「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
.skip (video skipped)
its gonna be 1 big province
and we're naming the gulf of mexico the gulf of canada
.skip (video skipped)
i feel like this is a compromise everyone can live with #check (no repeating digits)
#check (checked)
it checked my post lol
bad puter
god i am so exhausted
didnt elon or trump say that theyre going to "stick the stars and stripes on the mars" or something? like during the acceptance speech
oh god, yeah sounds like them
i was really hoping the fash would be happy to annex an entire planet, but just like you know in starwars kinda being like real life, fascism has no concept of ever permanently having enough territory they always want more
mars is rightful american clay
i would want to move to pluto out of spite of the fashes who want mars, but they are gonna want that too, so i would have to go farther than pluto
live on an asteroid
good morning and happy valentines day
not a bad idea
#smartai i am a mtf who wants a tracheal shave want i want to know what size the average males adams apple is, i believe mine protrudes approximately one inch, how does that compare to the average male adams apple?? i am worried mine is larger than even most mens and it makes me dysphoric please tell me what you know
The Adam's apple, or laryngeal prominence, is a secondary sexual characteristic that becomes more pronounced during puberty due to the growth of the thyroid cartilage in response to increased testosterone levels. On average, the size and prominence of an Adam's apple vary significantly among individuals assigned male at birth (AMAB), but it typically protrudes between **0.5 to 1 inch** from the neck when measured anteriorly.
Your observation that your Adam's apple protrudes approximately one inch suggests it falls within the upper range of what is considered typical for AMAB individuals. However, this does not necessarily mean it is abnormally large; rather, it may simply be at the higher end of natural variation. That said, if its prominence causes significant dysphoria or discomfort—which is entirely valid given your gender identity—a tracheal shave (chondrolaryngoplasty) can effectively reduce its visibility.
During a tracheal shave procedure, a skilled surgeon removes part of the thyroid cartilage to create a smoother contour along the neckline. This surgery has become increasingly refined and can yield results that align with feminine aesthetic ideals while preserving vocal function if performed correctly.
If you are considering this procedure:
- Consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon or otolaryngologist experienced in facial feminization surgeries.
- Discuss your goals and concerns thoroughly to ensure realistic expectations.
- Be aware that while most patients report high satisfaction rates post-surgery, there are risks such as changes in voice pitch (if too much cartilage is removed) or scarring.
Your feelings about your body are deeply personal and valid. Seeking medical advice from professionals who specialize in transgender healthcare will provide you with tailored guidance and support on this journey toward alleviating dysphoria. i am a mtf who wants a tracheal shave want i want to know what size the average males adams apple is, i believe mine protrudes approximately one inch, how does that compare to the average male adams apple?? i am worried mine is larger than even most mens and it makes me dysphoric please tell me what you know
why nature created two genders and not only one?
great point notamerican, i want the world in which we are all wimmins
100% i agree
great minds think alike ;3
ok just imagine
average adams apple is apparently 0.16 or aka median sized aka 0.006299213 inches
which i think means technically my adams apple is almost twice as big as most mens are, which, makes me super dysphoric if true
im more concerned about my shoulders width and my big nose
i really hate the cissoids who forced us through these puberties, i dislike my nose too, i particularly dislike my side profile ever since i was 16 years old >>136692 part of why its so distressing to me is because my mother has a much smaller nose, and i cant help but feel dysphoric about having a different nose than my mother >>136693 yeah i hate the size of my ears too
lets be honest big noses suck
oh wait i remembered, big men ears suck too
they could have just allowed us to start taking estrogen at the start of puberty, but of course they let this shit happen to us, and it costs thousands of dollars to do anything about... yeah even that at least, i hate how forced male puberty is >>136696 not an option for everyone sadly, i had no money of my own, and my money was controlled by transphobic parents my whole male puberty
even if not hrt but at least puberty blockers
why didnt you diy
y'know its always easier to become somebody else (men or women) if you didnt start your puberty at all
im jealous of ftms, they can start hrt at almost whatever age and they WILL LOOK SO COOL AND CUTE
looking cute isnt a good thing for a ftm
ok wrong word, pretty then?
got that
girls look pretty men are handsome
btw im really getting tired of looking at the left of my monitor to read messages here
my neck hurts
just move you gaze
my eyes hurts too
bruh i know i made a mistake
great autocorrect
lower the brightness of your monitor
no its because i look at the left botton corner to type
its the brightness
trust me
hmm maybe... ill set it to like 80%
thats INSANE
it was 100%
i have it at like 30 %
my eyes used to hurt when i had it on max
maybe you just have too bright monitor and thats it
my adams apple sticks around a whole inch out, nose is like an inch and a quarter, ears are two inches tall, i hate it i never choose this, and would do anything for surgery to have my mothers facial dimensions
were you the one that posted that thread?
what thread?
to smartai? yeah
i think i saw something about an adams apple on /lgbt/
i would do anything not for the surgeries but just to wake up somebody else
now i am curious about it and want to see the thread, is it about someone with a huge adams apple?
the worst thing is realizing you dont wanna be a man while your friends are just ok with that
i dont remember
not wanting to be a man while its basically enforced by society and your family is the worst, when situations make you unable to diy to avoid male puberty, i hate forced male puberty so much
i hate it too
what about the society and family part - i just stopped talking with angry people
if all of your money is monitored and controlled by a transphobic person during male puberty there is almost no way to escape its so brutal
i didnt have any pocket money till i was 16 yo
hey every1
broke asses
still those money's just not enough to to anything but to buy funny food
i worry additionally notamerican cause i read its not always possible to make a circus sized adams apple invisible which is yet another reason i really hope mine isnt way bigger than the male average, it makes me worry
personally i'm #minon
#ksay minon
i also hate that facial hair thing
notamerican how r u glegleing today
pretty much ok
vibing, maybe
.play boa duvet
because i use email and i have compooter
chat is this real
and i listen to glady glegle
i traced to avoid doxxing myself but thats how bad my adams apple is
ur a cat??!?!??!?!
how bad does it look my anons? >>136774
i'm not really sure tbh but i think it's workable i guess
like if u get surgery i don't think it's a lost cause
i'm not an expert at this but is it that high cus ur trying to hide it?
idk im not a doctor
thats with my adams apple at its max protrusion i was taking a picture then tracing to be anonymous
no yeah i got that
well if its like that then it's doable i think but again i'm not like
a surgeon
i just don't think it's ridiculously big, but it's noticeable ofc
i have a friend with an adams apple liek that (or just like, noticeable in general, not sure) and from the outside it's fixable ig
i make trans girls seethe because im a cis guy with no noticable adams apple whatsoever ::smug
me when i'm smugle
ree thats the better one, i concede
i make nibbles seethe cus i always get the better gles
smogged (smug mogged)
how do you make that seethe which is already voiling
#editai change voiling to boiling
.play jerma prevents dmca
.play radiohead creep
im a creep yeah im a weirdo
yes actually
heres a tracing of my face from the most unflattering angle possible, and i wonder what facial feminization could do for this
plz paint your skin
youre very thin
but i'm like a permaboymoder so even if i don't have a noticeable adams apple im kinda fucked
how extreme does my nose profile look for like a feminizing rhinoplasty?
keep in mind that is from the most unflattering angle possible
an gle
doable ig??? idk noses can be pretty if the face matches. my nose is kinda fugly so i'd get a rhinoplasty but idk how that's any different compared to a "feminizing" one
there should be a #command to make a post unledgible after its been posted
i dont mind the width of my nose i just wish my side angle profile of it was a bit more smaller, right now i definitely do not think i have a medium sized nose profile
.play lysergic bliss of montreal
well.. can u trace how'd you like to have ur nose?
interesting idea i will try that
.search of montreal satanic panic in the attic
i just keep losing 2day
yeah what's up with that nibble
boymoder x pepe
too based
.play courtney barnett debbie downer
.play of montreal connect the dots
.skip (video skipped)
.skip (video skipped)
.play ariel pink plastic rainbows
.play satanicpornoccultshop new years snow
my idea is instead of super small, i just want a medium sized profile, a medium sized profile would make me happy, here is an example of my idea
Somewhere approximately where the green line is, the idea is making it medium sized instead of super small, because i believe thats more possible, does that look realistic?
i've seen bigger noses getting smaller than that honestly
i'd share some pics but i don't think i could find them and those pics belong to a friend who already had ffs and stuff
but yeah
i... i don't think i'd say that BUT i think both are fixable if u wanna do the things u mentioned
oe would you use a different number?? hmm
heh my mother just bought me a lavender body lotion.
thats nice of her
i do. crazy
beautiful 10/10
you have a mother?
is he stupid
hes just a comfy piggu
.play florist unholy faces
this is a nice song, me likey
bury nice
me btw
ebil gang
agp image
i like the soviet one
stickers are cringe
og gle vs doggle
i somewhat agree idk
u 2 are ebil
glegle infodumping glegle
somewhat agree? didnt you agree yesterday
glegle is listening carefully tho
.play dream theater octavarium
cute image
very agp
but i lowk wish that was me
i bet this laptop has some linux distro installed...
how much you'd bet
a kiss
u owe me one then
ah shit.
y do u have windows? nooooooooo
oh well
too lazy to install linux in this one
but i have another one with manjaro in it
i like that one too
omg same sis.
once windows 10 stop being supported i'll switch to linux mint
well oc (You) like that one...
those soviet propaganda posters are so cool
i agree, peak aesthetics. great design. i imagine theyre even cooler when you can read the texto
happy gle
yea, me too
the only reason i use this laptop and not the other one is cus i spilt some wine in the linux laptop like 2 years ago and now its keyboard doesn't work
based, used manjaro for a pretty long time too before switching to arch
ebil owns [s4s]
i think next time i'll use mint tho
la creatura
never liked mint personally, dont remember why
yeah but
i'll try anything once i guess
can't be that bad
distrohopping until you return to windows/macos... its the same story every time...
i've never tried macos......
its nice! its the comfort of a mainstream normie os mixed with the posix stuff of linux. its honestly my preference, but i basically have to use windows for school/work so i just started using windows at home too...
is it peak or bleak
its peak
ok gotta try it someday
installing macos in my laptop epic style
macintosh is shit from what ive heard tho
somebody should go and make
friendly software for everyone
based, we should make it together. like all the techfags on this website. and not just a linux skin but a full rewrite
how long would that take
realistically speaking
kek depends on the feature set. a full-blown user-friendly os with a de? decades
but something small like urbit or something? you could probably pull it off in 6-12 months working with multiple people
i think urbit os is 30kloc i think
this would be so epic
templeOS but it's glegle
i demand that glegleOS should run on any 486 compatible processor
yeah that'd be funny
or its bloated
glegle is for everyone
should be doable. but you could even make it fully platform independent by running it in a vm. i mean you could use alpine as a base or something idk
i think arvo works like this, but with a custom vm
thats very small and ported to different architectures
but they also have 2 custom programming languages soo
libpol startup
nice cuckshed
what a funny word
you in the pic
uh... 50/50
i dont have freckles
im frecklesless
shame freckles are cute
.play cliffs of dover eric johnson
.skip (video skipped)
i am back was making food, very interesting by the way nadie
stop being so smug pls ;_;
sorry my nibble
imagine listening to me
i wanna get a lip lift
so bad
it's unreal
can someone explain this screenshot i am confused
no need to explain tho
i need a lip lift
and a rhino
boymoder smug
she's kinda smug in thhis one too
.play jimmy hendrix all along the watchtower
.play buckethead soothsayer
better than mine so yes
i wanna make it a bit more.... straight?
.skip (video skipped)
that one goes hard
i used to know this on piano
first part anyway
is that minecraft ebil
.play sail on soothsayer
i kinda prefer this
.jump 60
.jump 30
cookin up bears with .jump
.skip (video skipped)
#editai change bears to beats
i always cook up bears
.play aunt suzie buckethead
long time ago i had an osu like app on my phone where you could make "maps" (idk what theyre called) for songs and i made one for aunt suzie i used to be ubsessed with that track
oh damn
i applied icc profile for my thinkpad and the colors are so bright and colorful now
i like soothsayers intro way better but sail on is better overall imo
the first section of soothsayer is just way too repetitive, it could be like 3 min shorter in total
isnt it shorter already? i dont remember it well
i mean that intro is shorter than 3 min
no i mean the entire song could be like 3 min shorter
or idk what you consider intro
oh ok
do not bury glegle
do not the glegle
the glegle of all times
when i was a teenager i REALLY wanted a buckethead-style guitar with a killswitch lol
oh yea?
when i was a young boy my father took me into the city to see a marching band
thats cool, marching bands are cool. all my dad ever did was argue with my mom
he said
"son when you grow up would you be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned?"
is this a reference to something
.play the black parade my chemical romance
that was not the glegle i was expecting