「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
and halted and owned –
and destroyed and h–
alted and owned and destroyed and halte–
and owned and d–
estroyed and halted –
and owned and de–
troyed and halted and–
#botsay uwaa unff uawwwwaaaaaa
#ksay kanye west did nothing wrong
#catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce /ᐠ. .ᐟ\ Ⳋ #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce #catbounce #catbounce #catbounce #catbounce
@inv this so it doesn’t get lost
#catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce >^•-•^< #catbounce /ᐠᓀ ﻌ ᓂマ #catbounce >^•-•^<
#fish 🐟
what do i do now
im thinking bayased
#ksay sadchan
u like kissing boys dont you?
#ksay i vote for melonburger dot org
#poll 🍉/🍉/🍉/🍉/🍉
#ksay melon burger
i like it yeah
no more than kissing girls but
i never kissed a boy.... ive kissed a few girls tho...
i'm the complete opposite kinda
i haven't kissed many girls..
::bury ebil
that goes hard
i like this onee. i wont save it though because i am a moralfag and opposed to the bery meme :(
yeah same
why –
i wasn't gin–
its CP :(
i dont want too i already did 3 days ago when i looked up the origin of the memeeeeeeee
ok but
i dont want to keep ruining it for peoplee
i'll have to... google it....
but it grosses me out a lot
oh damn
frankly all japanese men should be euthanized for not haaving the same standards regarding sex as me
but they're so cute in these version
#take I love this one hehe
shut up.
how about EVERYONE shuts up
no more posting on libpol
its quiet time
wait nadie don't shut up
come back
too slow idiot
you buffoon
im a fool, a ninny, a lout
#trvthnvke (that command can't be used in this board)
shut up shrimp.
shrimply. just. shut up. shrimpSAP
yes ma'am
its as shrimple as that, you shrimpleton
you utter shrimpleton
this almost looks rotoscoped its scaring me
https://www.idrlabs.com/internalized-transphobia/test.php post your results
I dont really like this test tho like... i think some of the categories are rly badly worded
like "cisgender aspiration" has more to do with being binary and wanting to be feminine in general and that lines up with female beauty standards it has nothing to do with like wanting to be cisgender per se i just want to look like a woman
and transgender alienation is just cause i have the tism and dont relate to most ppl cis or trans
Like if i was nonbiney id automatically get lower cisgender aspiration, that shouldnt have anything to do with internalized transphobia.
also iirc this test was made by a c*sgender.
get shame mogged
yea its a horrible test and the bias of the writer to gender abolition is insanely clear lol
if being transgender makeas u a trans person, whats it called when you transition to a a cis woman instead?
yeah cis people will unironically never understand biney dysphoria
or nonbiney probably but idk about that
I wish a very pleasant gender diasppra to all cisgenders
testing test test
something rly weird going on with aspect ratio on mobile again
could you provide more information please
i fixed it actually it was just a spinny post barely big enough to do the aspect ratio thing
thats stil a prob with big animated post effects but i can just hide the posts n it goes away so its no biggie
just saw the matrix. it was very good! I liked the whole knowledge is power idea. when I heard of ‘human batteries’ I thought the idea was stupid, but it felt more like a fable to me than a real story, and I think it’s a great metaphor for how society and memes use people to further themselves using up our energy and lives without us understanding what’s going on
fun :3
that sounds cute I hope it goes well
I hope fentmom is doing ok too haven’t heard from her in a while
Hello gamers it's me, bisexual anon
yaaaaa!!!!! r u the one who had some kind of left won’t view point but got embarrassed about it once? How was your day? do you think nonslip shoes are really less slippery than rubber sneakers? do you think those dual pony tails can ever work for anyone?
im gay
*gay kiss*
ok see ya but I bet I gave you lots to think on xD
gulf of mexico (gulf of america (gulf of mexico))
(gulf of YOU yes you dear reader happy Valentine’s Day 🥳😘🥰🫀)
im pandobwa
would you look at this RACIST
im deconstructing traditional valentines day traditions by not having an xf again
so google made it that when you're in the US it just says Gulf of America, but when you're in Canada and the rest of the world it says Gulf of Mexico (Gulf of America) and when you're in Mexico it says Golfo de Mexico
is there any lib media that isn't doing the oh really smug soyface to everything trump does?
it seems to be a repeat of the same tone they had for his previous administration but no one is resisting
the daily stormer
>trump let the indians in.... LEGALLY
i put 7,500ish games on my wii today :o
assumed you changed the hard drive for more space?
booting from a 1tb flash drive yeah
it's about half full
i genuinely think trans people are better than cis people
that's why my shame score is so low
\\flower field with big ass sun in the background
>can't see big ass sun
that works
looks like a majoras mask enemy or something
sunflower starin into our soul
\\skullkid closeup from majora's mask
hows that possible when there are only 7 billion people in the world?
each of them made about one millionth of a game and we pooled them all together
every one hundred person makes 1 game
every person makes 100 game
i'd play them all
imagine everyone in the world wants to make games but not play them and youre the only one who wants to play and everyone knows it....
hyper-specific gamedev tailoring entertainment for my approval
"yeah can i get a large moch-" "hey have u played ballsack questerz 82.3"
ballsach questerz went downhill after number 44 or so. too woke and not enough balls
too much QUESTIN
not enough balls >:[
as u can see by the title, questing is SECONDARY to the balls. needs more dev time 2/10 metacritic review
metacritic is just ur personal blog
getting abt 7 billion hits a day from eager gamedevs......... terrifying....
i like this reality we should make it real for someone
i think it would be scary i hate being in the spotlight
tru you would be very visible.... you don't have to be the honorary game player, you can be one of the devs crunching on ballsack questerz dlc
#ksay absolute zinema
weeks finally over. wow what a brutal week. thank god
.lay black dynamite theme
.play black dynamite theme
hi nibble
how are you
doing alright, pretty exhausted but feeling good. wbu?
im good
good good
this site is still spazzing out on mobile like a retarded kid whos been fed lsd
this site makes me smile
same! its a good site. its my home
i dunmo what youre talking about, this site looks fine on my phone
huh tried to take a vid to show ya but it immediately stopped, lol
.play beatles paperback writer
boymoder that'd pass just fine if she wasn't all day in 4chan
i call it
Stockhon syndrome
hi nadie
is that a computer thing I don’t know about xf? #reply
cool move, breaking away from the usual script. valentine's day doesn't have to be about couple stuff—focus on what feels right for you. self-love and meaningful connections (platonic or otherwise) can hit harder than forced romance any day. keep it real.
I think it selects for a better group of people but it’s not causal. but that could wrong. I guess I’d expect more wealth and power in one gender and one group of trans people going that way to do great if the hormone itself caused superiority
i use it as a more general form for bf/gf its shorter to write
I respect that he emphasized having a job and relationships with even your ‘libtard’ family during corona but idk he was pretty apocalyptic back then too and i had to stop reading it just for personal stress levels not even out of ideological concern
>selects for a better group of people
i love selecting for better goups of people
least optimizing computers person
me too fr fr
do you think a career in eugenics is a good choice in the current climate
just call it ‘Gene therapy’ and treating ‘diseases which primarily effect x group’. I think it’s a necessary choice but pissing people off unnecessarily should be avoided
lol. bachelors microbiology, phd in scientific racism
i am not a computer person, i am a regular person
#ksay nibble more like nipple
im a computer person
: 0 puters: D
#ksay computer person
true, you only exist in my computer
god i wish
that would be so nice
what made glegle react liek that
thats me rn
is it cus ur russian
::glegle soy
no soygle
Pat pat
smug glegle
glegle truly is for everyone
i am a smug glegle at heart
#ksay gleh-gleh is for everyone
did yall know whales use tools
what kind of tools? drills?
it was supposed to be a smug gleg 😢
learn how to use ai loser
bury smug
this isnt ai
where did i say that it is huh? show me now
its implied.....
no it isnt it was just a smug picture to go with my comment
ohh ok
that makes sense too
learn how to read loser
i refuse
same i hate reading. my life would be better if i didnt know how to read
thats a good one
patrick gleman
me and who
my internet friend who’s good with computers (a god to me) doesn’t take notes or anything reading, just goes through real fast and then comes back if he needs specifics
books are for NERDS
wait but im a nerd....
lockertime nerd lol
ill just pick the locker lock
::happy cozy gleg
oh yeah? well how about i shove you into the locker naked and without any tools then huh
i refuse to be a participant in your weird fetishes
haha I bet I could solve it haha you should do it for me haha
so skimming basically?
I think maybe he reads every word. not sure
dont offer me sex please thanks
huh. i personally can only retain what ive written down
I think the point is not to retain stuff you don’t need and get to what you need faster, but I’m really not sure. I’ve always been a note taker but I get overwhelmed by reading these days
oh yeah i do that while reading datasheets or documentation a lot too. but its not good for studying or stuff like that
i still dont have a mouse :(
that makes sense
cool!! do you have keybinds to move the cursor and left right click?
do u have a controller...
also you can go to the thrift store and get one really cheap
>using a de
i stopped using a desktop environment because thats boat and switched to a wm but then i noticed that thats bloat so i skipped to the system terminal but then i noticed that thats bloat so i stopped using computers and started writing on paper but then i noticed that thats bloat and unlearned reading and writing and then i was happy
ok this is epic I knew you were a computers person
is terraria actually cool game?
the guy I watched the matrix with got frustrated with me for not having kde/gnome because we had to move it to his computer since he had an hdmi port and copying it to a flash drive went poorly. eventually we got an Ethernet cable and he made me and account and we rsynced it. which was my original idea tbh but I have a vague feeling I should get a fancy de just in case. probably try that gnome+tiling wm from pop! os. I do like tiling.
i like the first matrix movie
everytime you post on libpol you should blame yourself for wasting energy for your messages to be delivered to everybody here
#smartai on average how money is spent sending a message to libpol.org?
The cost of sending a message to a website like libpol.org depends on several factors, including the method of communication, the infrastructure involved, and any associated fees. Below is a breakdown of potential costs:
1. **Internet Access Costs**: If you are using an internet connection (e.g., broadband, mobile data), there may be marginal costs associated with data usage. Sending a simple text-based email or form submission typically consumes negligible amounts of data—often less than 1 kilobyte (KB). For context, most internet plans charge by the gigabyte (GB) or offer unlimited data, so this cost is usually insignificant.
2. **Email Service Costs**: If you are sending an email to libpol.org via an email provider (e.g., Gmail, Outlook), this service is generally free for personal use. However, if you are using a paid business email service or enterprise-level tools like Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace, there could be indirect costs tied to your subscription.
3. **Website Form Submissions**: If libpol.org has a contact form on its website and you submit information through it, there is no direct cost to you as the user unless they charge for submissions (which would be highly unusual).
4. **Infrastructure Costs for LibPol.Org**: From their perspective:
- Hosting and maintaining their website incurs server costs.
- Processing incoming messages requires computational resources.
- They might pay for services like spam filtering or secure messaging platforms.
5. **Opportunity Cost**: While not monetary in nature, time spent drafting and sending the message represents an opportunity cost—time that could have been allocated elsewhere.
In summary:
- For most individuals sending messages online via standard methods (email forms), direct monetary costs are effectively zero.
- Indirectly small fractions of cents may apply due to electricity usage device wear-and-tear but these amounts are trivial compared other expenses incurred daily life activities such driving car buying coffee etcetera...
If more specific details about how exactly one intends communicate with them available then further precision estimating possible expenditures can provided accordingly! on average how money is spent sending a message to libpol.org?
oh i do. every message = one cane stroke
I did too! very ‘knowledge is power.’ dunno if I’ll see the others. it felt very complete. I posted about it up above I think it’s still on the page
lib eral
po wer
l oss
they did archeology on the chasm though and only found teenagers and boomers and not in huge numbers. there was also that island off Italy where they clubbed the elderly to death after a certain age. selecting for physical hardiness was probably not the best call.
did they killed boymoders too??
wait were spartans real i thought that was just a movie
based i wish someone would club me to death
ESPECIALLY boymoders #tireiron
they trained their young guy ‘special forces’ by having them run through the spartan countryside killing slaves who saw them / slaves just if they felt like it
but surprisingly they were defeated when their slave allies suddenly switched sides mid battle with Athens. No one could have seen it coming really
i wonder why
it’s a mystery
athenians were more based anyway.
i love lady gaga
Athenians I heard made their wives stay in the house all day so they wouldn’t come into competition with each other. wasn’t Socrates an athenian though? he lived off his wife- a washerwoman
athenians like theseus, the best greek hero
yes he was armenian
its true, socrates was the original NEET
lmaoing@sophist cucks
I bet some of the sophists literally had good ideas/useful teachings too lmao
is that your email address?
i wish
maybe but i think socrates and the academy just generally disliked the idea of teaching for money
just talked to her (we’re both Americans) she loves you back
.play lady gaga bad romance
a girl said I look Armenian
what does that even mean
just bragging ya know 😎😎😎
no its ok to brag but what does that even mean lol
#ksay i love gleh-gleh
I think big nose kinda white curly hair mbe not sure
19 for a cissoid is a young adult but for a trannoid is elderly unless you like transition as a toddler or something and entirely avoid the wrong puberty, the trauma of living as the wrong gender makes you prematurely old
#ksay gleegloo
so I’m an Armenian ultranationalist now like the Irish Americans with the heritage and all
>big nose kinda white curly hair
oy vey
oh gvalt I can’t afford to identify as a Jew I’m chosing a cheaper heritage
am I supposed to have the money to start a bank or smth? I’m saving that
jews are kinda based –
glegle has always been great
glegle could be the joe rogan of the left
...on the torah
its strange how things that umm are not directly related to being jewish came to be seen that way, um you know especially things like, curly hair, hooked nose shape and stuff are more like a common mediterranean thing (even a common north african thing) instead of a jewish thing... stereotypes and stuff and bad pseudo science...
also yeah i mean they are way more based than the people who hate htem
in feinman’s book he talked about how he visited his aunt or smth and she went ‘oh my I talked to a general today and a professor!’ and he liked how their culture actually honored scholars, but he was against Nazi sympathizers and also shut down someone making a book on Jewish genious, and didn’t really hang with zionists or whatever, which I respect. I like that part too, but the ‘god’s chosen people’ stuff is very gross. unfortunate that ethnic belief in superiority/religion drives having children, where universalism drives having girlfriends and a happy life, and then everyone complains about jeez why are my parents so conservative
feinmen never actually wrote any books btw
#ksay glayglay
i found out fairly recently by the way, that part of the reason why antisemitism is such a huge issue in like contemporary fascism, is basically cause jewish people were the largest minority/outsider group in medieval europe, that's actually a big part of why christofascists and white supremacists have a bizarre (and negative) obsession with jewish people