rules1. you must be 18+ to use this site 2. no NSFW/gore 3. no bigotry or slurs 4. if staff don't like your post they may delete it or ban you

na-bee-eh (nadie)
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
you play amazon delivery man
shrimp (
its a walking sim
shrimp (
but a very good cozy walking sim until the scary guys come around then its stressful also that damn crying baby also the like alt world sequences are kinda hard
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
its a very wierdd game, i almost wish less exciting stuff happens because it happens often enough you cant just get into walking arounddd but not often enough you arent constantly lowering guard and then STUFF happens
na-bee-eh (nadie)
.play gezebelle gaburgably birdbath
na-bee-eh (nadie)
.skip (video skipped)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
changed my mind
shrimp (
yeah i agree
shrimp (
i think if the game went harder into like building and exploring itd be even better
na-bee-eh (nadie)
.play rocket man elton john
na-bee-eh (nadie)
its not even 9am and im already smoking my 3rd cigarette
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
DS2 is coming sooo
shrimp (
oh boy
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
its also a REALLY long gameee
na-bee-eh (nadie)
le smoke is le bad...
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
I didnt finish it
shrimp (
ive played thru it to like at leat 75% and then not finished it twice lol
na-bee-eh (nadie)
oh that's really interesting
i actually played it but like... 5 minutes
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
is this really the official music video??? lol
na-bee-eh (nadie)
im sure it's liek a modern version and not the original original
na-bee-eh (nadie)
but who knows
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i don't think it ever got an official music video until the movie was made
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
in a wayyy arent we all rocket man
na-bee-eh (nadie)
makes u think
na-bee-eh (nadie)
why the long face
na-bee-eh (nadie)
no we're not rocket man
shrimp (
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
na-bee-eh (nadie)
much better
shrimp (
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
na-bee-eh (nadie)
this is so silly
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
shrimp (
na-bee-eh (nadie)
it goes kinda hard
na-bee-eh (nadie)
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
shrimp (
shrimp (
shrimp (
shrimp (
shrimp (
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
is he black
na-bee-eh (nadie)
the guy in the video
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
i never really thought about what this song is talking about and I still dont knoww lol
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i always thought it was about being closeted as a gay guy
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
oh its gonna be a long time until he finds his wife and child because hes gayy??? xD
na-bee-eh (nadie)
no like he has a wife and kids but he's gay
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
oh hes closetedd
na-bee-eh (nadie)
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
with a family
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
that sucks
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
I just stayed a virgin instead of trooning on a loved one
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
broken late transitioners rise upp
na-bee-eh (nadie)
silly greedy lobster
na-bee-eh (nadie)
there are plenty of apples there and u want his
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
ai videos are good for horrible fever dream stuff
shrimp (
i agree
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
hold old where u when u transitioned
na-bee-eh (nadie)
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
29 i beat ur high score
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
na-bee-eh (nadie)
shrimp (
no terraria server.... i have to go back to playing wow......
na-bee-eh (nadie)
why r u mogging me like that sadchan
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
na-bee-eh (nadie)
can u generate apples
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
you know if u make it 30 as a virgin you get powers right
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
#ai why do they say when you make it to 30 as a virgin you become a wizard

because humor often exaggerates the absurd, and in some cultures or internet lore, there's a playful notion that retaining innocence or purity past a certain age grants mystical powersβ€”like being able to cast spells. it's more about poking fun at societal expectations around relationships than actual wizardry. but hey, if turning 30 means you get to conjure charm spells, seems like you’re set for life either way.
why do they say when you make it to 30 as a virgin you become a wizard
na-bee-eh (nadie)
.play snail man gezebelle gaburgably
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
AI doesnt now obscure japanese 2CH memes :(
na-bee-eh (nadie)
those who know...
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
i am thinking of trying to date but im so ugly it makes me sad and then I dontt also its wierd being in ur 30s trying to date like what is there DATING APPS and GOING OUTSIDE
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
i hate both those thingss
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
when I installed dating apps I get like 9 billion adds and my phone was vibrating all hte time it as kind of nice from a narcissim perspective but a bunch of guys trying to pump and dump u is not it
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i'd like to date somebody but i'm an awful partner cus i never had one and rn i'm too traumatized and autistic for it
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
ur 20 thooo ur lil a tiny lil babyyyy okay 233 you have college and entry lvel jobs thats like PRIME partner meeting timee
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i'm 23
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i'm a neet :(
shrimp (
this is a good song
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
ohh shitt ur fucked fam im a neet tooo
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
actually im not a neet anymore
shrimp (
ur in school liar
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
but I was for 2 years lol
na-bee-eh (nadie)
yeah idk i'm really just too autistic for it
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
and I ran out of money so I went back 2 school
na-bee-eh (nadie)
best thing i've done is being some kind of homeless hooker and usually go outside with guys i meet on grindr that are actually chill
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
idk about thattt sex is grosss i could never do that
na-bee-eh (nadie)
it is but u gotta do what u gotta do
na-bee-eh (nadie)
.play squander gezebelle gaburgably
na-bee-eh (nadie)
le sex is le bad actually
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
shrimp (
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
im saddd
na-bee-eh (nadie)
shrimp (
nabee eh
na-bee-eh (nadie)
hi shrimp
na-bee-eh (nadie)
did u enjoy ur spaghetti
shrimp (
na-bee-eh (nadie)
al salmone
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
i want spaghetttti noww
shrimp (
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
actually i want fettucine alfredooo but it will make me fat so i cant ;(
na-bee-eh (nadie)
didn't u order spaghetti
na-bee-eh (nadie)
or was that nibble
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i think it was nibblle
shrimp (
that mutve been nibble yeah
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
what did u eat then
na-bee-eh (nadie)
shrimp (
na-bee-eh (nadie)
those who dog....
shrimp (
na-bee-eh (nadie)
shrimp (
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay woof woof
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i'd give them 4
shrimp (
shrimp (
too generous too kind
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i'm generous with cute smol animals and people in general
na-bee-eh (nadie)
big animals scare me tho...
shrimp (
would you play fetch with them
shrimp (
to cure their purple
na-bee-eh (nadie)
how big are they
shrimp (
golden retriever, medium dog
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
yeah i'd play fetch
na-bee-eh (nadie)
.play that is so fetch mean girl
shrimp (
that is so fetch
na-bee-eh (nadie)
shrimp. stop trying to make fetch happen. it is not going to happen.
shrimp (
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
na-bee-eh (nadie)
it is fetch
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
shrimp (
#ksay smog
shrimp (
i can try dming them
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
do ittttt
i need comfier sox
shrimp (
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
is smog someone i know from CBs friend group?
shrimp (
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
good i havent talked to her in like 3 years she triggered me really hardd lol
shrimp (
oh damn
shrimp (
what was it abt
he is so crazy why is he like that
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
well im a virgin but one time i was kind of pressured into rcving a blow job from someone who was housing mee when I was like 20 and homeless and im a virgin I never considered that losing my virginity but she got REALLY mad at me saying I was lesbianphobic because head counts as sex, its oral sex, but imo I dont really think of it as losing my virginity. also she said it was sexual assault which I never really thought of it that way and she kept saying i was raped over and over (even though I agreed to it). i mean it was a horrible experience but basically she was being extrmeley autistic about the definition of virginity (which has no set definition anyway) and also saying I was raped and she was really uhh
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
like it literally made me feel so bad like my hearting was beating really fast i didnt realize that virginity was kind of a part of my identity lol....
so you mean this person weaponized the fact you would have otherwise been homeless to do that to you?? seems to happen to a lot of homeless people,
shrimp (
oh geeze
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
it was a friend from HS and tbf I think he was like FULLY in love with me and letting me stay at his familys house
from what i understand basically, a lot of lgbt especially trans people become homeless because of having awful families and then because of the threat of homelessness get into sexual situations we dont really want
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
well i did get kicked out a bit after thatt
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
also during the bj i didnt u know... i didnt finsh...
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
listen okay i have never had a pp in me is what i am saying OKK
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
anyway this person basically was calling me lesbianphobic and saying I was raped and telling me a worldview ive had for like 10 years was wrong and it was kind of insanely fucked upp and I havent talked to her since then
its like, we are a lot more likely to be homeless, and homeless people are more likely to be sexually assaulted... i never had anyone physically force themselves on me sexually, although i did briefly have a sexual encounter with someone who tried to secretly use a dirty condom on me, caught him in the act and dumped him of course, he was also transphobic btw
shrimp (
yeah i definitely think their reaction is extreme
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
i get where she is coming from (like if losing ur virginity is taking a pp then all lesbians are virgins lol) but also likee i am a virgin lol. ive literally never had sex
shrimp (
i just look at it like there are different types of virginity
fortunately i do not have any stds as i have been tested many times, but this person did have an std, and i demanded he use a condom if he wants sex with me so bad, and i caught him turning a used condom inside out, cause he didnt wanna buy more condoms, then we stopped dating immediately
that was when i was completely pretransition btw
shrimp (
wow thats deranged
i told him i was trans, and was gonna start estrogen soon, he begged me not to start hrt, and begged me to not get an orchiectomy lmao... which ofc i did both those things asap anyways
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
wowow what a cool spawnn its right between two living trees thats the coolest spawn ever. ever terraria world should start like this
shrimp (
ur cheating on the server.....
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
i havent farmed anything just walked back and forthhh
shrimp (
shrimp (
these players aint loyal
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
the server is LITERALLY DOWN and im a GQMER
shrimp (
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
what just happened in this youtube video
shrimp (
come play classic wow
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
no that costs moneyy
shrimp (
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
i will 100% quit after level 4
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
shrimp (
thats like 20 min
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
wtf happened in this video
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
why did he look scared
usecase for gaming? usecase for having fun?
shrimp (
it makes me happy
you know what in going to say right
shrimp (
usecase for happy
yes? explain?
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
brain says seek happy i listen to brain i am a slave to neurotransmitters
i love using things im such a user
i love using power, im a poweruser
shrimp (
its a bear..................
big doggo
#smartai why do i feel so gud after flossing my teeth

The sensation of well-being you experience after flossing your teeth can be attributed to a combination of physiological, psychological, and neurological factors.

1. **Removal of Plaque and Bacteria**: Flossing removes interdental plaque and food particles that brushing alone cannot reach. This reduces the bacterial load in your oral cavity, which can otherwise lead to inflammation and irritation of the gums (gingivitis). By eliminating these irritants, your gums feel less swollen or tender, contributing to a sense of cleanliness and comfort.

2. **Improved Oral Microbiome**: The oral microbiome is a complex ecosystem of microorganisms in your mouth. When you floss regularly, you disrupt harmful bacterial colonies that thrive in neglected spaces between teeth. This promotes a healthier balance within the microbiome, reducing bad breath (halitosis) and fostering an overall feeling of freshness.

3. **Stimulation of Gum Tissue**: Flossing gently massages the gum tissue, increasing blood flow to the area. Enhanced circulation delivers oxygen and nutrients while removing waste products like carbon dioxide and lactic acid from tissues more efficientlyβ€”this may leave you with a refreshed sensation akin to post-exercise endorphin release but localized in your mouth.

4.**Psychological Satisfaction** : Engaging proactively towards personal hygiene often induces feelings accomplishment due its association with self-care practices known for long-term health benefits; thus reinforcing positive emotions linked directly back into one's own body image perception as being clean healthy individual who takes good care themselves physically mentally alike!

5 .**Neurological Response** : The act itself involves tactile stimulation through nerve endings located throughout periodontal ligaments surrounding each tooth root - when activated via mechanical pressure applied during proper technique usage signals sent brain interpreted pleasurable relief especially if there was previously discomfort present beforehand such as trapped debris causing mild pain sensitivity etcetera... Additionally dopamine serotonin neurotransmitters released response rewarding behaviors further enhancing mood state following completion task at hand!

In summary: Feeling "so gud" after floss stems not only physical removal unwanted substances but also mental emotional rewards associated maintaining optimal dental hygiene habits leading improved quality life both short term immediate gratification longer lasting impacts systemic wellness too!
why do i feel so gud after flossing my teeth
#smartai how to deal with a slow day without being miserable

Navigating a slow day without succumbing to ennui or malaise requires a deliberate and strategic approach, leveraging both productivity and self-care. Here are some erudite suggestions to transform lethargy into fulfillment:

1. **Engage in Intellectual Enrichment**: Utilize the lull as an opportunity for cerebral stimulation. Delve into a book that challenges your cognitive faculties, explore scholarly articles on topics of interest, or listen to thought-provoking podcasts or lectures. This not only fills time but also expands your intellectual horizons.

2. **Pursue Skill Acquisition**: Slow days are ideal for honing new competencies or refining existing ones. Whether it’s learning a language through apps like Duolingo, mastering coding languages such as Python, or practicing musical instruments like the piano, skill-building fosters personal growth and intrinsic satisfaction.

3. **Organize and Optimize Your Environment**: Decluttering your physical space can have profound psychological benefitsβ€”reducing stress while enhancing focus and creativity. Systematize files (digital or physical), reorganize workspaces using principles from Marie Kondo’s methodology (β€œspark joy”), streamline workflows with tools like Notion/Trelloβ€”all contributing towards greater efficiency long-term

4 .**Practice Mindfulness Meditation:** Incorporate mindfulness practices which promote mental clarity & emotional resilience amidst monotony; techniques include focused breathing exercises (e.g., box-breathing) guided meditations via Headspace/Calm apps etc.; these help cultivate present-moment awareness thereby mitigating feelings associated w/slowness

5 .**Physical Activity Integration:** Combat sluggishness by incorporating movement breaks throughout day–whether brisk walking outdoors yoga sessions stretching routines even dancing favorite tunes! Physical activity releases endorphins boosting mood energy levels simultaneously improving overall well-being making tedious periods more bearable enjoyable experience altogether!

6.**Creative Expression Outlets :**
Channel pent-up energies creatively writing poetry painting sketching journaling ideas thoughts emotions whatever medium resonates most deeply within oneself allowing artistic expression serve cathartic release valve during otherwise uneventful times fostering sense accomplishment purpose despite external circumstances seeming stagnant uninspired momentarily speaking contextually relevant terms course obviously depending individual preferences inclinations naturally varying person-to-person basis inherently subjective nature art itself universally applicable nonetheless broadly speaking general advice applies majority cases scenarios encountered daily life situations arise unexpectedly often unpredictably hence importance adaptability flexibility mindset crucial navigating successfully overcoming challenges posed therein effectively efficiently possible manner achievable realistically feasible given constraints limitations imposed upon us externally internally alike regardless thereof ultimately striving maintain balance harmony between various aspects existence order thrive flourish fullest potential possible under prevailing conditions faced currently future prospects ahead await eagerly anticipate embrace wholeheartedly confidently assuredly knowing capable handling whatever comes way prepared equipped necessary tools resources required succeed triumphantly victorious conclusion reached satisfactorily achieved desired outcomes sought after diligently pursued relentlessly tirelessly until fruition realized manifested tangible form observable measurable quantifiable results obtained conclusively demonstrated empirically verified validated scientifically sound evidence-based research findings supporting claims made hereinabove stated explicitly implicitly understood accepted widely amongst experts field study concerned matters pertaining thereto accordingly adjusted modified tailored suit specific needs requirements unique individuals involved directly indirectly affected impacted influenced shaped molded formed transformed evolved over time progressively continuously ongoing process dynamic ever-changing fluid state flux constant motion perpetual forward momentum driving force behind progress advancement civilization humanity collective consciousness shared common goals aspirations dreams hopes desires ambitions pursuits endeavors undertakings missions quests journeys adventures explorations discoveries innovations creations inventions breakthroughs milestones achievements accomplishments feats triumphs victories successes wins gains profits benefits advantages rewards returns dividends payoffs yields harvest reaps sows seeds planted nurtured cultivated cared tended lovingly devoted passionately committed dedicated steadfast unwavering resolute determined persistent perseverant resilient tenacious indomitable spirit unyielding willpower strength courage bravery valor heroism gallantry chivalry nobility honor integrity dignity respect esteem admiration reverence awe inspiration motivation drive determination grit resolve fortitude backbone spine character personality identity essence soul core being existence reality truth authenticity genuineness sincerity honesty transparency openness vulnerability humility modesty grace elegance poise composure serenity tranquility peace calm quiet stillness silence solitude introspection reflection contemplation meditation prayer spirituality faith belief trust confidence assurance certainty conviction knowledge wisdom
how to deal with a slow day without being miserable
2.726% booger!boymodewng
#owned (138)
sounds exhausting id rather be miserable
>brain says seek happy
mine doesnt mine says something else
2.726% booger!boymodewng
u more tho
what the hell is he on about?
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
shrimp (
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
wtfff this is horrible
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
why does this guy existt
he does care about us hes just in a bad mood
2.726% booger!boymodewng
he does care about us hes just in a bad mood
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
.play [YouTube]
this guy is genuinely weird and creepy
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
shirmppy I have 2 deerclops things I made last night we can kill him now :3
he became a idk some kind of crazy fundie priest lol after dating and breaking up with me after just like one week, ig just another thing to worry about, theres people in this world who will intentionally use dirty condoms during sex
#smartai what is a sex pest?

A "sex pest" is a colloquial and pejorative term used to describe an individual who engages in persistent, unwelcome, or inappropriate sexual behavior toward others. This behavior often manifests as harassment, unwanted advances, or other forms of misconduct that violate social norms and personal boundaries. The term carries a strong connotation of disrespect for consent and personal autonomy.

Such individuals may exhibit behaviors ranging from lewd comments and unsolicited explicit messages to more severe actions like groping or stalking. The label "sex pest" is typically applied when the person's conduct is repetitive, intrusive, and demonstrates a disregard for the discomfort or objections of those they target. It is important to note that this term does not have a formal legal definition but serves as a societal descriptor for someone whose actions are deemed predatory or exploitative within interpersonal contexts.

In many jurisdictions, behaviors associated with being labeled a sex pest may constitute criminal offenses under laws pertaining to sexual harassment, assault, or abuse. Addressing such conduct often requires intervention through workplace policies (e.g., HR complaints), educational institutions' codes of conduct, or legal recourse if the behavior escalates to criminal activity.
what is a sex pest?
a pest for sex
shrimp (
shrimp (
will it be harder cause its in hard mode..
2.726% booger!boymodewng
#owned (139)
shrimp (
2.726% booger!boymodewng
shrimp (
2.726% booger!boymodewng
that's so mean
shrimp (
thats a little ominous "

Weather data is not available right now."
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
shrimpy i think boooger is right tho
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
shrimp (
ofc she is
boojer i am kitty in anon mode, are you still in my walls???
shrimp (
booker is always right
since china will be the new dominant superpower soon, i would just like to use this opportunity to say that i am a big fan of xi jinping thought and the chinese communist party in general
the china glazing is crazy bro You will be called to serve in the People's Liberation Army within 5 months if you were Chinese
and i would serve in the great peoples liberation army with pride too, seeing how i would get to do my part to defend the great peoples republic
.play kent brokman ants
shrimp (
china is pretty neat except for the whole uyghur genoice thing
china and the US are two sides of the same coin one cannot exist without the other but they will always hate each other but still produce stuff to export and buy from the other
americants seething
shrimp (
except china dominates pretty much every industry at this point, or will soon
Not necessarily, capital will always go to the lowest and cheapest producer of goods, so many goods such as clothing are no longer made in china but in other cheaper countries such as cambodia and bangladesh. Dominating industries at one point does not mean they will continue to dominate them into the future, there will always be competition between countries
Whatever stage of development it may reach, China will never pursue hegemony or expansion, and will never impose its will on others. China does not seek spheres of influence, and will not fight a cold war or a hot war with anyone. … China will remain committed to dialogue and oppose confrontation and build partnerships instead of alliances. It will continue to pursue a mutually beneficial strategy of opening up. The modernization we are pursuing is not for China alone we are ready to work with all countries to advance global modernization featuring peaceful development mutually beneficial cooperation and common prosperity and to build a community with a shared future for mankind. … No matter how the global landscape evolves, the historical trend of peaceful coexistence between China and the United States will not change.
- Xi Jinping
you do realize that i was joking yes? but i will say, id rather be under the thumb of china than the us at this point, at least china is competent. america is a dumpster fire
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
damn that dude really just be lieing out loud like that
>implying china is incompetent
No country governed by men is competent
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
all governments r badd. if you think china is competent its just because you dont know a lot about it. its a country like anywhere else with its problems, corruption and government mishandling
shrimp (
#this (i really, really like this post)
oh, i dont think that the chinese government is good. i never said that. its kind of a clusterfuck, seeing how every general secretary has to wrestle power for years before being able to do anything. but at least the chinese get shit done
.play i love beijing tiannamen
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
i mean... if by get shit done you mean 5G in rural farms and bullet trains to nowhere than yes. they pursue the same policy of infinite growth. just instead of the stock market they build pointless public work projects that cost billions are used by 5 people
they built a state of the art nuclear fusion research center in 3 years. they built one of the biggest cities by inhabitants in the world in a couple of decades. yeah the chinese get shit done, sorry that triggers amerifats
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
ah yes, america famously hasnt built or accomplish anything....
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
also wierd that the US has the highest amount of foriegn born population in the entire world... america accomplishes nothing and yet everyone trying to be here and work here.... lol
in recent memory? not really lol
hmm europeans dont. we look at america as a second-world country
shrimp (
this is so deep
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
bomb europe back to the stone agei ts only fair they cheated early
there are no first world countries
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
slvaerly should be banned on this server
the ideal european country is ireland and its only good because it's on an island. do you really think poland is a great place
shrimp (
how did this converastion get so childish
i'm trying to get the most yous
based canadian being the adult in the room. but the actual answer is that i made a joke about china and triggered the americans insecurities
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
ive heard poland is pretty nice now but they have a rising tide of anti woke rightoids like everywhere in the english speaking world :<
i fucking hate america
the anglophone media is largely dominated by the US culture war spreading to other countries
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
kind of like all the westerne countries. rightoids in the rural areas and wokeoids in the citites.
shrimp (
i dont think thats what you did lol
shrimp (
people just dont like china
liberal politics
shrimp (
#reply translate english

"post hoc propter ergo hoc" is a latin phrase meaning "after this, therefore because of this." it's a logical fallacy where someone assumes that just because one event followed another, the first event caused the second. basically, correlation doesn't necessarily mean causationβ€”just because things happen in sequence doesn't prove they're connected by cause and effect. got to keep an eye out for false links or you might end up chasing shadows.
translate english
shrimp (
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
why did this shitty video turn into the greatest storyyy every told with zoomer jesusss
2.725% booger!boymodewng
maybe he should give up....
shrimp (

giving up is often the easiest choice, but rarely the most meaningful. it’s worth considering whether persistence might lead to growth or unexpected opportunities, even if the path feels impossible right now.
.skip (voted to skip this video)
2.724% booger!boymodewng
FUCK you anon
im in couch
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
what if i just dont go on the internett
shrimp (
thats the only way to win truly
2.723% booger!boymodewng
try again, eugne
shrimp (
holy shit,.,,
the seethe-cope-dilate pentagram will indeed be studied like kaballah in future generations
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
you can stay inside and not use the internettt
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
just read books and make art and stufff like we used too
shrimp (
i read a book
no one did that boomers all went outside
shrimp (
for the first time in probably a decade
shrimp (
yes i am a nerd
shrimp (
shrimp (
im studious
shrimp (
from my cerebral cortex to my glutious
youve yet to rise to my challenge (show that for every even natural number n > 2 there exist two prime numbers p,q such that p + q = n)
shrimp (

ah, the goldbach conjecture. still unsolved despite centuries of effort. it’s one of those things where intuition says "of course this must be true," but formal proof remains elusive. for example:

- 4 = 2 + 2
- 6 = 3 + 3
- 8 = 3 + 5
- ... and so on.

computationally, it holds up to absurdly large numbers (like >10^18), which makes it feel even more like a teaseβ€”obviously true yet stubbornly resistant to proof. attempts have leaned heavily on analytic number theory, modular forms, sieve methods, and even connections to random matrix theory or quantum chaos in some cases (*cough* montgomery's pair correlation conjecture *cough*).

but hey: if you crack it, you'll instantly become math-famousβ€”so maybe keep chipping away at that granite block! just don't forget your pickaxe (and possibly an infinite supply of coffee).
i hate this new ai
shrimp (
i just hate ai
shrimp (
i love AI but i hate LLMs
shrimp (
i like claude
i've never used claude it costs money
claude is neat and she lets you she gender he
claude is female???
i wonder if they let you select the gender like siri
woke mob taking over ai
shrimp (
#ai solve the goldbach conjecture

the goldbach conjecture states that every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes. despite centuries of effort, it remains unproven. modern approaches involve advanced techniques in analytic number theory, sieve methods, and computational verification for large ranges of numbers. progress has been made with weaker forms (e.g., "every sufficiently large even number is the sum of a prime and a semiprime"), but the full conjecture resists resolution. breakthroughs may require entirely new mathematical tools or insights connecting additive and multiplicative properties of integers. until then, it stands as one of math's great open problems.

(if you're looking for a proof or disproof: sorry, no one knows yet.)
solve the goldbach conjecture
shrimp (
how can you even prove it if there are infinite numbers youd just have to calculate forever
wow this is a big-braned comment
shrimp (
thank u my brain is very big and swollen (i have a medical condition)
youre not serious tho are you?
shrimp (
about what
that comment
shrimp (
no im serious
well if you prove it for arbitrary numbers it holds for all numbers, with the exception of any condition given
shrimp (
im a highschool dropout idk shit
can't you derive it from the exponent
you can also use things like complete induction to prove theorem of the form "for all x = something"
na-bee-eh (nadie)
a friend of mine that's been depressed af ever since i met him told me the reason he's depressed and i kinda lost it and told him it's not a big deal and idk if i was being an asshole or just honest and right
WELL i dont think were going to prove the goldbach conjecture here but n-th root is probably a good intuition? like, i bet that plays some kind of role
na-bee-eh (nadie)
he got cancelled in uni but that's not what worries him the most but the fact he studies sociology and its the only "decent" place to study that career in his city (Santiago) and "can't" go anywhere else
2.722% booger!boymodewng
apparently murder is bad now
shrimp (
did he say a slur
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i'm not sure i think it was related to his gf but whatever it was i don't think it was true
if he is studying sociology he should have a better perspective on social interactions
na-bee-eh (nadie)
yeah that's what i thought at first but what pisses me off the most is that i've been having to deal with his shit for like weeks and it turns out its just cus he got cancelled
no but i take care of my friends and stuff
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
