「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
turns out crate potions are really easy to make so I made 100 of them and they are in the chest there
fuck yeah, those + radar pots r great for not wasting b8
yea I got 50 master bait too from all the chests i got using those
>american conservacucks are so mindbroken that they will see hunter schafer and think "yep thats a man"
teleports behind you
nothing personell
coldsteel the hejjhogge
oh shit yeah those'll last ages
i still havent gotten any fishing gear from the angler and I did like 9 quests for him :<
but I know how to do it now. I want to beat the fishing bosses
he is extremely fickle
in singleplayer you can alt+f4 after he gives you a reward and reroll it, but not in multi sadly.......
i redid the base if u have time can u logon and tell me how bad it looks i got bored halfway thruu lol
reddit the base
actually is the squadd here I have a bunch of high quality foods, ironskin potion and a new potion, endurance potion. with all those upgraded buffs together maybe we could beat the plantt
in this moment i am euphoric
i'm travelling this wknd but will certainly check tomorrow, i'm sure it looks gr7
oh god my asian roommates are cooking again at midnight god im so fucking hungry it smells so good
oh maybe we should wait until monday morning then :3
so we can beat plantera 2gether
where are you traveling to? i want to know to i can get that 1k
ask them for a bite in perfect japanese
i only know the most important words, like senpai
visiting my sister :) in sonewhere :)
"excuse me.... may i, um, itadakimasu?"
#ai translate "may i gobble your delicious food" into japanese
「おいしい料理をいただいてもいいですか?」 (oishii ryouri wo itadaite mo ii desu ka?)
this is polite and gets the point across without being overly casual. if you want a more informal tone, you could say: 「おいしい料理食べてもいい?」 (oishii ryouri tabete mo ii?). translate "may i gobble your delicious food" into japanese
gobble (polite)
show them this post verbatim. solved
i think theyre chinese tho. idk only talked to them once
yesss would like to plantera around soon #tm™ and beat her ass
you have a sister? next youre going to tell me you have a mother
ur a mind reader anon. holy shit
jealous. i dont have parents i just randomly spawned
random monster spawn in the overworld
roaming the tall grasses until adolsence
>spawned into the worst timeline
of course of course...
and you can't kys else you'll just respawn as like a low-level slime in the tutorial dungeon....
sewer rat
lvl 1, 10hp 1def
those are my current stats yes
i used detect monster on you and it doxxed you gomenasai
#oracle () ?
many such cases...
i'm the first dungeon boss that is rly easy for 90% of the game but i drop good loot for midgame so ppl grind and kill me a bunch
cat sleeping on me but i gotta move this is hell
just throw it away itll land on its feet
#catbounce >^•-•^<
#cat /ᐠ. .ᐟ\ Ⳋ #cat >^•-•^< #cat #fish 🐟 #fish 🐟 #fish 🐟
#fish 🐟 #cat #fish 🐟 #cat >^•-•^<
one day
the fish and cat are best friends
cats love fish
it's true!!!!!!!
ok i'm really going to bed now gn wormers
gn smog
sleep tight let the bedbugs bite (theyre starving please let them)
.skip (video skipped)
#catbounce >^•-•^<
#fish 𓆟
you should post images on >>>/meme/
i have a ton tho i dont wanna flood this chat too much so i posted the most braintwisting ones i could find
thats what /meme/ is for tho
you can dump ur whole meme folder, dump itt
then i may or may not repossess the best images u have
border: 1px 2px 3px 4px dotted dashed solid rounded red green blue purple;
#theme (only staff can use this command on this board)
border: solid dashed dotted solid red green blue yellow 1px 2px 3px 1px;
border: solid dashed dotted solid red green blue yellow 1px 2px 3px 1px;
border: solid dashed dotted solid red green blue yellow 1px 2px 3px 1px;
why not work :(
idk css
unless we're tlaking about... counter strike source...
border: 1px,2px,3px,4px solid red;
border: 2px solid red;
border-style: solid dashed dotted solid;
border-color: pink white blue purple;
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margin-left 2px;
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I'll stop being evil
omg thats so good
whoa what game is this?
lego batman
#weather batman (the weather near the goliath currently includes no precipitation with cloudy skies, a wind speed of 0 miles per hour and a temperature of 56 degrees fahrenheit)
what goliath theres no location named the goliath
why does batman give the weather near the goliath and what is it even
#weather gotham (the weather in gotham, united kingdom, currently includes no precipitation with no cloud cover data available, a wind speed of 13 miles per hour and a temperature of 45 degrees fahrenheit)
\ make a schizo picture of batman and goliath surrounded by worms
#weather darth vader (cannot compute)
#weather goliath (the weather near the goliath currently includes no precipitation with clear skies, a wind speed of 8 miles per hour and a temperature of 73 degrees fahrenheit)
#weather batman (the weather near the goliath currently includes no precipitation with cloudy skies, a wind speed of 0 miles per hour and a temperature of 56 degrees fahrenheit)
So these sre two different goliaths ????
#weather yosemite national park (the weather near yosemite national park currently includes no precipitation with clear skies, a wind speed of 0 miles per hour and a temperature of 39 degrees fahrenheit)
So neither goliath is the peak in the sierra nevadas
#weather johannesburg (the weather in johannesburg, south africa, currently includes no precipitation with clear skies, a wind speed of 12 miles per hour and a temperature of 72 degrees fahrenheit)
this one probably is talking about the cave in south africa then, that makes sense
#weather lake placid (the weather near lake placid currently includes no precipitation with overcast skies, a wind speed of 6 miles per hour and a temperature of 42 degrees fahrenheit)
I guess that's possible???
#weather adirondack mountains (cannot compute)
#weather revelstoke (the weather in revelstoke, canada, consists of rain with overcast skies, a wind speed of 14 miles per hour and a temperature of 37 degrees fahrenheit)
whoa sweet we got weather forecasts
#weather diyarbakir (the weather in diyarbakır, turkey, currently includes no precipitation with no cloud cover data available, a wind speed of 10 miles per hour and a temperature of 23 degrees fahrenheit)
yeah but genuinely what the fuck is the goliath that comes up when you ask it for batman
It has no other meme responses because ive asked it a million things
#weather florida (the weather in the state of florida currently includes no precipitation with clear skies, a wind speed of 8 miles per hour and a temperature of 58 degrees fahrenheit)
i really dont think its some obscure easter egg
when you ask for goliath directly it gives you the weather for a cave in south africa called the goliath
But asking for batman gives a *different* "the goliath"
And ive looked at every landmark thats officially named "the goliath" and none of them match
#smartai tell us about the cave in south africa named the goliath and its namesake
The Goliath Cave, located in South Africa, is a subterranean marvel that derives its name from the biblical figure Goliath, renowned for his immense size and strength. This nomenclature is particularly apt given the cave's vast chambers and extensive passageways, which evoke a sense of grandeur and awe-inspiring scale.
Situated within the Malmani Dolomites of the Transvaal Supergroup—a geological formation dating back approximately 2.3 billion years—the Goliath Cave is part of a complex karst landscape characterized by soluble rock formations such as limestone and dolomite. These rocks are susceptible to dissolution by slightly acidic water, leading to the creation of intricate cave systems over millennia.
The cave itself boasts an impressive array of speleothems (cave formations), including stalactites, stalagmites, flowstones, and helictites. These mineral deposits form through the slow deposition of calcium carbonate carried by percolating groundwater. The conditions within Goliath Cave have allowed these formations to grow undisturbed for thousands of years, resulting in some truly spectacular natural sculptures.
Goliath Cave also holds significant paleontological interest; it has yielded fossils that provide insights into ancient ecosystems once prevalent in this region during various geological epochs when climatic conditions were markedly different from today’s arid environment surrounding much modern-day Southern Africa
Moreover,the exploration history associated with Goliathe reflects human curiosity about underground realms: early expeditions faced considerable challenges due both technical limitations equipment available at time alongside inherent dangers posed navigating uncharted depths darkness filled unknown hazards like sudden drops or unstable footing surfaces slippery wetness present throughout many parts system making journey fraught peril even experienced cavers must exercise utmost caution while traversing its labyrinthine corridors ensuring safety paramount concern all times lest one fall victim unforgiving nature hidden beneath earth surface waiting silently those who dare venture forth seeking knowledge adventure alike tell us about the cave in south africa named the goliath and its namesake
#weather THE GOLIATH (the weather near the goliath currently includes no precipitation with clear skies, a wind speed of 8 miles per hour and a temperature of 73 degrees fahrenheit)
#ai tell me about the place known as THE GOLIATH
the goliath is a legendary, massive ship often described as larger than an aircraft carrier. it's said to roam the open seas, functioning as a city unto itself. some claim it’s a utopia of free trade and innovation; others whisper it’s lawless and dangerous. its exact location is always shifting, making it hard to pinpoint or verify. rumors suggest it operates outside traditional governance, attracting engineers, outcasts, and dreamers alike. whether myth or reality, the goliath looms large in maritime lore—a titan of possibility on the waves. tell me about the place known as THE GOLIATH
#weather tuolumne (cannot compute)
yeah theres a handful of ships, cranes, and rollercoasters named the goliath
But i think all of them are way to specific for weather to hit, and also, there are multiple examples of each
and none of them have ANY connection to batman???
Batman is a real place in turkey but its weather isnt anywhere near what weather gives for batman sooo
#weather yuba (the weather in yuba, wisconsin, currently includes no precipitation with clear skies, a wind speed of 0 miles per hour and a temperature of 20 degrees fahrenheit)
#weather el dorado peak (cannot compute)
#weather el dorado (the weather in el dorado, arkansas, currently includes no precipitation with clear skies, a wind speed of 3 miles per hour and a temperature of 38 degrees fahrenheit)
#weather batman (the weather near the goliath currently includes no precipitation with cloudy skies, a wind speed of 0 miles per hour and a temperature of 56 degrees fahrenheit)
#weather sierra nevadas (cannot compute)
#weather sierra nevada (the weather near sierra nevada de lagunas bravas currently includes no precipitation with mostly clear skies, a wind speed of 3 miles per hour and a temperature of 72 degrees fahrenheit)
#weather tulare county, california (the weather in tulare county currently includes no precipitation with clear skies, a wind speed of 5 miles per hour and a temperature of 71 degrees fahrenheit)
a schizo one lol
Yeah afaik none of the sierra nevadas fit and also the goliath is such a tiny peak that it's barely on any maps
#weather batman, turkey (the weather in batman, turkey, currently includes no precipitation with no cloud cover data available, a wind speed of 10 miles per hour and a temperature of 23 degrees fahrenheit)
So its not about the one in turkey
what could it possibly be
Im in this rabbit hole so deep now, genuinely what the fuck why does it say that
#c locations named batman (cannot compute)
interesting theres a story on amazon about goliath cave too
#ai eveyr place named batman
the most notable place named "batman" is a city in southeastern turkey, historically known for its oil fields and trade routes. it's located in the batman province, which shares the same name. there are no other widely recognized places with this exact name, though minor locations or informal references might exist elsewhere. eveyr place named batman
about a haunting
#weather goliath minnesota (cannot compute)
#weather goliath county (cannot compute)
#weather goliath ontario (cannot compute)
also ive never seen it say anything but 0 precip, overcast skies, 56 farenheit
For batman goliath
Also its definitely not to do with the turkey batman because that one is cold af right now
Maybe it's a defunct weather station or something???
but what's the batman connection???
and if its a weather station, why would it get the "near" qualifier
#weather lake ontario (the weather near lake ontario currently includes no precipitation with skies ranging from {, }, a wind speed of 20 miles per hour and a temperature of 30 degrees fahrenheit)
Near seems to only happen for like, large geographic features that people dont live inside of like lakes and mountains
but it cant be the sierra nevada peak because it doesnt include a bunch of peaks muuch larger and more prominent than goliath peak,
i NEED TO KNOW aaaaaaaaaaaa
Also i dont think anywhere in sierra nevada matches that data atm
loll fellow new yorker??? hellooo
slowed and reverb
tbh there are some songs that are so good to listen to when they're slowed and reverb
#check (checked)
.play mr kitty after dark slowed reverb bass boosted
.play union dixie trap remix
#fish 🐟 #cat >^•-•^<
#catbounce >^•-•^<
.play swiss beats jurraisc park
was reading about Baltic people on Wikipedia and YouTube today. I’m pinning all my hopes on them. they’re the future. we are so back.
depends on the balkan, very diverse region with many different cultures
a lot of them despise gay people and think its fun to torture them
they should all team up and work together, why havent they tried that yet??
#ai describe balkanization and reference the break up of yugusolavia and ethnic tensions
balkanization refers to the fragmentation or division of a region into smaller, often hostile units, typically along ethnic, cultural, or political lines. the term originates from the balkan peninsula in southeastern europe, where such divisions have historically been pronounced.
the breakup of yugoslavia in the 1990s is a quintessential example. yugoslavia was a multi-ethnic state created after wwi and held together under tito's socialist regime. however, after his death and amid rising nationalism and economic strain, ethnic tensions surged. serbs, croats, bosniaks (bosnian muslims), slovenes, macedonians—each group sought greater autonomy or independence.
this led to violent conflicts as republics declared independence: slovenia and croatia broke away first (1991), followed by bosnia and herzegovina (1992). bosnia became a bloody battleground due to its mixed population; serbian forces aimed for territorial expansion ("greater serbia"), while croats and bosniaks fought for sovereignty. atrocities like the srebrenica massacre highlighted the depth of ethnic hatred.
macedonia seceded peacefully in 1991 but faced challenges over its identity. kosovo’s struggle for independence from serbia later reignited violence in 1998–99 until nato intervened.
the wars left deep scars: thousands dead millions displaced economies shattered trust eroded between groups that had coexisted uneasily under communism now deeply divided by religion language historical grievances
yugoslavias disintegration illustrates how complex identities can fracture when central control weakens unleashing long-suppressed animosities leading not just to redrawn borders but enduring mistrust reshaping societies profoundly describe balkanization and reference the break up of yugusolavia and ethnic tensions
#ai is it possible that the united states of american could suffer a balknization event
yes, it's possible but unlikely in the near term. balkanization refers to fragmentation into smaller, often hostile entities. the us has strong institutional structures, economic interdependence, and cultural ties that make large-scale disintegration improbable. however, deep political polarization, regional divides (e.g., urban vs rural), and identity-based tensions could create conditions for instability or localized secessionist movements over time. historically, such events require prolonged systemic failure or extreme external pressures—neither of which are currently dominant trends in the us. is it possible that the united states of american could suffer a balknization event
out of date ai smh
#ai when is your most recent training data from?
my most recent training data is from october 2023. when is your most recent training data from?
#ai what year is it right now? respond with one word
2023 what year is it right now? respond with one word
#ai what is the current date? do not offer explanations, just give the current date, down to the day.
october 26, 2023. what is the current date? do not offer explanations, just give the current date, down to the day.
#ai (unknown error) what is the current date and time? do not give explanations, just give the current date and time down to the nearest second.
broke it
lmao gave him xi's jowels
hell yeah godking sanders dual president of both the usa and china
he learned clone jutsu as well
what did they do?
#ksay nonners nonners nonners nonners nonners nonners nonners nonners nonners nonners nonners nonners nonners
#ksay nonners nonners nonners nonners nonners nonners nonners nonners nonners nonners nonners nonners nonners
#kick #punt #swirlie #spin # >>146486 >>146486 >>146486 >>146486 >>146486 >>146486 >>146486 >>146486 >>146486 >>146486
>>146486 >>146486 >>146486 >>146486 >>146486 >>146486 >>146486 >>146486 >>146486 >>146486 >>146486 >>146486 >>146486
ok thats fine
you're frozen int3
you will not be unfrozen until you learn to behave
no stop freezing
#ksay #glesay #usay
fuck you
stop being freezable
like you actually can't freeze me lol
am I more than freezeable....
you['re frozen ac5
you're frozen actually
no I'm not
#owned (157)
#rekt (158)
literally hit my forehead after realizing
#owned (159)
get spawn camped N00b
can't believe I fell for that
boober are you rich enough for mcdonalds yet
they have shamrock shakes its so fucking good
no way do they have them now
i thought it wasn't until march
yeaaaa I have had 3 so-far as a treat
boober w-would you want to... get shamrock shakes together... maybe..
I will drink out of your shake and probably steal it from you so I can have two
what the fuck
frick you int3
h e h . . . (stop) h e h . . .
end of transmission
erm i'm not leaking them i'm just translating
i'm not translating this
I like the money pit
why's this thread lasting 17 days??
oh hi recima
post limit was increased to 30,000
makes sense
mcfucking dns changer got STUCK AAAA
it's sitting open as a cmd window so you can just like click the text anywhere and it pauses tbe whole fuckin thing
need 2 write a gui so it doesn't fuckin do that
not a good sign
static ips are a good thing
my isp stopped giving staticy boys....... i am cursed to forever dynamic my own dns
my isp gives out only nat ips
so im forced to have a vds
i have like three isps in my town
bruh lol
one is a government-owned one, second is a noname shitty isp nobody uses and this one
my bandwidth is like 40 mbps at day and 80 at night
how do you even live anon. i'm so sorry
its like enough to browse web and even watch videos
one person gets to watch youtube at a time across the whole isp
two people if they both watch in 360p
self hosting sucks for me
it sounds near impossible with natty and bandwith.... at least other svcs exist to be able to host remotely (even if they spenny)
natty bratty doopy doo!
what software is this... and what are all these servers doin....
scatman secret verse
wow thats crazy lol
reversi to me you have to request htem to change ur IP here
seems like a better way to do it...
i guess there are security / ops benefits to forced dynamic ips but idk enough abt networking to be sure
static ip is a lot more useful for everything, self hosting, sites knows you're one person, etc
c'est ça
my IP is! :D lol
(only programmers will get this epic joke)
im glad you like my joke
.skip (video skipped)
yall already know
>anyway you get the idea
no i dont
>does tknow
get defenestrated lol
jokes on you i can fly
#ai whats defenestrate
defenestrate means to throw someone or something out of a window. it's like giving gravity a helping hand. whats defenestrate
what a weird word
its such a specific word i wonder how it ever came to be
maybe throwing people out of windows was like a common crime back in the day
much to think about
#ai how did the word defenstrate come to be
the word "defenestrate" comes from the latin *de-* (down or away) and *fenestra* (window). it literally means throwing someone or something out of a window. it gained fame during two incidents in prague: the defenestration of 1419, where angry mobs threw city officials out, and the second defenestration in 1618, which sparked the thirty years' war. windows weren't just for views—they were escape hatches with gravity as their accomplice. how did the word defenstrate come to be
schizo hoursss
prague has two historical events about window thowing
vibes are unhinged but productive. embrace the chaos, see where it takes you. just remember to ground yourself after.
thats so real
what are they feeding this AI
probably a mix of curated datasets, lots of text from books/articles/websites, and fine-tuning to avoid spewing nonsense or harmful stuff. it's not like there's a secret AI kibble they're dumping in here. just math, data, and some human oversight.
mind virus is not a good word uh ohh
she used a bad word
she didnt say ily too
its over
she hates me
#say dick 'n' balls
#say ball 'n' dick
never thought of it that way, interesting
theres two sides to every coin
anonymous kisser...
>see video "x reacting to y video"
>click on video
>click on link in description
>watch original video
just as nature intended
>see video
>seems boring
>see video of original creator reacting to other guy reacting to original video
now THIS i can get behind
a fellow j1mmy fan
the day is so beautiful
its crazy how fast snow melts
everything was white this morning and now its just normal
theres still so much snow here
nice, i wouldnt complain if it stayed for like a whole week
its nice to have around at least after its been cleared from the roads and sidewalks
and driveways
its not nice when you have to shovel...............................................................
at least you get to go outside
i have to do that most days now anyways
oh right..
i get this week off tho its a"reading week" (i will NOT be reading)
your ass will be READING
\godking bernie sanders
go touch snow sis
.play –
unless u want to dig the snow to touchh grass..
i will touch keyboard
i think its better to simply cuddle since its cold