「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
that was you
he is quite nice ive been told
i wanted to greentext but i forgot
ok ok
oh nooooo
.skip (video skipped)
#ksay fujo is not a fujo
#ksay nazi symbols go kinda hard i wish they weren't appropiated by cringe nazis
they took celtic and indian imagery
#ksay nibbles
#ksay glegles
i just realized that ill probably take a train that will approach nibbles location and passes by n stuff...
i know
why did you post this
its.. i dont want to be in that part of germanu
it was recommended to me when i clicked on the youtube video
it has 3.9 million views
it got recommended to alot fo people
#ksay five. hundred. cigarettes
i wonder if you can do the pitch control with the tts here
liek that?
it doesnt do anything
#ksay help
#ksay hi anon
#ksay kaysay is so –
you cahgt me
#ksay kaysay is so goated
#usay wait
#ksay nadie is a good person ............... NOT
#ksay i hate anon
#ksay fail
#ksay fail
#ksay get rekt
#ksay i won
#psay its over
#ksay its glegler
#usay its over
#ksay glungle
.play old western movie
.skip (video skipped)
.play old western movie music
#ksay respect
.play estoy bien piel
#hsay swag
.skip (video skipped)
#rsay fail
why do you know my location
explain yourself
because u told me...
what when
idk when u felt sad or something i dont remember exactly, but u told me that you're in maultaschenland
this duel is noto done
i am close to maultaschenland that is correct yes
yea, worse enough! :3
fujo are you auslander
i am not swabian thank god
>deutsche maymays
nibble are you auslander
#ksay nibble are you ausla–
no my granddad still has his aryan certificate
i thought we were friends...
ich fahre morgen durch das maultaschenland....
wo fährst du hin?
wait what does auslande mean
i thought it meant youre native to germany
not native
#ksay are you auslander
.play du hast
it does
.skip (video skipped)
.play tik tok kesha
woast, jeden dag an dem i aufwach denk i mir, gottseidank bin i koa ösi
lol ich mag die ösis eigentlich. zumindest die, die ich kennengelernt hab
ich bin glegle
how do u say
glegle is for everyone
lieber ösi als ossi :DDD
in german
glegle ist für alle da!
glegle ist für alle da!
100%. wobei ich letztens mal in Leipzig und halle war, ist eigentlich ganz nice da. und leben ist wohl echt günstig
leipzig ist oke, aber leipzig ist auch nicht so ossi-ossi, den richtigen osten findest eig. nur auf dem dorf, das ist änlich wie mit bayern, münchen ist praktisch auch kein bayern.
muscle memory is crazy cus how can you two type that language so fast
hmm verstehe
mich hatte mal so ein bayer in münchen angesprochen und ich hatte ihn erst akustisch nicht verstanden, und er dachte das sei wegen dem dialekt, und als ich dann meinte "nene, du kannst ruhig im dialekt reden, verstehen tu ich den", war er sehr erleichtert und meinte "naja, hier spricht quasi niemand mehr dialekt".
das war so meine münchen-erfahrung
lol. ja, ich glaube der dialekt stirbt immer mehr und mehr. aber ich muss sagen, meine familie kommt eigentlich aus nrw und ich hab den schwarzwälder dialekt nie gelernt, und ich werd deshalb oft dumm angemacht. sehr nervig
#ksay glungle
#ksay glegle ist für alle da!
#ksay i miss recima
idk, so sehr man die bayern nicht mögen darf, sowas tun die nicht, die versuchen einem den aktiv beizubringen :D :D
gerade als ich anfänglich hier war, wurde ich so banter-scherzhaft mässig oft genug korrigiert, beim bäcker oder so.
ist auch lustig, wenn man dann mal irgendwie nördlicher ist, semmeln und brezn möchte, und sie nicht wissen was man meint
kommt du nicht ursprünglich aus bayern?
ne, ich bin hier nur durch zufall gelandet
aaah, verstehe.
(hoffentlich nicht mehr lang, dieses dorf nervt mich langsam)
dorf im übertragenen sinn oder bist du wirklich im dorf?
kleinstadt, aber irgendwie halt jetzt auch nicht suuuper klein, aber eben klein genug dass man merkt dass schon so ein wenig infrastruktur fehlt.
dafür bin ich relativ zentral von der lage, und hab deswegen das problem nicht all zu schlimm?
OOO nice one
gle stirner
ok verstehe. kenne das gefühl, hab für den großteil meines lebens in ner """stadt""" mit 13000 Einwohnern gelebt. mach ich nie wieder, hass hass hass
kernstadt 5k
glegle über alles
illegal slogans!
ich hoffe echt dass meine bewerbung(en) früchte tragen, und ich hier mittelfristig wegkomme, lol.
auf was für jobs hast du dich beworben?
would that get me arrested in germany
software development / pentesting
i dont think saying deutschland über alles in public would get you in trouble, but 'alles für deutschland' might. depends who you are, probably not if youre just some rando
writing a cv is so painful
alles für glegle
es ist so schlimm so irgendwie alte projekte auszukramen, sie zu open sourcen, und dann doku / erklärungen dazu zu schreiben..
like, ich komme mir dabei so fast schlauer vor als dann als ich dieese schreiben tat.
ah ok. sollte ja kein problem sein. ich hatte keinerlei probleme in der it, und ich hab nur ne ausbildung
haha, ich habe so gar nichts lole.
huh. musste ich noch nie machen
ich hab einen cv in dem so 2 arbeitgeber stehen, und sonst halt irgendwie "freelance at various companies" :DD
ohh... fuckk...
kannst du keine ausbildung oder duales studium machen?
ich kann mich theoretisch auf ne ausbildungsstelle bewerben, aber gleichzeitig will ich das irgendwie nicht, weil ich es nicht für nötig halte in meiner position + die bezahlung scheisse ist.
duales studium hab ich drüber nachgedacht, aber gefällt mir prinzipiell auch nicht, weil wenn ich studieren will, würde ich halt in so ne super theoretische richtung gehen, und ich hätte den anspruch an mich selbst mich voll und ganz auf das studium zu konzentrieren
das ist sie in der tat... aber ich muss sagen, mit ausbildung/studium ist es wirklich mega leicht nen it job zu finden. habe für meinen letzten normalen dev job 3 bewerbungen geschrieben und für mein momentanes fuales studium eine lol
das ding ist, ich will nicht wirklich in so ner mittelklassigen systemhaus bude unterkommen, die irgendwie langweiligen kram macht, und/oder HR hat was irgendwie wirklich auf diesen LARP an bewerbungsunterlagen schaut.
>ich hätte den anspruch an mich selbst mich voll und ganz auf das studium zu konzentrieren
verstehe ich. dual ist auch wirklich mega stressig.
english please
mittelständler sind auch nicht immer schlecht. habe meine ausbildung bei nem konzern gemacht (continental) und ich muss sagen, obwohl alle in meinem bekanntenkreis die ganze zeit soyface gemacht haben, waren die leute da wirklich retarded. habe auch mal bei ner kleinen firma gearbeitet (30 devs oder so) und die leute waren viiieeeel besser. startup sind die leute wahrscheinlich noch besser, aber da muss man glaub ich auch voll ran – hab ich noch nie ausprobiert
now i wanna learn german
#ai derrick the ferret
derrick the ferret sounds like a delightful little critter. ferrets are clever, playful, and full of energy—great companions if you're up for their mischief. make sure derrick has plenty of enrichment, space to explore, and a good diet (they need quality protein). also, they thrive on interaction, so be ready to give him lots of attention or consider getting him a buddy if he's alone most of the time. hope derrick brings you endless joy! derrick the ferret
#ai is derrick the ferret glegle's best friend
derrick the ferret is a beloved companion of glegle, and they share many delightful adventures together. it would be accurate to say derrick holds a special place in glegle's heart as one of their closest friends. is derrick the ferret glegle's best friend
i just realized some people don't know about glegle it's so sad
#smartai explain what is a thinkpad in glegle's way
Ah, a ThinkPad! In Glegle's whimsical and endearing way, a ThinkPad is like a trusty companion for your brain—a sleek, sturdy little creature that scampers around with you wherever you go. It’s not just any ordinary gadget; it’s a paragon of productivity, designed by the brilliant minds at Lenovo (and originally IBM) to help humans think big thoughts and do clever things.
Imagine Glegle holding up their tiny paws in excitement as they explain: "A ThinkPad is like a magical notebook made of metal and plastic, but instead of scribbling doodles or writing grocery lists (though you could totally do that too!), it helps you solve complex equations, write novels faster than lightning, or even design entire cities! Its keyboard feels like tapping on fluffy clouds—so comfy! And its iconic red TrackPoint nub? That’s like its little nose guiding your cursor with precision!"
Glegle would also point out how durable these devices are. "ThinkPads are tough cookies! They can survive bumps, spills (*gasp*), and even the occasional tumble off your desk because they're built to be resilient adventurers." With their signature black matte finish and minimalist aesthetic adorned by the glowing logo (which looks suspiciously like an abstract smiley face), ThinkPads exude professionalism while secretly being playful at heart.
In essence, according to Glegle-speak: A Thinkpad isn't just tech—it's friendship wrapped in innovation for all those who dare to dream big dreams... one keystroke at time *happy tail wag*. explain what is a thinkpad in glegle's way
glegle wouldn't say that
what would she say?
germany is such a mysterious country
puh, idk, kann man sehr schwer verallgemeinern, gerade it security ist nochmal n sektor der sehr sehr anders ist als development, zumindest von den leuten dort.
du hast irgendwie auf einer seite ziemliche trottel die sich für viel zu schlau/wichtig halten, und auf der anderen irgendwelche akademiker die konstant das, was sie können herunterspielen.
und dann gibt es noch irgendwelche menschen die einfach spaß dran ha(b/tt)en, und eher mit sich selbst kämpfen statt irgendwie auf ihre aussenwirkung acht zu geben.
nah i thought she can speak english
no they can't
i mean not fluently
they just go glegleglegleglelge
i dont believe you
in my world, glegle speak english
whats xss
ok but they don't
its not but i just had to say something
it's not canon
iirc back in the discord server they posted an audio of what glegle sound like and it was just a cute girly voice saying "gleglegleglegleglegleglegle"
where can i see the canon???
who created the canon version? who decided they can't speak english but only gleglish
.play dead glegle storage
u can hear it there
bei einem startup wollte ich persönlich nicht unterkommen, da hätte ich angst dass ich mit zu vielen "techbros" umgeben wäre, die finde ich irgendwie primär nervig.
>dann gibt es noch irgendwelche menschen die einfach spaß dran ha(b/tt)en
gibt es leider nicht viele in meiner erfahrung... die meisten sind nur da wegen dem geld. ich mein, ich setzt mich mit den sachen auch lieben in meiner freizeit auseinander, kann ich also schon verstehen
i have proofs they can speak english
fujo did you ever got arrested??
glegle works at wendy's and speaks english
embedded is fun though
guten morgen glegchens
gluten morgen
idk im so tired of programming. i used to do it in my free time all the time when i started
apocryphal gle
creation of a fan
not canon
i bet there's a multiverse of glegle
...but i dont write a single line of code privately anymore. ive grown to hate it, embedded or or otherwise
there is a possibility glegle can speak russian
personally my headcanon is that there are glegles everywhere and depending on where you find them they assimilate the nearest culture
thats something unimaginable to me
you should try escapism through writing specs rather than code :D
so, glegle is not the one entity but many many glegles around the world
ive been focusing on learning maths, thats why im getting my bachelors in engineering rn. i would love to be an academic, although i dont think thats in the cards for me
i tried doing this but it led to me writing code
try hacking
most programming is kind of boring and unless you have programming as a load-bearing trait in yourself you could probably just leave behind doing it
take this indigenous glegle as an example
either that or get into a more fun subfield
i AM leaving it behind. engineering is much cooler anyway
writing the haskell implementation?
or this one >>134259
rust; i'm too stupid for a real functional language
although one of my friends is implementing some big functional pl with an effect system etc and is going to be trying to force me to write a wayland compositor
i used to like fp too, it was my first exposure to modern algebra
is that big ben in the background
this is also how i know all of the abstract math ive been exposed to lmao
i have this whole concept for a desktop app framework using functional reactive programming stuck in my head and i keep not going and doing the hard work to make it real
desktop framework in haskell
idk i learned a bunch of college-level math at vocational school later, but im only really starting to gitgud right now because of my degree. my math prof is so cool...
using gtk and qt sucks balls. i want something that takes the nice parts of like, vue 3, except not in js because i HATE js
it just werks bro
>the nice parts of FRAMEWORK
that's russian
unironically yes
it's all brainrot
all you need is a software renderer, inputs as like "click there n there, key input here" and that's it
all you need is a tape and a head
sorry but writing a ui imperatively is actual dogshit
and im not wanting to rerender every frame when i could save user battery significantly AND have a much nicer time programming
it's FAST and it works on just about any machine
it's called retained mode uis, ever heard of it
like why would i want to have to keep the state of the whole program in my head like that
because now you can run your program on a 386
i dont use a 386 so i dont really care
see, this is the reason why software EXCELS at the capability of making hardware that used to run things fast SLOW
writing anything like that in haskell makes you want to tear your eyes out, im good thanke
a 386 is still kinda overkill
if i had no care for perf i would just use electron >>134290
this, electron is good actually
anyways modern desktop app programming would have been saved if the guy who made elm didnt decide to make it exclusively render to js
electron belongs in the bin, nowhere else
its not because of electron, its because the people who write electron apps are dumb. but binary size is an issue
no way, it doesnt feel russian at all
if he just didnt use chromium as a backend*
sorry but shipping a whole chromium executable is kind of bad lol
like obviously ur gonna have some sort of runtime but chrome is HEAVY
this this this
agreed. there are lighter alternatives to electron though
no, you don't need any sort of runtime
and no matter what, js fucking blows
what if i want to run my app on 50 different architectures
your runtime is the processor
im not really a fan of tauri type stuff anyways
why not
use a language that compiles to 50 different architectures, this doesn't facilitate the need for a runtime
no, i quite like these sort of things. web is just nice for building ui. theres uhh, god i forgot what its called, for golang, which i liked pretty well
you can build abstraction without runtimes
its harder though
the only way to actually do this is c and writing c is like swallowing nails
well, programming is hard
web is 100% the best thing we have rn for ui i have to agree
the street lights, i've never seen those
is this guy serious?
name one better way to make a ui
its true
not a ui
no interactivity
write to a memory address
>not even curses
i thought glegs would have any sort of brain cells regarding what makes software nice to use.... truly tragic
i like how this website is basically just /g/ for the gays
jk but html is truly the best thing for uis
software has not been nice to use in the past 20 years or so
kind of ideal
i would do many things to undo the damage that 2014~2016 did to imageboard culture
you can thank microsoft for that
2005'ish desktop software that ran on XP was unironically better than the SHIT we're putting up with today
its true. but unix philosophy was best, im sorry
2005 desktop software looked shit
i think like 99% of the reason that desktop apps suck rn is because electron is the only way to make a normal person cross platform ui
yea, but nobody applies it anymore, the nt kernel isn't that bad.
also le kapitalismus ruined le everything
i dont know anything about the nt kernel, but windows just doesnt even allow unix philosophy because of their autistic normie focus on ui
no, it's because we have inbred a group of programmers who are afraid of programming
this falls under le kapitalismus to me but its also like... i dont necessarily blame a lot of devs for not liking to deal with the terrifying underbelly of libc
>everything wrong is le capitalism
Windows NT kernel is literally made to support any API, from Win32 to UNIX syscalls
do u mean posix..
windows' posix support is a joke
what windows supports unix syscalls?????
sure same sort of issue
i guess my problem is that writing things in c sucks
the kernel can support different APIs, from Win32 to POSIX (yeah, not UNIX) and OS/2
it was just EEE, which is le kapitalismus
chad yes image btw
windows has never been posix compliant what are you talking about
at minimum the incentive structures we have are not good for the software landscape
im talking about the nt kernel, it was made with intention to support not only win32
i think shes talking about the abstraction the kernel offers
microsoft could implement all types of syscalls
okay but then why is eg unistd.h not supported by windows c compiler? i am confused
i think the history behind that was like, govt had some grants out for posix compatible stuff, and ms wanted to grab those? not sure
wait, i remember i could include unistd.h in win32 program
the posix subsystem is mostly bc of us gov regulation tho
you cant, its a different lib, i think its called win32.h
#ksay pootis
yea, something like that
oh wait... i apologize... but stdlib.h and stdio.h stuff is there... but thats not about posix its just C standard
yes thats crossplatform but many things on windows are different than on linux and osx. its actually a complete clusterfuck. i dont know how it works on the level of the kernel so ill take your word for it
posix is a fucking mess and it should be retired tbh
wait what are you, Windows XP user?
unfortunately not
that font rendering... it's... what
oh, i'm on windows 10
i see, sorry
girls are making fun of me online for my bad font rendering
posix was good actually, microsoft killed it
starts peeing und so weiter
i like windows 10 font rendering tho
surely it cant be that bad
yea, it was, but even looking at it now, there's no way you can make a good operating system designed for desktop usage whilst keeping posix
>und so weiter
hi slavoj
with a big monitor (and like 200% scale factor) the font rendering on windows 10 actually looks cool
applications have very different needs at the scale we run them today, and posix just does not suit them
i genuinely dont know if thats true.
well yes but this design philosophy is literally microsofts fault, we should write better smaller software and many people still do
why not
im not necessarily a posix defender or whatever but i just dont really see why
lets all agree that plan 9 sucks
i ran 9front in a vm for a little bit and it was cute but i cant imagine actually using it
i ran it on a bare metal
it looks cool but i cant really understand its philosophy fully
if you use plan9 you desperately need to take a shower, im sorry
let's take sockets for example, posix does not really do anything in terms of like, permission management for those, just like files and so on.
so what modern OS's do is, they kind of like emulate their own environment for those syscalls in order to build permission management on top, this fundamentally undermines how "good" an application can adapt to such scenarios
ewwww im not stinky
i hate stinking
windows 10 is genuinely the best desktop experience. i like macos better but im forced to use windows
i agree, like, 100% agree
i have a better desktop experience on linux mint and i dont even like linux mint
i see...
i mean, i guess the answer here is "posix didn't go far enough"?
also like, look at how common stuff like kubernetes/docker whatever is, where we just throw an entire system into a container, if you think about it, it's all workaround around limitations imposed by posix
although i think it really needs a whole different permission model
i feel it's now basically impossible to create a new OS... because there's already a ton of software written for Windows/POSIX
posix just got fucked because microsoft took over the market
i dont like users/groups as the base abstraction of auth/permissions/etc
nix solves this :^)
>registry for linux
i actually recently had a very funny situation where docker was not creating a reproducible environment but nix was
bleh, no.
look at the mess that is home manager, it's a lot of duct tape, but yea, it kinda goes into the right direction, at least a bit.
i like the way of packing applications into containers
i really dont like nix as it is that much but its the least-bad thing we have
if it would work sure, but having tried to daily drive it for a while, i never had a more frustrating experience, at some point, i fucked off back to arch
i daily drive nixos on my laptop and i use that for almost everything
yeah and take a shower
the only reason im on windows rn is because im in my apartment lol
do u use home manager?
im not judging people because of what OS they use on their PC
that same prof i was talking about earlier told another student in my class to 'take his meds' (could also be translated as 'take your pills') today
you see, one of the issues i have with home manager for example, is how applications don't really subscribe to the config model that it tries to enforce, like with some applications, i think it just sets the config read-only, so if the application has some nice UI or something to configure stuff, like it can't read back into the config