentials to login to research websites, which is a good skill to teach to a 100 level class, he should just teach us to log in to actual books and just take a single line that we need
you dont need to read a 300 page book on colonialism to extract a quote to serve your point in a 100 level essay lmao
log into book?
yea this lol
father how do i log into the book
yea a lot of research DBs at the university level have all the books digitized but you can only access them if u login with college credentials
ou makes sense
its actually insanely horrible like paywalling the sum of human knowledge is so fucking *E(HGINJDHGS:FAJHJKL
pay 1500 for full access to this study on estrogen effects in a 50-54 cohort 10 year study
id pay
i hat the future, remember liberries???
libraries r smelly
I got the get look at all these 4s wow so many in a row please check them mx. oracle #oracle () feb 20 2025 2:51pm -5 est meow
fuck shit i wanted the quint fours
#check (checked)
#check (no repeating digits)
two gles
double gle all the way
now we're fucking gaming
we got the posts centered
we got the whole stack wigglin
we got TWO glegles
oh yeah oh yeah
if only the glegles wiggled....
sadly that would have to be done in js i think cause background images can't have css animations done to em
you could make a little js guy wiggle their positions around but it'd look a little weird
why does wiggling the stack also make the topbar disappear
it like undoes a bunch of stuff
oh no
oh yes :)
yeah i guess it just fucks with something that causes the bar to stay where youre scrolled
all the hover stuff breaks too like on images and post quotes
so funkalicious
lmao i dont see that
it's my (You) >:)
can i have it
its digging time
me over complicating my essay again
20 page poem and i want to right about class and history
i can't just right a synopsis for an easy A
TWENTY page poem?????????????
i like poetry but that's a long ass poem
i mean the Canterbury tales as a whole is like 100+ pages iirc
are you gonna write the next canterbury tales about class and history cause i'd read that
no lol you can't right the next Canterbury tales because all knowledge is digitized now
chaucer literally popularized English in England, before that French and Latin where used for everything scholarly
i'm going to skeet the next canterbury tales then
and future scholars will have to log into my fediverse in order to read it on the ETH blockchain
inb4 quaser pulse deletes all digital info on earth
sadchan i hate to be the one to tell u this but a quasar pulse just deleted all digital information on earth :(
thats fucked yp
came back and this is how its like
the worm turns
wish i was home playing terraria....
i want to get smog and shrimp and earmite and FORCE them to have fun
logged on just bc of this
holy shit the spawn base got revamped
what the FR*CK is going on today
we're centrists now
Every time i log in the board looks more fucked
good fucked or bad fucked ?
i dnt even know
it's a crazy world out there u never know what's around the corner
what do you think of this guy wormies he seems kind of based but its too memey and ironic to tell i dunno
Seems genuinely leftist maybe but also i wouldnt be THAT surprised if he ended up being cryptofash or something
also his most recent vid on china
gattsu seems pretty based
ive watched a some of his vids he doesnt seem like a crypto fash
id probably say hes like liberal-left
ye he seems cool ive just been betrayed too many times before 😔
i feel u on that
i just extended the road
sry shrimp i had to take down the big rainbow pp
can someone who knows worm wizardry also center justify the text in posts :D
Or even better do the one where it makes all the lines start and end in the same place by fucking with the kerning every line :DDDD
we need to be ultimate centrists
i made a teleporter 2 the underground farming area
we need to beat twinsss I'll be home in an hour. i don't think magic is very good for that fight
3:35 in this vid made me laugh like fuck
magic is always the answer
there are so many afk farms you've been busty
yeaaaa I've been all alonee
undersnow, corruption, hollow, jungle and marble all in those two farms. you just replace the block of pearlstone with the relavent biome material
i might try medusas head for my next surely attemp
hmm should I skip my anth lectgure for 2day
I could go home rn. i like this profs lectures but the exam is all based on the readings....
and he takes no attendancces....
also i could get halal street meat
wormies, ive come to the realization the fash try to like, get rid of us approximately every 30 years or so, why do you think extreme transphobia is so cylical???
transphobia kind of new
oh yeah i remember unless you like chanced upon a specific documentary or something, you were likely to only ever hear of like drag queens... im not like, debasing or shit talking drag queens i am just saying they were the only thing it seemed everyone knew existed... also feels like, whatever point people found out more things than just drag queens existed ie trans people, the transphobia grew massively in just about a year
most people didn't know trans existed before the 60s
a lot of the rhetoric was literally WOW THEY BECAME A WOMAN, there was no ywnbaw and only totally dedicated transexuals even made the attempt
not that they didn't get hate but he institutions were pretty pro tranny if horribly confused and having terrible language. but it was no worse than shit like people at the exact same time in history literally hadn't described the g spot in medical literature and thought women had no sex drive that was a purely male quality
i am the m
i am
why is it in the middle i hate this
middle hdhdhsklal as f
welcome you are boojgler in the middle
finals week or my final week stay tuned
this is aweful
like change it back plz
holy shit
why is everything centered
opworm is taking us on a glorious journey. join us at the dawn of a new she
what if i meowed at u
what would u do....
why do you hate change............
malcom in the middle
to nyattle! nyaa!!!
i skipped my lecture hehehe I have skipped 3/7 im evill
why the hell is my thread in the middle
it's fucking awful
change it back now or I will actually stop coming until it's changed in protest
may i open the chest of old shit?
feels so wrong to have the posts on the left side
glegle take the shot
oh no
they see too much
forbidden eldritch knowledge gle
ty 4 playing with me it was fun :3
of course sadchan u rly spiced up the world with all those builds n farms n shit
we shall kill more bosses tomorrow
aye aye captain
i wish I had unicorn... maybe I should fix the hallow farm....
nazis like actual nazis were also super homophobic and transphobic
their first book burnings were like lgbt positive medical texts iirc
oh ya they thot us trans would like, cause the germanic race to go extinct something like that
and there was a big wave of homophobia in the 70s ish as a backlash to the gay rights movement
so it is kind of cyclical but yeah it always crops up as a reaction to lgbt rights getting advanced
They are reactionaries after all
to be fair every alphabet letter in 1930s germany, ig unless you were a downlow white cis lesbian maybe
yep that was the main first thing they called cultural marxism besides literal marxism iirc
idk like wwii history that much it's the one area i rly dont care much about
dawn of time to like 1800 i know a lot
everything after that idc or know a lot
i should probably care more but its too close to home, it's a lot less fun when it's like "oh yeah my grandma experienced that
probs not a thing you like thinking about esp when theres the possibility of a repeat
lot easier to take "50% of that population was wiped out, this big army slaughtered that big army" when it's like a bunch of guys who just figured out that bronze is better than copper
im rly scared about what is coming to be socially acceptable how much the overton window changed massively, so many things i thought would be... considered way too far
yep :(
i never thought i would see talk of invading canada or them going after under 19 trans care notice under 19 not under 18, and the attack on roe versus wade
idk tho if you look at the stats on younger generations its super super hopeful
basically everyone whos under 30 and at least 1 minority group or woman is like 80:20 blue to red
i also thought like it would never become socially acceptable to so openly be a white supremacist again
canada would be an instant and intractible quagmire I think. they arent quite as armed as the us but they do have a decent number of guns and a fucking LOT of trees and cabins in the woods
yeah canada is between the usa and rjussia and like tbh bot the usa and russia have their own unique type of fascism, and lately both types of fascists like each other a lot
infantry are dogshit in modern war. have u seen ukraine? drones would wipe out all the canadians with confederate flags and pick up truck sin a weeek :(
they also have me. i will personally deter the US army
im not saying canada would win im saying the US would be spending $50 to every looney or whatever they call their money over there
oh well
more like 50000 but ye
I mean we havent won a war since wwii and thats because every single war weve fought since then has been against a bunch of poor rural people in their home territory
And it turns out its really fucking expensive and difficult to win those wars
we annihlated iraq, but there is a difference between an occupation and a war. we occupied vietnam until we decided not to. we didnt lose a war, its not even cope.
i think the bigger problem of invading canada is how the rest of the world will react
no dont get me wrong those countries lost too. Korea and vietnam and afghanistan and iraq will never be the same, they were extremely crippled by all that going on. But we were spending money like 99:1 against them
like we're a part of nato
we occupied afghanistan for 20 years until we decided not to. that is not losing a war.
afghanistan pretty much only benefited from foreign interference but yea the other ones i agree on
that is definitely cope, we spent a fucking zillion dollars there and they are still sinocentric we didnt get what we want except "capitalism" but even china is more capitalist than communist atp
there was literally no reason to to Iraq other than chainey and bush are evil subhumans. there was no goal. we achieved our goal of blowing up the country for no reason for saudi arabia.
we definitely lost afghanistan we spend SOOOOOO much money
money isnt real???? its literally not a real thing
like oh no monopoly money the number in my infinite money checking account went down oh nooo. its not a "loss" in the sense that those were the security objectives set by government at the time, and the military more or less achieved them. its not the militaries job to mind control all 88 million people in X 2nd or 3rd world country to be americans.
sort of, but sort of not. Look at russia and ukraine. Russia definitely "won" but their entire military is crippled now, they exhausted all their resources on it, thats exactly what the us wanted
In truth both of them lost
Putin wanted literal 36 hour in and out
instead they used like 2/3 of all their munitions
russia has not one
it literally cant take kiev and has part of its own territory occupied
thats what i mean
there is literally no war america has been in since WWII we couldnt take the enemy capital whenever we wanted or did.
But they're getting territory from the deal, ukraine is not, thats kinda what winning means, it's just a phyrric victory
they arent really getting territory if they lose. its still an undecided conflict tho
"another victory like that and we will be lost"
europe is thankfully going all in on backing ukraine, bless
i meannnnnnn they rly arent tbh
If they were going all in ukraine would have been nato BEFORE the war
oh american news agencies might be coping by I saw many articles that said EU approves largest ever aid deal to ukraine
Everyone is using ukraine to do two things: testing new weapons, and draining russias budget, both without risking their own citizens, they really dont care about the outcome as long as ukraine still exists and its basically guaranteed it will
exactly, canadas main thing is soft power, and the closest thign they have to a superpower is that they are the usas much more kind gentle charismatic sister nation
i feel like this is messed up. we always say that like all countries are acting 100% rationally and literally NEVER do anything for morally or human driven reasons. its like how economics assumes every economic participant is a rational actor. I think many countries are ideologically and ethically commited to ukraine its not just some cope of illuminati v illuminati all the time. it is a lot of the time but its definitely cutting the human element out of human history
They actually want ukraine to be semi in russias fold because ukraine existing as a more democratic, more free society that is still culturally very similar to russia, right next door, sows dissidence in russia
god i wish i was born in the kinder gentler northern sister nation of the usa aka canada
I guess im just more cynical than that, idk
i think they are being mostly rational actors but their ultimate goals are not ethical
But in the context of their goals using ukraine to fight a proxy war against russia is hugely beneficial
Its the same "poor home country defenders guerilla resistance is vastly cheaper than organized invasion" thing. Nato gets to pump money into ukraine and every dollar they spend is 50 or a hundred out of russias pocket. And they dont actually have the obligation to go to proper war over it, because ukraine is not and never will be nato
ukraine isnt doing guerilla resistence at all though. its straight up modern total war, with battle lines and shifting moment to moment. offensives and counter offensives. its a very equal battlefield that so far has heavily favored ukraine.
If they go to actual war itll stop being 50:1 russian:ukranian expenses
So it's less effective at crippling russia per dollar spent
all this bs just makes me miss 2015 which was somehow 10 years ago... im only 21 and it feels like time is going way faster than it should already
i do think the moral thing to do would be making ukraine nato and actually fucking defending them, dont get me wrong. I'm def on your side with what *should* be done, I'm just very very cynical about what they are actually doing in practice
god yes 2015 was such a sweet sweet year, from like 2000 to 2015 life seemed to b getting better and better, then idk what the hell happened like we crossed a parallel dimension into hell
yeah def doesnt feel like only 10 years for sure, i think its partly the negative part of the internet making bad things like fascism grow faster
but going back to canada yeah we could take like toronto or something and completely fuck up canada for the next few centuries but it would be a MASSIVE drain on our resources
well, our best president ever, FDR, was elected after one of our worst and most fascistic presidents ever
And the younger generations are way further left than weve ever seen before, and all the republicans are old as fuck and dying off slowly
yes our demographic will shift a bit to the right as we age, but still, this same age group even in the hippy 60s was not as overall socialist
the younger gens shift right when joe rogan tells them to and back when reddit freaks out lol, there is no actual belief in anything
I genuinely think things will go a lot better, it just might take a few decades
I dont think thats true.
#smartai who is the president before fdr and in what ways was he heavily fascistic?
The president immediately before Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) was Herbert Hoover, who served from 1929 to 1933. Hoover's presidency is often associated with the onset of the Great Depression, a period of severe economic downturn that began shortly after he took office.
To address your question about fascism: Herbert Hoover was not fascistic in any meaningful sense. Fascism is a far-right authoritarian political ideology characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. While Hoover's policies during the Great Depression were controversial and sometimes criticized for being insufficient or overly conservative, they did not align with fascist principles.
Hoover believed in limited government intervention in the economy and initially relied on voluntary cooperation between businesses and local governments to address economic issues—a stark contrast to the centralized control typical of fascist regimes. His administration did eventually implement some federal programs, such as the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), which provided loans to banks and industries, but these measures were still rooted in capitalist principles rather than authoritarian state control.
Critics might argue that certain aspects of his response to labor unrest or his handling of protests like the Bonus Army march could be seen as heavy-handed or repressive. However, these actions do not equate to fascism; they reflect more traditional approaches to maintaining public order during periods of crisis.
In summary, while Herbert Hoover’s presidency faced significant challenges and criticisms related to his handling of economic crises, labeling him as "heavily fascistic" would be historically inaccurate given his adherence to democratic governance structures throughout his tenure despite immense pressures from both domestic discontentment abroad due largely because World War I had left many nations economically unstable leading up until this point when things finally reached breaking points across various sectors worldwide including agriculture manufacturing trade etcetera all contributing factors towards creating perfect storm conditions necessary triggering events culminating ultimately into what we now know today simply referred collectively under umbrella term known commonly among historians scholars alike simply called 'Great Depression'. who is the president before fdr and in what ways was he heavily fascistic?
smartai will waffle at calling him a fascist but yeah hoover
i think i saw something yesterday about metal ear solid one of the earlier ones talking about a specific president being infamously racist and trying to remember the details now, if i saw what i thought i did
hoover was one of our worst pres. and fdr was no question our best ever
Things can change very fast especially if the current regime fucks things up and thats already happening, look at the price of eggs and all the plane crashes and just handing taiwan to china on a silver platter, we're shooting ourself in the foot over and over and over with no intention of stopping
and the DoD chair is an incompetent alcoholic
Who went to his own confirmation drunk
If things collapse under trump (and it really looks like they will) then it's actually super good for our political movement long term.
herbert hoover seems like a george bush style president in that he fucked up things pretty badly but just due to being super conservative
Definitely bad for us as citizens short term though
it literally is an all out war
its straight up modern warfare
i mean so was korea, so was vietnam
ukraine with all its backing is a peer adversary
Ukraine is still spending pennies to every russian dollar
thats the whole point for nato imo, all the reward and none of the risk
Trickle in guns forever and let russia keep wasting resources while protecting all the actual nato citizens so they dont start rioting
trump is deffo fucked because he will mess up the economy with tariffs that he will absolutely implement eventually, and even if he didn't do that then key economic indicators show a recession coming anyways
yeah thats another huge shot to our feet lmao
Exactly 0 fucking point to do any of it except twitter ego trips
the fuck it was 4 dollars last week
Btw like 90% of our food comes from 'illegal' immigrants doing sub minimum wage labor
If he deports all of them we will genuinely start starving and fast
avian flu
i mean thats impacted it for sure but theres def more going on :p
and idk you can only take basic necessities from people for so long. Once people stop having anything to live for, and it costs more to maintain homeostasis than you can earn from minimum wage, which is already starting to be true in some places like florida, things will tip over into riots fast
usually when I want to see what shit will actually happen vs not happen I check the betting markets on Kalsi. According to betting sites like that Trump will implement tariffs but stuff like gay marriage isn't likely to be repealed anytime soon
If you LOSE money going to work everyday then u have nothing to lose
Nothing to lose and you start causing chaos because what do you have to lose, nothing
im no economist and i just briefly glimpsed some sources but it seems like the spending is on parity too
like just in financial support alone its $230 billion euros to ukraine and russia has reportedly spent about $200b in i think usd on its military entirely
i also do think that two things can be true at the same time regarding nato/western countries benefiting from the war in various ways while also having an ethical instrest in supporting ukraine alongside real security concerns
gay marriage is non-negotiable
we need a feminist army
of internet trolls
hilarious and creative idea
mandatory gay marriage
forced feminization of high social status alpha males... unless of course they are pro social justice
they say theyre gonna cut the DoD 8% per year which is gonna make them all mad hopefully and stop trump from doing full blown fascist takeover
and they have started firing IRS employees of all things
its like they want total collapse
I mean the fucking irs
It earns like $100 for every dollar it spends
I dont understand the plan ???
i wonder what theyre talking about...
youre LYING
how would you know.....
i can read it all
nuh uh fake news
yuh huh!!
yes i can
yuh huh, nerd
im just too cracked
the test didnt work
rápido, cambia a español, abril nunca descifrará este
#change delete this post and turn it into a smiley face
there isnt a code i havent cracked
there isnt a secret i havent discovered
oh god plz dont hurt me feds
sorry i just want to test something
is it still runed
are the runes smited
sadly no
wait when did shrimp become shimp what the h*ck
thats my mobile name
since im on my phone theres no r get it
i guess?? like cause computer has R but phone doesnt?
nah theres no relation i just made that up
27,765 posts omitted
the threads have gotten bigger
whats the new limit?
i think its 30k
i dont like it i miss racing to make new threads...
waow were getting pretty close
i spent like 2 hrs making a giant crimson hole
i call it the crimson hole
all the chickens got chicken flu :(
the terraria server went downnnnn smoggg i mean its okay :3 i was done anywa
oh its still centered
not for me
have u tried refresh??
yes its not centered anymore
yay, we solved it 2gether :)
why is like 10% of all neolithic bodies foound with SURVIVED trepanation scars, explain that libruls
i think that's the guaranteed downtime after ip changes but before it gets updated... usually only gone for 5-10 mins
if it goez down aga–
n then you can try to te–
reconnect –
a –
couple mins :) :)