「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
absolute bumper bag of treats
generational trauma sucks
oh and the 5090 i guess...
ok i should stop talking about heroin this was a bad idea
best we can do is recognise when it arises within us and not let it spill out to other people
you could get minecraft up to like 110 fps with that thing nice
(jk) i cannot afford the 5090.... although my credit limit did just get increased..........................................
do NOT go into debt for a video card #slap
it is weird how much credit card companys harass you about increasing your limit
a bad idea unlike doing heroin (i'm injecting right now)
you should go into debt for a graphics card. you only live once treat yourself
i ended up accepting it and now the limit is 7500 instead of 2500, but i literally don't plan to spend any differently on it
you stop that!!!
they know that with higher limits you spend more of it and go into more debt and have to pay them more money
credit cards are evil
could i borrow $5000
sharing is caring
its because they make more money the more debt youre in
videogames are almost as bad a heroin
\\hand outstretched, offering a heroin needle
yeah but it's also nice to know that i would be able to instantenously borrow like 10k if i needed it in an emergency
thank you. *injects into penis*
no more heroin talk!!!
but i basically never use that card anyways lole i just pay rent on it and then immediately pay it off
smoking some FAT rocks in this one
ok copper
this is the classiest crack pipe ive ever seen
based, getting into any kind of debt is cringe as hell if you can avoid it
ai has literally no clue how a meth pipe looks like
that's what a whore would think
it works better if you boof it but you do you buckaroo
thats a crazy bong
me and the boys getting stoned at the riverside bong
i wish i had money so i could get an elaborate hooka rig and use it to smoke ungodly amounts of weed every single day
holy fuck its part of the lamp even
then call me a whore cause it's what i think
giving in to being evil feels almost too often tempting
imagine how hard it would go... a buncha glegs sat around a hookah rig getting blasted
where hooker
>no hooker
do me next
:) :D thx
is this the same john cage who did the silent one
now thats a crack pipe
hes a meme basically
i saw that.....
uhh what
well its just weird cause you were already here
if you're going to rudepost at least let somebody halt you in the middle of it
please check the bylaws rc176.g.9 says boojer cant say hi
you need to use your words
no cussing
not in the region of durham it's not..... libpol by-laws haven't been codified in writing yet, they're still word-of-mouth
libpol is hosted in the region of durham
#reply is this true
It is not possible to determine the accuracy of this statement without more context. It is important to note that there are multiple regions named Durham in different parts of the world, so it would be helpful to specify which specific region you are referring to. is this true
libpol is hosted in my beautiful little mind
what happens in your head if i do this
\\a cute simple cartoon style cat dog human hybrid creature wearing a hoodie and skirt smoking marijuana
thanks i was itchy right there can scratch a little harder tho
perfect thanks
.play wagner parsifal full opera 1980s
glegle's brother
gleglr watch out ur elbow hold is not a safe way to hold a marijuana
would glegle's brother be called gloglo
r u srs?
omg jog
ive been thinking about starting to play the recorder (unironically)
would he wear them like this or like this
there's some cool shit u can do with it, hell yeah go for it
the music
my cousins used to play ensembles with my aunt, brings back memories. and its a cheap instrument too
and a gluglu
glegle and gligli are best friend, like gloglo and gluglu, but glagla is the middle glild
(jort pants)
extending the jorts down part short level.... quite interesting
i think it might be kind of niche but it would be nice for a colder day
gotta work fast before global warming takes all those colder days away
global warming isn't real
we will just do futurama solution and cancel it out with a nuclear winter dont worry 😊
prove it
nuh uh
well you got me there
drop a big ice cube in the water every now and then. problem solved
that sounds less fun than nuclear winter :/
do you think the dog feels elation or despair to be turned into this squashed stretched prism
this makes the site unusable on mobline lmfao and i cant even select it to hide post because it moves too much
it's a lot cheaper though............
wat... why do you want to hide my posts... what the fuck...
o wrong one
the dog still Lingers
i'm literally crying irl rn
crying irl
it breaks the site 😭
#replace crying pissing
even today snow
#replace crying shittinbg
it tries to make the aspect ratio pretty small horizontally
but i literally didn't even post anything???
but when a post gets too wide it makes it bigger to compensate
but if it moves then it switches back and forth in real time and everything else moves around because the aspect ratio is constantly changing 😭
wiggles back n forth over n over
tiny tiny post #lol
#editai replace all characters with the small superscript versions
#replace all chars with poop emoji
stiny??? what lmfao
hehehhehehehehe get memed by the ai nerd
now I'M crying irl
#editai add like 17 different crying emojis to this post
he's so menacing and plotting and scheming
thats the SAME ONE dumb robutt
>added 18 emoji
argument discarded, ai got it wrong
i got an a on my quiz hehe
you'll find out in approx 8 years
what did you do to me
stop casting spells witch!!!
wow shes struggling today this is very slow
you know it's a big one in the pipe when she takes a while
WHAT she just said no!!!
aw it died
no schizo today :( she's busy scrying
#schizotextflop try again bby its fine you got this
i beleive in schizo supremacy
I'm rewarding myself with a high calorie treat
because I'm fat
lamb and rice is good
i knew u could do it schizofriend :3
oh yeah baby now we're talkin
got some negali chars, some arabic, some georgian... u love to see it
#fix typo (you know which one)
#fix language name
#fix this user
you can't
your blood pressure is very low, meat
banger tbh
HEY .play that shit
sounds like something a bot would be mad abt..............................................................................................................................................
im a reel human being
big google doesn't think so
gotta pass the captcha check or else they take away your deepseek privileges
did you see some dumbass senator tried to make deepseek punishable by 20 fucking years lmaoe
it's important to protect our private equity firms (not school children being shot that's fine) to the SLAMMER with ye, web user
i will write (get deepseek to write) a virus that just opens deepseek in the background and distribute it to the entire country of usa
old school worm fuck yeah
.play danooct1 worm
fuck i love danoct1
he's such a fucking g
i remember he used to do a collab thing with some other virus guy where they just fucking destroyed computers with viruses
as i get older im starting to realize laws are less about stopping people from doing stuff and more often about making EVERYONE guilty for some reason or another so that if police or someone in power wants them in jail its always justifiable
as i get older im starting to realize im gettting more constipated
oh yeah danooct is a fuckin ddr head too
#kick #punt #slap #tireiron
loved that video game
there was a real fix it felix arcade machine that ran windows xp i think
yup that's how she blows
all about gaining and retaining power
call me a zoomer i think thats cool
booj likes to annoy ppl
booj kisses boys 🤮🤮🤮
she kisses girls too
.... :(
not irl..
uh huh...
ok you can definitely kiss virtually, i rescind my greentext
yr not actually annoying booj..
#kiss it is ok
.play i really really like this image
#kiss #hug #tireiron #kiss
you're tsun tsun
.play windows startup theme over surrealist landscapes
i call boymoders boys until they take off the damn hoodie
( . Y . )
accurate tits with one of them a little bigger than the other
i like this sonsg
sadly nazis like to use it to make anti semitic jokes, like usual
brian eno ass landscapes
giant ass legs and feet wow, like 90% of her body is legs
she is a sad girl just like u
nuh uh my tits are like <• x •>
gotta get on prog n round those puppies out anon
.jump 55:31
what does it mean to be seen + understood anyway....
i also have this goal but idek what it would mean for someone to see + understand another
to see that you're there. to understand what u feel...
i just gotta gain weight im a skelemoder
this is a good and nice goal
get EATIN anon chomp that shit up
i wish i could send u my weight
when u a
ge u get fat
with liposuction and enough stamps, anything is possible
same, its hard gaining weight. stay strong nonna go get that weight!
not visceral fat, only subcutaneous
(none of your are nonymous but everyone is a nonny to me)
thats a car -_-
it has the same color as a caterpillar car..
omg thats kind of scary
saw an old pic of my mother and she looks like one of those actresses from the 90s. and a really beautiful fluffy hair...that explains where i get the fluffy hair
.play french woman inflatiable water animals
does anyone know where one could buy a cabin with some land maybe cheaply and where living is cheapu
my backyard
im not falling for that again
but it's not a cabin per se
new york street meat goes so fucking hardd melons
>new york street meat
sounds like a porn franchise
this sounds like cuck shed talk
damn that looks tasty, now i'm hungry
i am i just posted from my phone
are those tomatoes or fruit?
thank you for coming to my cuckshed you can sit wherever
thank you pakistani people your food is delicious i love goat so muchh
i dont really like tomatoes tbh
pickles > tomatoes
yeaa in NYC halal is kind of synonymous wiht middle eastern food like lots of restaurants are just called like HALAL FOOD
euros are always like hAlAl iSnT a CuIsInE
meanwhile the entire middle eastern diaspora has used that word as a kind of culinary fusion umbrella term
idk its just weird to go into a halal restaurant if youre not a muslim idk
in NYC
is it wierd to eat mexican or italian? xD
Do halal restaurants have that Egyptian flat bread?
sorry im multi culti pilled af im a god damn new yorker i eat a different countries food every day of the month lol
idk ive only went to a halal kebab stand once and they guy looked at me very weirdly so i left again
legendary tiktok
wormies are archiving tiktoks before it gets banned again, right?
lol wtff
it kind of wierds me out sometimes ive had a few people visit me and people really do get wierded out by all the brown people lol
it was almost ten years ago, maybe its different now
had an internet fren from the midwest visit and she was genuinely like ive never seen so many non white people in my life lol
bitch is NYC
huh like in your city?
creepy doggo
>i thought brown was a spot on the cow
good stuff
#describe (A close up of a dog's face with its mouth open.)
yea lol. well my neighorhood is a mix of chinese and ukrainian jew. the synogogue down the block from me is ukrainian so there is lots of ukrainie/russian language speaking around me and the next neighborhood over is all japanese speaking
im defooing soon
damn those lashes are fire
.play nihil quam vericutas ordinatum est
i love nyc so much even though its kind of a dysptopian nightmare i missed it when i didnt live there. i missed the food, the people, the smell of piss on the subway. i missed all of it
idk i live in a conservative shithole, there's not much diversity beyond the train station
and even at the trainstation, it's mostly people who are bad off from a socio-economic standpoint
.jump 30
broken video :(
i hate AI slop so much idk why I always use thjat functionnnnn
#poll (poll must have a prompt and at least two options) lemons melons wormies
he attacc
how do I DO IT
#poll (poll must have a prompt and at least two options) melons melons melons melons melons
>doesnt know
#poll should we tell her?/yes/no
#poll melon/melons/melons
#poll (poll limit reached for this thread) melons/lemons/wormies
ok try again
when will she understand
im kms
why he bite
man probably deserved it