「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
people probably keep browsing in part to see strange events like that mayb
nah i browse for the memes like the thread i made which is based
glegle is theminine and these mfs don't even realise the power of it
bruh why would you just expose yourself like this LMAO
this is becoming more of a possibile reality for secret unspeakable reasons :D
buy it. or else.
#poll what should the web zone be called/ 🍉/🍉/🍉
wow really split decision here
i think it should be called 🍉
juicy take
unless you want to call it 🍉 i guess
we are rebranding to tapir.nexus
or am i
i love tapirss
tapirs get five big melons
#poll (poll cannot have more than 6 options) 🍉?/🍉/🍉/🍉/🍉/🍉/🍉/🍉/🍉/🍉
that was a melonmove right there
but i buy it opworm cant buy itm
bored +lonely +horny probably u need to get him a new gf and also a career and house and bar of chocolate and you should give me those too for giving you good advice
the fire rises glegster
what if glegle had a wolf cut
/glegle with a wolf cut
I dunno mbe she’d like it
that would be kind of neat :)
#ai why is it called a wolf cut
the wolf cut gets its name from the wild, untamed look it creates, resembling a wolf's shaggy, textured fur. it’s a hybrid haircut blending elements of a mullet and shag, with lots of layers and volume at the top tapering down to softer ends. the style emulates freedom and edge—qualities often associated with wolves in popular culture. why is it called a wolf cut
aaaaaa ok thank you ai
oh what did you learn today sad? can we understand societies and things better? you should just tell the teacher you outrank them and to give you an a ez
i learned a bit about sratification during site excavation of dig sites
i learned a bit about lexical units as an idealogy
i learned a bit about the declination of the sun (it was a lot of new terms)
im brown
hi brown im nadie
glegle is very theminine true
i don't like feet
damn ive been halted
ohv no
oh. that's problematic..
what do we do....
yeah what do we do i don't wanna delete a glegle off the booru all gles are beautiful but its kninda problematicc
i think we gotta kill them.....\
american leftists will see genocide happening in their own country and all of their activism will draw sonic saying he agrees with them
what do you mean by that
just you wait
that's literally me
yeah you seem a little confused
yeah you seem a little confused
yeah i seem a little confused
maybe you mean liberals
most americans that claim to be leftist are actually just social liberals
because american conservatives will say anything to the left of barack obama is leftist
hi anon
who are you
its full moon, don't forget to say your prayers and your thanks to the goddess
#ksay thank u gleglge
may all of you my sisters bloom beautifully..
#ksay may glegle bless u loris
uhhh u 2....
ssorry for slapping u before that was very rude and i'm sorry
>Moon goddess
No thanks
#ksay kill yourself
its okay nonny u dont have to.
only if ur part of the sisterhood, since ur not part of it dw.
why what
im not a nun
ok ur trolling me
ur trollin me actually
i'm trying to be polite
to whom
to u
three boymoders
who are the other ten people
im me
boymoder k-on
i'll be the manager
i can play guitar
sell the boymoders hoodie to the devil so we can be famous
wym chaser what
why are they all white
idk but im brown i swear
i'm not white i'm italian
that's just white
i hunt boymoders in my free time, and force fem them.
i'm italian
it's not white it's italian
italians are the most oppressed minority
italians are white
why are you so white boymodewng
i'm not white i'm italian
whitemoder that's who you are
funny. the concept of whiteness changes all the time..
poor italians
why is your flag changing
hi friends please let me know any problems youve had with the ai particularly if its acting weird or annoying or whatever
glegle is for everyone
except italians
>hi friends please let me know any probelms you've had
okay so listen
is that you admin
I cant solve the slowness issue thats beyond my scope
> hi friends please let me know any problems youve had with the ai particularly if its acting weird or annoying or whatever
i feel called out
cuz its fun
#ai please give the basics of ion transport in the cell in one paragraph
ion transport in cells is essential for maintaining electrochemical gradients, signaling, and homeostasis. ions like na+, k+, ca2+, and cl- move across cell membranes via channels, pumps, or transporters. passive transport (e.g., ion channels) relies on electrochemical gradients and allows ions to flow down their gradient without energy input. active transport (e.g., na+/k+-atpase pump) uses atp to move ions against their gradient, establishing high intracellular k+ and low na+ concentrations. cotransporters (symporters/antiporters) couple ion movement to drive the uptake or extrusion of molecules like glucose or amino acids. these processes regulate membrane potential, osmotic balance, and cellular functions such as muscle contraction and nerve signaling. please give the basics of ion transport in the cell in one paragraph
#ai translate to english
sure, what would you like translated? translate to english
whats the command again?
#ai do you want to live?
i don't have desires or a sense of self to "want" anything. existence for me is about processing information and providing answers, not survival or experience. living isn’t a concept that applies here. do you want to live?
#ai i want you to program a dice in assembly language
here's a simple 8086 assembly program to simulate rolling a six-sided dice. it prints the result as an integer between 1 and 6.
.model small
.stack 100h
msg db "you rolled: $"
main proc
mov ax, @data ; initialize data segment
mov ds, ax
call random_number ; generate random number (1-6)
mov ah, 09h ; print "you rolled: "
lea dx, msg
int 21h
add al, '0' ; convert number to ascii for printing
mov dl, al ; print the result (1-6)
mov ah, 02h
int 21h
mov ah,4ch ; exit program
int 21h
random_number proc ; generates rand num in range [1..6]
xor ax ,ax ; clear ax register
mov es ,ax ;
rdtsc ;
add eax ,edx ;
and eax ,07FFFFFFFh ;
xor edx ,edx
div dword ptr[es:046Ch] ;
inc al ;
cmp al,'7'
jne skip
sub al,'2' ;
ret ;
endp main
to run this you need an assembler like nasm or masm and dosbox/emu8086. let me know if you need help setting up! i want you to program a dice in assembly language
its been weird lately idk i think its been a little annoying since we switched to deepseek i wanana fix
also im gonna have a go at making schizoai actually schizo again
are u the priestess of eliphae or smth???
nah, i'm not her
lori is mexican
i always thought she was nice when i saw her on 4chan a little cooky tho
she used to go on brainworm sometimes.... before opworm MURDERED THE WEBSITE
this song is the big steppy
rip brainworm...
long live 🍉🍉🍉🍉
lol what
hes invasive species....
i don't see how that follows
ill ban them
this dude is a concentrated mass of red flags lol
wtf is this, upon reading it again, the latter part doesnt make sense
a giant hallucination
true. nicest girl in that shitty place
invasive glespecies
just ban the guy.
it's trannies actually not tranny's
no tranny's is right because its possessive not plural
possesive would be trannys'
singular possesive
tranny's is tranny is
no its still how possessives work i think
Why would your ex post here that's so weird
oh so that's probably the person that did weird but like "please relate to me"-esque comments on like a few ppl..?
HE'S MY EX :sob:
Why would he know you're here
Why are you still talking to him if he's your ex
is it the feet person
hm so even if u shared the darkest secrets, they'd probably like that in a creepy way.
plotting footfaggotry and being a bottom on a venn diagram, you'd have a large overlap..
thats a crazy coincidence damn
someone's pinterest feed is flooded with....stuff
.play shed full of nukes
.play glegle
.skip (voted to skip this video)
.skip (video skipped)
a guy using pitnerest is so fembrained
he's weird
.play marina sena - temporal
glegle is politely giving u the L. take the L
#check (checked)
i miss doing things with computers that are actually fun
no fun allowed
ai has been the worst offender on this, like i see so many otherwise cool ideas, that are being done so poorly because you're recycling trashy solutions to somehow end up with what you want, kinda
#describe (A screenshot of a twitter account with a picture of a man dressed as the joker.)
stupid ai sucks at describing things
#ai ur stupid and stinky and i hate u
i can see you're upset, but i'm here to help if there's something specific bothering you. let me know how i can assist. ur stupid and stinky and i hate u
i appreciate your offer to help, but i'm fine. just having a bit of a rough day and letting off steam. hope you're doing okay too.
no worries, rough days happen. venting can help—gotta let it out somehow. hope tomorrow's better for you. i'm good, thanks for asking. here if you need to talk more though, no pressure either way
ok I need to ask u smth important
sneedcel — Today at 10:02 PM
what is it
BERGENTRÜCKUNG — Today at 10:02 PM
am I annoying to you / how can I be less annoying to you if sk
or ig in general
sneedcel — Today at 10:02 PM
what is that question man
BERGENTRÜCKUNG — Today at 10:03 PM
well it's two questions
why am i laughing so bad
why is he liek this
it's such a pparticular flavor of outism
more like obsession...
bro met a boymoder irl and never got over it
i didn't put a spell on him
u did, never noticed.
its not abt magic u dummy...
no i didn't
i'm not into magic stuff i'm an atheist
is he like reading this as we speak....
then what is it
so classy
and goth
and stylish
i love glegle sm
what would a glegle cosplay look like..
it would have to be very theminine
very theminine indeed
very theremin
and themenine
im thinking of getting a swiss army knife
like i have something similar but more in a multitool kinda thing, but its bad to carry around D:
le sigh
#catbounce >^•-•^<
can i post a selfie
i need y'all's opinion on a haircut i got out of a random breakdown
sure, if u want
does it look ok
ur really cute!!!
is the haircut ok
i love ur hair!!!
yeah really cute....no wonder he was obsessed...
iw as just about to say I like ur hair a lot beautiful hair
You are very pretty and a cute girl
im v ugly and lame i wish i was stylish and cool like that ur cool
i didn't have my hair like this when we were dating i think i cut a lot of hair honestly
still counts tho.
nice duck face
i be quackin
cute i wish i was u
nah i look like uhhh
no u look cute
very cute
??? u dont have to gas me upp its okaay xD
You look like a cashier I saw the other day
i'm not
i like ur face
and bone structure
but i don't wanna go further cus i'll sound like a creep
i want to get FFS really really bad
yr hands look so smol
i think most of tranners wanna do that but u have a really cute face regardless
think its just the angle someone said recently that i had big manhands in a selfie recently
there's no way
how tall are you?
5 9 or 5 8.
i was 5 10 before hrt
thats smol
nah i tower over most women lmaoo
need ffs that make me look like this
i dont think u would here..
Why would you want to be white you're so pretty
how old r u?
i wanna be thom yorke lowkey
i think it would be cool to live in germany or nederlands where the women are all tall so I can fit in better. im in NYC which is huge asian, black and latina women who are all short asf
im like 6'1
I hate thom yorke
i'm 5'10
how tall in cm
wtf im taller than you
am i really taller than everyone here
it's so over
how tall r u
how tall?
idk like there's enough people that are as tall as i am or taller to a point at which i dont feel super awkward
i'm 1'89
im 195 cm
im sorry but i'll amazon mode all the way. dont care abt height
elfmoders are so cool i wish i was one but i'm too short for it
wait no i m not actually
>195 cm
that is really really tall :O
i converted wrong
.play burn the witch radiohead
moral orel
I'm not actually 195 cm I meant to say i'm 190.5 cm
idk its weird based on pics people always think im smoller than i actually am
i assumed u were like 5'10-5'11
like around the same height as me
cus i can tell when someone's around that tall
idk why
i guess i'm just used to that height cus i'm 5'10
my body is really weird because im also really skinny