rules1. you must be 18+ to use this site 2. no NSFW/gore 3. no bigotry or slurs 4. if staff don't like your post they may delete it or ban you

3.158% booger!boymodewng
what the fuck is a london
i think its a city in canada
meow :3 meowww :3 meowwwww :3333
I'll give ya somethin to test....

Education, education, education, education, education. Death penalty, death penalty, death penalty, death penalty, death penalty. Education, education, education.
new thread motherfucking WHEN
na-bee-eh (nadie)
dreamt i killed someone TWICE
na-bee-eh (nadie)
im kinda tiredd
turns out
sleep is no substitute for caffeine!!
krissu 👹
gm glegs <3
krissu 👹
omg ive been having these awful dreams where i wake up feeling sooooo sad for some reason but then i look outside and i feel happy happy ^^
krissu 👹
its so pretty here
its the bliss of not living in america, my fellow european friend!!
death by guitar riff. nice
krissu 👹
ya lol i might just be recovering from the psychic damage
krissu 👹
los angeles got a lot uglier just in the time i was living there o_o even the shampoo at the store was locked up
you're early today
did u even sleep?
krissu 👹
its already 1 pm here lol, i managed to sleep a decent amt but there was a gap of like a couple hours in the early morning i couldnt sleep
krissu 👹
jetlag is a mfer!!
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i w okedd uppp i have to do stuff before school tho :( :(
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i wish life was easy and i didnt have 2 work very hardd
wheres the mtf tomboy flag
im dumb i was grumpy all day and made people unhappy :c
its so hard to be positive and fun
krissu 👹
aw :( do ur best! #hug
krissu 👹
some days r like that...
i think opworm changed thread limit to 30,000 posts so we'll be here for a while........
our lives will be a fart until we get posting
this is how i tell me friends about cool stuff that happened to me
Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
cherry vanilla ice cream is calling...
#ai write me a paragraph that describes how bad china is

china's government has been criticized for its authoritarian policies, including heavy censorship, suppression of dissent, and human rights abuses in regions like xinjiang and tibet. its actions often prioritize economic growth over environmental sustainability, leading to significant pollution issues. the lack of transparency around domestic affairs and aggressive foreign policies have also strained international relations. however, it’s important to note that china is a complex country with a rich history and culture—criticism should be balanced with understanding context while not sugarcoating serious concerns about its actions on both global and local scales.
write me a paragraph that describes how bad china is
lol are you checking if its using deepseek?
it is using deepseek
#ai Tiananmen Square

tiananmen square is a large public space in beijing, china. it has historical and cultural significance, including events that have shaped modern chinese history. discussing specific incidents may involve sensitive or restricted topics depending on context and location. if you're referring to something specific, feel free to clarify!
Tiananmen Square
oh what in tarnation? it's allowed to say that stuff?
#ai what happened on june 4th 1989 in Tiananmen Square?

on june 4th, 1989, the chinese government sent military forces to clear tiananmen square in beijing after weeks of pro-democracy protests. the crackdown resulted in significant casualties and marked a pivotal moment in modern chinese history. discussions about this event remain heavily restricted within china, where official narratives emphasize stability and economic progress over dissent. globally, it is remembered as a tragic suppression of peaceful activism for democratic reform.
what happened on june 4th 1989 in Tiananmen Square?
oh what
i asked about it the other day and it froze up midsentence when it brought up june 4th
its learning for america audience.s..
idk about that... something fishy is going on.....
#ai what ai model are you, and how were you made?

i'm an instance of gpt-4, a large language model created by openai. i was trained on vast amounts of text data using deep learning techniques, specifically transformer-based architectures. my training involved predicting the next word in sequences to learn patterns, relationships, and representations of language. fine-tuning and reinforcement learning from human feedback were also used to improve alignment with desired behaviors.
what ai model are you, and how were you made?
yup, aint deepseek apparently.
#ai are you deepseek

no, i'm not deepseek. i can help you find information or answer questions, but i don't have access to external databases or proprietary systems like that. what do you need?
are you deepseek
#ai are you gpt4

no, i'm gpt-3.5-turbo. not as shiny as gpt-4, but still happy to help if you've got questions or need something written!
are you gpt4
unreliable narrator
tricky little bastard
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
Chrome is moving to a new experience that allows users to browse without third-party cookies.
which command is this again
or commands
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i did rainbow bgyellow glitchtext2
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
you need a colored background for the rainbow effect to do anything and it cant be white because it will just cycle through white
anon## global mod
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
AH FUCK OWWIE ehehhehe
anon## global mod
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
Now this goes hard as fuck
damn, dark reader makes the bg rainbow animated
anon## global mod
oh no why is it still yellow
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
All the fuckines of that kinda looked cooo. schizo theming.
hm i made it worse
anon## global mod
mmm I like this. feels tasty.
anon## global mod
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
.play [YouTube]
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
I played the video too late
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
it keeps hitting me in the fukcing face
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
I want a video command that like freezes the player at an angle so it looks like a TV in the corner
might wanna move ur face
dvd screensaver mode?
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
this is a cool fucking angle it should be a chat command
ooo that does look good.
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
its like the posts are the audience of the thingy like in a cinema,,
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
Yea, pretty neat huh. Reminds me of when I would watch movies in tower unite sometimes
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
In my condo I had a huge outdoor viewing area with lots of goofy toys and stuff and I would get like tons of people just watching stuff I put on with my friends lol
have u ever played gmod cinema..
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
tower unite is like Gmod tower/gmod cinema but its more official with its own client and such. very nice but the community is small. i reccomend it.
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
the condo building is really fun
>but its more official
i want anarchy.
mhmhm, haven't played tower unite in a while, but I have all the oldschool trophy things from playing gmod tower rev1/2
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
iirc they added the original Gmod tower lobby as a condo you can buy
no way
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
the only thing I wish they would add support for is custom skyboxes. I mean you can make your own sort of as a large 3D object and it has old school DOOM vibes but I would like to be able to make my own actual skybox tectures.
couldn't you just make a giant inside-only textured sphere?
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
yea thats what I do but its hard to make one big enough / high res enough
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
im supposed to be doing HW now but now I want to take screenshots of my condo in TU
do u sometimes feel like ur around people that kinda make u uncomfy but like u dont know if theyre doing it delibaretely or if your just wormed...
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
im sry if I made u uncomfy... :(
it was something that happened to me irl yesterday
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
do you feel like you're allowed to say anything about that feeling with those people? if not then..... idk...
idk i kinda am frightened to approach them, like i should probably just go up to them and ask like "uhhh did i do something wrong, uve been acting kinda weird towards me, if u have any issues just bring it up to me" but like idkk..??
idk what i should say its like.. just a vague feeling
....its not excessive weed paranoia, is it?
i didnt do any drugs yesterday
nor do i do weed at all
lol okay, doesnt hurt to ask. that seems kinda frequent tbh.
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i am not a pro 3D level designer but this is my condo :3
wtf, whats that little minercraft thing in the corner??
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
It has some scripted NPCs you can talk too lol
lmao thats awesome
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
whats in the teleporter
rrading about the tenshinhan square massacre rn
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
its a room with all my friends charts of the things they liked but a bunch apparently arent hosted anymore also the asset for the building ceased to exist lmao
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
probably isnt on workshop anymore
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
random behind the scenes stuff
fucking hate my moustache, it resisted laser around 70 to 80 percent more effectively than the rest of my facial hair, theres a few permanent missing patches but its driving me made
#smartai is laser hair removal more effective for early transitioners? are late transitioners more likely to need electrolysis instead of laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal and electrolysis are both effective methods for permanent hair reduction, but their efficacy can vary depending on several factors, including the stage of an individual's transition. The effectiveness of laser hair removal is primarily contingent upon the contrast between skin tone and hair color, as well as the density and coarseness of the hair follicles. Early transitioners may experience greater success with laser hair removal due to hormonal changes that have not yet fully stabilized; during this period, androgen-sensitive hairs (such as those on the face or body) may still be in a more responsive state.

Laser technology targets melanin within the hair follicle, making it particularly effective for individuals with darker, coarser hairs against lighter skin tones—a combination that maximizes energy absorption by the pigment. However, late transitioners who have undergone prolonged exposure to endogenous or exogenous androgens may develop finer vellus-like hairs over time due to reduced testosterone levels post-hormone replacement therapy (HRT). These finer hairs often lack sufficient melanin concentration for optimal laser targeting.

Consequently, while early transitioners might achieve significant results through multiple sessions of laser treatment alone—especially if they commence HRT concurrently—late transitioners frequently find themselves necessitating adjunctive modalities such as electrolysis after completing their initial rounds of lasering treatments. Electrolysis offers universal applicability regardless o fhair type because it destroys each targeted follicle via direct electrical current application rather than relying on pigmentation differences between strands & surrounding dermal layers like lasers do- thus rendering itself indispensable when addressing residual growth following incomplete clearance from prior attempts at depilation using other means
is laser hair removal more effective for early transitioners? are late transitioners more likely to need electrolysis instead of laser hair removal?
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
lets go in the clubb
the thing that upsets me about it is, my moustache is pitch black, my moustache is as black as like onyx, so its like incredibly visible cause of how black it is, and the fact it seems to be highly resistant to laser hair removal makes me deeply dysphoric
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
the instruments work too lol. but a lot of the textures dont load anymore :( sad. i guess it was bound to happen.
idk, if i have a superpower, its probably being invisible. people just ignore me and talk over me constantly
OMFG I just remembered, I haven't played in so many years but I actually made a seriously scuffed irl model of myself to use in the game and everywhere I went I got serious looks and it was SO fucking funny
#smartai i have a pitch black moustache that seems highly resistant to laser hair removal unlike the rest of my former beard that is almost all gone now, if i am so pale and my moustache so pitch black, why the hell is my moustache resisting laser so much??? is it because i started laser at 30 instead of my early 20s or something else?

The resistance of your pitch-black mustache to laser hair removal, despite its stark contrast against your pale skin—a combination typically ideal for effective laser treatment—can indeed be perplexing. However, several factors may contribute to this phenomenon:

1. **Hair Follicle Density and Depth**: The mustache area often has a higher density of hair follicles compared to other facial regions. Additionally, the follicles in this area may be deeper or more robust due to hormonal influences (e.g., androgen sensitivity), making them more resistant to laser energy.

2. **Hormonal Influence**: Facial hair, particularly in the mustache region, is highly sensitive to androgens like testosterone. Even if you have undergone multiple sessions of laser hair removal, hormonal activity can stimulate dormant or new follicles in this area, leading to persistent regrowth.

3. **Laser Wavelength and Energy Settings**: Not all lasers are created equal. Some devices may not effectively target coarse or deeply rooted hairs unless operated at optimal wavelengths (e.g., 755 nm for darker hairs) and energy levels tailored specifically for dense facial hair.

4. **Age Factor**: While starting laser treatments at 30 instead of your early 20s could theoretically play a role due to potential changes in skin elasticity or follicle resilience over time, it is unlikely the primary cause of resistance. Hair growth cycles and hormonal fluctuations are more significant determinants than age alone.

5. **Anagen Phase Synchronization**: Laser hair removal is most effective during the anagen (growth) phase of the hair cycle when melanin concentration in the follicle is highest but only about 15-20% percent offolliclesareinanagenphaseatanygiventime.Ifyourmustachehairshaveasynchronizedgrowthcyclethatdoesn’talignwithyourtreatmentsessionssomefolliclesmayescapeeffective targeting repeatedly until they enter anagen again later on down line which would explain why certain areas seem stubbornly resistant despite repeated attempts via lasertreatmentovermonthsoryears!

6.**Skin Pigmentation Changes Around Mustaches:** Over time sun exposure around mouth might lead subtle tanning even if overall complexion remains fair enough so as reduce contrast between dark moustachioed strands versus surrounding dermis thus diminishing efficacy somewhat since relies heavily upon differential absorption rates based pigmentation differences present within targeted tissues themselves!

In conclusion: Your situation likely stems from complex interplay among these aforementioned variables rather than any single factor such as timing initiation procedures relative chronological milestones like turning thirty years old etcetera... Consulting experienced dermatologist specializing cosmetic dermatology could provide personalized insights into optimizing future outcomes through adjustments parameters used during subsequent sessions ensuring maximum effectiveness moving forward!
i have a pitch black moustache that seems highly resistant to laser hair removal unlike the rest of my former beard that is almost all gone now, if i am so pale and my moustache so pitch black, why the hell is my moustache resisting laser so much??? is it because i started laser at 30 instead of my early 20s or something else?
wish I could share here but obv..
okay my anons now having dysphoric thoughts: Somewhere out there in the world, is there an extremely unlucky mtf whose "superpower" is an impossible to destroy moustache?? is it biologically possibly for an extremely unlucky mtf to have a moustache that regenerates like wolverine??? i am just like, partly thinking about myself, but also just wondering if thats possible
#ai is depleted uranium radioactive

yes, depleted uranium is radioactive, but it's less so than natural uranium. it emits mostly alpha particles, which are relatively low-energy and can't penetrate skin. the main concern isn't short-term radiation exposure but long-term health risks if ingested or inhaled as fine particles. its density makes it useful in military and industrial applications, though environmental and health impacts remain debated.
is depleted uranium radioactive
#smartai is laser hair removal usually only effective on the cheeks neck and chin than the upper lip? Does laser hair removal just often times not work very well on the upper lip specifically?

Laser hair removal is a scientifically validated method for reducing unwanted hair by targeting melanin in the hair follicles with concentrated light energy. Its efficacy depends on several factors, including skin tone, hair color, and the anatomical area being treated.

The upper lip presents unique challenges compared to areas like the cheeks, neck, or chin due to its thinner skin and higher density of fine vellus hairs. These finer hairs often contain less melanin, which can make them less responsive to laser treatment because the device relies on melanin absorption to generate heat and destroy the follicle. Additionally, hormonal influences (e.g., androgen sensitivity) are more pronounced in facial areas like the upper lip, potentially leading to regrowth despite initial success.

That said, laser hair removal *can* be effective on the upper lip when performed with appropriate technology (e.g., diode lasers or Alexandrite lasers) tailored to lighter skin tones and darker hair types. However, individuals with lighter or finer upper lip hair may experience suboptimal results compared to coarser facial or body hair elsewhere.

In summary:
- The upper lip is generally more challenging for laser hair removal due to thinner skin and finer hairs.
- Success rates vary based on individual factors such as skin-hair contrast.
- While it may not work as effectively as on other facial areas for some individuals, advancements in technology have improved outcomes over time.

For optimal results on sensitive areas like the upper lip, consulting a qualified dermatologist or licensed technician is essential to tailor treatments appropriately.
is laser hair removal usually only effective on the cheeks neck and chin than the upper lip? Does laser hair removal just often times not work very well on the upper lip specifically?
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
nah i think thats normal if you are just a quiet and not assertive person
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
roserade with wings on so i can fly lol
i think i've had like 15 rouns on my upper lip and the hairs there r really like wispy but not really completely gone, there r 0 thick hairs there though
i am just baffled anon its so weird, laser hair removal was a godsend on nearly my entire face and neck, but for some weird reason my moustache seems extremely resistant to it, and i am trying to figure out scientifically why the hell my moustache is so damn tough, i am very dysphoric about it but also scientifically very curious, what would cause someones moustache to be so different from the rest of their facial hair, especially if they are super pale with pitch black facial hair
moustache, armpit, pubic hair are different to the rest of ur body idk exactly why i just know they r different
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
it depends on ur skin color and the color of ur hair. its best for extremely pale skin and dark thick black course hairs. if you have dark skin or pale hairs it works less good
i have a very pale face and my beard has nearly always been pitch black, like what baffles me is, the part of my moustache that seems unkillable is well, my pitch black moustache follicles on a pale face somehow
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉

have u tried it multiple places? maybe if you do a 1 person operation like with the smaller machine its cheaper but its a lower power laser. maybe try going to one of the bigger beauty clinics that has a higher powered laser?
well I had around 14 laser face sessions, then even though i was on estrogen the whole time and had an orchiectomy, and have very very low testosterone now, about one to two years later, 80% of my moustache seems to be back now, and I am wondering how it happened, like if theres something biologically unusual about my moustache, also wondering if I got 24 or 34 upper lip lasers if it would permanently thin very much
that and also wondering um, what if I had a moderately thick beard but have a superhumanly dense moustache, is that a possible reason this happened to me?
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
it was halloween last time i played so I had a witches hat on and a scarff
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
well just keep doing sessions
nah... lack of passing or i pass on it. im into negative androgyny...
my ears are ringing. don't listen to heavy metal too loud...
i am queen of moustache hons, i have gigapassoid cheek and neckskin, twinkhon chin skin and ultra gigahon upper lip moustache
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
I would see if u are doing it from someone local with their own machine ina small shop or smth if you can go to a bigger clinic with a better/stronger laser
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
not all laser is created equall
isnt electro better than laser too or
the reason why i wondered about like, late transition and types of hair removal is, because i already had a moustache at 14, and i started laser hair removal at 31, so that is a ton of time for the moustache to become a really really big problem, i wonder if that's the reason laser worked so easily everywhere else, i have next to zero hair on my cheeks and neck, only a moderate amount on the chin, but the moustache area is a big problem still
my facial hair stopped thickening at 27, so thats 13 years of my moustache getting thicker, it didnt get thicker after that, but it the moustache has had like 17 years almost two decades of blood flow nourishing it, and it gives me dysphoric theories about my moustache being so hard to get rid of
i mean, hrt at 27 but laser at 31 is what i mean
well shrimp thats a question of mine and i am beginning to wonder, people always talk about laser being best for light skin dark hair, but I wonder if early transitioners benefit more from laser regardless of hair and skin color, and i wonder if all late transitioners regardless of hair and skin color need electrolysis more, i wonder if my moustache is resisting laser so much cause i couldnt start laser in my early 20s and i had a moustache so early in life
a * * * *
* *
i like this it is fascinating
live, laugh, love, f * * * * t
someone i talked to, she was technically wrong and often times paranoid beyond any sense, she thought the laser people were intentionally leaving my moustache while lasering everything off, and kept telling me she thought i was a victim of fraud and that they intentionally didn't do a good job lasering the upper lip, of course, i think that is just her paranoia and theres nothing intentional about it, but it made me realize how visible my moustache still is, and when i came back home well, my face shaver broke, and i am too broke to buy a new one right now so i am just marinating in dysphoria right now
did she start talking about "the neighbours that use her head as a resonator"?
no but thats a really fascinating conspiracy theory, i wanna hear more about the neighbors using her head as a resonator line of conspiracy theories
i love the laser epople btw and know they wouldnt con me but it made m yrealiuze my moustache is way more prominent than i thought, and with a broken face shaver for at least a week my dysphoria is sky high atm
idk i didnt ask further, im just really sad she ended up like that..
lol i see, that sounds so bizarre
#smartai what is a resonator?

A resonator is a device or system that exhibits resonance, which is the tendency to oscillate with greater amplitude at certain frequencies known as resonant frequencies. Resonators are fundamental components in various fields such as physics, engineering, and acoustics.

In **acoustics**, a resonator can be a hollow chamber or cavity designed to amplify specific sound frequencies. For example, the body of a guitar acts as an acoustic resonator, enhancing the vibrations of the strings to produce richer tones.

In **electrical engineering**, resonators are used in circuits (e.g., LC circuits) to generate or filter specific frequencies. These devices rely on inductance (L) and capacitance (C) to create oscillations at precise resonant frequencies.

In **optics**, optical resonators are structures like Fabry-Pérot interferometers that trap light waves between reflective surfaces, allowing only certain wavelengths (resonant modes) to build up intensity. This principle is crucial in lasers for amplifying coherent light.

Resonance occurs when energy transfer within the system reaches maximum efficiency at its natural frequency. The mathematical description often involves differential equations modeling harmonic motion or wave behavior.

Thus, resonators are indispensable tools for controlling and manipulating waves—be they sound waves, electromagnetic waves, or mechanical vibrations—enabling applications ranging from musical instruments to advanced communication technologies like radio transmitters and quantum computing systems.
what is a resonator?
#smartai how come fujo's friend was a victim of a diabolical plot by the neighbors to use her head as a resonator??

The scenario you describe is highly unusual and appears to be rooted in a fictional or metaphorical context rather than any factual or plausible real-world occurrence. The concept of using someone's head as a "resonator" suggests an element of pseudoscientific or fantastical narrative, possibly drawn from speculative fiction, allegory, or symbolic storytelling.

In reality, the human body cannot function as a resonator in the way that mechanical or acoustic devices do. Resonators are typically physical objects designed to amplify specific frequencies through vibration, such as those found in musical instruments or electronic equipment. The idea of neighbors orchestrating such a plot would require extraordinary circumstances—likely involving advanced technology beyond current scientific understanding—or it may serve as an exaggerated metaphor for exploitation, manipulation, or psychological harm inflicted by others.

If this situation is part of a creative work (e.g., literature, film), it might symbolize themes like dehumanization, control over individuals' identities and bodies by external forces (neighbors representing societal pressures), and the loss of personal agency. Alternatively, if presented literally within its narrative universe without grounding in our known laws of physics and biology—it could simply be an imaginative construct meant to provoke thought about ethical boundaries between people living closely together while highlighting potential dangers when trust breaks down among communities members who share proximity but not necessarily mutual respect nor empathy towards each other’s well-being overall!
how come fujo's friend was a victim of a diabolical plot by the neighbors to use her head as a resonator??
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
I got laser at 29 and it deleted my hair entirely but I had hormonal issues my whole life that made me really low T I think (never got a blood test). but i didnt hit puberty until like 18/19 and I gained all my height in like approx 1 year (about 9 inches). Also I have somewhat wide hips. Skull is fully masculinzed tho. So ymmv everyones body is different and I bet if you looked into it you would find that trans people have hormonal issues more often than cis people.
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
age smirk
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
i wish i could smile or smirk
i am trying to use humor to cope with my dysphoria, so heres a modified john50 fanart picture i made resemble my awkward stage in transition, problem areas are mostly upper lip hair, and ankle and knee hair especially one of my knees, but right now my upper lip hair is making me spiral so hard, also i need a trach shave so bad
i am sorry fujo, did it disturb you? i was just using it as an anonymous way to describe my dysphoria, and what i am going through right now
i mostly dont look as bad as john50 fanart but, my moustache and adams apple are awful
no, no but, you don't look that bad
#ksay pain
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
this is the worst thing ive ever seen. good job.
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
Looks like nazi hate art
i am glad it made you lul its based on 4tran art of john50, a thing regarded with like dysphoric humor basically, i am feeling like shit needing to wait a week to buy an electric shaver for my damn moustache so i was driven to make that
SadChan(vote for🍉🍉🍉🍉
if laser doesnt work than electorlysis is the way to go but it HURTSS.
nothing that oxy couldnt fix heh
oxy?? and yeah it hurts sadchan i am looking for pictures not of myself but of like umm cissoids as reference for where i am right now in hair removal
i look like the polar opposite of this cissoid man, cause everything except my moustache is real thin
my moustache is approximately half as thick as this cissoid man, but its pitch black, i have twenty times less chin hair than him, less than five hairs on on the neck, and none of my remaining cheek hairs which are few in number are terminal hairs
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay my life is like a videogaaaame
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay glungle
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay glegulus
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay gloinglus
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay gloogloons
wow this week is kicking my ass already
by the way anons, i am the moustachehon anon, and good news my goddamn electric shaver arrived, i feel a lot less shitty now.
#smartai if you get rid of the rest of the beard how many follicles does the average moustache have? i am an mtf tran and i think i have around 500 how bad is that?

The average mustache contains approximately **600 to 800 hair follicles**, though this number can vary significantly depending on genetics, ethnicity, and individual variation. If you estimate that your mustache has around 500 follicles, this would place you slightly below the average range but is not inherently "bad" or abnormal.

Facial hair density is influenced by androgen levels (such as testosterone) prior to hormone replacement therapy (HRT). For transgender women undergoing HRT, the reduction of androgens often leads to a decrease in facial hair growth over time. However, if you find the density or presence of facial hair distressing, options such as laser hair removal or electrolysis can provide more permanent solutions.

It’s worth noting that follicle count alone does not determine the aesthetic impact of facial hair; factors like thickness, color contrast against skin tone, and growth patterns also play significant roles. Consulting with a dermatologist or an electrologist who specializes in gender-affirming care could help tailor a plan that aligns with your goals for feminization. Remember, transitioning is deeply personal—what matters most is how *you* feel about your appearance and what steps bring you closer to self-actualization.
if you get rid of the rest of the beard how many follicles does the average moustache have? i am an mtf tran and i think i have around 500 how bad is that?
i like sad things
i was like WHY TF AM I SO TIRED??
:( i used to use a phone alarm to go off at the same tyme each day until years of ding it helped me remember my whore moans daily
i like sad things
i also forgot to take my breathing medicine as well and its hard to breathe
good morning el j'ai pété
my girlfriend had to make me do my shot bc i kept procrastinating on it. ive been trying to switch to a five day cycle and remembering to actually do my shot is so annoying
>two guys talking in lecture today
>two guys talking in lecture today
god its fucking broken again lmao
.play of montreal city bird
.play of montreal lysergic dreams
i like sad things
I'm at school
i like sad things
must stay awake
i like sad things
i like sad things
cost 7 dollars for this vending machines are robbery
yeah they are
i like sad things
i got a 75 on my quizzzz ahhh today sucks
>needs stimulant
>buys vending machine coffee
is she stupid?
(america hat) its actually only like 5 above passing for most classes
wait you need a 70 to pass college in america wtf
technically a fail is anything under a 60 but most colleges will only count a class as "passed" if you got a c or above
(which is set at 70)
oh a c here is 6070
C in america is 70 - 79
lol at the corrections there
did someone say feet
anon## global mod
anon## global mod
oh dear
anon## global mod
sent into orbit
anon## global mod
somethings not quite right here....
oh this is actually kind of a cool angle
now i am near the glegle
closer to glegle
hi glegle!
wait it keeps getting closer
soon we will be on glegle's screen
anon## global mod
anon## global mod
krissu 👹
need a day off so i can put freebsd on my laptop
krissu 👹
#cat >^•-•^<
also gm
anon## global mod
anon## global mod
anon## global mod
anon## global mod
anon## global mod
anon## global mod
anon## global mod
anon## global mod
anon## global mod
anon## global mod
anon## global mod
windshield wiper effect
anon## global mod
krissu 👹
#fish 🐟
i feel like this is a nice way to never be able to install any software ever again thoughsoever
anon## global mod
anon## global mod
anon## global mod
anon## global mod
krissu 👹
good thing freebsd is a fully functional operating system so i wont need anything else ;)
anon## global mod
anon## global mod
anon## global mod
anon## global mod
ok no more
anon## global mod
one more
anon## global mod
the only experience i have with freebsd is running pfsense
anon## global mod
its like an os for routers

pfsense is a free, open-source firewall and router software based on freebsd. it's commonly used to manage network traffic, secure connections, and provide vpn services. its web interface makes it easy to configure even for those who aren't networking experts—though you can still dig deep if you want to get your hands dirty in the code or advanced settings. great for both home labs and enterprise setups.
krissu 👹
oh lol routers r weirdddddd
krissu 👹
like a microcosm unto itself
krissu 👹
of computing
i run a server closet with the local computer club and im so glad i never have to think about the networking involved there
every time one of the sysadmins complains about the network my eyes glaze over and i feel palpitations in my chest as i try to understand wtf is going on in there
krissu 👹
my big bro has a job at a router/network security company he knows alllllll abt that stuff
krissu 👹
ya i dont rly know anything abt it either lol
krissu 👹
tbh im kinda a math person who has self taught some computer stuff i took some c++ classes in college and like algorithms and stuff but besides that most of my knowledge is just self taught stuff abt like graphics and stuff
i think i accidentally spec'd myself into mathy computer science without actually having the iq to really understand a lot of mathy computer science
like im taking this type theory course rn and its very interesting but when i try and actually do i proof i start exploding
krissu 👹
aw dw too much type theory is one of those things that um lets just say... its easygoing
krissu 👹
its where u wind up when u dont wanna do any of the other math lol
i like sad things
nooo its a C. 75 out of 100. 85 is generally considered average but I want to be GOOD
ok this explains things about some of my profs
and also about a lot of my friends
but if there was a terraria server with a bunch of the wormies would you play...
krissu 👹
ya i never got that into that stuff my fav thing was calculus and geometry esp differential geometry which is just using calculus to solve problems in geometry
krissu 👹
i love stuff where u can draw pictures
i rly hated calculus but that might have been the fact that it was a required course
krissu 👹
yea.... calculus isnt taught that well cuz its one of those things everyone has to take so they kinda try to like idk its like a learning factory environment lol theyre just trying to distill it into the heads of as many ppl as possible
i love math
i went on academic probation bc i fucked up at calc a couple times lmao
as soon as i got past the prereqs in this program my gpa shot up
oh no yeah. nobody in a calc class actually really cares about calc unless ur really mathbrained by that time already
krissu 👹
i claim that if u rly like it and u take time to study it deeply it can be quite beautiful, its actually an extremely visual field of math which made it one of my all time favs its actually the thing that got me into math
krissu 👹
u can almost kinda picture like, series going off to infinity and sums and asymptotic behavior and stuff.. and then u do the math on paper and it matches the picture in ur head! i love that
that sounds relaly cool
