γvillainous mouse warlockγ
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
signalis brainrot posting?
.play signallis remember
.play remember signallis
cute suits
hello im at work
oooooohhhh that explains the giant holes
will u guys make fun of me if i mess up while typing
heh u cant see what im typing
watch out for boojer.. she's a professional type racist
watch out for boojer.. she's a professional type racist...
are you booj undercover?
no i am not
yep she's here
what the heck i dont want to be type racisted
like she will just uhhh.. type whatever you're typing
tbf i think a lot of her being mean / bullying is just like.. in the cute but not actual mean way of bullying, at least that's how i read it all the time
its going fast get em while u can lmao
oh okay cute bullying is fun
Ariane was supposed to die but SOMEBODY couldnt pull the fucking trigger and instead we had to have a super pschic reality bender have their brain melt
big things are happening in the aol disc collector community
yeah. i find it funny that they sent their super psychic girl into a suicidal mission into space. but tbh i don't think they knew she was a bioresonance user
it's only brainrot if your brain can't handle it..
me and who (male)
i rly gotta play signalis
sometimes i think it would be cozy to date a girl and have lots of girlcuddles but i feel like im too mannish and i would just be a straight guy agp rapehon
do it
thats better
hehe brainwormsss
no feeding brainworms!
I would date a girl
i miss waking up in the arms of my gf ;-;
i feel like idk if I wouldnt want to date a trans personn... too much trans in my life... but also I could see the appeal because u have someone who understands what u are going through. meh.
ya i kinda feel that idk i think for me it would depend on where they're at in transition like if we're both at a point where we just kinda dont rly wanna think abt trans stuff that much i think that could work
we do the healing
AGP is based anywayyy why worry about being basedd
there are people out there who are sexuall attracted to tractors and you are here worried that your fetish is being pretty fr like thats basically vanilla
agp stands for agoraphobic girl point
ya idk tbh i think i have a problem cuz sometimes the way i picture myself like in my mind's eye is literally this like horrible transphobic caricature of like a huge hairy evil looking muscular man with like a big rapemeat that hes gonna use on the first female that comes by
my minds eye is 100% true and accurate and i am disgusting also every day i look in the mirror i see a completely different person completely unrelated tho
>doesn't find mater sexy
my minds eye is incapable of picturing myself
people in general, i can only do it with objects and like.. abstract thingies
i mean i cant rly picture actual ppl its more like one of those rly nasty looking wojaks of a trans woman
i mean can you blame them???
ugghhhhh i just want my body to look innocent and unthreatening
i feel like thats never gonna happen, put a mask on me and baggy clothes and i look like any man
life is hard for ugly girls
you arent ugly thoooo
idk :/
stop stealing my ugly privilege
lol ok #hug
i hope my brainworms get better in finlan... sometimes they do cuz some of the women there kinda look like me with the wide face and everything
I just want FFS so bad.....
neither of you are ugly
if you tried to assert yourself you would quickly realize how unthreatening you are
#rude!!! ppl to tend to kinda talk over me and boss me around but they did that when i was a guy too
i am a skinwalker of womens i just trick people by having a kind of semi passing face.
i look like the wierdo ugly softboy son of a viking chief that he hates for communing with the gods and not raping people enough
ai is alright
:< i bet ur cute
i used to legit just look like a viking plunderer
depends on the angle..
lol wanna see...
aw wtf u look like a chick silly
hips dont lie!
depends on teh angle i need FFS really badd
u rly dont look bad thats def an unflattering angle (it is for me too) but i still think u look like a chick
wierd how 99% of my angles r unflattering angless
real and same ;_;
#hug :3
yeah that sucks..
what I mean is that you're not gonna earn anyone's respect by trying to be non-threatening, especially as a transwoman in today's political climate
krissu boss bitch arc???
this is what i looked like in the beforetimes i was literally the ugliest bastard i knew
huh it wont upload
when ur ugliness breaks the internet ..
what r u gonna post a pre transition picc???
idc its funny lol
i changed a lot in my mid 20s i wish I could have gotten HRT earlierr....
i had like the best possible genes and I wasted them because i was poor and homeless and couldnt get HRT :(
i didnt hit puberty until 19 and stuff, like super late. i was 5 foot until I turned 18 and then went to 5 10 in like one year :(
im sorry that sucks so much i hated getting taller but it happened to me earlier than that
im like 5 8 or 5 9 now i got shorter on HRT tho
explains why u look like a girl now tho
omg same lol
i got called young lady just dressing and acting like a boy a bunch of times as a teen
with short hair lol...
awwww qt
idk about that but i didnt get to transition until late so my body got permanently masculinized even with my hormonal dysfunction
lol thereeeeee it is omg i was such an ugly bastard
tbh theres are really good genes for transitioningg. the "ugly" part just coems from lack of self care imo
i looked like the kid in high school thats obsessed with guns
he he
dont come to melonburger.org tommorow
#poll (poll must have a prompt and at least two options) melon level\ππππ\ππππππππ\ππππππππ
#p (use .p)
how do i change my name
top right click on the button that looks like a person
#poll melon/melonππππ/melonsππππ/giga melons ππππππππ
oh thank u
hello pandobra
the first two options are literally the same
no they arent
second one has an "s"
it's a scam
still 4 melon s
got melonz??
iga melons
giga melons
i forgor about this guy but all the melon posting made me remember him
remember vine??
i used to use vine in higschool
vine was so cool
i missed out on it... T_T
im older than u >:[
so young and full of life
im the oldest
im 25 almost 26 im like the oldest person alive
im 29...
um... no?
lets watch vines for the next 40 mintues NOOOOOO IT ODOESNT WORKK
im about to perish
im 30
get mogged
im gonna die real soon arent u jealous
im 31 now
woa i was sure u were like 20
noooo :(
i wish iw as 20
it ok u still look 20
ugghhhhh whenever i drink alcohol i get a rash on my hand and the rash got under one of my nails and now it looks weird and its been like that for over a year :/
femcel modingg
i dont drink or do any drugs
those r my jammies
thats good drugs and alcohol r bad
i used to be a p big stoner but i gave it up
i even quit vapingg :(
i miss it
I did a lot of drugs when I was a teen like acohol weed and LSD but i became a fed so I stopped hte drugs and I never ever really liked alcohol i just did it to be social
aw that sucks
i dont like it either... always sends me to a bad place
oh my guhhhhhh hes on xgames mufuhhhh
i dont really drink alcohol too much but im going to drink on saturday becoz i have egg nog i made a while ago just sittin in the fridge...
i didnt touch any drugs or alcohol til i was 23 and then for a couple months after my ffs plans got cancelled and i dropped outta grad school i was a major alcoholic stoner
one of my favorites thank u youtube for preserving vines
i love weed though ... ..
me too... but it makes me too unproductive
i wonder if they have weed in finland
ikr it makes me do absolutely nothing i only do it on the weekends now
i want FFS frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
thats good c: sounds like ur being responsible
weed is everwhere
oh ya lol
tysm idk if its being responsible i just want to be able to play videogames without being turbobad cuz im on weed
i wish i could make some like raspberry pi automated weed hydroponics thingy that would b fun
ya lol i feel that im so bad at elden ring when im high or drunk
love that game
weed is like cheating for melee
sameeeeeee i love elden ring ive played through it like 5+ times now lol
the kid sticking recorders up his nose is why the internet was made
yr an epic gamer
lol im not that good but my coolest achievement was beating malenia by parryin >:3
i cant watch the videos im at work :<
i learned to parry p much all her attacks except waterfowl dance which i had to just dodge
thats cool as heck i dont really parry anything ever but only parrying is nice
oh nice goo- oh except waterfowl dance oh ok....
when the elden ring DLC came out i randomly decided to try and no hit him because i found the fight so fun that took me a long time
lol u cant parry waterfowl dance!!
but u cant can u? i think its literally unparryable
no its too long lol
idk i rly loved parrying when i started playing but i became jaded after learning how much easier it is to do other stuff lol
i HATE parrying I never do it
i really liked the new elden ring DLC but after dieing to radahn 15 times I just said fuck it and poked him to death from behind a greatshield
i like pressing the dodge button im a very one dimensional eldenring/souls gamer i just dodge
yaaaaa lol
i really regret it :( he was a really fun and cool fight
the fight I got super into and learned really well was Mesmer I helped like 150 people beat him as a summon lol
woa cool ive never tried playing as a summon
i like helping people :)
aw c:
now i like to do a dex build, for a while i was doing dex/arcane and using the dancer set and the ummm eleonora's poleblade and that was fun, but now im doing dex int and i just have moonveil/starlined sword in one hand and a staff in the other
an avacadooo!!! :( thanksss...!!!
yeaaa messmer is my favorite i love him so much
hes hot
my favorite sword in all of elden ring is the Flameberge
this bad boy got wiggles on it
just become like these grandmas when you're older https://english.dotdotnews.com/a/202102/18/AP602df022e4b098609f949e8a.html
i just use the katana in all the games
dog ahead
try crouching and lo! dog ahead!
good dog
my highest upvoted soapstone was i found a bug in the wizard cathedral and it said try jumping and behold a bug!
i love the flamberge
and if you jump you can see through the entire map
I swear a mouse and keyboard isn't fast enough for this site
it was like 900 upvotes
o i was gonna say i play with an xbox controller lol
i had another soapstone that was like whos there? up, dog!
ya i play with a 3rd party xbox controller
lollllll thats dumb
wow you play libpol with xbox??
it had like 600 upvotes lol
yes im very 1337
u dnt?
i got a custom xbox controller with the fancy texture on it that makes it feel really good to grip
oo naisu
u use a dualshock 4 for libpol
i love elden ringg. ds3 and elden ring are both such good games.
elden ring makes me sad cause i dont really like it
i havent rly played ds3 i gotta
i enjoyed it sort of but i just haaaaaaaaaaaaate open world games
its not foreveryone a lot of people really dont like the exploring and non linear aspect YEAAAAAAAA exactly
im rlly talented
yeah thats exactly it
i dont like open world but i liked elden ring a lot
i rly liked the open world aspect, exploring everywhere to find all the secrets and weapons and lore c:
yeaaaaaa for me it was PERFECTTT but I can get why peopel would prefer dark souls and bloodborne level design much more
i dont think open world is bad i just dont like it sadly
ya def
100% valid and reasonable
also wrong
#poll how wrong is schrimp?/wrong/wrongest/ππππππππ
erm ur the one thats wrong
that's so cool,.. writing this with my lightpen rn
i lied im using a keyboardim a FRAUD
did u play armored core???
yeah i didnt beat it tho i got filtered
i beat the first campaign but I wasnt bothered to unlock all the secret giga hard mode bosses
i spent a few hours trying to beat that like uhhh white mecha with the drones in the big lake
i watched the 6 hour long vaati vidya lore video instead
i forgor what its called
and i just kinda lost interest
okay stop wahtever you are doing this is the next 6 hours fo ur lifefff HEHEHEHEH
ive never watched a vaati vidya video
I tried a lot of builds to beat it but I finally got it using the drill arm
its a cool fight
thats one thing i loved about ac is how often it kinda forces u to change ur build up and try dif things cause there are objectively better or worse loadouts for certain fights
I finally settled on a build I called the Demon Arm where I used poke to build up stagger and then I would all in with the drill and double super sniper back weapons for like a big one shot kill move
my favourite build was using two plasma rifles and two plasma rockets and you can basically chainfire them 1 by 1 and whoever ur fighting is literally constantly being barraged by plasma aoe even if they dodge
like a weabuu :3
i love it
i like it
its that shrimple
wrong password.. sorry
thats so cute
dont fuk with me ill fucking kill u with my demon arm
ill counter it with my angel shield
ππππππππππππππππ you couldnt my demon arm is too powerful
its fueled with the rage of a million angry melons
my angel shield is REALLY strong
its blessed by a true guardian angel
thats pretty strong
ur kind of cool i guess
ur pretty cool too... cant lie...
what the heck i didnt say all that
ur getting so hacked rn
stop hacking me...
too late..
help im being messed with bigly
no one can hear you scream...
what do i do... how can i make it stop
ur scaring me
was it anna?
best angel girl
did more packing... most of my stuffies will have to be shipped ;_; but im bringing a couple special ones
do u think 25 is too old to have a bunch of stuffed animals.. idk
well maybe it will be a golbat
i have a bunch of stuffed animals and im 29
how tall are you?
h-hey ><
im 5'8
shes so cooool
ya o_o
i have way too many plushies i feel like... i have like 3 small moomins, a big moomin, a medium size moomipapa, a hattifatti thats like 3 ft, some smaller ones that ive had since i was a kid and this guy
there she goes sarah connor moding #kiss
moomins!!!! :D
i never watched that animation but they are really cute
ya i love moomins c: i have a whole plush collection of them but it makes me kinda embarrassed >< idk mayb its cringe for a 25 yo male...