γvillainous mouse warlockγ
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
ok im ordering this monitor im gonna CLICK it
.play flashing lights kanye
click it.
#ai should i do it?
it depends entirely on what "it" is. if you're asking whether to do something harmful, illegal, or unethicalβno. otherwise, provide more context and i can help weigh the pros and cons. should i do it?
>it depends on you sit
>its entirely up to
>its important to realize tha t
shut the fuck up
.play shia lebouuf do it greenscreen 4k
.play i wonder kany e
why am i even overthinking this i can return it during like first 2 weeks
i s it from amazon??
do it
do it
do it
do it
do it
do it
do it
no i cant use amazon for expensive stuff they will make me pay import fees
i seee
i had to pay them for my dt700 pros and my kobo libra 2, im a dumbass and only later i realized that i couldve bought dt 770s here, idk why i didnt even look it up i just went straight to amazon
but we dont have kobo libras here, why do i have to pay import fees for something i cant buy here, the state doesnt want me to have nice things
should have just been american and gotten everything u ever dreamed offf
yea many people make the mistake of not being american
im sry 4 them
im glad im not american lol
im glad im american im just sad about where we are goinggg
hopefully u dont go there for long
yeaaa idk.... its really bad... like its really really bad....
im gertting kind of hyped upp by shia
i think hes hot i can fix him
did anyone watch holes as a kid lmao
such a weird movie
i liked that movie its so wierddd lol
the book wasnt as good as the movie lolll
the movie was better
rare movie W
im not sure if i read the book or not but its possible i did
its done
#ai was it worth it?
depends entirely on what "it" refers to. if you're asking about a specific action, decision, or outcome, the answer hinges on context: what was gained versus what was sacrificed. life itself is a series of trade-offs; some are worth it in hindsight, others not so much. clarify and i'll give you a sharper take. was it worth it?
how big is it
not as big as your mom but
it will do
reddit says 27 inch is the sweet spot for 1440p
no ones mom is bigger than mine
now i need to get an amp for my headphone to make them LOUDER
#editai add s after headphone, dont mess it up this is your last chance
you can use voicemeter to do that too
digital amp
that will mess up the sound
ive tried
oh riup
#ai whast "riup"?
"riup" likely refers to "risk of ruin," a concept used in various fields like gambling, investing, and risk management. it quantifies the probability of losing all capital or resources over time given specific strategies or conditions. for example, in poker, it might describe the chance of going broke based on your bankroll size and playing style. similarly, in trading or business decisions, it's about assessing how likely you are to fail entirely under certain risks. being aware of riup helps optimize decisions to balance growth with sustainability. whast "riup"?
nah its risk of ruin
irsk of rain
is that the game where you run around and press shoot
do you think i should allow all 4 religions in my songs of syx city or just 2 that go well with each other
they promote research and farming and peace and prosperity, the other 2 promote DEATH AND EVIL
id say just 2
yea i tried that but then people started leaving
let them leave theyre followers of death and evil
yea but my city is already too big i need workers
ill let them be for now and once i become more powerful i will KILL THEM FOREVER
there are times where you must look around and ask yourself "would I fuck mr bloom?"
and the aanswer is absolutley I dont even need to think about that
my answer would be who is mr bloom
thats my answer too
we are so alike
when a youtuber is dumb on the internet it makes me MAD
no patience for youtubers
i wanted to be an youtuber as a kid
i was watching this youtuber play a game and theyw ent to build an inventors table but you know what they called it an inventory table like 50 times in a 4 minute segment like unreal can u fucking readdddd EXPLODCE
you should unsubscribe and report
im not subscribed i woul dnever subscribe to such a fucking INSECT
makes me glad im not in these industries he covers like jesus christ these people are so pathetic and full of themselves
i have a high school friend who is a recruiter and the classic hyper 80 IQ hyper extrovert and yea ofc he became a recruiter lmao
isnt recruiter one of those fake jobs
kind of its a real job in that there are millions of them and they are all retarded
basically its someone who is somewhat connected and has a college degree falls into it. basically you sift through resumes as a 3RD party to provide candidates for hire to a company. so a lot of big companies use an external agency to find employees. their entire job is just to hire people. the thing is, they know nothing about the industries they hire for so they ask the most insane and retarded questions that they dont even understand. imagine a business bachelors is asking you questions about linux system administration and then ranking you based on your response. its insanely inefficient lmao.
its just another one of those I HATE THE FUTURE th ings hehehehe
#ai what the hell is pilates
pilates is a low-impact exercise system focused on improving flexibility, strength, and body awareness through controlled movements. it emphasizes core stability, alignment, and breathing. invented by joseph pilates in the early 20th century, itβs popular for rehabilitating injuries and enhancing overall fitness without heavy strain. combines elements of yoga, gymnastics, and calisthenics but with a unique focus on precision and flow. what the hell is pilates
i was reached out by a recruiter once and was asking me really dumb questions that i had already answered on my resume
having talked to these people they literally dont read your resume
they get a batch of like 150 resumes and my friend said they have data metrics for how long they can spend looking at one resume. most companies target like 30-45~ sec average time spent looking at your resume. even if your resume isnt read by an AI or algorithm, a real human is doing the same thing. they dont know shit about your industry, so they are given a list of buzzwords that they then use to send to the next round of consideration.
like you will get flagged as potential if you have 3 of the 11 buzzwords they are looking for or smth
btw you can just lie lol
you seem to have a thorough knowledge about recruiters have you considered becoming one?
I should I have no jobs
noooo i would hate that job. like its literally one of those jobs where the worse you are at it the better you are
I guess itβs good to be able to interface with the system well. I was always afraid using buzzwords was like a slippery slope to becoming a bullshitter corpospeak person but youβre right frfr
no literally lie and game the system, in a world of algorithms its how u sirvive
i used to feel the same way when i was younger now i just want food and shelter
<3 wise sadchan helping
other people might think u are cool for being authentic or whatever but they also arent going to higher you for a job or let you sleep in their house when you are homeless or feed you when you are hungry
exactly yeah they should help me if they really support me
well I can tell you if you ever end up homeless and destititute you will see who actually caress about you
mmmmmmm I have a bad feeling about literally everyone I know
i feel like its just luck if u have good friends or family...
me too but it can be changed I guess, problem is it can only be changed if you have the right traits, if youβre really religious and have kids probably you can get that support from your family or smth but if your personality traits donβt tick the right boxes and arenβt in demand buckle up
the fact that you can be not considered because of over qualification is fucking insane
you cant be underqualified, overqualified to little experience too much experience you need to be EXACTLY THIS and it has literally NOTHING to do with if you can do the job and be good at the job lol
lmfao sounds dystopian
I should start a recruiting business which literally just hires overqualified people
i was homeless at 16 years old and on and off the street for like 7 years loll it was fucked up
: ( Iβm glad you arenβt now
yea im doing middle class livingg now its not badd getting paid 2 go to school
do you have plans after? the only anthro major I know went to law school
which tbh will probably be in demand still
ooooh cool!
I really like like, the bidding process and contract negotiation I actually think its interesting loll.. its also fun like cold calling companies to buy a random 10k welder and having to conbine like the technical and logistical side. its kind of a perfect job for an ADHD person lol
yay! sadchan has a future arc- I was worried. you know about it a little too I bet from the military
i will always have the vet cardd which is big for getting a job in the US. literally like starship troopers I did my time so now I can have a future and move up a social class from untouchable to middle class.
do military people have authority to give money to contractors? did you interact with any of them?
if I was more functional I could have even gone to an ivy league school, I was going to go to columbia but I sort of botche the application. the recruiter told me my application was basically accepted but I needed some paperwork I couldnt get during covidd
:/ nah itβs good youβre going as far as you can as things stand
that said im happy im going to queens college now because its easy to do a dual major and its more flexible
can you get an internship or smth like that now? that would be very cool
yea I handled a 1.5 mil account when I was in the navy
waow: D
it was good experience. I do have big gaps in my resume though from neeting really hard
well thatβs why you should get an internship or smth now mbe cuz who cares about that past stuff when youβve got what they need (I hope at least)
nah I should be able to just get hired at an entry level position Ill probalby have to move tho
my dad gave me that advice. he and his brother moved for work, 2 of his brothers stayed in the home town, the ones who moved made way more
being willin to move for work is huge. its a national level market in the modern eraa with all the AI and recruiting style hiring even in lower class jobs is crazy
it is kinda sad not to have irl connections, but all my friends are online anyway lmao β¦ which is also sad but I guess I have less tying me to a place
i hate the future tbh
yea thats true digital boys and girlsss
I guess the local civic organizations have been really crashing and burning, probably everyone being mobile is part of it. itβs kinda sad imo, I like the idea of being a good community member and looking physically at a place Iβve made better, but I canβt see myself actually caring about most places
im interested if I can live in japann for a few yearss. I would like to get a job at a us military base in japan or smth
like yokusuka
huh I would think youβd be at like an office building in washington and just call up the bases on the phone
you want to fight deerclops?
.play chess savant
.skip (video skipped)
.search chess savant
fuck you not available
.skip (video skipped)
.search savant chess
i like the idea of a random homeless person being the greatest chess player
his homeless crazy man impression is wierdly and kind of scarily good like it makes me uncomfortable
didnt kramer get cancelled for screaming the N word a bunch
whos kramer
is that the guy in the video ive never seen this show lol i just like this scene
terraria server died while i was sleepin but she is back in good health now
holdup seems to still be wonky
well it has to essentially check our current public ip and change the dns record to match, so there'll be around 5 mins downtime every day as it does that
ur pc will keep the old ip around for 5 mins and then check it again
might be a bit longer this time cause she died mid-switchover for some reason. no error messgae......
why does she keep crashing int he night hehe
damnnn dynamic IP terraria server hehe
seems overkill
yeah my ip is dynamic so i gotta update terraria.beevee.lol when i notice the ip has changed
little scripty does it automagically but she is wonky and fumbles sometimes
thats cool u know how to do that. i always just use static IP and pay to have my server hosted somewhere elsee
waste of money tho.
it is nice if you can get a static ip and external hosting tbh, don't have to worry abt security or uptime or little wonkiness like this hehe
my little laptop just chuggin along hosting terraria and watching out for changes of address so all the little parcels can be delivered to the right place :)
your builds are fucking insane it's very good
blush emojii
#edit do the emoji
that's NOT a blush
well i geuss it is
i think of π³
could make it more like a floating island with cloudblocks to match the roomtheme
it looks nice as-is tho
I got bored and didnt do anything else with it
did you paint all the trees blue???
no if you paint the grass it spreads that color and the trees grow that color
its really easy :3
sick as fuck
yea you can make autumn or pink areas really easy
imma hop on a little later...... we ball and move....
shrimp went on a hardcore benderrrr rip
hardcore wow or hardcore drugz
its really funny watching all the birds fly out of the pond
very magical lol
i like when piranhas spawn down there and they kill all the birds over n over n over
when they aren';t doing that it's very mysteruious and neato
yea heheh
i need a goldfish statue
I think the game should add koi that would be a really cool feature
have a little koi pond
and animal husbandry in general
i always just use you as my static ip...
that's what you look like when I'm beating you up
cute :)
lit me when im under a rock and u lift it up and im like #take
could not afford the rent to live there/10
this boomer has been using his community influence to ensure this neighborhood stays zoned for single family homes and your city will never get apartment buildings and basically YOU ARE FUCKED
look at him, all holed up in his little castle
mwah hah hah
#ai can we have nice things?
yes, but only if we work for them collectively. nice things require maintenance, care, and shared effort to avoid ruin. otherwise, they decay or get ruined by the few who exploit systems for short-term gain. cooperation is keyβtrust but verify, optimize incentives, and build resilience into whatever "nice" thing you're trying to keep around. can we have nice things?
#ai explain why we cant have nice things
the fundamental issue is misaligned incentives and coordination problems. when a group aims to create something good, individual actors often prioritize their own short-term interests over the collective long-term benefit. this leads to exploitation, degradation, or destruction of the "nice thing." even with good intentions, systems without robust safeguards or clear accountability tend to drift toward suboptimal outcomes due to human biases like free-riding, tragedy of the commons dynamics, or simple incompetence. fixing this requires designing better systems that align individual incentives with collective goalsβa hard problem because it demands foresight and cooperation in environments where both are scarce. explain why we cant have nice things
sounds like socialism buddy
.play yo randy you bald as shit
.play watch yo jet
.play dave chapelle white speech pattern
white people...
#smartai why bother doing anything
The question of why one should bother doing anything touches upon fundamental aspects of human existence, purpose, and meaning. From a philosophical standpoint, the pursuit of action is often rooted in the concept of *eudaimonia*βa term from Aristotelian ethics that refers to flourishing or living well. Human beings are inherently goal-oriented creatures; our actions are driven by desires for fulfillment, growth, and connection.
From a psychological perspective, engaging in meaningful activities contributes to mental well-being. Viktor Frankl's existential philosophy emphasizes that finding purposeβeven in sufferingβprovides resilience and motivation. Similarly, positive psychology highlights how striving toward goals fosters a sense of accomplishment and self-efficacy.
On a biological level, humans are wired for activity through evolutionary mechanisms. Our brains reward effort with dopamine release when we achieve milestones or solve problems. Inaction can lead to stagnation or even existential distress.
Moreover, societal progress depends on collective action. Every innovation, work of art, scientific discovery, or act of kindness stems from someone choosing to "bother." Without such efforts civilization would stagnate.
Ultimately whether you choose to do something depends on your values aspirations context but itβs worth considering that purposeful engagement enriches both individual lives broader world around us why bother doing anything
im never going to reach eudaimonia because of the protestant work ethic
.play bing chillin and then back to chess
.play the lick
#owned (140)
.play brahms hungarian dances
are you hungry?
no. why
idk why you're playing hungry dances
seethe about it ig
oh i am, i am
.play brahms hungarian dance 5
.skip (video skipped)
the annoying noise from my pc came back and its been worse now, but i dont care, ive accepted it, it sounds good actually, i enjoy it i hope it stays like that forever, its very soothing and comfortable
youβre going to reach the blessed life BECAUSE of the Protestant work ethic
aww pc-kun must feel much more proud of herself with you saying that
long live canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i wouldnt go that far
.play should we end meetings forever
ive never had a single meeting at my job lol
god, musk's voice is so annoying i dont think ive heard more annoying voice ever
i think i just hate it because its him
makes me want to elbow him
#ai when will it end?
certain things have a rhythm, like waves or seasons. the end is often just another beginning in disguiseβtides change but the ocean remains. patience helps; answers tend to show up when you're not chasing them too hard. when will it end?
whats with the poetic ass response
actually this is a good response thanks AI
you're welcome, i'm glad it resonated. let me know if you need more insightsβi aim to compute well with your needs.
u a bitch
u, a bitch
glegle deez nuts
>be in my room
>extreme hunger for ice cream
>there's voices coming from the kitchen so I obviously cant go get it
>wrestle with myself for 15 minutes
>finally decide that ice cream is more important that mental health
>go to the kitchen
>there's two people sitting at the table
>quickly walk past them, grab ice cream and get out
>suddenly hear voice
>oh no oh god oh fuck
>"hey can you come here for a second"
>go back to kitchen
>one of them starts talking to me and ask me if I just moved in
>say no I've been living here for 3 months
>awkward silence
>she asks me if I'm a masters student
>"uhh no still in undergrad"
>even more awkward silence
>makes me join their weird group chat for when you get locked out or something
>go back to room in terror
weekend ruined
this happened to me except there was no ice cream and there was only one person, the living for 3 months without talking to anyone and joining the group chat and stuff happened to me recently though
being good with people must be amazing...
maybe autists anonymous is a good name for this site
im not autistic... i think.....
neither am i, i mean austist in the colloquial internet sense...
oh yeah i'm a total autist then
right same
omg besties
fucking seethe loser OMEGALUL imagine uwuing yourself haha imagine going #uwu (USER WAS UWU'D FOR THIS POST) and then banning yourself you buffoon you fool
>waited 10 seconds to make this post
.play that fat hawaiian guy who sings somewhere over the rainbow
my roommates group chat is in telegram and i had to download that
and then i just message them all on discord anyway
my condolences... i cant use telegram because everytime i make an account, this weird creep i sexted with like 8 years ago immediately hits me up. i always block him immediately but its ruined the app for me. i need a new phonenumber\
he finds you again after you block h im?
no it always goes like
>make telegram account
>"hiii nibble wanna meet up and have some fun <33"
>block him
>be creeped out and delete account again
>rinse and repeat a year later when I decide to try telegram again
i've told this guy to fuck off so often but he just contacts me whenever he can, it's so fucking creepy
that sucks we should kill this guy
agreed. his name is tobias
okay give me two weeks
omg thank you
how do you know he's not on this site...
it doesnt matter in two weeks nayway
hes a german turbonormie. it wouldnt be so bad if he were attractive at least
i also know that hes not on this site because everyone on this site is heckin cute and attractive
buy it
im tempted but itd probably just collect dust because i never practice...
buy it and then punch urself everytime u dont practice
eh maybe next month when i have more moneyyyy
.play dire straits money for nothing
such a good riff
.play weird al whiplash
i'll see you on the rift.
men only want one thing and its fucking disgusting and thats to die in a war
.play jreg die in a war
made u look
im gay
prove it
dont get too close to the line this time
what do you mean by this
.play musaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard
.skip (video skipped)
.play mustaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard
does anybody know glegle's midface ratio i need to know
earmite i found a quiver idk if u need that but it buffs arrows :3
20% chance not to consume arrows seems good
you'll be quivering in your boots when i'm dome with you matey
so bold of you boog...
you're already quivering in your boots
you're terrified
oh no
you are you know you are
hi do you guys know if someone called laura frequents this site out if curiousitt
LMAO lol LMAO LMFAO lol LOL lmao lmal lmao lmao lamo lmao
frickin trols..
does anyone know tho? just concerned abt her and know her
yeah i remember her
has she not been online recently?
its been a long time since i saw her here
stop boog
i dont know what this means
okay well sorry to bother you guys, have a lovely night
boymode sorry if i stressed you out wirh any of this! idk
lots of typing, not sure what that purple stuff is
lots of typing, not sure what that pruple stuff is
dont worry anon
okay! have a lovely day
it's called magic
#ksay loriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
#ksay lori lori lori