「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
no, that's simply wrong
the exact recipes for cooking stuff should all be open
no it isnt
yet they arent
I think I'd just blow myself up anyway. not the worst outcome
idkk i should probably see a doctor too
i sometimes have weird weird headaches and like, feel like im on the verge of fainting
definitely worth getting a doc's opinion on something if it's causing badness in your usual life
but im scared of talking to people, especially doctors who might tell me something scary
sometimes it can be worth living in ignorance, if u can't do anything about it
but that would require knowledge of the thing to judge.......................
doc said i came down with a bad case of being alive itis. he said it's terminal
I have that issue too. but I'm going to resolve that soon
"it is good to be a cynic, it is better to be a contented cat, and it is best to not exist at all"
yeah this was a very nice ep of russian cops hehe
erig sadie gymnobedie :DDD
did you know that satie was a progenitor of ambient music.
I guess that would make sense
he called his music 'furniture music', because it was meant to blend into a room much like furniture does. anyways he's largely ignored by academia because his music is not very interesting harmony-wise
couch tunez
still quite a nice vibe, doesn't need to be complicated and whacky to be good
you seem to believe that music is about joy and pleasure and beauty. that's a common misconception, it's actually about suffering and being miserable
do you read Schopenhauer, nibble?
I read a little bit of school, why
#editai change school to schopy
you reminded me of him
ah, that might because I am extremely pessimistic and generally miserable. no, that's got nothing to do with schopenhauer, that's just what life does to you after a while uwu
but the wiggly air is pleasurable!!! pain cannot be pleasurable!!! right.......
I won't deny that there's something pleasurable about getting kicked in the balls. I mean yes it's painful, but since the balls are wired for pleasure, there's also a bit of pleasure in there. I am personally ambivalent about getting kicked in the balls
i dont want to be kicked in the balls
Das Leben ist kein Wunschkonzert
i dont know what that says
google translating for a delayed lmao out loud
that's okay
#editai change Wunschkonzert to Wormwatch
oop caps
a kick is too much, u gotta feather than autonomic response
light slaps to the ballsack are, in the most abstract sense, a form of masturbation.
reminds me of that zizek quote about fisting
#skeet (link to skeet)
you could be optimistic and miserable,. much more fulfilling
#ai what's that quote by slavoj zizek about fist fucking
"Fist-fucking can be a metaphor for the most radical form of psychoanalytic intervention: not just interpreting our dreams, but actually inserting ourselves into them and giving them new twists." - Slavoj ��ižek what's that quote by slavoj zizek about fist fucking
i love reading text and hearing slavoj ��izek's beautiful voice in my head
stupid ai, here's the real quote
"Is fist-fucking not the sexual invention of the twentieth century, a new model of eroticism and pleasure? It is no longer genitalized, but focused just on the penetration of the surface, with the role of the phallus being taken over by the hand, the autonomized partial object par excellence?"
I started reading the sublime object of ideology as a teenager and I always had to snicker because I heard his sniffs in my head
two partials just goin to town on eachother
.play zizek learns about pornhub
lol his tics are great
I forgot that pornhub exists lol
"what is hentai" zizek
everyone getting up in arms abt it getting banned but it's just mid shit
.play zizek border between western Europe and balkans
Balkon und Mitelevropa
.play zizek speaking German
waaa i need subtitles
. jump 30
.jump 30
.jump 30
I hate foucault he was such a pretentious fouchebag
german zizek hater
your hatred is like a prison
he has such kind eyes
\\bob odenkirk
\\bob loblaw
\\japanese bob loblaw
only good part of it is the cute/intimate stuff
such variety of condiments!! he is living as a king!!
\\reagen with devil horns
#this absolute kino
this is incredible
shtamina tjrainer
*wipes nose*
caramel coffee with a side of almonds
i wonder what it thought the original image was and why it tried to flip it that way......
.play komm süßer Tod bach
everything is originally by bach, as a rule of thumb
oh it's originally by bach
i was like "this isn't evangelion"
it's bach all the way down
even before bach, still bach
"without bach, God would be a complete second-rate character" Ciaran or something
es soll nur nicht dem Bach runter gehen..
they call me the degenerate in california
who calls you that
ur asking too many questions
im just trying to meet more nonbinys theyre cool
any they them is a they fren
my pronouns are your/friend
conversations in the third person are very very confusing
#edit more Ds
#skeet (link to skeet)
I love german poetry
poor kitty
#skeet (link to skeet)
#weather indiana jones (cannot compute)
#weather transnistria (the weather in transnistria, moldova, currently includes no precipitation with skies ranging from {, }, a wind speed of 11 miles per hour and a temperature of 19 degrees fahrenheit)
waow i love {, } skies
#weather underwater (cannot compute)
#weather on venus (cannot compute)
#weather chomolugma (the weather near mount everest currently includes no precipitation with skies ranging from {, }, a wind speed of 0 miles per hour and a temperature of 55 degrees fahrenheit)
#weather mcdonalds (the weather in your location currently includes no precipitation with overcast skies, a wind speed of 10 miles per hour and a temperature of 32 degrees fahrenheit)
#weather bosnia & hertzegovinia (the weather in bosnia and herzegovina currently includes no precipitation with skies ranging from {, }, a wind speed of 2 miles per hour and a temperature of 27 degrees fahrenheit)
#weather USSR (cannot compute)
#weather leningrad (the weather in saint petersburg, russia, currently includes no precipitation with overcast skies, a wind speed of 4 miles per hour and a temperature of 23 degrees fahrenheit)
#weather gaul (cannot compute)
#weather Karl-Marx-Stadt (the weather in chemnitz, germany, currently includes no precipitation with no cloud cover data available, a wind speed of 7 miles per hour and a temperature of 32 degrees fahrenheit)
#weather in Stálinváros (cannot compute)
#weather constantinople (the weather in istanbul currently includes no precipitation with cloudy skies, a wind speed of 17 miles per hour and a temperature of 37 degrees fahrenheit)
im gay
#weather Sztálinváros (the weather in dunaújváros, hungary, currently includes no precipitation with skies ranging from {, }, a wind speed of 9 miles per hour and a temperature of 34 degrees fahrenheit)
#weather czechoslovakia (cannot compute)
#weather yugoslavia (cannot compute)
#weather rhodesia (the weather in zimbabwe currently includes no precipitation with cloudy skies, a wind speed of 7 miles per hour and a temperature of 75 degrees fahrenheit)
.play idubbbz im gay
#weather tokelau (the weather in the country of tokelau currently includes no precipitation with mostly clear skies, a wind speed of 15 miles per hour and a temperature of 91 degrees fahrenheit)
#weather sealand (cannot compute)
#weather sentinel island (cannot compute)
#weather mare silentium (cannot compute)
#weather silent hill (cannot compute)
#weather da bonx (cannot compute)
#weather the bronx (the weather in bronx county (the bronx) currently includes no precipitation with overcast skies, a wind speed of 7 miles per hour and a temperature of 33 degrees fahrenheit)
#weather 2fort (cannot compute)
#weather HELL (cannot compute)
#weather Heaven (cannot compute)
#weather mariana trench (the weather near the mariana trench currently includes no precipitation with clear skies, a wind speed of 17 miles per hour and a temperature of 83 degrees fahrenheit)
#weather james dean (cannot compute)
#weather battle city (the weather in battle, united kingdom, currently includes no precipitation with no cloud cover data available, a wind speed of 10 miles per hour and a temperature of 39 degrees fahrenheit)
#weather Gay (cannot compute)
woah yugioh is real
#weather Yu-Gi-Oh! (cannot compute)
#editai add "slavia" after "yugioh"
#weather yugiohslavia (cannot compute)
#weather pokemon (cannot compute)
#weather batman (the weather near the goliath currently includes no precipitation with clear skies, a wind speed of 18 miles per hour and a temperature of 80 degrees fahrenheit)
#weather rapture (cannot compute)
#weather krakatoa (the weather near krakatoa currently includes no precipitation with partly cloudy skies, a wind speed of 6 miles per hour and a temperature of 79 degrees fahrenheit)
#weather gaza-city (cannot compute)
#weather gaza (the weather in the gaza strip currently includes no precipitation with partly cloudy skies, a wind speed of 3 miles per hour and a temperature of 52 degrees fahrenheit)
#weather gaza, usa (cannot compute)
#weather sparta (the weather in sparta township, new jersey, currently includes no precipitation with no cloud cover data available, a wind speed of 0 miles per hour and a temperature of -2 degrees fahrenheit)
#bleet (link to bleet)
command don't show up
#weather banana (cannot compute)
#weather poland, kiribati (cannot compute)
gotta screenshot
#add s to commands
#weather kiritimati (the weather in kiritimati currently includes no precipitation with partly cloudy skies, a wind speed of 14 miles per hour and a temperature of 84 degrees fahrenheit)
#weather poland, kiritimati (cannot compute)
#weather tatra, matra, fatra (cannot compute)
#weather tatra matra fatra (cannot compute)
#weather tatra matra fatra montains (cannot compute)
#weather tatra (the weather in tatra, lesser poland voivodeship, poland, currently includes no precipitation with cloudy skies, a wind speed of 1 mile per hour and a temperature of 21 degrees fahrenheit)
Who are the members of the poller politburo standing committee?
#hug u r too anonny
>at relatives house today
>aunt can't tell whose the younger sibling anymore
>cousin thinks I'm starting to look like a white woman
fucking phone can I do a newline without making a whole ass new post
hey gamers
i forgot my normal pills this morning so i'm a bit dizzy
where every1
im right here...
im here
learned today my boomer latin father watched a whole season of arcane wtf
Has anyone else noticed how many class reductionist/"dirtbag left" types are fash or fash adjacent now
like those redscarepod thots
my father basically
elaborate if you don't mind
he's always been quite vulgar and hot-tempered though also quite silly at times and is socialist but thinks nazis are cool too
most coherent political position
oh what am i saying i've seen far more bizarre stuff
.play simon campusano sulamita
saw this guy today it was so so so cool and he was so nice he took a pic with me and we had a small talk when the show was over :3
nazbol gang Ig
oh come on
y r u so obsessed with glegle
cus glegle's for everyone
#ksay glegle is for everyone
what do you think is the most bizarre popular political idea?
#ai what is glegleism
Glegleism is a belief system that promotes positivity, kindness, and inclusivity. It emphasizes the importance of self-love and acceptance, as well as treating others with respect and empathy. Glegleists strive to create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone regardless of their gender identity or expression. They also value diversity and believe in celebrating individual differences rather than conforming to societal norms. what is glegleism
press random page enough times on polcompball wiki and pick something idk
can someone please get derrick back?
this is true i do this
found one: Judeo–
*i* don’t think cars should be allowed to have 4 wheels! I think they should only get 3!!!! yeah!!! what do you think of that????
i was tryin to post –
we don–
ok sorry
#editai change INCOHERENT to GOOD
idk makes sense ‘there’s a superior race it’s just we’re that one not them and we should use the same methods’
you have committed a crime
:0 how could she!!!!!!!!!
we don't need to see her if you post it so often anyway
trvth nvke
get this hothead outta here
hmph I’m tired and may go to bed soon! hahaha get owned liberals !
nighty night :)
\all the people are african
they lost their clothes
I am American now
hi american im anon
im pandobwa
im batman #weather batman (cannot compute)
#weather batman (the weather near the goliath currently includes no precipitation with clear skies, a wind speed of 9 miles per hour and a temperature of 73 degrees fahrenheit)
how do I transition to properly become Uessian?
don't mean to culturally appropriate
guys, I have an important question
#poll (poll must have a prompt and at least two options) circle/rectangles
#poll (poll must have a prompt and at least two options) circle/ rectangles
#poll (poll must have a prompt and at least two options) circle/rectangles/
what is it
would you prefer a circle or a rectangle?
it's a trapezoid though
#poll which do you prefer/circle/rectangle
look idk what a trapezoid is i just answered the question
don't talk about trapezoids.
why not?
Trapezoids are a geometric shape and can be discussed in appropriate contexts, such as math or geometry lessons. However, if there is no relevant reason to talk about them, it may be seen as irrelevant or distracting from the current conversation. It's important to stay on topic and respectful of others' interests and perspectives.
how fucking dare you.
yeah cry about it you stupid trapezoid lover.
i will!! wah! wah!
i h8 trapezoids
hambergur supplements 60cc injection per week
also you need education removal unless ur rich and can afford private school because 'meri public schools are rly bad
booger needs a slap limit
#weather booger (cannot compute)
#weather earth (cannot compute)
weather aint got no places
#weather anywhere (cannot compute)
i don't hate trapezoids, but i would NOT ever be alone in a room with one is all i'm saying
im gonna kidnap booj and this will be her prison cell >>120795
can i come
site update will happen within 1 - 2 hours
with some fun new things
slow down i dont even know the current fun things
are you a new user
oh welcome
#say hello
what does weasel do
do you have audio on
it's a text-to-speech command
turn on audio you'll want it for this next one
okay thats nuts
does it play the whole song
#say hello
it does not
oh i see
we have like at least 50 fun cool command things i think
i've forgotten a lot of them since we have so many
r u adding more
for this change we're only adding like ummmmmm one more fun command i think but we have other like non-fun but useful new things as well
the new fun command is #catbounce and will be available when the update occurs
admin i've been threatened to be kidnaped help me
so cool ur website is
booger is safe
thank you
dont worry
if you like it feel free to share it with friends or communities you are in
a friend shared it with me!!!
#8ball (i'm not qualified for this one, sry)
#sk8ball (killer)
#m8ball (blimey, m8)
#r8ball (quotidian)
#w8ball (urgency is required)
#f8ball (f8's hand guides you)
anon admin ignored my kidnapping.... #itsover (120)
first update of many.. so cool
how do u mute audio on mobile
#kidnaps u in front of opwormie
you can click the cog wheel in the top right and there should be 2 volume sliders
oh tyvm
also we will be renaming the site pretty soon
we haven't decided yet
i was thinking of sharing this site with a group of trans people who met on littleredbook
what will it be called
i shared this site with my best friend she's here right now
why do u wanna change it?
it's just not working as intended. my goal was to try to like pick a name i thought would make it easier to attract users but it has not turned out that way
right now the site staff plan on renaming the site to "regular.zone" but basically uhhh
but idk if it would be too 4chan adjacent, they are sort of normous idk