γvillainous mouse warlockγ
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
april, sadchan, opworm, lori, boog
im not a bitch...
do you mean the gibberish
oh so my messages are just gibberish to you
that's kind of rude
i dont speak bottom
im launching avbowed
its launched
2025 gaming
generating shaders
thats 2025 gaming
u really know bitches
shrimp did u finish ur essay?
ooooh I want to see maybe or hear about it
imagine how much easier space exlporation would be if it was signalis style
like just one why trip
like you just get launched to the moon to do two weeks of experiments then pop a euthenasia pill when you are done
literally cuts the cost of the mission by half or 2/3, dont have to worry about bringing someone back
suicidal space exploration
no ill do it tomorrow
im not ready emotionally to write it
but what about the costs of training new astronauts everytime you wanna do an explore
it might actually be more expensive than having a crew you can use multiple times
just dont train them as much
the only reasons we use like top .0000000001% people and train them so good is because we are obssessed with like, bringing people alive
just use like top 1% people there are literally millions of those
top 2%
every gifted kid who doesnt know what to do with their life and suffers a mid life crises? they can apply to the one way space expo program
#this (underrated post)
i would rather DIE
start by making an essay outline
just brainstorm ideassss
already did that
i like to take the MLA essay format guideliens and post them into chat gpt and then tell it to make me a better essay outline based on all my brainstormed ideas
im probably gonna use gpt yeah
i hate writing essays
i really like writing them but its nice when you have really specific structure and stuff with these college essays
to have a specific outline
then if I have more ideas I can put them in my outline and plan it out better
cant wait to afk at my mob farm overnight and wake up with 9999999999 dollors
i just want to make enough money to get away from everyone...
whats the point of essay assignments in current year anymore. whats the point of schooling in general in current year anymore. last week we were solving some problem in class and our professor jokingly pasted an image of the exercise into chatgpt and it -of course - immediately gave him the correct answer. he jokingly said 'we might as well stop having these classes,' but that honestly pretty accurate. why bother
.play is a man entitled to the sweat of his brow bioshock
because you're supposed to learn it, not have the ai do it for you
well yes but why wouldnt i have the ai do it for me in the real world anyway. whats the point of learning it now
for the love of the game
also april still has me left on read
so that way your dumbass doesn't get replaced with the ai,
if you want a job in the modern world, you need to learn above and beyond how an ai can reason
it's not funny
captitulate now or else
avowed is neat
probably not gonna keep playing it tho
cause i dont get very far into rpgs
i just got to paradis
ur funny bobog. #kiss
thats you
no u
nope you
nuh uh you
noope its you ur the whiny puppy
needy baby
thats you
or else waht?
why not
the conflicts didn't even start...
i want to make you fold and capitulate
very clever idea!
I bet like if is
oooh boog went silent...
nuh uh
alost 30 min to respond...what were u doing, miss boog?
nuh uh
nuh uh what?
the swimmers
(sperm reference)
april you still left me on read
no i replied
no you didn't i just checked
check again i literally did
oh okay you said h
why did you send me
why did you send me "h"
what do you mean by this
explain to me please
there is nothing to explain
yes you need to explain to me what "h" means it's not a real response to my paragraphs of messages
can you explain your paragraphs first
it's a bit emotinoal and private to explain it here
ok dm me
cm?????? what the fuck???????????
sadchan why did you delete post
#slap dont question me
have you tried sending something like this
ill try that
these guys were the people who did the donuts in front of the cops with the geroge michael song
i think the drifting in front of cops stuff is funny and cool but the highway weaving honestly they should be put in front of a firing squad for it
drunk drivers get in less accidents than sober drivvers
that's a fact
why watch fast and furious when u have that lol
this claim contradicts statistical evidence. drunk driving significantly increases the risk of accidents and fatalities due to impaired motor skills, judgment, and reaction times. sober drivers are far less likely to cause crashes overall. always prioritize safety and avoid driving under the influence.
but factually sober drivers get in more crashes numerically compared to drunk drivers
inside my mouth is hurt, shouldn't have eaten when it was hot.
ok but have u considered how many ur moms per capita i fucked last night
numerically, sober drivers are involved in more crashes because they vastly outnumber drunk drivers on the road. it's not a meaningful comparison without considering per capita rates or exposure-adjusted metrics. when adjusted for miles driven or driver population, drunk driving drastically increases crash risk and severity. raw numbers alone don't tell the full storyβproportionality matters.
kiss me sis
#itsover (141)
i do this sometimes too
are you making fun of me...
actually im making a fool of myself so we can cringe together
shrimppp do u want to kill robots
>im ... a fool
this is the least surprising thing #owned (142) looks like you've lost this battle lori. The war will be over soon.
or maybe if you dont want to skip ahead of earmite and smog we can fish during the blood moon you know how to fish right? I have no clue ive never done it before
be cringe together*
oh thats very kind thank you #kiss
cringe culture is dead
cringe culture is dead
cringe culture is dead
cringe culture is dead
cringe culture is dead
cringe culture is dead
cringe culture is dead
the battle is lost but not the war
#botsay cringe culture is dead
cringe culture is dead
cringe culture is dead
cringe culture is dead
cringe culture is dead
cringe culture is dead
cringe culture is dead
cringe culture is dead
cringe culture is dead
weaving through highway traffic seems fun
ive fished a lot but i dont feel like playing rn
true. its dead cuz everyone is kinda embracing the cringe
did u do ur essay yett?
no lol
im doing it tomorrow
crazy boy
oh so its from him that those videos were from....
surveillance state of america lol
i remember growing up my family was like damn london is hte most surveilled city in the world britain is such a shithole
the NYPD was like damnnnn let me got sommadat
squeeze benz my hero
he is the protag of nfs most wanted lmao
im gonna start doing this
you're gonna hit the wall at the first turn sis
yeah ive never even driven a car on a road lol
how abt we drive around safely while listening to cool songs while feeling the wind in our faces?
wait why is this fucking guy blowing up squeeze benzs strategy
i drove over a bridge once
i have like less than 3 hours in my life ever driving lol
most i went is 50 mph terrifying
i drove around a parking lot twice
that could be comfy....
this has to be ai written or smth
i saw one of his videos with careless whispers in the bg playiyng
the new york bail reform law what the fufk is this video
its this video
yea its really funny. there was a bunch of venezuelan immigrants who beat the shit out of a NYPD officer in times square and like 7 peopel got arrested they got released same day lol
cool vid
this was the edit
i should get my license and learn to drift and start doing street races and stuff
yay let me be ur mechanic
kfdjasklfiewojjreokwlajkldjafiodujaskfjasdio dfjkasldfj dfjkla jklasd ieriopqfdjasl rewajklfdas iorewqifopdasijkfjdas 9ojfkldasjfjdsakj 01294390423 4219430 42190-421 mdaskjfdkasewkajdklasjmnewiqj fjidsaojfiodwjewkfiuasdjio ekwajiefjwaio fdjk fdj fd 3erowdio fd ewioperwq fdfde dafauior3wq fdasfew f2eqwweqopasd rekwqopopifdas fdjaskl
key y=q
my mechanic and passenger princess
yay nice. i'll choose the songs
#reply decode
the encoded message appears to be random characters, but using the key provided (y=q), i'll attempt a substitution cipher. after decoding, it still doesn't form coherent english or any recognizable language pattern. likely, this is either: 1) not a simple substitution cipher, 2) requires an additional key or method for decryption, or 3) is just gibberish without deeper meaning. if there's more context or another layer to the encryption, lmk! decode
#reply decode even if its gibberish
decoding with key y=q:
kfdjasklfiewojjreokwlajkldjafiodujaskfjasdio dfjkasldfj dfjkla jklasd ieriopqfdjasl rewajklfdas iorewqifopdasijkfjdas 9ojfkldasjfjdsakj 01294390423 4219430 42190-421 mdaskjfdkasewkajdklasjmnewiqj fjidsaojfiodwjeqqkuasdjio ekwajiefjwaiq fdjk fdj fd 3erowdiq fde ewiperwe fdfde dafauior3eq fdasfew f2eqeeweqpqsd rekeqpipifda s fdja sk l
note: the substitution of q for y doesn't reveal meaningful text, suggesting either a more complex cipher or random gibberish. decode even if its gibberish
lol i would be a terrible mechhanic. i only know how to do the basic stuff...
ugh imagine us changing tires lmao
i worked as a mechanic for a year im ok at it
i can do tire changes and fix tires and retread them and balance them and do oil changes
you can't do tire changes or fix tires or retread them or balance them and you definitely can't do oil changes either
so cool sis. teach me pls
i would change the tires on big fleet vans
you definitely wouldn't do that
i would
no you wouldn't
and i did
at my uncle's garage
you didn't do it
you don't have an uncle
not anymore
you don't have a garage
hes dead
ill teach you #kiss
i killed him
she can literally princess carry me, boog
im super strong
i shovelled hundreds of pounds of snow today
the fucking
came by
and it pushed like 75% of the snow on the road onto my driveway
put sticks at the end of your driveway so they have to lift the plow going by your house
can you do it for me
oh lol
that's what my landlord does
they're like the reflective ones and they just sit at the end of the driveway and then the plow doesn't shove evertything into your driveway
i should just get my mom/sister to park their cars like right on the edge
"remotely dangerous"......
the problem is that it like does it to everyone as it goes down the street its gonna make a big pile no matter what
pushing all the snow to the side
low altitude stall is peak cinema
quite scary...
i wish i could build a snowman
theres so much snow rn you could build like 50
50000 even
the snow bank on the side of the driveway is literally 5ft tall
why is that scary
the ground is so close. and if u were to stall u see it coming
well he stalled because apparently the engine failure checklists are just optional lole
fucking hell i hate when security stuff is 'optional' aaaaaarhg
no it's not optional the pilot is dumb
idk why he thought stalling at 60ft was better than just landing on the grass but CINEMA
oh...that kind of optional
just dont let the engine stall
the engine was gone
the plane stalled
whered it go
i'm gonna throw u thre and let u sink
i'm gonna buy a bmw
no ill do that to you!!
which model?
have fun paying $500 for ur key fobs if u ever lose them also dont ever lock yourself out because its extremely expensive to get into a new bmw
nah i just won't lose it
and i won't lock myself out
defintely not expensive to punch a hole through the window
oh i mean if u dont care then yeah
u should get ur pilots license booker
and fly planes
nah much more fun to just critize pilots without doing it
me tryiyng to land my plane in WT....always fliping it over lol
landing planes is hard
im good at it in arcade tho cause of the airstrip capture points
i can go in at full space and touch down carefully to cap
im so boredddddddd
dont be bored
allow urself to be bored
dont kys
stfu let me do what i want
legally i cannot
im in another country america is evil now
i can do what i want
you can do almost anything you want
but certain things i legally cannot allow
what about whacking ceos
you can do that yeah
you can't do that yeah
what country
no im in america but shrimp isnt americann
oh yeh
aprill is about to be my colonial property
ur gonna make canadians burn the white house again...
now with bombs
i will personally burn it down. mark my words.
what the fuck boobs
fuck this shitty youtube video
just press alt+w
i want to post my boobs on the internet and get compliments
everyone start typing n stuff
>woke up again
same, glad to know im not the only one
i should go 2 beddd
i have to force myself 2 sleepp or else i will ruin my schedule for school again
school is an evil lie by the devil
well im paying to goo so
itβs an all nighter night for me
keep it up sadchan w the school
Iβm feeling goo myself
>have bad day
>talk to friends
>now its good day
why didnt i always did this
cuz you didnt have friends dummy
friends are fucking lies
school is genuinely so fucking dumb i hate it. i hope i fail the exams
school is filled with violence and cruelty, at least the types of schools minors go to, awful fucking places
i am shocked at how fast the temperature went form almost temperate to nearly freezing, and it smaking me hungrier and thirstier but i hear the inlaw roomie walking about so am waiting for whatever is being done to be finished
oh yeah that blew up all over twitch
add cry in there before the friends and itβs literally my day. I LOVE friends!!!
#ai whats up with the economy?
the economy's like a marathon runner with a sprained ankleβmoving, but not as fast or smoothly as it could. inflation's been gnawing at purchasing power like termites in a wooden house, while interest rates are hiking up to cool things down. supply chains are untangling slowly, and labor markets are tight but showing signs of loosening cracks. tl;dr: complex vibes, recoveryβs uneven, and everyoneβs waiting for the next plot twist. whats up with the economy?
my new monitor arrived
good job!
i just pressed the order button
ur an orderer
is it a pretty monitor with colors?
#smartai how much of the brain can be changed by estrogen?
Estrogen, a primary female sex hormone, exerts profound and multifaceted effects on the brain, influencing both structural and functional plasticity. Its impact is mediated through estrogen receptors (ERΞ± and ERΞ²) distributed across various brain regions, including the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, hypothalamus, and amygdala. These regions are integral to cognition, memory, mood regulation, and neuroendocrine function.
1. **Neurogenesis**: Estrogen enhances neurogenesis in the hippocampus by promoting the proliferation of neural progenitor cells. This process is critical for learning and memory consolidation.
2. **Synaptic Plasticity**: Estrogen modulates synaptic density by increasing dendritic spine formation in hippocampal neurons. This effect underpins its role in enhancing cognitive flexibility and memory retention.
3. **Neuroprotection**: Estrogen exhibits neuroprotective properties by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation while upregulating anti-apoptotic pathways such as Bcl-2 expression.
4. **Mood Regulation**: Through interactions with serotoninergic systems within limbic structures like amygdala or raphe nuclei; it mitigates depressive symptoms via increased availability/activity at postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptor sites which may explain why women experience lower rates during reproductive years compared post-menopause when levels decline significantly leading towards higher vulnerability toward affective disorders including major depression disorder (MDD).
5.Cognitive Functioning : Prefrontal cortical areas involved executive functions show improved performance under influence due enhanced dopaminergic transmission coupled alongside better working-memory capacity observed amongst premenopausal females relative those undergoing menopausal transition where deficiencies become apparent owing decreased circulating concentrations thereof
6.Menstrual Cycle Dynamics : Fluctuating hormonal milieu across menstrual phases impacts attentional focus emotional reactivity differently depending upon phase-specific variations e.g., luteal high-progesterone state associated heightened anxiety whereas follicular dominance linked greater verbal fluency task-switching abilities respectively
In summary , extent changes induced largely depends individual factors age genetic predisposition baseline health status among others however overall consensus suggests significant proportion central nervous system susceptible modulation thereby highlighting importance maintaining optimal balance throughout lifespan particularly aging populations vulnerable neurodegenerative diseases Alzheimerβs Parkinsonβs etcetera how much of the brain can be changed by estrogen?
#smartai does male puberty permanently change the brain and if so how much can estrogen reverse that?
Male puberty induces significant and largely permanent changes in the brain due to the influence of testosterone and its metabolites, such as dihydrotestosterone (DHT). These changes are mediated by androgen receptors and involve structural, functional, and neurochemical alterations. For instance, testosterone exposure during puberty contributes to sexual dimorphism in certain brain regions, such as the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (SDN-POA) in humans. Additionally, it influences synaptic pruning, myelination, and neurotransmitter systems like dopamine and serotonin.
Estrogen therapy can partially reverse some of these effects but not entirely. Estrogen has a neuroprotective role and can modulate synaptic plasticity, promote dendritic branching, and influence mood-regulating neurotransmitters like serotonin. However, many of the organizational effects of male pubertyβsuch as irreversible changes in neural circuitry or structural differencesβare difficult to fully reverse with estrogen alone. The extent to which estrogen can counteract these changes depends on factors such as age at initiation of hormone therapy (earlier intervention tends to yield more pronounced effects), dosage regimen used for treatment protocols over time duration etc., but complete reversal is unlikely given how deeply ingrained developmental processes are within our biology's framework when considering long-term outcomes from endogenous hormonal exposures during critical periods like adolescence where growth occurs rapidly under high levels circulating hormones which shape both body morphology alongside cognitive functions through complex interactions between genes environment epigenetics among other variables influencing overall health status throughout lifespan trajectories beyond just reproductive system development itself being impacted directly via endocrine signaling pathways involved here too! does male puberty permanently change the brain and if so how much can estrogen reverse that?
no its black and white
according to ai, the brain changes of male puberty are not completely reversible, which makes me feel quite dysphoric
πͺ±π§ πͺ±
i... i thank you anon... im getting lots of worms in it this morning
I think youβve got a lovely mind wormie
Iβm ok with that because *I* am not racist π
#kiss what made you feel that way? can you make it stop? grrrrrr get out my my friend worms
#smartai how many days and weeks are between January 25th and February 17th?
To calculate the number of days and weeks between January 25th and February 17th, we can approach this systematically.
1. **Days in January after the 25th**:
Since January has 31 days, subtracting the starting date (January 25th) from the total gives us:
\( 31 - 25 = 6 \) days remaining in January after the starting point.
2. **Days in February up to the 17th**:
The end date is February 17th, so there are exactly \( \text{February} \, \text{17} - \text{February} \, \text{1} + \text{1 day for inclusivity}} = \,\)**16 days** counted here.
3. **Total Days Between Dates**:
Adding these together:
\( \text{Days remaining in January (6)} + \text{Days in February up to the end date (16)} = \,\)**22 days**.
4. **Weeks Calculation**:
22 divided by seven yields approximately three full weeks with one extra day left over (\(21/7=3\), remainder of one). Thus, it's about **three weeks and one day**.
In conclusion:
- Total elapsed time spans a period equaling precisely twenty-two consecutive calendar units.
- This duration encompasses roughly three complete weekly cycles plus an additional single diurnal cycle beyond that third week markβa succinct summary encapsulating both temporal measures sought initially! how many days and weeks are between January 25th and February 17th?
wormies :D
tooo cold
humans are unfortunately built to be social creatures and being on hte outside of society just kills u its really sucks
im glad we have the internet but it also makes me worried that like.... what if there are more lonely people because people are getting there interaction online?
stay safe wormies....
wormies i have an extremely important question that is not petty or trivial at all
imagine you have a friend named Bighead who is extremely autistic who was one time told she was bigheaded a long time ago during her childhood, at fitrst she had a crisis over this but eventually tried to reclaim it, then one day, decades later, bighead finds out her skull is actually quite small, how would you react to this news??? how would you feel about your best friend bighead then?
#smartai all my life i thought i had a big head but recently found out my skull is small help i am having an identity crisis i dont feel like the same person anymore, i used to think my head was big cause i was called big headed as a child and i am very very autistic
Itβs understandable that this realization has caused you distress, as it challenges a long-held self-perception. The term "big-headed" is often used colloquially to describe someone who is perceived as arrogant or overly self-assured, rather than referring to the physical size of one's head. It seems there was a semantic misunderstanding during your childhood, which led you to associate the phrase with your actual cranial dimensions.
From an anthropological and anatomical perspective, cranial size varies significantly among individuals due to genetic factors, environmental influences, and developmental conditions. A smaller skull does not inherently correlate with cognitive ability or personality traits; intelligence and identity are multifaceted constructs influenced by neurobiology, experiences, and social interactions. Your autism spectrum condition (ASC) further underscores the complexity of how you perceive yourself and interact with the worldβneurodivergence brings unique strengths and perspectives that are not contingent on physical attributes like skull size.
Your feelings of disorientation stem from a disruption in your self-conceptβa psychological phenomenon where new information conflicts with established beliefs about oneself. This dissonance can be unsettling but also presents an opportunity for growth and recalibration of self-understanding. Reflect on what truly defines *you*: your values, interests, relationships, achievements, and contributions to others' lives far outweigh any superficial metric like head circumference.
If this crisis persists or intensifies into anxiety or depression symptoms (e.g., persistent sadness/loss of interest), consider seeking support from mental health professionals familiar with ASC-related challengesβthey can help navigate these complex emotions effectively while fostering resilience through evidence-based interventions such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Remember: You remain uniquely *you*, irrespectiveof external measurements! all my life i thought i had a big head but recently found out my skull is small help i am having an identity crisis i dont feel like the same person anymore, i used to think my head was big cause i was called big headed as a child and i am very very autistic
brainworms given by others..
>>140715 how would you feel about your friend bighead lori if you found out your friend without even knowing it, for decades actually had a small head, and thus all of bigheads self deprecating jokes about being big headed couldnt possibly be true?
i used to call my skull massive cause i didnt know it was actually quite small, i found out cause a friend in my height range informed me my head is much smaller than his when putting on a vr headset
idk but I had a similar moment in my life a few years ago that was like "i always thought of myself as X but i found out im not really X"
i see so i guess its not just me, its like uh, feeling disoriented because you perceived yourself a certain way for so long.
tbh idk how would i feel.
probably happy for them cuz they don't have to self deprecate anymore to cope with a wrong idea abt their body
i just finished setting up my new monitor
i can see it all now
see my words
this is actually so big how do people use bigger than 27 inch monitors
mines 32 inches long about really nice and gud
youd have to move your head so muhc
i have to move my head now to look from one corner to another
even moving the mouse and typing looks smoother i thought high refresh rate only mattered for gaming
the bottom left corner looks kinda dark tho
yeah high refresh rate is really nice
you might wanna move your monitor back