γvillainous mouse warlockγ
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
why do you have to deal with it do you live with him
so i've been like trying to talk to him often everytime he's "openly" suicidal and to know this was the reason made me lowkey crash out cus
good night recima
so like why cant you just do this for that theorom thingy
idk he said something like "you don't know what its like to lose friends and jobs and feel like the biggest scum on earth" and i just told him "dude, i'm a tranny"
i dont know enough about number theory to explain β i dont know. i assume youd have to find the right formulas for p, q and stuff like that, on a VERY high level. and then youd be able to write a proof by induction, maybe you should ask krissu when shes around again, she can explain this stuff better than i can
it is very understandable if you have been dealing with someone who has been suicidal to feel frustrated that they are being unreasonable.
what pissed me off too it was that uhhh
everytime i try to share how shitty i feel he just says he doesn't understand it and it's like talking to a wall cus i get no real feedback but he knows some of the things i've been dealing with so either he doesn't care of he forgot or he just really doesn't understand in a very autistic level
does he have autism
ah oke
i don't think so but he's taking some meds that are commonly used with patients with autism
i don't remember
what medications is he taking
that's very strange
no like
he said he wanted to od with the meds he has and i googled them and just told him "that ain't gonna work" and noticed one of them is used to treat irritability on patients with autism
honestly i diddn't even say it like that
i made a meme
he got mad and stopped replying for like 10 minutes
is trava tranny in spanishh
yeah it's like the spanish version of the slur
it's like travesti
i swear to god everyone feels like this about everyone elses problems, its kind of a toxic attitude
la trava
i just had to make that meme cus i've been dealing with those exact same problems he mentions for years and those are the smallest of my issues
being a tranny is a big problem thooooo
like yes LE STARVING CHILDREN IN AFRICA but if you ARE said child starving in africa watching an american child complain they dont like their nuggies is gonna hit different
why are you friends with this guy lol
i have nothing to add
cus he's funny when he's not an asshole and suicidal and KINDA understands me in a superficial level that's enough to tolerate him (virtually) near me??? i think
i could type it in a non retarded way hehehe
yeah we never met irl
u a bitch
u a bitch
go outside
you can't say that to me
i understand that tbh. its hard not to care about people too, like if someone is struggling you want to be there for them and stuff and help if u can
Is it true that so-called boymoders all own the IKEA branded stuffed Shark plush toy?
you can't say that to me
but you're literally a bitch
but you're literally a bitch
#describe (a screenshot of a text message with a blue arrow pointing to the right) translate
can you translate
>"i understand, you're the center of the universe for a totally controlable choice"
>"nigga dysphoria is literally a mental illness, i didn't choose to have it"
>"ok whatever"
don't translate the first word of the second sentence
why did you call him black π§
and she did...
a lot of people think being gay is a choice, and being a tranny is a choice
lmaoing at them
if i could choose to not be a tranny I would dear god please
being a human is a choice, euthanasia now
ill be a cis man np just take the tranny thoughts away hehehe
nigga think dysphoria is a choice it lowkey made me want to block his ass and never respond again
well just ask him is feeling like a piece of human shit a choice? lmao
it'd be a good comeback but it happened like 10 minutes ago and now it's gonna be kinda cruel if i bring it back again
i consider being trans is worse that being gay or smth
thats fairrr but tbh saying something so invalidating is kind of like... thats poison to a friendship i think
means black in spanish
who gave you the pass Chilean
what else does it mean in this context
me myself and i
aare you chilean??? is it true that chilean people all talk way too fast to understand wtf they are saying
that's what it always mean
yeah we do but especially me i be talking fast
are russians allowed to say that word?
stop using the nword, thanks
i can never understand rioplatense spanish
oh yea you have to say ninja heree even if u r a POC
shut up fed
this is anti black discrimination
like in russia if we mention a black man we say uhh Π½Π΅Π³Ρ, its usually contains no offence
but i like my namefag...
i am smitten
are mods unspellable
yes it reflects
#catbounce >^β’-β’^<
just slap april instead, even if she's not a fed she deserves it
man i'm sad now cus i really can't read him the same way anymore
fed fed fed 3 wettew agent fed fed fedewaw investigatow govewnment agent gwow so bwight fed fed
just went from lonely hurt soul to just annoying whiny twink
yeah they kinda sound like an emotional vampire
>twink ?????
in a derogatory way
25 IS young tho
oh you mean like i want that twink obliterated
yeah lol
I think its important to be compassionate towards others who are struggling but I think its also important to understand our bandwidth for compassion goes down as we ourselves are suffering.
i dont like statements of the form "[thing], but [not thing]" i dont think they say much about the world
Most statements do not say much about the world
.play unwound scarlette
mine certainly dont...
sorry that there is no black and white metric that tells you exactly when its appropriate to be compassionate and empathetic.
aaaaa it's complicated. like, before this convo i legit thought he was like, struggling with some unfixable stuff that kept him in pain, like when people wake up and suddenly they get depressed for no reason and they can't figure out why
.skip (video skipped)
.play megaman 3 main theme
.play megaman 2 intro
but now that i know what his problem is and how obvious it could be to fix it and stuff i just think he's being....... lowkey a pussy, especially cus some of the rumours they say of him have to be true to some degree
russians hate immigrants from post-soviet republics btw
how do u think all the resettled russians feel in post soviet republics?? HUH?
i want to game get smogggg
they havent responded yet they r probably busy
like, the ones who were opressed and even killed by those who were our friends back then, so they had to run to Russia even leaving their property in those republics just not to be killed by nazis
no thats me actually ive suffered the most
this isn't a discord
did u enjoy ur spaghetti al salmone
smog isnt here and me and shimp cant play terraria i actually suffered way more than u
i did it was delicious ty for asking
okay im sorry i didnt know
u should be thank u this is a moment of growth 4 both of us
didnt work...
hahahaha fool
i can't believe i got banned for pogging...
whenever I type the uwu command like It reminds me of when I was actually banne dlol and it says Im banned for 1 year lol
does that still work
it was a misunderstanding okk
btw we should register glegle.chan on opennic
wait it still says 1 year?
yea ill post a screenshot 1 sec. its not actually one year tho just a bug I think.
thats what the commands do
.play afx korg funk
.play Afx analord 04
you give over them
okay it doesnt show IP
i got worried for a second because I was owrried there was an IP in the image lolll
thats funny tho
land of the free...
#get #oracle () #checked
I was making a joke about getting dubs and someone thought I was saying hh like the nazi thing
you can never be too careful with channers....
chat can i be honest about this music
i don't like it
i kind of like it
im not even listening to it
i would never put this on myself but at least its not like the shitcore ear rape that some people put onnnn
im listening to my own music on spotify....
this is one of his weaker albums but i still like it
shrimp no...
im about to order a monitor and its scary what if theres a better one
can i have it
no? its mine
ill trade you
with what
nabee eh im sorry....
my monitor
how big is it
size queen...
this mfer has 20 inch monitor
wormies, you're my only friends now
that bigger than one im ordering
1440p 144fps
that's not bigger than my monitor
its 27
it can swivel in 3d
its fine you can get a new one in like 4 years lol
portrait mode
my monitor is also 27 inches
my current monitor is 3 years old and it has lines coming down the right side and i dont really care im just used to it
mine is almost 5 years old
damn i wanted to buy this one but i cant have shrimp have bigger than mine, its bigger by 2 inches thats horrible
i don't know how old my monitor is
my whole setup is almost 5 years old
i got a new pc 3 years ago
i left my computer on for like a year though
yeah u gotta ge ta 32 incher now...
this sucks
1024 x 768 should be enough for anybody
i dont like a too big monitor personally
i like it cause im blind
i just lean in really close to the screen :3
my setup is like 3 months old
like a grandma
even with glasses my perception is poor in videogames
turn off motion blur
i always do
i hate that shit
yea motion blur is fucking cancer
and it drops ur FPS in a lot of games
i have no clue why people like it its one of hte most widely turned off settings in video games lol
like it fully adds nothing
wrong. it adds motion blur
most monitors i can find in stores here are 27 inch
revolutionary idea, there are two genders
hot and ugly
women and really pretty gay guys are the same genderrr but ugly men are their own genderr
what about hot straight men
there are 2 genres of music: good and bad
i like bad music
they are women
this outro is so good
ur so good...
wow thanks
can someone buy me a pizza
or give me a million dollars
if i ever win the lottery ill buy u a pizza
i really want to buy a bunch of surgeries
boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop
im in a lottery pacts with my fren from taxes
u a bitch
u a bitch
is your monny curved
#usay nadie
u a cool person
u a bitch
i feel like ur making fun of meee T_T
i have an online fren who is obssessed with makling images of kirby with human feet lolll like in ai i hate it lmao
im not cool, im a loserrr, im patheticccccc, im combatitive and injured and a FREAK. MONSTEUR.
im trying my best to just feed myself and clean my room and im trying im really trying to be bettter
kill them
its been like 14 months since I thought it would be a good idea to get ADHD meds
that sthe problem with adhd. its hard to get the meds because the symptoms stop u from taking the actions to get the meds
if I take ADHD meds will be worse at building houses in terraria and minekwaft? :3
will it make me starttt typing not like a dyslexic dymbassss
i dont think itd affeect ur skills
You know, I can type quite well. I am actually a decent writer I just think its more fun to talkk like thiss nad just m ash the keyboard lmaooo
Yeah I generally think its more fun to type like a lunatic and use improper grammar and leave typos in and other such this.
stop messaging me
such a goood image
what should I get for lunch I skipped eating yesterday
you said that last time i dont really like burger thooo
mmm I like greasy smashburgerss but like a typical medium beef burger is like
idk if we can be friends.
idk I dont really like beef that much. I like turkey burgers more heheh
thats fine
we can make this work
i use beef really rarely when cooking. i prefer chicken, turkey and pork.
yeah i think chicken is my favourite protein
or salmon
the problem is that the supermarkets here never carry a lot of frozen fish because there are fresh fish markets EVERYWHERE In NYC because we are a coastal city with a big fishing industry and all the immigrant people are actually good at cooking fish so there is huge demand for it
salmon is also full of worms
idk how to fucking filet and cook a whole ass salmon lol
nyc is not coastal
#ai is nyc coastal
yes, nyc is coastal. it's located at the mouth of the hudson river where it meets the atlantic ocean, giving it a prime waterfront location that makes waves in both culture and commerce. is nyc coastal
NYC is one of ht ebiggest harbors in the world lol
its literally not on the coast
that's not the coast
thats a river
yes it is
no it's not
big river
brooklyn touches the ocean its a part of NYC
this is bing maps
shes just trolling us.... we've been taken for a ruse...
i'm not trolling you nyc is not on the coas
im gay
hi gay im daddd
i never watched friends but i saw a clip where chandlers dad is a tranny
how very theminine of u
btw our "democratic" mayor eric adams just got aquiited by the department of justice by trumps order. so what the fuck.
sorry i covered ur post with my big ass nose
hmm lets clean thing up a bit
i would warpout your post but I cant see the number
just copy paste what u said
am i tripped or did 3 letters just disappear from my post
i cant its covered upp
its finee
nobody cares about what I have 2 say anywayy
SadChan(vote for melonburger.org)ππππ
btw our "democratic" mayor eric adams just got aquiited by the department of justice by trumps order. so what the fuck.
here u go
yeah america is in shambles its pretty fucked up
its pretty concerning seeing everything thats going on
nothing ever happens
things dont happen if you dont know about them, life hack
yeah thats why im avoiding the news
im gonna invade u shrimpyyy
im gonna make u an american puppet stateeee
yea but other people keep watching so some things do happen anyway, if all of them stopped it would stop for good
im gonna do ittt
hey i have a trivia question for u
in this titular song from kanye west, who was in paris?
ill burn down ur white house i will become the first canadian-american domestic terrorist
#check (checked)