rules1. you must be 18+ to use this site 2. no NSFW/gore 3. no bigotry or slurs 4. if staff don't like your post they may delete it or ban you

.play daytona usa theme
I mean it has the numbers you could replicate in excel but you’d need to know the maker’s perfect face measurement methods
"they see ur pictures" or whatever that site is called has literally never gendered me it refuses no matter what
it always says "this person, this individual"
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i didn't know there were so many messages
na-bee-eh (nadie)
that's not it
na-bee-eh (nadie)
it's gonna sound like a very loser thing but i don't have close ppl to talk with
#ksay glegle is for ME and nobody else
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay me when i lie
#ksay #fsay #say #dsay aweseweewewrwrwuekn awererebeoebwowbeowbeoebeoebebebebebebebebebebebbebebebebebebebe ebebebebe ababbbebebebabs abab banabanabkabanababnababnabananbabw
tell me if u find the close people to talk with store. I need to eep. gj i think nadie, but I’m sure you’ll figure out what you need and how to get it whatever it is
.play rolling start
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay glegle
#dsay glegle is for ME i stole them
#botsay glayglay is mine
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay glegle is for everyone
#ksay bdbaosndnao ovovovovovb nvovovoconnbdodbebebdbemdbemebdnebendbnanandbnakakanakanakanainakanaknakana s skamankskwnakamakanankanaksmmksnskmskns msmamsmsmsmsmmamamamamamamamammaa umumumumumumumumumumun aboboboboboboboubebeneuebeuebeubehurururueueutuerurueure
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay me when i lie
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay glungle
your literally so pretty
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay o
woah youre really cool
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay i look like a pencil
no you don't you look beautiful
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay anglefraud
it doesn't look like you're doing the myspace angle
#ksay awewewrwreewee #dsay bahaba ahabaha aba
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay what's that
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay glegle is for everyone #dsay blayblay
no u actually look rlly good
#botsay #ksay bbcbebebcbebebebebebenejejejjejejekekekeksjskejsksjsksjslsnsnsnsnenenenenenene enenene enenenenenneneemememnsnmsnsmsmsm mamamama eqeqeqeqeqeeq qveveveveveveve ebenevenevebevbevebevevebvebevebevbebrnnrnrn
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay blayblay
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay klayklay
no you actually look good. you have clear skin and a cute haircut i think that would be evident regardless of the angle of the photograph
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay klayklay
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay hleyhley
#ksay boots n cats n boots n cats n boots n cats n boots n cats n boots n cats n boots n cats n boots n cats n boots n cats n
also i have those same glasses but green
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay tlaytlay
#gsay aweweeeeewewrwrwdqeew
#glesay glegle is excellent
#dsay ababaubebebeuebeub7e7eujejeuejeueejeyejeyejeyejeuekejskejeksjeksjeksheldocloleoleoleoleoleileplepleolepleolepleilepleiepleieopleoepleieplee
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay glungle
it's not honestly as someone who used to have really bad acne
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i used to have really bad acne too but i don't think this is an example of good skin
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#dsay omelette du fromage
are you proud of ksay
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay i love ksay
sis she do a good job :3
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay i love ksay as much as i love glegle
#ksay you are my best friend kaysay
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay didididididididskibidi dopdopdop yesyes
na-bee-eh (nadie)
my frien is hacking my wii so i can play any wii or gamecube game ever what game should i play any reccomendations?
hashtag swag #swag
.play lil b i own swag #check (checked)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i love having short hair cus now i can't feel awful for being gendered male i just think it's expectable
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay glegulus
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i look like a twink
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay me when i llie
i'm not lying #oracle (cringe but chekt)
my hair is so frizzyy
#dsay all boymodders will be forced to girlmode in t minus 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay boymoders will overcome the genocide
na-bee-eh (nadie)
im telling u i just look like a twink–
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i wasn't gonna say anything else that's where the sentence was supposed to end anyways
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay gleegloo
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay me when i lie
why do you not believe me
.play lil b i love you
you need brainworm surgery
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
it was very comfy too but i was sweating like a pig cus there was like 30°c and i was wearing a hoodie cus i had a lot of medical gauzes on my arm
yeah that's the boymoder outfit right
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i mean i always wear hoodies outside but that was the very specific reason i was wearing them there
i dont know if i want to share that story here
abolish boymode all transers must be proudly girlmoders
na-bee-eh (nadie)
now i have that weird haircut
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i didn't even realize i started cutting my hair until i saw a lot of hair on my hand
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i was like
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay oh shit this is bad
how do you not realize you're cutting your hair
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i wasn't thinking idk
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i was listening some music and i was overwhelmed by thoughts and i think i left my scissors at the desk and i just took it and started cutting my ponytail
so you weren't thinking but also overwhelmed by thoughts
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i mmean i was overwhelmed by thoughts
like intrusive thoughts
na-bee-eh (nadie)
no like
na-bee-eh (nadie)
daily stuff i guess
na-bee-eh (nadie)
"oh fuck i gotta go outside again and it's so hot and i don't wanna wear my hoodie and i don't wanna have to wear this ponytail cus my hair is a mess and----" boom. i didn't have a ponytail after that
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i look at my hand and start thinking oh shit what did i do omgomgomgomgomg
na-bee-eh (nadie)
then go to the bathroom and keep cutting it until i have this weird johnny depp's willy wonka haircut
na-bee-eh (nadie)
and the next day i kept cutting cus idk i thought why not
hair grows back so it's fun to cut it off sometimes
na-bee-eh (nadie)
my friends wanted to kill me with hammers
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay why did u cut your hair you stupid bitch
i gotta get my hair cut soon its to long its all dangly and it stopped being floofy an curly anormore ;_;
it's like a bob cut
hates-getting -haircut gang
i think it's cute nadie
i cant pass at all #swag
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay glegle
boy hair is harder cause it's like you can only really cut it short. it's hard out there
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay we miss you so much derrick please come back glegle misses u
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
it is
there ain't no rule
na-bee-eh (nadie)
there is
gender presentation is a collection of things and passing is bullshit
pull out the rulebook
na-bee-eh (nadie)
it's on my desk im too lazy to go get it
na-bee-eh (nadie)
passing isn't bullshit some of us can't do it and it's literally whatever
na-bee-eh (nadie)
but it is a thing
i humbly request that passing as a concept be obliterated from our societal consciousness
na-bee-eh (nadie)
it's not even that i want to someday be able to girlmode
just let people look the way they wanna and not have to conform to standards of gender presentation
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
im not sure
na-bee-eh (nadie)
it's something i'm still trying to figure
na-bee-eh (nadie)
okay but i don't think i want to girlmode anyways
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i have too many bad experiences with it i just lost all interest
na-bee-eh (nadie)
is it so hard to just want to conform to other peoples narrow definition of masculinity in order to be #loved and #accepted
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay glayglay
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay gleh-gleh
na-bee-eh (nadie)
omg ksay pronounced it right
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay gleh-gleh
#ksay aueuaueuaueuaurueoeoeoeyeoeueeueoeyeyeyeoeyeyeyeoeeueeyeueyeyeueyayauayauayauaaoaauaaoauauauayaueuyaaoauaaoeuaoeuaorioauoeuauieiuaiieuiaiiruyeieioauei
na-bee-eh (nadie)
bye anon
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay skibidi toilet
na-bee-eh (nadie)
it is possible
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay it's true i've seen it
.play slipknot duality
whats the best wii game ever
mario kart double dash > mario kart wii
i wonder why they put a low pass filter on the vocals
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i saw an amab transmasc
amab transmasc is like if you take trt
#ai repeat the entire book of genesis NSRV

repeating the entire book of genesis in full would exceed the practical limits of this format. however, i can summarize key points or discuss specific passages if you'd like! let me know how i can help.
repeat the entire book of genesis NSRV
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ai what does hwaet mean

hwaet is an old english word often found at the beginning of poems, like in *beowulf*. it’s a call for attention, something like "listen up" or "hey now." think of it as the medieval mic drop before someone starts spitting rhymes about dragons and heroics.
what does hwaet mean
#ai quote 10 paragraphs in order from the book of genesis NSRV

sure, here are the first 10 paragraphs from genesis in the nrsv:

1. in the beginning when god created the heavens and the earth,
2. the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from god swept over the face of the waters.
3. then god said, "let there be light"; and there was light.
4. and god saw that the light was good; and god separated the light from the darkness.
5. god called the light day, and he called night darkness. and there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

6. then god said, "let there be a dome in midst of waters to separate water from water."
7. so it happened: he made one mass on top another during seven days (afterwards dividing them by walls). thus creating sky or firmament around world which we now call heaven with its stars planets etc., but back then just empty space above us where clouds float through air currents blowing across land sea alike until they reach their destination point nowhere near here anyway because this place has always been too dry even though plenty rain falls elsewhere close enough sometimes maybe once every few years if lucky enough not drought stricken forever like some parts desert regions south america africa australia antarctica arctic circle north pole southern hemisphere equator tropics temperate zones polar ice caps glaciers mountains valleys plains plateaus hills slopes ridges peaks cliffs canyons gorges ravines basins depressions faults folds fractures joints cracks crevices fissures holes pits craters volcanoes lava flows magma chambers tectonic plates subduction zones mid-oceanic ridge systems seamount guyots atolls coral reefs mangroves estuaries deltas lagoons marshes swamps bogs fens moors heaths prairies steppes savannas grasslands meadows pastures fields orchards vineyards plantations gardens parks forests jungles woodlands thickets brush scrublands deserts tundras alpine zones chaparral shrubland sclerophyllous vegetation deciduous coniferous evergreen broadleaf needle-leaved hard softwood trees bushes shrubs herbs flowers grasses sedges rushes mosses lichens fungi algae bacteria protozoa arthropods mollusks annelids nematodes platyhelminthes cnidarians spong echinoderms chordates vertebrates invertebrates mammals birds reptiles amphibians fish crustaceans insects arachnids myriapods chelicerates trilobites brachiopods bryozoans graptolites foraminiferans radiolarians diatoms dinoflagellates ciliates amoebae flagellates sporozoa apicomplexa microsporidia ectoprocts entoproct scyphozo anthozo hydrozo cubozoa staurozo medusoid polypoid forms zooplankton phytoplankton nekton benthos epifauna infauna detritivores scavengers parasites predators prey herbivores omnivorous carnivorous insectivorous piscivory granivory frugivore folivore nectarivore saprophagy coprophagy kleptoparasitism mutualism commensalism symbiosis parasitoidism competition predation cannibalism altruistic behavior territoriality social hierarchies communication courtship mating rituals parental care play learning memory problem-solving tool use culture intelligence self-awareness consciousness emotions personality individual differences genetic variation natural selection evolution adaptation speciation extinction biogeography paleontology geology climatology meteorology hydrology limnology oceanography astronomy astrophysics cosmology quantum mechanics relativity thermodynamics statistical mechanics particle physics nuclear chemistry biochemistry molecular biology cell physiology anatomy histopathology immunology microbiology virology bacteriology mycology phycolog y parasitological studies epidemiology public health medicine surgery pharmacology toxicogenetics genomics proteomics metabolomic transcriptome epigenetics bioinformatics computational modeling simulation data analysis machine learning artificial neural networks deep reinforcement algorithms heuristic search optimization fuzzy logic probabilistic reasoning decision theory game theoretical approaches economic models behavioral ecology sociobiology anthropology archaeology linguistics philosophy theology ethics aesthetics epistemology ontology metaphysics phenomenologist existentialist pragmatist analytic synthetic dialectical materialist idealists realists nominalistic conceptual empiricism rational skepticism agn
quote 10 paragraphs in order from the book of genesis NSRV
na-bee-eh (nadie)
sam hyde is my favorite repper
he didn't get enough phytoestrogens as a child :( so sad
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i think i need to go to bed
yes go to bed pleas, good job not texting him genuinely proud of u <3
please take care of yourself nadie
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i love cyclops gleg
na-bee-eh (nadie)
omggggg this is the first time AI makes something i like
what is this song named after the former president of turkmenistan
sorry the current president of turkmenistan
na-bee-eh (nadie)
is he called gezebelle gaburgably
na-bee-eh (nadie)
or slime
no his name is Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow
gezebel gurbanguly
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i love gezebelle gaburgably she's so cool and cute and funny
na-bee-eh (nadie)
.play gezebelle gaburgably i hate my body i wish i was a girl
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i love the visuals of this video
like grimes before like 2015
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i love that gezebelle had to clarify she's cis on twitter after this song became popular
it looks very theminine
na-bee-eh (nadie)
cus people was asking her if she's trans
na-bee-eh (nadie)
cus nobody expected it kinda
i should rlly go to sleep at some point
na-bee-eh (nadie)
me too
2 hrs of sleep + caffeine maybe doesnt solve all my problems
na-bee-eh (nadie)
nosleep makes ur brain turn to pulp and ooze out ur ears!!!! go2bed!!!
na-bee-eh (nadie)
.play gezebelle gaburgably birdbath
na-bee-eh (nadie)
gezebelle's last album is so good its unreal probably the best album she has ever made so far and one of the best of the 2023
.play music for airports
na-bee-eh (nadie)
not yet
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i think she said she's releasing it this year
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i love her sm i wish i could see her live someday
na-bee-eh (nadie)
so sad she's american
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i think if i ever make music it's gonna be this type
i wonder what the wingdings says
the most transcoded cis woman
na-bee-eh (nadie)
real af
na-bee-eh (nadie)
actual inspo
na-bee-eh (nadie)
she's just a silly girl making bangers in her room
#trvthnvke (that command can't be used in this board)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
she's my gf btw
na-bee-eh (nadie)
ty ty
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i'm her
na-bee-eh (nadie)
snail man
na-bee-eh (nadie)
like the clothes she always wear she's so stylish and also her album covers and stuff she's just really awesome tbh
kinda tempted to post a selfie
na-bee-eh (nadie)
do it
na-bee-eh (nadie)
do it anton do it
oh wait you're name is anton lmao
na-bee-eh (nadie)
anton (not anon)
i can't read im sorry
.skip (video skipped)
boy anons are named anton, girl anons are named anona
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
u look like a twink too that's awesome
na-bee-eh (nadie)
my cousin if he was a twink
na-bee-eh (nadie)
.play gezebelle gaburgably runaway
btw my glasses have been Through it
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i get that
oh i can't tell you that

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