γvillainous mouse warlockγ
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
i have stew
and buttered bread
i bet his dick is small enough that it doesnt hurt that much
i bed your pardon
ill bed ur pardon winky face
flushed face
funny typo hehe
oh i didnt even realize i typod lol
im such a nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooob
at least u lisen to bladeee
im a loser who listens to altrock music from the 90s and random ambient bullshitttt.
i dont actually
do u like nirvana c:
yea i love nirvana c: though I havent listened to everything they have ever done im not like a mega fann but I love them yea
.play nirvana im so ugly but that okaaaaay cause so are you
yes i forgot the name lol
i saw a video about how the baby thought it was cool when they grew up they were on the nirvana cover
i listen to TRAP music
lol based
i hope that their singer wasnt actually repressed trans who kms because there wasnt transition then :(
weird to think that baby is older than me
lol im a schizo believer in the kurt trans theory
if he wasnt trans he just behaved shockingly like a repressor lol
i do think there is a lot of suicide that is done by repressing trans people and they never tell anyone
i think i saw some stuff from his writings that seemed very reperry but idr what it was
ya he would write stuff like i like knowing that the future is female and men are trash or smth like that and he was obsessed with anatomy and women's bodies and pregnancy and stuff
that does seem like reper behaviorr
and then there was the crossdressing lol
well the cd is kind of par for the course for that scene tho lol
maybe but he was such a pretty pretty boy too
very sad he couldnt be happy
I have a friend who killed himself and im very sad about it to this day and i kind of think he might have been a repressor for like many many reasons and his family was like extremely conservative texas christian and he like because really tall and masculine oil field worker. he was making like 300k a year at 20 and he killed himself :(
genuinely such a funny and kind person.
thats rly sad im sorry
but he played COC (he was the one who showed it to me) and also like read ALL the same gender bender mangas obsessively like I did. and he made some reperry comments. but I could never say that to our mutuals because they would probably freak out at me because cis people are psycho about gender stuff
god thats rly sad
ugh right "dont try to make him trans!!" like fuck off u dont know shit
we read boku girl week to week together and posted in the live TL threads on /a/ hehe
aw :(
he also didnt ever want to have sex and his coworkers basically peer pressured / bullied him into having sex with a girl from a bar he met while working in the oil fields and he said it was the single worst experience of his life which is kind of also a classic repper thing.
gross men moment
yea seriously male culture is so fucked
ive benn in that exact situation before but i just told em to shove it
its really disgusting tbh
the thing i hate the most about male culture is how insanely judgey it is of women, like literally the only thing that matters is how hot a woman is. like if you talk to a bunch of males candidly as a male literally people will just be like
oh look at that bitch, damn id clap those cheeks.
oh damn that bithc is really fat
damn that bitch is ugly as hell
damn id fuck that women
and just do that for fucking hours
wtf omg thats so sad like i know that feeling so well i cant imagine being pressured into doing that fuck thats actually rough... fuck
how hot a woman is and how many times she's had sex :L
MEN literally are gross
yea women need to be 15/10s and also virgins to be a good person ig
so glad i dont have to be a ma ;_;
im larping as a women to hide from them hehe
lol true tbh like finland is already smth like 70 percent forest, ur never that far from the woods which is part of why i like this place so much... the forests here are rly beautiful, the first time i came here as an adult (i was 18 at the time and hadnt been in like 4 years) and saw the forests it was like a life changing experience from that point on i was like wow finland is the most beautiful place on earth
its crazy cuz like every single inch is covered with something living, theres the pale green underbrush and blueberries, cloudberries and strawberries that grow wild and there's sooo many mushrooms of all kinds of different colors and then the trees everywhere covered in lichens
i can imagine
cool poem
i wanna go to finland one day
being around men like this was so insufferable one job i worked was like this and it make me wanna kms
sounds beautifullll. genuinely always thought finland looked like a beautiful country in pictures and geoguessr I would like to visit one day
can be fixed by only talking to strangers on the internet and avoiding everyone irl
yea T_T
ye thats what ive been doing
i have friends in finland i want to meet
yeaaaaaaaaaa i barely went outside for all of 2024 almost went bankruptt
come to finland w me
oof. yes money is basically the only reason i live life at all
it would be cheaper to be dead i think sometimes T_T
.play autechre ii pre esc
the quints are flowing freely
that was so long agoooo
very juicy get very nice
its my only get
it was slow at that time
those ones are almost more fanciful cause it ain't just repeating digits it's INCREMENTING digits
yeaaaa the next one will be >>1234567
i'd say we'll get it in a couple months maybe
if past posting rate is anything to go by
you ever think about how strange a paradigm we're using to use this as basically a chat room
like every single post has a date and time and number and username and options
it's the chan imageboard posting but it's been forced into a usecase completely alien from the original intent of longform asynchronous posting
reduced to discord
as all things must go
it better than generals on lgbt, i always forgot that all of that was publicly bumped on the frontpage of the board. i mean this is public too but theres probably no one here but us chickens
no one here but us worms
yeah for sure it's public but a lot less active, fewer eyeballs
altho all it takes is someone to archive it all and our precious secrets are revealed.........................
which has been done..............
kinda nutty that brainworm got to like 1.4m before it became liberal
its not fair i could totally do it but you wouldnt pay me
thats almost a months rent wowow
you have some info but not enough, when i say dox i mean like you could order a pizza to my house or place of work kinda doxxing
so youre saying if i do that youll give me $1000?
try 3 months rent uwu
the deal is open to anyone........
oh i remember you saying i wasnt allowed to because i already had some details...
nice living luxuriously
can you just take a picture from your window to outside and post it ? asking for a friend
sure 2s
blessed obscurity. i crave it
cabin inna woods my beloved
american cost of livinggg T_T
i am a victim of rich people
i am just a victim in general
i'm sure this is very helpful
it is! thankyou
.play april beach bunny
this is me
good meowning everynyan
guten meoning
hiya frens
lmao literally me. but make her brown
\make her brown
#cat >^β’-β’^<
i hate reading books why cant i just tranfer all the info instantly into my head, there has to be a better way, we can do better than this
i had this posted before, i think in 2023
early bird...
#catbounce >^β’-β’^<
#cat >^β’-β’^< #cat /α α ο» αγ #cat ΰΈ ^β’ο»β’^ΰΈ #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat
#fish π
#fish π
i hate reading books why cant i just tranfer all the info instantly into my head, there has to be a better way, we can do better than this
#fish π
i think im getting motion sick
#fish π #fish π #fish π #fish π #fish π #fish π #fish π #fish π #fish #fish
#fish π
i hate reading books why cant i just tranfer all the info instantly into my head, there has to be a better way, we can do better than this
#fish π
#fish π
#fish π
#fish π
#fish π #fish Λβ π β β§ #fish π #fish π #fish π #fish π #fish π #fish π
#fish π #fish π #fish π #fish π #fish π #fish π #fish π #fish π #fish #fish #fish
how much can i spam before i get perma banned? lets find out!
dont spam. or glowworm might do stuff to us....stuff that shouldntdnh gffrgcbhbfvdrgtbchcbgfrfsgtdbfrefgtbhfrfgtdbhrstdhv
one #quiet and the sea grows calm
#cat >^β’-β’^< #cat /α α ο» αγ #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat >^β’-β’^< #cat /α . .α\ β³ #cat #cat #cat
#catbounce >^β’-β’^< #catbounce >^β’-β’^< #catbounce >^β’-β’^< #catbounce >^β’-β’^<
too many, max is 8
those are all gonna submit around the same time lol
omg they are so good all lined up hahaha
find out :)
this much #ban
#hellcurse (only staff can use this command on this board)
opworm has captured this one already
#hellcurse (only staff can use this command on this board)
#catbounce >^β’-β’^<
#catbounce >^β’-β’^<
#catbounce >^β’-β’^<
i feel perfectly normal, this hellcurse ain't shit
idk what it does so let me know if this bans you
#catbounce ΰΈ ^β’ο»β’^ΰΈ
i think it banned them...
gb 4 ever smog T_T
first w elost ornstein. now smoh. this is tragic
better couldnt of said it myself
it does not >:)
it does nathing
oh ok
then whats that on your face
that's my nose idiont
#owned (127)
i love smite please smite me globalmod
smite deez
yay wahoo yip[[eeee
ten zillion hours in mspaint
my favorite part of that picture is
'stop messaging me'
literally me
hell yeah thx smog
meow meow
my fav is that she has already typed out the next one
i like how theres read messages for sunday monday and tuesday before theres a response
so much lore to uncover in this pic
also she uses firefox
thats very pog
wonderful immage very wonderful
#describe (A purple dog laying on the ground next to some plants.)
it says it ight there
creatures that want to play fetch turn purple
science has yet to understand why
and has nothing else open or pinned to the taskbar
just firefox with fb messenger or whatever to keysmash at people multiple days in a row
i have so many things pinned
le sigh
i guess im just not epic enough...
you can become so much more epic but just rotating that bad boy 90degrees
i like it on the bottom
is that gn*me>
horizontal is how i go
i am deeply sorry
best torrent client tbqh
i used qbitorrent too....................
i use transmission its the default one that came
i used to use deluge
i just hope youre not in as much as paiin as i was when i tried using that
idc all linux distros and DEs are same to me
(theyre all bad)
i like how the danish part of the right one is clearly edited. what was it originally....
despite daily driving linux, agree.
linux distros sure but bad de is a pain
but is it worse than using windows
the 'best' linux distro is probably android
whats the difference?
i couldnt resize windows for a while after installing, then it started working randomly after a few weeks
linux is fine if you don't mind things breaking unexpectedly and you having to fix them yourself by googling for four hours because you plugged a usb in kinda weird
gnome baad kde goood
year of the resizeable linux window desktop
idk i daily drive sway and its aright
i tend to find that enjoyable
i have high hopes for cosmic
this, linux is free if your time is worthless
or at least rewarding
definitely is rewarding when you get it working... idk i have too many memories of shit breaking and then fixes just breaking MORE things and you run down this chain of broken shit trying to like just get the pc to turn on
nothing really breaks for me anymore its been working fine for months now
idk i dont think i ever ran into issues such as this
i've heard this a lot.............. it feels mean spirited but also tru....
oof that doesnt sound fun yeah. i guess ive never had such a chain of events its usually Just Worked for the most part
at some point you just kinda know where to look if *something* isnt working, it isnt much different to windows in that regard, but yea learning that can be kinda frustrating i guess
everytime i install ubuntu some random functionality is broken and once i fix it then its fine
maybe its because i mostly used rolling release distros when i still felt joy because of technology (or in general)
true, it's all there and open to be fixed if u know where to look. i've had my lifetime of learning the exact solutions in windows context so the idea of learning a whole new world is frightening
i dont think i would be using linux if it wasnt for work, i have no reason to use it at all
don't talk to me until i've had my OCK
i remember at my first job i told some older it fag that i use linux and he basically went lmao grow the fuck up and i was seething at the time but now i see that he was so real for that
but i wouldnt just move to windows if i stopped working now
good kitty
i wonder if like, the steps itself are much more complicated on linux as opposed to windows
i think linux fixes are more "download this specific package and wipe the old one and clean ur drivers" kinda stuff but windows is like "nono you need to uncheck the 'fuck shit up' box in this submenu's submenu"
tomato tomato
hmm, pacman -Syu has rarely fixed my issues
i slurppose i don't know the linux fixes actually,.,... i'm just guessing based on like,, trying to make a seedbox with ubuntu ten years ago....
pacman -Syyuu
I use Tixati torrent
can't tell if this is better with or without text
there are so many ppl here wtf are they doin
i wish i was a sexy whole human being without gender incongruity :(
try sudo rm -rf /
remember when there were only 5 people
yea actually u should do -fr to get rid of the french language pack, you dont need that
watching and reading and typing on their keyboards
this one is really good it makes naked ladies appear
only like 4 out of 18
yeah tbh idk what they all doin.... maybe some of them are afk or just like bots or something but i can imagine some of the non-active users are just lurkers
lurkers are everywhere but we can see them here
hello anons i hope u are having a lovely time reading the insane dogshit typed here
`:(){ :|:& };:`
this one is also good it makes you sudo on any computer try it
i member
i member
cool forkbomb
delete this
try this: kill -9 1
go slap your meat in the privacy of your bedroom
dumping collosal trds. how big is that mf toilet. honestly frightful
actually its a really liddle lizard hes not that big its just perspective... are u making fun of his weight??? :(
is this a playstation ad
my comments are out of awe and respect for the unit of an animal that it is...... i mean no off fence....
hook this up to a power generator and u got some powerful shit
too powerful
i came back to borzois lol
saved thx
there go the fish
i was like. what the fuck
someone biding their time for half an hour........
#fish π #fish π #fish π #fish π #fish π #fish π #fish π #fish π #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish #fish
theres gonna be more too
aw the timer doesn't work
#timer 3:00:00
#time (3:44:30 p.m. eastern standard time, monday, february 10, 2025)
#fish π
#fish π
gotta put no space between the timer and the numbers like#timer10:10:10
#fish Λβ π β β§
#catbounce >^β’-β’^< #catbounce >^β’-β’^< #catbounce >^β’-β’^< #catbounce >^β’-β’^< #catbounce >^β’-β’^<
#fish π
.play its fucking bedtime
#cat >^β’-β’^<
#catbounce ΰΈ ^β’ο»β’^ΰΈ
#catbounce >^β’-β’^<
#catbounce >^β’-β’^< #catbounce >^β’-β’^< #catbounce >^β’-β’^< #catbounce #catbounce >^β’-β’^< #catbounce /α α ο» αγ #catbounce >^β’-β’^< #catbounce >^β’-β’^<
#catbounce >^β’-β’^< #catbounce ΰΈ ^β’ο»β’^ΰΈ #catbounce >^β’-β’^<
#catbounce >^β’-β’^< #catbounce /α α ο» αγ #catbounce >^β’-β’^< #catbounce >^β’-β’^< #catbounce >^β’-β’^< #catbounce >^β’-β’^< #catbounce >^β’-β’^< #catbounce >^β’-β’^<
catbounce is so powerful
yes lol
this site rocks
fuck YOUTUBE fuck you