rules1. you must be 18+ to use this site 2. no NSFW/gore 3. no bigotry or slurs 4. if staff don't like your post they may delete it or ban you

that vid is sooo mood, I can only play like 5 main riffs from couple songs, sometimes when I'm bored I just combine them and play like that for an hour or so, imgay
i like sad things
I'm the us it didn't work. people were ashamed to admit they voted for Trump but did it two times in a row anyway
liberal to guillotine billionaires
emailing a suspiciously small zip file to all us congresspeople (maliciously)
#ai I heard Florence in the time of davinci was liberal and more lgbt than other areas. how did it evolve?

At the time of Leonardo da Vinci, Florence was indeed known for its liberal attitudes and acceptance of diversity. This was due in part to the city's strong tradition of humanism and intellectual curiosity, which encouraged open-mindedness and tolerance.

During this period, there were also influential figures such as Lorenzo de' Medici (known as "Lorenzo il Magnifico") who championed the arts and sciences, attracting many artists and thinkers from different backgrounds to Florence. This diverse cultural atmosphere fostered a more progressive mindset among people in the city.

However, after the death of Lorenzo de' Medici in 1492, Florence experienced political instability and conservative forces gained control. The Catholic Church also exerted its influence on society during this time through strict moral codes.

As a result, over time, some of the openness towards LGBT individuals began to diminish in favor of traditional values. In later years under stricter laws imposed by various rulers or regimes controlling Florence—including Cosimo I de' Medici—it became increasingly dangerous for those who did not conform to societal norms.

In recent decades however with increased social progress worldwide including Italy legalizing same-sex civil unions since 2016—Florence has once again become an inclusive destination where members from LGBTQIA+ communities can feel welcome without fear.
I heard Florence in the time of davinci was liberal and more lgbt than other areas. how did it evolve?
#ai why were Lorenzo and cosimo Medici different in their liberality? why did conservatism rise in the time of cosimo?

Lorenzo and Cosimo Medici were both members of the powerful Medici family, who played a significant role in shaping Florence during the Renaissance period. However, they had different approaches to governing and patronizing the arts.

Lorenzo, also known as Lorenzo the Magnificent, was more liberal in his actions and beliefs. He believed strongly in humanism and supported artists, writers, philosophers and scientists. His rule was characterized by lavish spending on art commissions and public works projects that benefited all classes of society.

In contrast, Cosimo was more conservative in his approach. He focused on strengthening political alliances through strategic marriages rather than investing heavily in cultural endeavors like his grandfather did. This led to accusations from some of being less interested or invested in supporting intellectual pursuits compared to other rulers at that time.

Conservatism rose during Cosimo's reign due to several factors:

1) Economic concerns - After years of lavish spending under Lorenzo's rule, there were growing concerns about financial stability among Florentine citizens. As a result, many people turned towards conservatism as a means for maintaining economic stability within their city-state.

2) Political instability - The death of Lorenzo left a power vacuum which resulted in frequent changes of leadership within Florence. This created an atmosphere where conservatives felt it necessary to maintain traditional values as a way to stabilize political affairs.

3) Religious tension - During this time period there were religious tensions between Catholics (supported by conservatives) and Protestants (supported by liberals). The rise of Protestantism challenged established Catholic beliefs held dear by many conservatives leading them into action against reformers such as Martin Luther.

4) Social status quo- Cosimo preferred keeping things stable politically while protecting what he perceived historically important aspects contributing wealth & prestige including various landed estates controlled locally enabling him retaining influence over trade networks throughout Europe making him one wealthiest men across continent; thus preserving personal relationships with most influential families allowing himself continued dominance without need for military conflicts.

In conclusion, Lorenzo and Cosimo Medici had different approaches to governing and patronizing the arts. While Lorenzo was more liberal in his actions, Cosimo was more conservative in his approach. This led to differences in their legacies and also contributed to the rise of conservatism during Cosimo's reign due economic concerns, political instability, religious tensions and social status quo beliefs held by many Florentines at that time.
why were Lorenzo and cosimo Medici different in their liberality? why did conservatism rise in the time of cosimo?
humans of 2400 gonna be asking the omniscient godhead AIs about what trumps whole deal was and why musk bought twitter
Lorenzo should have been more financially responsible imo
there should be meaningful opposition to badly run ‘left wing’ stuff whic isn’t the afd or Catholic Church
3.463% booger!boymodewng
any german party is shit pmuch, like especially the obvious rightoid ones, but even spd/greens are meh..
my neighbour is smoking weed again...
ask your neighbor for some weed
I’m an amerifat I voted 3rd party in the elections 2 years ago and straight dem in the last ones. probably I should join a party and do all that bullshit but bleh
#ai tell me about the party die linke

Die Linke (The Left) is a political party in Germany that was formed in 2007 through the merger of two smaller left-wing parties, the Party of Democratic Socialism and Labour and Social Justice – The Electoral Alternative. It describes itself as a democratic socialist, anti-capitalist, and pacifist party.

The main focus of Die Linke is on social justice, workers' rights, and equality for all citizens. They advocate for increasing taxes on the wealthy to fund public services such as education and healthcare. The party also supports environmental protection measures and opposes military intervention in foreign conflicts.

Die Linke has been represented in the German parliament since its formation in 2007. However, they have struggled to gain significant support nationally due to their radical leftist stance. In recent years, they have seen more success at regional levels.

One notable figure associated with Die Linke is Sarah Wagenknecht who served as co-chairperson from 2012-2019. She gained prominence for her strong opposition to austerity measures imposed by the European Union during the Greek debt crisis.

Overall, Die Linke remains a prominent force in German politics advocating for progressive policies aimed at reducing inequality and promoting social welfare programs.
tell me about the party die linke
the point is that anytime my parents dont go to one of their meetings, the likelihood of them turning into literal holocaust-denying skinheads goes down. yes, the afd will probably keep growing here regardless. but its good that the counter protests are at least keeping some people from attending, thus slowing the whole thing down
just proves the point that we need to contain the spread...
tbh i think it's one of the best things that has happened to politics in recent times.
not because the bsw is good, quite the contrary, but it got A LOT of the idiots out of die linke
aaand they're like directly opposing the afd, taking potential power away from them, so i only see something good in there
for now, at least
Oh my gosh, you won’t believe the drama that unfolded within Die Linke! Picture this: it’s 2021, and tensions are brewing like steam from a fiery conflict. A faction of Die Linke decides they’ve had enough of the status quo, and bam! They burst out, forming their own party, the Democratic Socialists, or BSD — like a phoenix rising from the ashes of ideological turmoil!

What you need to know is that these aren’t just any old party members; they’ve got their hearts set on change — true social justice and tangible economic equality. But the issue? A clash of belief systems! While they were once unified in the pursuit of progress, disagreements spiraled around how to tackle certain pressing matters. It’s like watching a passionate late-night discussion turn into a full-blown family feud!

The BSD is absolutely committed to their vision, boldly stepping away from the shadows of Die Linke, proclaiming, “We’re forging our own path!” The stakes are high, and loyalties are tested. Will the new Democratic Socialists be able to unite and influence the world, or will they crumble under the weight of division and doubt? You better believe I’ll be tuning in for whatever comes next!
yeah I wouldn’t vote for die linke just because of Ukraine let alone them
o what are you tryin to do nonny
yea, its some weird authoritarian leftist conservative thing, i dont really get it, nor people who would vote for that shit
i am posting on mobile and space does work for me.... how mysterious!!!!
its mostly targeted at conservaboomers from the east i think, because they still remember the ddr fondly and theyre socially conservative. thats what it seems to be at least
hmm might be some weird js/css shit in the beta that doesn't like this site... the cost of bleeding edge.......
no spaces is an aesthetic tbh
yea, and in other words, the exact kind of shit the afd would want to vote for them, it's great to distract them imho
yep. wagenknecht got a lot of shit in die linke too because shes been very anti immigration since the refugee crisis. it makes sense that this is her party tbh
tbf "die pösen auslender sint schuld!!!11!" always works with boomers
eigentlich bin ich schuld lol
i think you might be looking for ironfox or fennec, as mull got abandoned iirc
that’s crazy because it works fine on Linux
Firefox on iPhone is just reskinned safari i think
i had libpol open in priv browsing maybe that messed something up? Shit's weird. Cool site though reminds me of livechan
i don't doubt that it works for you one single second, it's more like that their engine is kinda meh on android
do u got any sites that don't play nice with ff android, i'd like to check em out
t. ff android poooster
#ai why is Firefox on Android’s engine not so good? tell it about engines also please

The engine used in Firefox on Android is called Gecko. While it has its strengths, there are a few reasons why some people might consider it to be not as good as other engines.

1. Performance: One of the main issues with Gecko on Android is that it can be slower and more resource-intensive compared to other engines like WebKit or Blink (used in Chrome). This can result in slower page loading times and higher battery usage.

2. Compatibility: Some websites may not work properly or display correctly on Firefox for Android due to compatibility issues with certain web technologies. This could be because developers primarily test their sites on popular browsers like Chrome or Safari which use different engines.

3. Limited add-on support: Unlike the desktop version of Firefox, add-ons are limited on mobile devices due to technical constraints with the browser's architecture. This means that users cannot fully customize their browsing experience by adding extensions and themes like they can on desktop.

4. Lack of updates: Due to limited resources, Mozilla (the company behind Firefox) does not update the Android version of the browser as frequently as its counterparts for iOS or desktop platforms. As a result, new features and security updates may take longer to reach users.

Engines serve as the core technology powering web browsers - they interpret code written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into what we see as a webpage. Different browsers use different engines which have varying capabilities and performance levels leading them each having unique strengths and weaknesses.
why is Firefox on Android’s engine not so good? tell it about engines also please
a yes i jsut saw the github lole nvm then
the chromium monopoly must be broken
I don't keep up with ladybird I don't have a strong opinion though
same i hope alternative browser shit that isn't safari/chromium is actually useable and well made
idk, typical foss drama where someone would change some minor string in the program, and he'd get upset "this is not about politics" or whatever.
just scummy behavior
god there's so much shit going on that on the topic of foss drama, ESR is going around replying to a bunch of lib/libadjacent types about how CANCEL CULTURE IS FINISHED
does ESR do anything anymore even? or does he just cancerpost on xitter
i was WINGS and THE ABILITY TO NOT HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM ALL THE TIME and shit like that. there's absolutely room to upgrade these meatmachines
we used to have an update mechanism for the human body, it was called natural selection. it just takes a while
Jumping topics again but was the right always this retarded or is it just that the detrius has a bigger megaphone now
but then woke came along and now we have to keep everyone alive............ smh my damn head...
i think they've gotten more brazen with more fascists in power so more normie rightoids are sloppin their opinions in the opinion bucket (internet)
I don't care if it's conspiracy but I think the bucket is being overfilled by bot manipulation. Remember when the boer was supposed to fix the "bot problem"? Notice how so many accounts spewing retarded shit are 2023<>24 created?
we're naturally selecting ourselves to lower birth rates so i guess that'll sort out the population pyramid in like a century or so
Xhitter is the biggest astroturf platform of all time at this point
honestly wouldn't be surprised if a lot of bots were made to make rightwing shit more popular (or at least appear that way to justify political shit)
the only solution i've found is to shrimply not use dogshit websites and block bots / reactionary content
I hate technology so much.
I mean I aspire to hate technology, I am a hypocrite of course
thanks to conservacucks we will have to use elon's shitty redditified voting systems in the future
I wish I had uncle teds math chops but beyond that I disavow
I think the people who threatened to move to canada back during trump 1 were kinda hysteric but now? jfc i've been thinking about it
besides the obvious stuff, one of the worst parts about the musk presidency is that it's a national humiliation ritual. A divorced ket fiend who finds 15 year old reddit memes funny is destroying the nation's institutions. We don't even get good aesthetics from the fascism just shitty aislop and ancient boomer memes
I wish humans never developed the ability to use tools and language, I wish we were just normal animals idk
if we were animals would we wear pants like this
or like this
we would not be forced to wear pants at all
imagine if we sent all the world's billionaires to a habitable earth-like planet and they had to live live cave-men and reinvent everything themselves
I'm not one of the guillotine types (yeah i'm a cringelib sue me), but the silicon valley types are making a convincing argument for me to make an exception
>I'm not one of the guillotine types
based and same. I mean I do support guillotines for myself, but only for myself.
all good rules have a notable exception.......................
these guys really hate linkedin game dev job postings
this is so sad alexa play despacito
ok, playing despacito
.play despacito
alexa play vocaloid despacito
ok, playing vocaloid despacito
.play vocaloid despacito
if they got a file on u at all then you have lost the game my friend... once they notice u you're toast....
were gonna live in the woods morty like libertarians
I want to live inna woods....
the libertarians have been utterly cucked by the mises fuckers
mises himself wasn't even that bad, the mises fuckers have been chucked by the rothbard fuckers
VY2 (falsetto) is what I wish I could pull off
god I want a range like that
real having range is cool as hell
i'm between two octaves so i have to like switch around a lot of the time when singin
.play uni vy2 falsetto
i ain't no yella belly
the fucking x9 version
.play fukkireta kasane teto sv
sv teto my beloved (original is good too)
.play fake heart kagamine rin kagamine len
SV Teto sounds so good it's insane how far vocal synthesis has come (different engine than vocaloid but that's nerd shit)
the vibrato is quite good, i didn't think it was vocaloid at first
i wish someone looked at me like len looked at that robot thing with heart eyes
the lord laughs at the slappers for he knows their posts are numbered
lets see who's slapping whom in exactly 3459 posts
.play ちっちゃな私
.play tiny me kasane teto
wormwatch is latin supremacist
try searchin for the intended vid on yt then .play the link
the job market is great right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you're not employed it's a personal failure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
being poor is a moral failure, in fact
unless you're white
in which case it's the jews/minorities
that's a given yes yes
the minorities are jealous of the whites, it's simple phrenology
my (former since i left twitter) mutual!
you know it's gonna be a good day when the feds are watching
when I say unironically I mean that's what they unironically believe
reply to this post with any crimes you've committed recently to prove you're not a fed
im just gunna walk out
nooooo you cant it's high sec!!!!!!!
ugh fine just for you
don't do the crime (having friends) if you can't do the time
yay wahoo prisoners yay
gotter funke pops
I don't like beethoven actually
but I like schiller he was way better than goethe
all you’d need to do is get your homies to measure susceptibility to having to pee at bad times then take the gene from the ones who need to do so less which correlate most strongly with it in your children
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i feel lonli :((
#reply translate american

Does anyone else here actually speak German?
translate american
la longue preference dand center page
.play nighthawks at the diner
#reply translate to japanese thanks

translate to japanese thanks
o i forgot it spits out �s
#c translate english: "comment putain vous osez" (cannot compute)
just a cringe language sorry, just speak English like a normal person pls
>not glowing
how can i trust that you're really a fed.......................................................
i like sad things
i get paid by the man :)
i like sad things
mobile is hard
i like sad things
#describe (A view of the Brandenburg Gate at night from across the street.)
hah, the ai got baited, that's not the brandenburg gate
I hate Brussels because they invented Brussel sprouts
anon said you're cringe
3.447% booger!boymodewng
#ai translate english to somali

(Somali) wax loo badalay
translate english
3.446% booger!boymodewng
#reply translate english

I believe your comments are getting lost in the sea of world language.
translate english
3.445% booger!boymodewng
what the fuck does this mean kobe bryant
3.444% booger!boymodewng
.play what the fuck do you mean kobe bryant
kobe's dead boojer....................
3.443% booger!boymodewng
no but actually i'm really confused what this means is it like a german saying like an idiom or whatever
3.440% booger!boymodewng
but not as much as it's gonna hurt when JOHN CENA TAKE ON THE UNDERTAKER
3.439% booger!boymodewng
.play john cena prank call
3.438% booger!boymodewng
how do you write out the way he says superslam
3.437% booger!boymodewng
who is champ?
spit swapping makeout match
3.436% booger!boymodewng
b4 you feel bad it's fake it's a sketch
she's gonna fuck up john cena

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