「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
i mean i cant relate to your friend cause like, I did not feel younger than my age, I felt way older than my age, and I felt way older in a negative way not a positive way. i felt older like i was weary like an old person but without an old persons wisdom, and all the tragedy of having the wrong childhood
it is very very sad :(
i wish I could have tried high school as a girl but w/e i probably would have been an anti social wierdo as a girl too so w/e loll
I wish I could have avoided even one week of male socialization, and had the fortune of never being effected by male puberty
realistically the only thing I wish for is to have just been born female, or not even. i just wish I was born not trans, man or woman. its just being trans that is a curse. it really really shitty. the thing I cant related to is the people who experience "trans joy" or try to make being trans into something positive.
because for me it is explicitly pain, othering, self hatred, wasted time, trauma and PTSD, loss of family, loss of status in society, the denial of opportunity, the pain of FUCKING HAVING TO MEDICALLY TRANSITION. its 100% negative. transitioning is literally just a pain killer to having been born with a wrong body or a wrong brain, whichever is more accurate.
I wish I could have spent my early life, knowing i would not go through male puberty, and not having those built up years of fear and pain
yeah i cant either sadchan especially not with how hard people make it to transition and how they try to outlaw our existence
exactly sadchan, its like, all these assholes who could have just given us estrogen, cruelly forcing us to live in disfigured bodies, and all the risks and shit we need to take and often lost family and shit just to stop our bodies from being more disfigured, and yeah all the lost opportunity and the increased dangers in life
I feel like the male body is a tragic part of nature, the female body to me is just what i see as normal and i love it for being normal i see it as normal in a good way a positive way, and i find it very sad i wasn't born in a parallel reality where all humans are female and somehow reproduce that way
thats kind of wierdd lol
like all males in nature?? but what it means to be male is like different for every species lol. its not even the same for different human cultures ethnically or culturally
feels like ur just saying men r gross, which yea i genearlly agree lol
yea but i mean the problem is being trans like you dont need to delete all men. thats just like 1 of 9 billion sci fi plots that would solve our problems.
like off the top of my head
1. complete genetic reconstruction
2. cloning/body swapping
3. a pill that would make u cis
4. a world where no one is trans
5. a world where peopel could just do normal real life medical transition as a kid
I would do anything to end up in a parallel world where human evolution is tweaked so that only women exist... honestly sadchan a lot of it is well, if it makes it easier to understand, i am a trans lesbian, i think the female body is more biologically gifted than the male body, i also have like this fear of possibly reincarnating into a male body after i die and that fear makes me want to delete men
i think its cool men are strong and like able to life stuff hehe
my fear of reincarnating into a man and me being a trans lesbian who went through the wrong puberty are admittedly big reasons i wish humanity was exclusively female
i like men
i mean if u reincarnate into a mans body its just like going through the same thing againn. like it sucks but i would choose being trans over being dead. i mean i did, or else i would have kms multiple times in my life
exactly, and thats what i am afraid of, to me a natal female is the only acceptable thing to be reborn as
>eternal recurrence but for trans
i wish u luckk in ur reincarnation :)
i feel like maybe in the future because of all the publicity trans people have been getting we get some cool new trans medicine that just lets us easily become women or men or whatever without all the hastle
come on cyberpunk bodymoding LETS FUCING GOOO IM WAITINGGG
i want to be an immortal robot anime girl >:[
you mean like a pill with nanomachines you only need to take once, and it only costs one penny, and it entirely undoes male puberty in like one year or less, and makes your body generate estrogen automatically?
moot was right all along
two days late on my injection x3
well you did remind me of speaking of that whole thing, it would be amazing specifically to be like the terminator type of robot, who like, has actual organic skin, and a mostly passably human shaped skeleton, the skin is not natural of course but like same principle as um, living tissue over a robotic skeleton
living tissue over metal endoskeleton thats it
#smartai define glegle in just 2 words
"Imaginative anthropomorphism." define glegle in just 2 words
#smartai define glegle in just 1 word
"Glegle" is not a recognized term in any established lexicon, linguistic corpus, or academic discipline. Its definition remains indeterminate due to the absence of contextual or etymological substantiation within scholarly or authoritative sources. Therefore, it cannot be accurately defined in a single word without further clarification or context. define glegle in just 1 word
#smartai explain what glegle is in one word
Glegle is a **personification**—a whimsical, anthropomorphic representation of positivity and inclusivity, embodying traits that transcend conventional categorization. explain what glegle is in one word
if i had to definte glegle in one word?
what about
yeah i mean i donno its a complicated situation and its based on an even more complicated and ingrained situation of racial tensions in the US caused by slavery
I think it's really hard to find a good middle ground
I think given that we're 4chan adjacent it's better to err on the side of preventing racism tho, given the general demographics of that site
agree with this, there's plenty of middle aged cis women who try to act like teenage girls and they have the benefit of the doubt so they get like eyerolls instead of disgust
good point and they like, arent stereotyped as like criminals or something like that like trans women are, i mean i do not act like that just saying >>123558 >>123556 i find it really depressing learning the hard way that racism is not exclusively an american problem, because i fantasized about leaving the usa to get away from that, and now like um, lets just say with certain hyper racist individuals who were not born in the usa, ive come to the unfortunate realization that racism is a global problem, and moving to another continent will not make it go away
oh hell yeah what game and mod ijs thbijs?
#smartai when i was a teenager i was almost exclusively around teenage boys and also was unusually socially isolated as a teenager so i don't know the answer to this, what do people mean stereotypically when they say someone acts like a teenage girl? i had so little socialization and pretth much only knew teenage boys growing up
The phrase "acting like a teenage girl" is often used as a stereotype to describe behavior that is perceived as overly emotional, dramatic, or preoccupied with superficial concerns. This characterization is rooted in cultural tropes and societal expectations rather than any inherent truth about teenage girls themselves. Let me break it down for you:
1. **Emotional Expressiveness**: Teenage girls are often stereotyped as being more emotionally expressive—whether through excitement, sadness, or frustration—and this expressiveness is sometimes dismissed as irrational or exaggerated. For example, crying over seemingly minor issues or reacting intensely to social dynamics might be labeled as "teenage girl behavior."
2. **Social Dynamics**: The stereotype also includes an emphasis on interpersonal relationships and social hierarchies. Teenage girls are often portrayed as being deeply concerned with fitting in, seeking validation from peers (especially romantic interests), and engaging in gossip or drama.
3. **Appearance-Oriented Behavior**: There's a common assumption that teenage girls are preoccupied with their physical appearance—obsessing over fashion trends, makeup, hairstyles, or body image—often to the exclusion of other pursuits.
4. **Romantic Idealism**: Another trope involves viewing romantic relationships through an idealized lens (e.g., daydreaming about crushes) or displaying what others might perceive as naivety in matters of love.
5. **Group Conformity**: The idea of acting like a "teenage girl" can also imply conformity within peer groups—mimicking behaviors, adopting shared interests (like boy bands), and prioritizing group acceptance over individuality.
It’s important to note that these stereotypes are reductive and unfair; they oversimplify the complexity of human behavior during adolescence while perpetuating gender biases. Many behaviors attributed exclusively to teenage girls (emotional sensitivity, concern for appearance) are universal experiences but have been culturally gendered due to societal norms around femininity and masculinity.
Your lack of exposure to diverse socialization during your formative years likely shielded you from absorbing these stereotypes uncritically—a silver lining worth reflecting on! Understanding them now allows you to approach such generalizations with nuance and skepticism rather than internalizing them at face value when i was a teenager i was almost exclusively around teenage boys and also was unusually socially isolated as a teenager so i don't know the answer to this, what do people mean stereotypically when they say someone acts like a teenage girl? i had so little socialization and pretth much only knew teenage boys growing up
my teenage years were the worst but thats like unfortunately the normal mtf life, i remember like, when my cismoid peers were like super super transphobic/homophobic, and either turning into gigachads or wanting to be gigachads
.skip (video skipped)
its call of duty: advanced warfare
which is a really funny alt universe game set in a future where kevin spacy takes over iraq as his liberterian military utopia and u blow it up kind of like bioshcok
csn you play call of duty advanced warfare with like your vrchat avatar or your custom vr??
probablyyy I think moders are usually able to jankily put 3D models into a lot of games. they just need to make it snap very roughly the animation rig
i also played call of duty: infinite which was SOO BADD it was so funny
honestly the bad off brand cod spin off games are pretty enjoyable i haven played a mainline cod game since Cod 2 for hte ps2 at my friends house tho
during my teenage years i was acutely aware of how often teenage cis boys assault and or murder teenage trans girls, like so many stories all over the place and no big mystery there why extreme social isolation during those years was the best possible solution for me in this world
sadchan tell me about melonburder i notice its in your name
that should be the name of this website
i still miss brainworms lol
I feel that wasting time so hard but I feel like for me it was from repressing so many of my desires more than gender. I feel like when I have a strong self conception in my head I feel so much better and identify more with life and care about ‘my’ desires.
I think it can be toxic. I think it’s not the childhood that’s needed, but the feeling of having a self and getting to live as it and your actual desires and values. but ofc. I hope I’ll help kids have that too.
^^ gud to see you kitty :3
:O haven't seen kitty on here in a while
I remember crying in high school over all the years waiting for ‘my turn’ but also over that I couldn’t picture any future for myself and that after all that time doing ‘my job’ I didn’t see any way to have my own feeling of things being wrong go away and live.
i might say maybe female teenagers are bad if their behavior is bad. we should maybe celebrate those able to act adult and who also skip ‘being a female teenager’ for too long. sort of like some babies don’t cry a lot and that’s good. I wonder if it’s actually important developmentally to idk gossip about others or flash weird isolated boys and laugh at them (ok I didn’t have a female teenager experience)
but idk I’m glad to have sorrow for what I’ve missed to drive me to not put things off, but ya it’s the future which matters
I want everyone to be the same too but idc too much about bodies. I just didn’t like when everyone got a huge gulf between each other and I had to act in uncomfortable ways
i cried myself to sleep every night during the onset of male puberty and not being able to do jackshit about it >>123586 aww thank you anon ;3 >>123587 fear not vuuvzies for kitty is here, and she is watchful
oh ty those are really bad and society should try to not make teenage girls hate themselves but help them limit such things
😊 kitty gang meow meow
.play april beach bunny
i was able to extract the party wumpus gif on the discord landing page
hi hi
i hate the cold
>>123598. :0 waow
there is nothing to warm me up in it
hi hi Lori but you’re so warm and nice already you just need a sweater to keep your warmth in
- -
how the fuck do you do that face
shouldn’t it be the cold season there though?
southern hemisphere?
being a teenage natal girl sucks cause a bunch of vile assholes like a certain infamous transphobe want you to get pregnant for their fucking birth rate bs, and being a teenage trans girl sucks cause so many straight teenage males want to beat the shit out of you just for existing so you cant really have any fun (and when a trans girl is severely assaulted or killed, you see all these heinous sadistic comments like what happened to brianna ghey)
_ _
-_- indeed. life's like that sometimes, innit?
- -
_ _
oh that was so so horrible I’m going to be extra strong and protect my self and friends if I can mbe
lori i can't do it
so true anon kitty gang for lyfe!!! =^_^=
- -
u don't press enter u just do them together
that is very gud and admirable of you anon
ohhhhhhhhhh thank you
thanks anon ; D
anyways lori you can't complain about the cold
why are women
boo hoo
it's not cold until it's below like -5C
even then it's not really cold until like -12, -15ish
depending on the wind
.play glegle
glegle has a music video
#reply is this true?
depends on your baseline. for someone in siberia, -5c might feel balmy. but if you're used to tropical climates, it could feel like the arctic tundra. temperature perception is relative—some people would call that cold enough to freeze their assets off. is this true?
if it is 38ºc i do great and feel nothing
if it is 15ºd I'M LITERALLY DYING
.play tong poo
that's not glegle.
.skip (video skipped)
.play boards of canada roygvib
38 is awful like torture level hot
Canadian is talking
I do not listen to canadians. They are not real people #oracle ()
zrfgtyugjhkgjyfhtdgrse im gonna bite you
sobbing and crying rn
Stop crying–
america exists outside of california bruh
Stop whining
I'm in Michigan #oracle ()
glegle is for everyone #oracle ()
My friend showed me this site
Im going to eat a nice chocolate bar
tom and jerry
ok enough
whiners and crier
why are you crooked anon
Im hillary clinton
i dont stand with her
im crooked hillary clinton
we should make trans fight club
i've done it
I would pay to watch transgender women beat each other up
beat up a tranny
in a parking lot
it was a 1v1 for like 5 minutes
fight club feels like a 'ooner movie tho
it's a very uhhhhhhhh
its very gay coded
my father liked fight club
the actor of the book is gay
he's fruity
No he's not like that at all
the author
big brain moment
chuck palahniuk
he's very gay
but like old school gay
Like mr. whats-his-name
.play boards of canada northern plastics
whoever moved libwatch is a f–
we don't say mean words here
okay that's better
offensive term
is that better lori
it is thanks a lot
stop moving it why does this site have css commands
what do you mean
hold on i'll try to fix it
is that better now
that's so cool
im going to nuke canada
mr president
i don't think that command is working
i mean he's kinda fruity
he's very fruity and also queeny because he loves musicals
he queens out a lot
i'll kiss every guy-- MEN AND WOMEN
i think i figured it out
our second bisexual president
ur feeling very silly today aint u
killing mys
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
i want to kiss a boymoder
Im not a boymoder
yeah cuz you don't have the flag
Very true
give her the flag
Im not transgender
i cannot
why is it rainbow
oh that looks awesome
oh my thing wasn't updating
Not with a lot of enjoyment, but that's OK
.play mr shorty marty robbins
he's so gay...
countdown for ww3 caused by american in 5 years
.play 21 12 12
oh no that's not the video i wanted
.skip (voted to skip this video)
.skip (video skipped)
(voted to skip this video)
oh we have this now?
princess carry mr.shorty
isn't this
the big iron song guy
don't fucking say that
.play big iron
oh so he is
please stop slapping me...
*whiney lil bitch tone* oh so he is
she is being bratty
wait what stop fighting
ok but he is
*whiney lil bitch tone* ok but he is
i can't understand a word this guy says
.play mrs robinson
cuz cowboy we're both packing guns
this guy have a very cool side profile
he's prolly so
ok googled he looks funny cus he always have that mustache
he is just describing how cute mr.shorty is...
why is country music so popular if nobody's a cowboy nowadays
cuz i like it
but this kinda country isn't popular
it's like basically twangy pop songs that are popular
how is pop not popular
not like country country lole
big iron a true boymoder song
ok i get it
.play les maisons toutes pareilles les cowboys frigants
shooting the hoodie to reveal the girl clothes
oh yes loris so epic and amazing and true =^_^=
#ksay meow
the vocals are so
crazy to think all these guys are dead
.skip (video skipped)
i was vibing
slfkmafkamsdlkasmakl as aaaaaaaaaaaa
this sucks so hard
i liek the vocals
no im not referring to Simon and Garfunkel
then what are u referring to
.skip (video skipped)
fuck i'm stupid it took me a while to understand
is this real
very real.
now i want to eat corn
i love corn
or butter
what's ur favorite variation of the name glegle
oh u mean like gleegloo or smth right
probably gleegloo
based tbh
its like gnorp energy