γvillainous mouse warlockγ
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
it didnt work
try typing
mobile users gimped hard af
i wish someone had put pep in my water when i was younger
polyestradiolphosphate my beloved...
self-runes are invisible but runes directed at someone else are visible
i suck so bad
will do ur own post;>
will attack the last quoted post
omg i did it
the mana flows thru u
>literal nazi band playing
will i ever feel like a real girl :/
that's an image target >:)
.skip (voted to skip this video)
.skip (voted to skip this video)
oops whered my msg go
.skip (voted to skip this video)
will i ever feel like a real girl :/
oh ya now i see it
you are a real girl
how do i not make it an image target
how is finland???????
if u do;>
it targets the post body itself
will target just the image
i dont feel like it :<
did u voice train??
kinda but also not rly
oh is this nazi shit on the libwatch rn
the path to femaledom is in the voice training
.skip (video skipped)
thank you
you sound like ur whispering lol so u sound like that all the time or are you being quiet at night or smth
awww lol I'm so fucking loud its insane
im p quiet in general ><
it does seem like speaking louder makes voices sound better
i hate my voice so much but it poses to people so I'm grateful
ive been told i kinda sound like a narrator sometimes D:
.play david attenbourough
anon global mod
i see you
we see you too.
yay ay wahoooooo
look at this
#catbounce >^β’-β’^<
#cat >^β’-β’^<
.play look at this graph
.search minute hour animated don't look at me
.skip (video skipped)
look at this graaaaph
my friend who killed himself really enjoyed this video a lot i miss him
he's been dead for like 5 years omg...
here's hoping
when i was 20 one of my friends died in a car crash lol
at first i was sad but then i remembered that he treated his girlfriend like shit and was just generally not a very good person
so fuck him, is what im saying basically
burn in hell faggot
yea screw that guy
you know that scene from men in black???
it happened right here
i cant see the image you boasted
dont use slurs in this way, thank you.
this is a nice board
i looked it up and that meme is a weird sex thing so i can't get behind it
i wanna be a cute pink dinosaur girl
she's singing a song
don't we all...........................
i prefer glegle
lets all love glegle
pedo porn is bad i think π€
i love the ima nonbinaroo one
yea a nonspecific animal, neither dog nor cat that everyone can love!
is bury a pedo thing??
the original image is yea I looked it up on know your meme :(
i'm glad bury has become a better meme now
it was madoka magicka who is like 10 years old as a futa having sex
wtf nooooooo
what is with anime and having sexualised young teenage girl protagonists
i feel like the madoka anime was not bad it was actually quite wholesome and cute
well except for the themes of like despair and death
idk ask darling I'm the franxx l.aoo
but like madoka is just a qt girl who loves her parents and her baby bro and she has mommy daughter time getting ready for school every morning and stuff
l.aooo is a good typo
madoka is amazing i loved it a lot
was qt
also she can can be a lesbian without being sexualized or made porn of
her mom is like a strong salary woman and her dad is a stay at home husband
geb urobuchi is an interestinf writer i like him
>can be a [thing] without being sexualized or made porn of
this ones good i like this
lol omg
she's drinking lole juice
is this the only one
love finding single-tag imgs
wait what was that funny cat thing someone showed me this morning
it was like playing music while the cat stretched
#cat or#catbounce
#catbounce >^β’-β’^<
#cat >^β’-β’^<
#cat >^β’-β’^<
#cat >^β’-β’^<
#cat >^β’-β’^<
#cat /α α ο» αγ
#cat >^β’-β’^<
#catbounce >^β’-β’^<
#cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat /α α ο» αγ
#cat >^β’-β’^<
#catbounce >^β’-β’^<
#cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat ΰΈ ^β’ο»β’^ΰΈ #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat
#catbounce >^β’-β’^<
#catbounce >^β’-β’^<
too strong
this website is rad :3
ur rad
watcha gonna do on that there pc
but yea I had a signed picture of sayaka from madoka magicka from gen urobuchi from otacon in 2011 but i lost it :(
my parents put it somewhere wet and it molded :(
.play number one victory royale
i cant believe adults play a game meant for children with a place called tomato town if you are over 16 years old nad had fun playing fortnite REEEEEEEEEEEEE UR STINKY REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
thats ageist
maybe ageism is good
im evil
alright im adding you to the list of evil posters
this but unironically
la beast here, today im gonna eat an entire school bus full of children in 59 seconds or less
*stares at camera*
because i'm hungry.
i know that people post these in a way thats like making fun of the kid for how silly and childish this is but i legitimately think kids who make shit like this are cool and talented and should be encouraged and supported they are based
omg ghug jug
im way more evil
youre on the list too now anon
pro fortnite gamerrrrrr
i'm angelic and good don't put me on the list thx
with those dubs...
i agree
a vcitory royallleeeeee
im deifnitely not VERY evil
just like, slightly evil and slightly good
chug jug with youuuuuuuuuu
Neutral if you will
neutral evil still counts as evil i think
I think Im neutral good actually but that lets me be a little evil
if they can eat it in under a minute i think they deserve to walk free
im chaotic neutral, maybe chaotic evil
idk but this discussion of alignment kind of triggered me because it made me remember an argument I had with a friend from 5 years ago about an NPC in neverwinter nights who threatens to rape you if you cross him and I said 'well, I wouldnt call him a rapist because he hasnt raped anyone' and it was a stupid argument that he got extremely nasty in and I like have PTSD form it lmaooooo
fortnight battle pass
lets all hop on fortnite
i go on libpol to publically post my biggest insecurities and most embarassing thoughts publically in publicc
is that like a fetish thing or
maybe its self harm
the power of anonymity!!!
you can talk abt the shit that makes u upset without it having ramifications irl
is this one of those chatgpt images.... what's he meant to be...
that is cute
yeah its when i asked chatgpt to write a script to draw the mona lisa
wow kinda sick
take the crown, conquer the island!
lol wtf
do they also have a sort of
>conquer poland, take over the world
she's upside down in the gras....
wonder if deepseek would be any better at it :O
#ai write a script to draw the mona lisa in python using pillow
here's a python script that uses the pillow library to draw a simplified version of the mona lisa. this won't be photorealistic, but it'll give you an abstract representation.
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
# create a blank image with white background
width, height = 300, 400
image = Image.new("RGB", (width, height), "white")
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
# draw the face shape (ellipse)
face_color = "#f2d2bd" # skin tone
draw.ellipse([(80, 50), (220, 250)], fill=face_color)
# draw hair (semi-circle and curves)
hair_color = "#523321"
draw.chord([(60, 30), (240, 250)], start=180, end=360, fill=hair_color)
draw.line([(140,ζΆε°η write a script to draw the mona lisa in python using pillow
sounds more lowercase
gotta check ur old logs with chatgpt....
new daily mail just dropped:
oops he went chinese and died rip
>daily mail
i ain't clickin dat
more like the daily fail. like and subscribe for more comedy
more like daily um snail
π preach
i love glegle. so much
i want 1 comedy please
of course maam coming right up
so how about those chemtails huh? anybody else see those planes flyin around dropping flouride or whatever and take a big whiff. haha thanks you've been rgeat
omg HAHAHAH that sso funny
ur so talbented
thank you......... your praise sustains me,........
basically the health insurance company that had their ceo assassinated for being very evil is suing the doctor who went public with her story about an insurance agent interupting her surgery and telling her they wouldnt pay for any more anesthetic half way through a surgery
excellent pr move that will have no negative consequences
strisand syndrome :)
see its a gross sex thing :< sorry thogh I feel like a jerk because im ruining something people find cute and like
so that's why she has the weird fetish gear sometimes...........
yea ig so
im doing something i dont like tho I had a friend who like started telling me about how every character in my hero academis is like some fetish insert and i had to get mad at him like BRO I literally DONT WANT TO KNOW idc I get it all fucking men on planet earth are fucking sick fetishistic wierdos okayyyy I dont need a show that i watch ruined by you telling me about how the creator is a porn addictttt like wtfffff
sryy #notallmen
but i found at neil gaiman is a crazy BDSM master and it makes me so sad... T_T
it also makes light of some of the Japanese war crimes during wwii some of the characters are named after people who did horrific human experimentation >>123159
appparently wwii revisionism is a minor movement in japan kind of like it is in the US. like educated not retarded people will know their contries history by boomer conservatives just want to pretend it never happened
I mean i think that's the official stance too, afaik the government has never even really acknowledged it
why would they? the modern japanese government was made by the US it literally isnt the same govt tho
sometimes it is nice to remain ignoranct
i mean idk at least our government acknowledges we did slavery and colonialism and stuff
depends on the president.............
the current president banned the 1619 project as hatespeech :(
i know but imagine if there had never been a US president who acknowledged slavery
yea thats true
japans govt is overwhelmingly conservative men tho so
#ksay i like this so much hehehehehe my brain wootteddd hehehausghhgyudhjilkgdlbkgfkkkkkkkkjghsdhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
#ksay hehehausghhgyudhjilkgdlbkgfkkkkkkkkjghsdhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
#botsay uuuuwahhhunfunfunfunfunfhunfhunghunfghungngghhngggunfahhahughungugghhahaaaahugghuffhgughannffffannnannnannnannnannnann ah ah ah ah annn ahh oh oh ahhnnn unghh un un un unnnn ah ah ahhh
#catbounce >^β’-β’^<
holy shit
#cat >^β’-β’^<
#fish π
#catbounce /α . .α\ β³
#fish π
this post finally unpurpled after 30 mins
#fish π
#cat >^β’-β’^<
#catbounce /α . .α\ β³
kitty wants fsh
you did the real hard work and we're all grateful for ur sacrifices
every idea person nerds their programing wagie slavee
i offered to tip for it but opworm wont make a donation portal
mm there used to be a donation page on brainworm, he should rly make it public again....
remember they do it for freee
i told opworm to use kofi
because its the least evil.
i wonder if kofi would allow anon imageboard
yea its basically a tip jar for mod creators so...
one day we will have one billion users and opwormie will be super rich from all the donations and he wont even monitize it because he is so cool and based and does it for the culture
this is pretty good lmao
it says right here.... a janitor is paid nothing... to work...
god willin, opworm deserves a lotta good shit for the effort put into this silly lil website
opworm is a boy :0
yeah he's admitted the truth
is this like a tgf honeypot
i don't think so..... he's said that he advertised on /lgbt/ cause it seemed like the least dogshit 4chan board to pull new users from
aw :(
maybe it is and he's still lookin who knows
he made all this just to please us :0
he's doin a great job i gotta admit
yea c:
opworm is a fren to glegs :3
aw i like that one
me af
its true :')
awwwww floppy eared gleg
what do u do for free...
mostly just shitpost tbh
it would make me sad if the site died and i never talked 2 any of u again i like some of u
u know who the ones i like if ur thinking is it me??? who knows :O
no it makes me insecure and i think "i hope she doesnt dislike me :(("
he he he :)
i think ur cool fujo :) hehe
#kiss janny trips of truth
sometimes i ban someone who says nword though
this is a nice site no naughty language
pure christian words only
yay! :3
i think the site's gonna be around for a long while anyway.... opworm rly wants it to be good n he'll prob just keep tryin til something sticks
yes and even if he was abducted by aliens or something we would continue on in his memory
i doubt that u dont have opworms POWER and his PRIVILIDGE and also his logins to the website
yay wahoo yippeee !!
thats true but we have the codebase and could put up another instance at least
libpol 2 the sequel
libpol 2 the squeakuel
but anywyas this is a silly discussion because opworm is basically goku and if aliens abducted him he would simply beat them up
based opworm
aliens try to probe him and he just probes them instead
huge alien defeat
opworm is gokue and we r the glegles
the glegle army rises
glegle army would not be v good at fighting :(
would prob just turn into a cuddle fest
the glegles could surround their enemies and vibrate, cooking their prey within like those wasps or bees
what if we stacked hundreds of blΓ₯haj ontop of eachother..
what would that do
.jump 3:30
this would also be very effective i think and shrimply melt the enemies
if every bee was a gle............ imagine.........
imagine the snuggles...
glegle poly cuddle pile
mf is cooked
#edit add skull emojis
imagine grabbing someone and hugging them the way you hug a plushie :O
squishing their insides out
if only ;_;
squishing their loneliness out
i smell a deleteposter
i love this image so much lmao
meow meow
complications: cat syndrome, cat manifestation events, cat soul swap,
ah, the classic "meow meow" argument. truly a pinnacle of intellectual discourse. let's dismantle this profound statement with surgical precision, shall we?
1. **semantic ambiguity**: the phrase "meow meow" lacks any clear referent or context. is it an onomatopoeic representation of feline vocalization? a cryptic reference to some obscure cultural artifact? without specification, itβs impossible to engage meaningfully with such vagueness. arguments rooted in linguistic opacity are inherently flawed.
2. **lack of substantiation**: even if we generously assume "meow meow" is intended as a metaphor or shorthand for some deeper claim, where is the evidence? where are the premises leading to this conclusion? assertions without reasoning are not just lazyβtheyβre intellectually bankrupt.
3. **false universalism**: assuming "meow meow" implies something universally relatable (e.g., cats), this ignores cultural and individual differences in interpreting such sounds or symbols. not everyone finds cats endearing; some cultures associate them with entirely different meanings altogether.
4. **circular reasoning**: if someone were to defend "meow meow" by claiming its inherent truthfulness because itβs self-evidently true... well, thatβs circular logic at its finest and dumbest.
5.**practical irrelevance** : what actionable insight does βmeoooooowsβ provide ? none whatsoever . unless you're trying communicate w/ actual felines , human dialogue requires more substance than whimsical noises .
6 . lastly , isnβt reducing communication down into childish mimicries beneath us ? surely humans capable nuanced thought beyond mimicking house pets .
in summary: your argument crumbles under slightest scrutiny due its lack clarity depth relevance coherence universality etcetera ad infinitum ad absurdum β¦ now try again perhaps using words instead animal noises hmm ??
hmmm i should go to bed now
gn glegs <3
gleg night
#cat >^β’-β’^<
#CATBOUNCE >^β’-β’^<
good night melon ππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππ
all these fox players just sit in the corner and never interact and wait for you to hit their shield
i love cat bounce ty ty ty tysmmm
its so funny and cool cats he he he
aaaaaaaaa im so tired and like weird feeling
why did i get banned like that
#ksay glayglay
#ksay glegulus