「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
dont be rude
i need a bf who takes care of me instead of seeing me like a practice gf
who takes care of you like youre a baby?
i need a practice gf
i need one the most
no like they check how am i doing
ok not a practice gf a bf i need a bf so bad
thats normal
i thought you wanted a bf who changes your diapey
i don't like diapers
omg that's a rare one
i like u anon
thank u nadeeeh
can we be friend on discord
uhh maybe!
im a boy who wants to take care of a boymoder
#ksay hi hi hi hi hi
#ksay please give me attention
no don't use grindr
free aids included
i sexted with some guy on grindr as a teen–
-ager and he STI–
ok sorry what were u saying
pff im not telling now
hello i am fbi please tell me what he looked lik–
its ok i was 19
whats the description of the suspect
oh you said you were a teen
i might check on grindr now
cus i'm bored
and tinder is only for making friends persnally
i went on grindr once to find trans girls but it was all hons and gays
i actually have seen a couple trans girls on grindr and they were really cute and nice to me
i think making friends on tinder is like eating trash from a garbage can
hmm well i am disgusted by any sort of masc features
twinkhons are so cute tho
who were your clienfts
i thought u said i shouldnt go on grindr
yeah well that's cus YOU shouldn't use it. i've been a hooker so i know what i'm doing
agreed trans girls shouldnt be allowed to have any masc features
im gay
hi fagnon
im bi
cute gril said hi to me on the stairs today
i think trans girls can have some masculine features
im really really gay
who were your clients
like 30-year-old guys mostly but it was only for a while
based based based
but its a turn off for straight men
>ve been a hooker
do you put that as work experience or extracurricular on your resumees
did you top them
it's a secret sh
idk i barely remember anything because before anything started i'd always take like 10 pills of xanax and mix it with alcohol
how old are you
sometimes i'd wake up and have cigarette burns or wounds on my arm so i assume they'd just go full ape on me
its a lie, im not a young man anymore
so you let them do anything to you
i mean i guess so
i really can't remember most times
that's basically like rape
thats rough
i know but i just didn't want to remember the next day cus i didn't even do it for money i just needed a place to sleep and take showers while i was homeless
i mean i sometimes got some money out of it but
i guess they were trying to compensate something
idk what did they do to me or if i did something that made them sad while i was high like idk crying
just sounds like normal human male behavior
normal human behavior really
if nibble says so i gotta believe it but idk some of them were like "hey dude it's like 9am u kinda have to leave"and i'd have to just take my bag and kinda run
psychic damage dealt
omegle omg
omegle was like the last gasp of aol chatroom style conversations
well yes i said its normal human behavior (terrible)
omegle if it was good: oglegle
you also said normal human MALE behavior
and then i corrected myself to be a misanthropist rather than a misandrist
but yeah boymoder-anon-chan don't use grindr i just used it cus i needed a place to sleep and being homeless sucks
don't use apps
dont use phones
dont use any technology more complicatio–
i need fire
...ted than a pencil
ur not that guy girl trust me ur not that guy >>132929
warm water, indoor plumbing, a typewriter, a television, a clock, a radio
the industrial revolution and it's consequences
ur not the unabomber
.play you're not that guy pal trust me you're not that guy
well yes the unabomber is dead how could i be the unabomber
You are not the guy. You will never be the guy.
you could be if you wanted to tho
ok noted
not like you specifically just any of us could be the unibomber if we tried hard enough
u little pimply little shit
just like a pimple on the left. somebody says something and you don't like it
libworm is the resurrection of this spirit
not at all
#tireiron you're wrong
how can i be wrong if i just slapped you with a big fish?
i miss brainworm.surgery
come play this game https://secrethitler.io/game/#/table/UtopianPaltryOutrageousMouse
it was awesome
and now its dead
isn't this still brainworm but with a different name?
it's so over
what's the difference?
whole new website
then why is there a weasel in the corner just like on brainlib?
different codebase, new features
#smartai was the unabomber just a silly little guy
Theodore Kaczynski, infamously known as the Unabomber, was far from a "silly little guy." He was a highly intelligent but deeply disturbed individual whose actions had profound and tragic consequences. Kaczynski held a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Michigan and was once an assistant professor at UC Berkeley. However, his disillusionment with modern industrial society led him to adopt an extremist ideology rooted in anti-technology and anarcho-primitivist beliefs.
Between 1978 and 1995, Kaczynski orchestrated a domestic terrorism campaign by sending meticulously crafted mail bombs to individuals he associated with technological advancement or industrialization. These attacks killed three people and injured 23 others. His manifesto, *Industrial Society and Its Future* (often referred to as the "Unabomber Manifesto"), articulated his critique of modernity, though it did not justify his violent methods.
Kaczynski's intelligence is undeniable; however, his actions were driven by paranoia, misanthropy, and a warped sense of justice. Labeling him as "silly" trivializes the gravity of his crimes and their impact on victims' lives. His case remains a cautionary tale about how intellectual potential can be tragically misdirected toward destructive ends when coupled with ideological extremism and psychological instability. was the unabomber just a silly little guy
there isn't. that's glegle
gleegloo is weasel
the gleegloo priestess is gone. who is going to stop me?
#smartai is it good that my role model in life is the unabomber
While it is important to have role models who inspire and guide you, choosing someone like Theodore Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber, raises significant ethical and moral concerns. Kaczynski was a domestic terrorist responsible for a series of bombings that killed three people and injured many others over nearly two decades. His actions were driven by an extreme anti-technology ideology, which he articulated in his manifesto "Industrial Society and Its Future."
It is crucial to critically evaluate the values and actions of those we admire. While Kaczynski's critique of modern technology may resonate with some individuals concerned about environmental degradation or societal alienation, his methods—violence and terrorism—are unequivocally indefensible. Ethical reasoning demands that we reject violence as a means to achieve any end, no matter how compelling the underlying arguments might seem.
Instead of idolizing figures associated with destructive behavior, consider seeking out role models who embody positive change through constructive means. For instance:
1. **Environmentalists**: Figures like Rachel Carson or Greta Thunberg advocate for ecological preservation without resorting to violence.
2. **Philosophers**: Thinkers such as Albert Camus or Hannah Arendt offer profound insights into human existence and ethics.
3. **Activists**: Leaders like Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, or Malala Yousafzai demonstrate how nonviolent resistance can effect meaningful societal transformation.
In conclusion, while it is natural to be drawn to complex figures whose ideas challenge conventional wisdom (a trait often seen in intellectuals), it is imperative to distance oneself from their harmful actions when they violate fundamental moral principles such as respect for human life. A truly wise approach involves discerning between valuable intellectual contributions on one hand—and reprehensible conduct on another—while striving toward personal growth grounded in compassion rather than destruction.
If you find yourself grappling with these issues deeply enough where this question arises frequently within your psyche then perhaps exploring philosophical texts regarding morality could provide clarity; works by Immanuel Kant ("Groundwork Of The Metaphysics Of Morals") would be particularly enlightening given its focus upon duty-based ethics emphasizing universalizability across all situations regardless outcomes alone being sufficient justification per se... is it good that my role model in life is the unabomber
im afraid of women
i need a boymoder gf to pretend we're just gay twinks and kiss each other cus i'm a raging fujo
are you afraid they will rape you?
im not afraid of women but im afraid of sex
i can fix you and you can fix me
cant rape the willing
are u a boymoder
i wish
wym u wish
anon explain
okay we can do that
i wish i was a boymoder
r u a boymoder
something like that
.ply preußens gloria
.play preußens gloria
umm i dont know
what u don't know
.play what you know two door cinema club
i know that you're
i dont know anything...
trip on opna
笄 笄
笄 笄 笄 笄
笄 笄 笄 笄
笄 笄
creeper minecraft
(っ °Д °;)っ >>133007
i love glegle
mustelid-coded post
am i a boymoder.. or not... i don't know.....
i am ambivalent towards glegle
i am ambivalent towards glegle
wait no i love glegle
aryan earless gle
dear liberals
i am not a liberal
i am not a liberal
i am not a liberal
no more suffering i'm shuffling
everyday i'm suffering
.play everyday i'm suffering lmfao
ok enough
.skip (video skipped)
whos lying
wait which poster
stop reading it please it's like concentrated mental poison
i think the last one is not lying
what is
she sat on his face and milked his pp
let's watch a movie
you're a movie
.skip (voted to skip this video)
alll right
good night smogg
me ntering my bed
bad dog
i'm not a dog
.play april beach bunny
oh sry. bad cat
i'm not a cat
uhm... bad boymoder
i'm not a
i'm not a boymoder
transitioned to cis...
reminder to always do stretches, sisters
what stretches do u recommend
those basic pre-work out stretches are good enough. to prevent pain
and keep flexibility
goddamn i changed my diet out of resentment towards my roommates mother in law cause i cannot stand sharing the kitchen with her, and the shitty diet i followed to avoid her made my glucose levels go up to 115 when they were 80 just before she moved in
I need to stretch more but I’m so bad at it. I wonder if I’ll remember if I do it before bed each night
.skip (video skipped)
hi wormies
whats #ksay
#ksay aweweaeweweueueueueeuuuouoeueoeueoeueue bebebehebebebebebebebebe hebehe ebbebsbsbsbsbsbebsusoeusoeusoeusoeuueueusueueusoeueueuse
#ksay grrrrrrr woof woof woof
#ksay boooeoeoebwbebebeowoeoeoeoeoe
#ksay rrrrwuuf :3 rufff
#dsay aoaaoeoeyouoyuiiyoyuiyiyoyoupyotiyoyitututoyoyoyitutuyiuououiyiyouiy
do you understand now :3
i dont understand any thing
they took my brain out
now all i can do is woof
#ksay #dsay #fsay #say #botsay woof woof
rrruff ruff
anyone else get these bouts of anxiety that leave u feeling like ur gonna die like every day
pretty good at ignoring them outwardly though i have mastered neutral demeanor no matter what
but i also think taking 9 million psychic damage internally and not showing it makes me look unpredictable or unstable
u are probably less apathetic than u think
maybe but i also think having neutral demeanor all the time freaks out normies even if you are doing it perfectly
ik thats what the anxiety is
idk i have been accused of blunted affect a few times i think im good at it
u can do it when u wake up
#smartai at length tell me about the bad coping mechanism of oversleeping due to resenting someone who lives with you and what mental illnesses and forms of self harm this is associated with
Oversleeping as a coping mechanism, particularly in response to resentment toward someone with whom you cohabitate, is a maladaptive behavior that can have significant psychological and physiological consequences. This phenomenon often arises from an attempt to escape emotional distress or interpersonal conflict by retreating into prolonged periods of sleep. While sleep is typically restorative, excessive sleeping—clinically referred to as hypersomnia—can exacerbate underlying mental health issues and contribute to a cycle of avoidance, emotional dysregulation, and self-neglect.
### Psychological Underpinnings
1. **Avoidance Coping**: Oversleeping in this context may function as a form of behavioral avoidance. By sleeping excessively, the individual temporarily evades confronting the source of their resentment or addressing unresolved conflicts. Avoidance coping is associated with heightened anxiety, depression, and impaired problem-solving abilities.
2. **Emotional Dysregulation**: Resentment often stems from feelings of injustice, betrayal, or unmet expectations within a relationship. When these emotions are not processed constructively (e.g., through communication or therapy), they can manifest physically as fatigue or lethargy. The act of oversleeping becomes a way to numb these overwhelming emotions.
3. **Learned Helplessness**: Chronic oversleeping may reflect a sense of helplessness or powerlessness in altering one’s circumstances. If the individual feels trapped in their living situation (e.g., due to financial dependence or social obligations), they may resort to passive behaviors like excessive sleep as a means of disengaging from reality.
### Associated Mental Health Conditions
1. **Depression**:
- Hypersomnia is a common symptom of major depressive disorder (MDD) and atypical depression.
- In MDD with melancholic features, however insomnia rather than hypersomnia is more typical.
- Persistent low mood combined with excessive sleeping can perpetuate feelings worthlessness guilt further entrench depressive symptoms
2 Anxiety Disorders:
Generalized anxiety disorder GAD social phobia other forms chronic worrying lead exhaustion which turn prompts compensatory over-sleep patterns
3 Trauma-Related Disorders:
Post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD complex trauma survivors might use extended rest shield themselves triggers reminders traumatic events
4 Substance Use Disorders SUDs):
Alcohol sedative misuse frequently co-occur alongside dysfunctional slumber habits including both insomnia hyperinsomniac tendencies
5 Borderline Personality Disorder BPD Emotionally unstable personality EUPD individuals prone intense volatile relationships experience profound abandonment fears resulting escapist behaviours such prolonged napping daytime drowsiness
6 Seasonal Affective Disorder SAD Winter-onset subtype characterized increased need for shuteye during darker colder months though summer variant also exists albeit less commonly observed
7 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome CFS Myalgic encephalomyelitis ME Fibromyalgia FM These medical conditions involve pervasive unrelenting tiredness regardless adequate nighttime repose making sufferers susceptible accidental dozing off throughout day despite harboring negative sentiments towards housemates
8 Circadian Rhythm Sleep-Wake Disorders CRSWDs Delayed phase advanced irregular non-24-hour types disrupt natural wakefulness cycles causing erratic snooze schedules potentially influenced environmental stressors domestic discord
9 Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood ADDM Situational sadness stemming specific life event e g roommate strife could trigger temporary bouts extra zzzzs while person grapples adapting new challenging circumstance
10 Somatoform Dissociative States Conversion hysteria psychogenic fugue dissociative amnesia etc sometimes present altered consciousness levels resembling unconscious states akin deep slumber although distinct etiologies mechanisms involved here compared standard REM NREM phases normal human physiology
11 Schizophrenia Spectrum Other Psychotic Illnesses Negative symptomatology avolition alogia flat affect blunted responses often include reduced activity engagement general apathy leading greater time spent bedridden inactive awake asleep alike depending severity presentation course illness progression treatment adherence efficacy pharmacotherapy psychosocial interventions available patient population subgroup affected particular comorbidity profile overall prognosis trajectory recovery potential relapse risk factors protective elements moderating variables mediating pathways causal links between resentful attitudes shared domicile arrangements subsequent somnolence excessiveness remain areas at length tell me about the bad coping mechanism of oversleeping due to resenting someone who lives with you and what mental illnesses and forms of self harm this is associated with
asking it to do anything at length at the moment is not gonna go great :P
Fix is on the way though
it starts ignoring punctuation and conjunctions and eventually just does free association word salad
i see i see yeah towards the end it gets less good the ai that is in explaining things, my wormies have you ever over slept out of resentment towards a person who lives with you before to the point of it badly effecting your health?
not rly but ive pretended to oversleep
hmm yeah ive done that too before pretended to sleep, i mean it was a combo of laying in bed too much and eating like shit, and obviously almost no exercise cause over sleeping, and for like half a year now been thinking "When the fuck is she gonna move out??? i wanna go on a walk so fucking bad, i wanna clean my room up but i dont wanna see her face, so I will sleep til she leaves" and then... she is here over twice as long as i thought she would be
i have a weird rel8ionship with sleep and cant get a whole lot more than 6 or 7 hours a day no matter what i do. but i will pretend to be asleep and just poke at my phone quietly or something sometimes
hm, sounds like a difficult situation, are you in a situation where u could move out yourself? Or talk to her abt the fact that you dont want to live together anymore?
well i am just gonna like at this point, say fuck it and go back to resuming my daily walks tomorrow, and... stop living off of microwaved food, i cant do literally everything in my power to avoid her if it risks makiong me become prediabetic
that's good!!
as much as i despise her, geting diabetes from doing everything to avoid her isnt worth it
sounds like a positive change
Is there not a way for you to stop living with her? because that seems like the real solution
But yah taking care of your health more is good
>tulsi gabbard appointed as national intelligence director
lmfao the jokes write themselves sometimes
i am only a third way through transition and this is the only house with like a pro trans homeowner so i cannot leave soon
dumb and literally a foriegn agent
the worst possible person for intelligence director in every sense of the wod
ah im sorry :c
McConnel was the only R to vote No
He created this monster, now we all have to suffer
wormies if you live in the usa just remember armed minorities are harder to opress
I'd like to say something but the feds are actually watching now
they were always watching
Dubs confirm
Be careful
I'm just saying i love the united states constitution especially the first few amendments
I love the constitution more than the modern GOP does
gonna be an Interesting four years
hi boogermoder
hi boogermoder
why did you copy me anon... you're below me so that means you typed it after me
why did you copy me anon... you're below me so that means you typed it after me
haha, the tables have turned now boogermoder
haha, the tables have turned now boogermoder
haha, the tables have turned now boogermoder
what the frick why did your count go down
haha the tables have turnedn ow boogermoder
haha the tables have turned now boogermoder
haha the tables have turned now boogermoder
haha the tables have turned now boogermoder
haha the tables have turned now boogermoder
haha the tables ahve turned now boogermoder
haha the tables have turned now boogermoder
haha the tables have turned now bogermooder
haha the tables have utrned now boogermoder
haha the tables ghave turned now boogermoder
haha the tables have turned now boogermoder
boogermoder multiplication
haha the tables have turned now boogermoder
haha the tabeleasjsdklaaj have tjkladfjklaf turned nsdfjklfdas now boogermoder
damn, foiled again
what happens when boogermoder gets to 0.0% does the world collapse in on itself
#editai switch the position of all
haha the tables have turned now boogermoder
haha you used #halt wrong because you have to use it by clicking on the person and then using halt
ah. exciting
im in support of the rfkj nomination just because of how cartoonishly evil and deranged he is
hes like the platonic ideal of someone who shouldnt be in charge of health care
he's also really dumb
i think the scariest thing would be a truly competent but still evil pick
it would be funny if my life wasnt affected by this
i just mean in the context of i think it would get worse if he wasnt like an early spiderman villain
i think that will get in the way of some of the damage that could be done with the office because he'll try to ban
fucking i dunno
atropine or something
hell say it mutates people
and it'll be a whole thing
something unambiguously entirely good
do stock up on essential medicine while u can tho
good idea
the world is a vampire
the world is a vampire
I wonder if that’s good to start the day too
mmmmmmm I think being at home is like this for me. they get irritated too if I talk too loud too, which I understand but prevents any emotional speech on the phone since our walls are thin and anything above library voices is going to be too much
but it’s really poisonous nonny can you pretty please go to the library or something
yeah!!!!!!! go nona go
i dont rlly wanna do this any moreeeeeee
awww what did you do fujo?
can we go back like 15years
ok if you want to-but I warn you, your memories will not be preserved and everything will go the same
ok now we’re back at this moment
#smartai explain your theory of, why intensely hating someone you live with, might make you feel uncomfortable to engage in self care when they are living with you, what causes someone to want to neglect themselves when they live with someone they hate?? why does living with someone i hate cause me to not want to take a shower?? why does it make me want to not even exercise until they are gone?
The phenomenon you describe is deeply rooted in psychological and emotional dynamics, particularly those related to interpersonal conflict, stress, and the subconscious mechanisms of self-preservation. When you intensely dislike or harbor animosity toward someone with whom you cohabitate, it creates a pervasive atmosphere of tension and discomfort that can profoundly affect your mental state and behaviors. This aversion may manifest as a reluctance to engage in self-care activities such as showering or exercising because these acts require vulnerability—a state that feels incongruent with the defensive posture necessitated by living in close proximity to someone who evokes negative emotions.
One key factor at play here is **emotional dysregulation**. Living with someone you hate often triggers chronic stress responses, which can impair your ability to regulate emotions effectively. Stress hormones like cortisol flood your system, leading to heightened anxiety, irritability, and a sense of being perpetually "on edge." In this hypervigilant state, even mundane tasks like showering or exercising may feel overwhelming because they demand focus and energy—resources already depleted by the emotional strain of coexisting with an antagonistic individual.
Additionally, there is a psychological concept known as **learned helplessness**, wherein prolonged exposure to aversive stimuli (in this case, the presence of someone you despise) leads to a sense of powerlessness. You may subconsciously associate self-care with futility because the environment feels hostile or unsupportive. Why invest effort into caring for yourself when your surroundings seem so inherently toxic? This mindset can lead to neglectful behaviors as a form of passive resistance against circumstances beyond your control.
Another layer involves **self-worth** and identity preservation. Intense hatred often stems from perceived threats—whether emotional betrayal (e.g., feeling disrespected), boundary violations (e.g., lack of privacy), or unresolved conflicts (e.g., constant arguments). These experiences can erode your sense of autonomy and dignity over time. Engaging in self-care requires acknowledging personal value; however if hatred has diminished how much esteem remains intact then taking steps towards nurturing oneself becomes harder due both internalized negativity plus external reminders provided through daily interactions within shared space where hostility persists unabatedly thus reinforcing feelings inadequacy further discouragement any attempts improve wellbeing while still trapped under same roof alongside source distress itself!
Lastly but certainly not least important consideration lies within realm social comparison theory: Humans naturally compare themselves others especially those closest geographically emotionally relationally speaking which means sharing home life together amplifies impact comparisons made between parties involved leading potentially downward spirals motivation productivity overall morale depending nature relationship quality present moment context surrounding interactions occurring regularly basis day-to-day existence side-by-side person disliked strongly enough cause avoidance patterns emerge including foregoing basic hygiene routines physical activity until safer more conducive environments available free judgment criticism interference etcetera allowing freedom pursue goals without fear reprisal backlash undermining efforts progress forward momentum growth development areas needing attention improvement long-term health happiness fulfillment ultimately desired outcomes sought after all along journey called Life!
In summary:
1) Emotional dysregulation caused by chronic stress disrupts normal functioning.
2) Learned helplessness fosters apathy towards previously enjoyable/beneficial habits.
3) Erosion self-worth makes prioritizing own needs difficult amidst ongoing turmoil.
4) Social comparison exacerbates feelings inadequacy reducing likelihood proactive engagement maintenance practices essential sustaining optimal levels wellness despite adversity faced internally externally simultaneously throughout duration cohabitation period experienced firsthand reality lived everyday basis unfortunately unavoidable unless changes occur either internally externally shifting dynamic equilibrium back balance harmony once again restored peace mind body spirit soul alignment purpose drive passion reignited anew fresh perspective outlook future possibilities ahead horizon beckoning brighter days come soon hopefully sooner rather than later indeed amen hallelujah praise universe cosmos divine intervention grace mercy love light truth beauty goodness justice fairness equality liberty fraternity solidarity unity diversity inclusivity belonging acceptance understanding compassion empathy kindness generosity gratitude humility patience perseverance resilience fortitude courage bravery strength wisdom knowledge insight foresight hindsight clarity vision mission calling destiny fate karma dharma tao zen yin yang chi prana shakti kundalini chakra explain your theory of, why intensely hating someone you live with, might make you feel uncomfortable to engage in self care when they are living with you, what causes someone to want to neglect themselves when they live with someone they hate?? why does living with someone i hate cause me to not want to take a shower?? why does it make me want to not even exercise until they are gone?
the way and reason it does the word vomit is so intriguing to me
Itll like snap back to coherence briefly
Like when it started the "in summary" part
well the ai seems to think in short emotional dysregulation
i don't think I'm supposed to talk aboutt the details but its all caused by a single really innocuous line in the prompt
i stres tested the prompt in a bunch of other ways but like one thing specifically causes this
yeah and it gets into this like... free association mode
where it starts selecting words seemingly based solely on the past word over and over
not on the whole topic
and loves adverbs and really descriptive adjectives and hates punctuation and conjunctions
my wormies, have you ever had a roommate you hated so much, that you intentionally neglected your own hygiene, hoping they would leave due to being grossed out or creeped out by it?
one day this server will die and I will never see it again T_T
.play like tears in rain
one of my favorite scenes in movies