γvillainous mouse warlockγ
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
hi reddit
thank you for the libpol gold
i was eating when the last thread ended
nyce kitty cove hpolden
meow meow nom nom nom >>116179
meow meow anon ;3 gonna play planetside 2 while i wait for my vr myopia lenses and batter yto get here
#glesay sad froggy
is cove holdene sad? :(
sad 4ever ;_;
#ksay bury shoe
poor poor cove :(
woa new thred
im very poor :(
im dying :(
what's wrong
why delete post...
you're going crazy there was no post
you're your going you're goy your yh you're um
#say EA sports
#say its in the game
.play E
.play EEEEE
.play E for 10 hours
I'm here to give u all upvoter
We might have expected a fishy story from a man with a name like haddock.
im gonna upvoooooooooooooooooooooooooooote
this dog runs like a schrimp
hello melon
why am i a melon...
this is a website for melons
#poll melon/melon/melon
that's election fraud!
a vote for melon is a vote for melon is a vote for melon
m.. elon.. sus
oh no... have i been fooled...\
my skin care smells like melons
I don't like the way it twitches back into place
its doing its best...
it's breaking the laws of physics..
with its perpetual motion
I wish warm clothes didn't suck the moisture from my skin..
#ksay pamacs
#ksay pamatch
a deepseek powered chatbot/code generator that can perfectly automate a remote dev job
.play futurama scientist with the lazies
turns out... it was man.
saw a twinkhon at the tram station today (clocked because of adams apple)
wtf there is snow outside
it started snowing a few minutes ago here too
winter is so pretty
ur so pretty
the fog is nice too
it's not gonna be the same if they're gonna replace lamps with LED bulbs
there are only 3 people (including me) in my class cause there's just an inch of snow on the roads that didn't get plowed lmao
>>116252 wait I can't newline to stop it on mobile Frick
#itsover (117)
I like this one especially
#bleet (inappropriate content detected) the poster below this is gay
why does it ban for 'inappropriate content' lole
its all over
.play the inkspots its all over but the crying
screen recording with volume icons on screen should be a crime
#smartai assume the following two premises: 1. something cannot be entirely contained within itself, and 2. two parallel lines never cross. deduce from this why happiness is impossible. imitate the style of spinozas ethics
To begin, let us establish the two premises given to us: 1. something cannot be entirely contained within itself, and 2. two parallel lines never cross.
From these premises, we can deduce that true happiness, which is a state of complete contentment and fulfillment, is impossible to achieve. This is because happiness requires an internal sense of satisfaction with one's own being and circumstances. However, according to our first premise, something cannot be entirely contained within itself; there will always be external factors influencing it.
Furthermore, our second premise tells us that two parallel lines never cross. In this context, we can interpret this as the idea that our desires and reality may never align perfectly; they are constantly running parallel without ever truly intersecting.
Therefore, if happiness depends on both internal satisfaction and external factors aligning with our desires (which according to these premises is not possible), then achieving true happiness becomes an unattainable goal.
In conclusion, based on the established premises of 1. something cannot be entirely contained within itself and 2. two parallel lines never cross , we can deduce why true happiness is ultimately impossible to attain in its purest form. assume the following two premises: 1. something cannot be entirely contained within itself, and 2. two parallel lines never cross. deduce from this why happiness is impossible. imitate the style of spinozas ethics
#poll melons?/π/ ( . Y . )
i still don't get the melons thing. oh...well
morning frens
#kiss morning sis
its so good to wake up and feel good. this is gonna be a good day
>doesnt know
morning lori' >>116300 #kiss
seems like you're not getting any melons then..
i slept... ;ccc
i do that like almost every day
can't go wrong with positive self-affirmation
half should be enough for now..
heaven knows i'm miserable now
must be the lack of eukalyptusbonbons
these classical lanters are nice to see sometimes
hi kitty
.play westerwaldlied
why are you always posting music that my great-grandparents probably listened to
it's timeless
it literally got bombed out of existance
the news is happening again? when is it gonna stop?
it never ends. its just getting worse and crazier. this is genuinely such a batshit timeline
i actually come from another timeline and its much worse
just hold your horses
news daddy
love his energy
not the marxists
its the woke mob
the woke mop
I do not wish for a redscare 2.0
you better start believing in redscare 2.0 -youre in it
it hasnt been a red scare its been a rainbow scare
imagine being scared of rainbows
maybe it's the way he keeps himself sane
or is trying to lol
yeah and chinese spies + cultural marxists
yeah america does seem to be really going whole hog on being anti china
hyuck hyuck of courshe
if i was goofy i'd probably murder some people too
man has a hard life
#smartai how long until the universe freezes forever and nothing happens ever again
It is currently believed that the universe will continue expanding for trillions of years, until all stars have burned out and no new ones are formed. After this point, known as the "heat death" or "big freeze", the universe will reach a state of maximum entropy where all energy is evenly distributed and no further changes can occur. This process could take anywhere from 10^100 to 10^120 years, but it is important to note that our understanding of these concepts may change as we continue to learn more about the nature of our universe. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately predict when exactly this freezing state will occur. how long until the universe freezes forever and nothing happens ever again
#c time to heat death of universe (cannot compute)
damn ai wins this one
10^10^10 years? i cant wait that long
i'm sure if we ask the universe nicely then it might speed up entropy a little for us
do u know that being alive and doing stuff also speeds up entropy? so live ur life and heat death will get here a little tiny bit faster
my physics professor said that entropy is no longer used as a metric in physics, that confused me
based im just gonna spend my time doing pushups and running so it all ends quicker
did he have a source for this cause it sounds cray zee
idk he didnt elaborate. i take anything he says with a grain of salt because his lecture is genuinely terrible and he is just the most chaotic person i have ever met
remember to never sleep and always be eating something so your body is processing as much as possible. yell all the time also i think that would make it go faster too
dont need to change much in that regard then
ironic that mr chaos doesn't think entropy is important...............
thank you for reminding me. you are now aware of your own breathing
becoming aware of my breathing just means being a little mindful... mini meditation... thank u for this gift
sure thing. you now have to blink manually
that one's a little more effective but ultimately my brain will just slough off whatever it's thinking about and do its autonomous things by itself.... those memetic hazards need to be like persistent
not only are you aware that you are blinking manually, you are unable to FORGET that you are blinking manually
oh no
once we have cybernetic brain implants that can affect our memories people are gonna do all sorts of fucked up shit like that with it
can't wait for the hellfuture
>you now cannot stop hitting yourself
and it's all manual. can't even autonomously hit myself. super fucked up
...you have my repositories with zero stars of courss
the zero star repos contain the true evil
>enterprise edition fizzbuzz
imagine giving this away for free
so this is where shitposting is at this days