「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
oh im just fending off the fujo accusation of "well, you aren't on it rn..." or something like that
windows sucks; linux sucks too and much more than windows does
for my specific use case linux sucks less than windows
linux fanatics just cant accept that linux is impossible to use for like 70% of people who use computers everyday
i think for most people linux would suck a lot more than windows lol
i can accept that, and i understand that
oh yeah, i hit that with vscode
i honestly just dont use a lot of different software and vscode is by far the one most annoying thing this happens with
i wouldn't use that line of 'argument', it's a bad strawman
Spotify client is the most Windows-thing i use on my laptop
but i dont necessarily need to edit vscode config a lot so i just kind of cope with it
would be fixed if the desktop experience was better
if i really wanted i could just make it an fhs thing and handle it myself but i like the theoretical ideal of not having to re-set up my computer if i explode it
only if you wish to replace your macbook every 7 years because no updates
but... same for windows now... my t470 doesnt support windows 11
im not saying it's like impossible, but the biggest issue i have with it is just like, it's duct tape ontop of existing things, applications don't really have a way to properly interface with it
i cant understand, what did they do... what did they changed in windows 11???
it's not really it's fault that it's duct tape, most applications will never have even one developer that cares about nix
>my t470 doesnt support windows 11
built a new pc because of this too
even though 2 billion phones use linux
i do think it is like, a bit abysmal for say, an average user, but i'm not an average user, i'm an autistic transsexual who likes my gay little config files
thats a good point, i think if desktop experience on linux was as normie friendly as on android, it could be an option
im my opinion, operating system should use as less resources as it can
i think the operating system that handles what i was trying to outline best, unironically is android, like the permission management / file scopes it supports, it's pretty okay.
(but it's still duct tape)
i ran arch for a while but i also forget to `pacman -Syu` enough and then discord borks while im in lecture :p
also my DE kept exploding bc im gay and run like, hyprland and ironbar and whatever
i ran arch as my daily driver for 2 years and the most dangerous thing are those manual fixes that are required like TWICE A YEAR
im on arch rn btw
too bad linux doesnt have a big company developing a distro
but i think of switching to uwuntu
...red hat...suse
redhat doesnt count
its not a big company
its not like google
nix is nice insofar as i can assure myself that my computer will not explode on me lol
should fork hyprland and rename it to sheprland, because the dev is uhh, well..
vaxry is so fucking stupid lmfao
i hate that guy
i run sway, it's nice, i dont need animations
i like animations and swayfx is odd
whats vavavax
dev of hyprland
idk i have the opposite kind of tism i think, i disable animations *everywhere* i can
whats hyprland
wayland compositor with nice animations etc
ahh ok ic
how are nix packages even verified
do they get signed
verified as in like, the output is the same?
new pulseaudio?
verified as in like pacman
i mean, they have a git repo where you eventually get contributor access and until then u have to sit in pr hell
one of my friends has an ibus fix that has been sitting unreviewed for 6 months
i never understood foss people who contribute to other peoples repos
this is understandable
i like pretending im running a real operating system that hires designers
>working for free
t. most selfish person ever
.skip (video skipped)
i might actually be yes
>i never understood grocery shoppers who put back the cart
>>working for free
i really wonder what android on a desktop would be like
if you write a patch for something opensource why wouldnt you share it
kek. i always put back the cart, theres a euro in there
yeah ok cartcuck
you just love working for free for the store :^)
isnt that what fuschia was for?
again i want my euro
(american hat)
aldi i think actually has you put in a quarter here
although i will say 1 euro for a cart is pretty good now that you mention it
is this not normal in the us?
no, aldi is the only place that does it
as far as i know anyways
huh. its like this at every grocery chain here. were taking over
okay wait am i like surrounded by germans on this website
i like his vibe
same he looks like a sweet guy
my wife is probably going off to study abroad in germany soon im gonna miss her
germant is extremelt gay, i think ww2 was just repper rage
follow her!
i cant really afford to do that although i think im gonna visit her
well, not _really_ married...
but yknow
a colloquial wife ic
a fellow lesbian..
i like boys too!
transbian website
hey i like MEN too
and i have he/him in the bio, it's impossible for me to be a transbian
ah, i see. you havent had been enlightened yet
im a transbian of the soul
i would like to think i dont count as a transbian due to internalized cringephobia but i also have a lot of respect for like, the puppygirl transbian types
i like glegle
does that mean im gleglbian?
i think the medical term is zoophile
glegle is for everyone
im amazonian
#ksay glegle is for everyone
i feel u..
wait, enlightened as in..?
i disagree
oh speaking of my wife she says hi to you all
she said "say hi to the glegles for me"
on what grounds
#ai who is glegle
glegle is a friendly, nonspecific nonbinary animal character. they're known for being positive, approachable, and cute. their vibe often resonates with people who enjoy lighthearted, inclusive energy. who is glegle
this is a lie
tell your wife that glegle says hi back
because i say so
all caps glegle has a different energy
nonspecific nonbinary ANIMAL
show her this
oh i made this one
humans are animals too
hih hi hi hi hi hi hihihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
great contribution to the human cultural project A+
ok zoophile
who said im a human being?
okok fsir point neither am i. im actually a monkeee
i cant believe it
she liked this one
oh wait how its called
hey glegles - iris
arent we libpols or smth?
i dont really know how to refer to users of this website
i still call everyone worms
calling it <libpol> is ... it feels like im on reddit
me too
no were libtards
#poll who are we / libbers / pollers / worms
youll all remain wormies for me..
btw where is rename?
retarded.zone or what?
adminworm wants to do it but idk when it's gonna happen
i like it
i think if youre allowed to say idiot you should be allowed to say retard change my mind
i mean, clearly theres a difference in the way the two words are perceived
wdym by allowed nobody is stopping you
one is like more toxic i feel
every time you say retard the police get 1km closer to your home and arresting you
<idiot> has gone down the euphemism treadmill
yes but both were medical terms that turned into colloquial insults but at some point people started getting upset about saying retarded but not idiotic, its very weird
whereas <retard> hasnt
this is true in the UK
#ksay we're worms and we will always be worms worming in the mud
like if u wanted to spearhead some movement to change the current perception then sure but like i think autistically arguing that "um well actually if u say idiot its ok to say retard" is not rly gonna work
so true
you're a moron
yes but we can change that
it true
we need to make the word" retard" woke again
this website is crazy
this website is RETARDED
i thought you'd say something like "thats mean"
this website is GAY
all rise for our national anthem
once the worms leave you (you should hope for that) that respect that you talked about should turn into content for yourself, like you should realize that feeling bad about "cringe" is dumb, and being free is better.
hmm i dont see how a simple observation of fact is mean
well you're german so you dont have meotions so i cant explain it
ubuntu is all growed up
bro is not old enough to buy alcohol
i do have one emotion: anger
what did she mean by this
bury thirsty
i desperately hope the same thing happens to me
sure. i think my problem, as it stands, is that i feel shame really really strongly, it's probably my most salient emotion
mogs me
too real
shame is one of the strongest emotions in general, it overrides basically every other emotion we can feel
just takes priority, prob for purposes of like... social normalisation.... it's hard
shitting on my bed is cringe but since you told me i should care about what other people think now i shit on it everyday
ok break over i need to stoody now
have fun studying nibl
live your life how u see fit, bedshitter
i will ty ty
i figure its a result of autism
excellent luck with studying nibbler
certainly auts makes shame more potent
t. also
did guy in video just say he dranka cup of coffee with salt in it
salt is yummy
do people do that
a vietnamese coffee place near me has salted coffee
in goffee??
you should try it
a tboy friend of mine is super into coffee and he gets that every time we go there so i figure it must be good
it does sound kinda neato when stopin and thinkin about it
vietnam would never do us dirty like that
i usually get their not-vietnamese coffee bc their vietnamese coffee is super strong
and astringent
and im a little bitch boy who loves sweet drink
#ksay glayglay
.search YES YES
.search how to make heroin at home
home brewed heroin?
.search how to make estrogen at home
smoge we be da worm
#translate american
"Smoge, we be the worm."
(Note: "Smoge" seems to be a typo or slang; if it was meant to convey something specific, please clarify!) american
hop on...
i'm doing so right this very moment
.search how to make meth
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
nb bb n k,l/"
didnt cathc
why sis this video so long
#replace sis is
chat is this real
why doesnt it work
i cant hear anything
still nope
i cant play the file
its over
it's so over
fix ur files!!
ok its working now but my mic sucks ass
its so over
it still doesnt work
im gonna kill you anon.
sorry ill try better next time
now that i've been doing skincare again my skin looks better and i'm happy for it
how do ey fix mai failes
if youre actually mad
i'm gonna find you and murder you anon.
what idd
i do
is...is that you???–
now im getting mad too
i like to kill people too
with guns
guns are better
sorry i thoguht you were nadie
my sincerest apologies
you can just pew-pew and kill somebody
isnt that cool?
to kill with hammers you've got to be strong
makes me wanna tear up
.play im a normal person dan hentch
i feel bad for that dude
i hope he dies on a car accident
hey you cant be that...
.play the dolphin is dead
i hope he's ok
why arey ou so mean
that's me
.play han denstchel
its not loading
.skip (video skipped)
that wasn't the guy
.play elijah wood german interview
i cant believe i talk to people
i can't believe you're russian
how's that
how can russia be a real place
and not something made up by
jk rowling
i think russia was made up by us government
russia's not a sovereign country it's just an american dominion
it's an italian colony
i have no clue i just believe in that
i have no clue putin told me so i belive it
are you like... trump?
.play donald trump please save us
can you make russia join nato??
or pls send me a couple million $
you could have joined in 1998
gay connotation
ohh... okay... could you please bring mastercard and mcdonalds and coca coca back to russia at least??
why italian??
when my mom cooks spaghetti she breaks them in half
see? no way it's italian
italian behavior
no its over
no way that's italian behaviour
wait... behaviour or behavior