γvillainous mouse warlockγ
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
what about kanye glest >>122695
i think kanye glest is a healthy nonbinary role model for the kids and have no concerns
wake up mx glest
!! :)
it's a pity kanye has some good tunes but is also a nazi
neo? more like neopronouns
sorry that was bad
the pronountrix: reloaded
u gotta shoot ur shot
smog are you a social worker
nope i work in an office all day doin emails n shit
do i seem like a social worker..........
you somehow give off social worker vibes idk
i'll take that as a compliment >:)
it is lol
but didnt you say that you have some background in psychology or something?
sorry if im prying just curious
#ksay gleegloo
#usay glay glay!
#ksay glay glay!
nah it's g
i did a little bit of study into psychotherapy but dropped outta that, i don't rly have a background but i like to talk 2 ppl and learn what's up w/them
which one's better
ksay or usay
for me it's ksay personally
#ksay hola
can u fix me
ah ic ic. /dropout/ gang #hug
ksay is best imo it's iconic
#ksay real
take a seat....... what appears to be the problem anonynosnusns,m........
i dont have a burger in my mouth rn..
gang gang
i see.... i see..... and tell me about your parents, did they feed you burgers a lot as a child??
.play silence of the lambs senator scene
i don't think they ever did really now i think about it..
hmmm yes i can understand hwo that would feel.... all childhood and no burger make anonymous go crazy, after al....
ive never seen this film but watched this scene on this website several times
is it a particularly good scene or what
i queue this scene then and again because i love it lol. but the whole film is great, one of my favorite movies
back from flossing, feels like my teeth are gonna fall off
tuffen'd yer nipples didn't it
I love this scene because it juxtaposes lecters seemingly extremely civilized exterior with his pure animalistic depravity, that lingers under the surface and comes out then and again
flossed all the concrete out from between them uh oh
few months ago i went to the dentist for cleaning for the first time in like 13 years, and there was nothing wrong with my teeth at all, just built different
the actor is very very good too, great delivery of being a freaky deaky man
do u floss every day
flossing is rly strong
i got into the habit recently i was throwing bigly by not doing that b4
yes it was a role of a lifetime for anthony hopkins methinks
shit do u gotta floss daily... my teeth are super close together so it's hard to get the string in there....
u have to slidde it back and forth in
i have basically never flossed ever. i brush my teeth but thats it
its annoying sometimes cuz im sleepy and i just wanna go to bed, it doesnt take that long tho
yh i get that, i have a skincare habit i cant go to bed b4 i do my night time routine so tht helps me
the urge to skip routines cus of sleepy is fucking real
same...... hope that is enough to prevent teeth cancer....
once the tooth cancer gets you its all over - just pureed meals from thereon out
every1 shall floss tonight
but anon i dont have floss
ummmm.... okay well you'll drink lots of water after eating then
and buy some floss later
ok mom
all soylent all the time π
.play life in the midwest
$4.66 for a ddozen beers
this man is NOT soy
his name is soy tho
Soy Johnson
.play afx just fall asleep
.play afx just fall asleep
chat look
the power of the accidental meow
"f* wrong chat"
"no... right chat"
join us,, we meow
it was actually a purposeful meow pretending to be accidental
for attention
and it worked
mastermind move
i used to do that in skype when i was 11
messaging ppl and then i was like oh sorry wrong chat
but i wanted to talk to them
im still 11 in some ways
idk what age i am emotionally
at least 23
idk what emotional ages are anyway
after like 15
idk either im just meme'ing
you have the respect of the meme community
i think the final emotional age is not caring about anything anymore
no i think thats called depression
tomato tomato
im emotionally 5 maximum
out of 10?
gettin to that shameless age where you'll do whatever you want and not really care
wonder if that's an age thing or just a personality thing
im at that stage where when i randomly remember something cringe from my teens i dont care at all
damn jelly
same kinda. i just shrug it off, was never able to do that before
i need to get to that level
i can acknowledge that those cringe moments haunt me and only me but they still r annoying
whats the most cringe thing you ever did chat
im not mature enough to tell u
i respect that
im not telling my cringe stories, thats cringe
i dont care about it myself but i cant share it with others
alright then keep your secrets
can some1 eat the rest of this burger i just cant
i love burger
ok come ove
.play piano aquieu
r u playing hardcore wow
you have very based taste in music nonners
like basically a good chunk of my music library
do you like lawrence english
never heard
nonners music is so chill and nice
no i have but i dont remember it
i gotta get more ambient shit for snoozin to
im half asleep now
im always half a sleep
dibs on sleep
im fully asleep
hypnospace outlaw poster
i ate too much i feel sick and dizzy and regretful
the slop giveth and the slop taketh away
u did this to me
smog you are the slopper
my slop pipes shall rule this barren earth
with i, the slopper, as its rightful king
the zappa uprising
frank zappa did some crazy shit in mexico
#ai is frank zappa still alive
no, frank zappa passed away on december 4, 1993. he was a prolific musician and composer known for his eclectic and innovative work. is frank zappa still alive
"no me gusta los tacos, quiero los burritos" - zapatista recolutionaries
i have the wettest hair here by far
it shall pass
pretty view...
so pretty
did it work
feels like im the only one thats not a fed around here i feel left out
being a fed pays well its a good way to from untouchable to middle class
>wont be purged because i repress
feels good mang
#catbounce >^β’-β’^<
im only repressing bisexuality but yes basically
im putting PEP in your water
#fish π #cat >^β’-β’^<
#fish π
well ok uhh im putting cyanide in yours
this fuckin slaps
sure! #fish π
ty mods for adding catbounce!!!
I'm drinking a cup of fresh TAP
aaaaa my pineal gland is YOKED broo
>here breathe some mustard gas
>thank you satan
#catbounce >^β’-β’^<
what do the symbols mean
.play a jel
magic spell
mysterious things
.skip (video skipped)
stop cursing me
.play a jel bonanza
to cast a spell type ;
but you have to now the RUNES
one must be suitably enriched with mana before attempting to rune lest ye summon the Daemon of Syntax Errors
it didnt work
try typing
mobile users gimped hard af
i wish someone had put pep in my water when i was younger
polyestradiolphosphate my beloved...
self-runes are invisible but runes directed at someone else are visible
i suck so bad
will do ur own post;>
will attack the last quoted post
omg i did it
the mana flows thru u
>literal nazi band playing
will i ever feel like a real girl :/
that's an image target >:)
.skip (voted to skip this video)
.skip (voted to skip this video)
oops whered my msg go
.skip (voted to skip this video)
will i ever feel like a real girl :/
oh ya now i see it
you are a real girl
how do i not make it an image target
how is finland???????
if u do;>
it targets the post body itself
will target just the image
i dont feel like it :<
did u voice train??
kinda but also not rly
oh is this nazi shit on the libwatch rn
the path to femaledom is in the voice training
.skip (video skipped)
thank you
you sound like ur whispering lol so u sound like that all the time or are you being quiet at night or smth
awww lol I'm so fucking loud its insane
im p quiet in general ><
it does seem like speaking louder makes voices sound better
i hate my voice so much but it poses to people so I'm grateful
ive been told i kinda sound like a narrator sometimes D:
.play david attenbourough
anon global mod
i see you
we see you too.
yay ay wahoooooo
look at this
#catbounce >^β’-β’^<
#cat >^β’-β’^<
.play look at this graph
.search minute hour animated don't look at me
.skip (video skipped)
look at this graaaaph
my friend who killed himself really enjoyed this video a lot i miss him
he's been dead for like 5 years omg...
here's hoping
when i was 20 one of my friends died in a car crash lol
at first i was sad but then i remembered that he treated his girlfriend like shit and was just generally not a very good person
so fuck him, is what im saying basically
burn in hell faggot
yea screw that guy
you know that scene from men in black???
it happened right here
i cant see the image you boasted
dont use slurs in this way, thank you.
this is a nice board
i looked it up and that meme is a weird sex thing so i can't get behind it
i wanna be a cute pink dinosaur girl
she's singing a song
don't we all...........................
i prefer glegle
lets all love glegle
pedo porn is bad i think π€
i love the ima nonbinaroo one
yea a nonspecific animal, neither dog nor cat that everyone can love!
is bury a pedo thing??
the original image is yea I looked it up on know your meme :(
i'm glad bury has become a better meme now
it was madoka magicka who is like 10 years old as a futa having sex
wtf nooooooo
what is with anime and having sexualised young teenage girl protagonists
i feel like the madoka anime was not bad it was actually quite wholesome and cute
well except for the themes of like despair and death
idk ask darling I'm the franxx l.aoo
but like madoka is just a qt girl who loves her parents and her baby bro and she has mommy daughter time getting ready for school every morning and stuff
l.aooo is a good typo
madoka is amazing i loved it a lot
was qt
also she can can be a lesbian without being sexualized or made porn of
her mom is like a strong salary woman and her dad is a stay at home husband
geb urobuchi is an interestinf writer i like him
>can be a [thing] without being sexualized or made porn of
this ones good i like this
lol omg
she's drinking lole juice
is this the only one
love finding single-tag imgs
wait what was that funny cat thing someone showed me this morning
it was like playing music while the cat stretched
#cat or#catbounce
#catbounce >^β’-β’^<
#cat >^β’-β’^<
#cat >^β’-β’^<
#cat >^β’-β’^<
#cat >^β’-β’^<
#cat /α α ο» αγ
#cat >^β’-β’^<
#catbounce >^β’-β’^<
#cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat /α α ο» αγ
#cat >^β’-β’^<
#catbounce >^β’-β’^<
#cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat ΰΈ ^β’ο»β’^ΰΈ #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat #cat
#catbounce >^β’-β’^<
#catbounce >^β’-β’^<
too strong
this website is rad :3
ur rad
watcha gonna do on that there pc
but yea I had a signed picture of sayaka from madoka magicka from gen urobuchi from otacon in 2011 but i lost it :(
my parents put it somewhere wet and it molded :(
.play number one victory royale
i cant believe adults play a game meant for children with a place called tomato town if you are over 16 years old nad had fun playing fortnite REEEEEEEEEEEEE UR STINKY REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
thats ageist
maybe ageism is good
im evil
alright im adding you to the list of evil posters
this but unironically
la beast here, today im gonna eat an entire school bus full of children in 59 seconds or less
*stares at camera*
because i'm hungry.
i know that people post these in a way thats like making fun of the kid for how silly and childish this is but i legitimately think kids who make shit like this are cool and talented and should be encouraged and supported they are based
omg ghug jug
im way more evil
youre on the list too now anon
pro fortnite gamerrrrrr
i'm angelic and good don't put me on the list thx
with those dubs...
i agree
a vcitory royallleeeeee
im deifnitely not VERY evil
just like, slightly evil and slightly good
chug jug with youuuuuuuuuu
Neutral if you will