anondamn, this shits fr
damn, this shits fr
wasnt there a theory that ghost from mw2 was actually gaz i dont remember
i still love fast food burgers
i had mcdonalds for the first time in a few months yesterday and it didn't hit the same as when I was a teen but it was still good
but like local stuff is absolutely better
my favorite cod character is probably reznov
the schizo shit in black ops is so cool
black ops was really cool
ive not played any other cod except mws
i accidentally got out of the chair in the menu and found the pc and knew some shell commands and it was like mind blowing
that's so cool
ive never used dos but I wonder if that pc is based on dos or unix
i know it had cd but idk if that was the command for every operating system back then
wish i still enjoyed video games
iirc it was like cd for change directory and cat to open stuff i cant remember if thats for dos or unix
cat is a linux command for seeing the content of a text file
it just prints the content in the terminal
the file structure is unix
linux is based on unix so they have same commands i think mostly
cat nonners.txt
#ai cat nonners.txt
lol no bc i don't know what nonners means. cat nonners.txt
my attention span is cooked
.play ironstorm gameplay
.play ironstorm world war z gameplay
i played this when i was like 7
.skip 2000
.skip 200
.jump 200
.jump 9
.jump 0
i actually wanna know the lore cuz i couldnt understand it as a kid
so its an alternate history where ww1 didnt end, cool
.jump 300
floppy music is an underrated genre
pony music
it sounded like the pony music of my youth
living tombstone or whomst
maybe him, idk i haven't listened to pony music much or really in years
it really was a flash in the pan kinda genre for a particular place n time
.play living tombstone discord
yeah it sucks but it's my childhood
dw ano i feel u on this very much as well
the snare in this is so cringe I love it
it horseshoes around from cringe and back to based
it's so close to the default FL snare kek
why fix what ain't broken...
.play ken ashcorp 20 percent cooler
my little political candidate
im reading the book "why nations fail" and it's pretty interesting so far
the book begins with how the US and Mexico differed greatly in ideology at inception. how the Virginia company wanted to institute an encomienda style economy to gain riches quickly in the new world but failed because of the lack of resources as well what the authors argue is adequate institutions to incentivize colonists to stay working for the Virginia company
so it was more rewarding for colonists to ditch virginia company and just do their own thing in the new world?
i know zero abt american history
it was in the beginning because enforcement was so far away in England I suppose. colonists had the opportunity to evade demands from the sponsored company they were from so this fact gave colonists a bargaining chip
the initial plan was to subjugate natives and force them to work, force them to feed the colonists. however that plan fell through as they were ill prepared and the density of natives compared to in mexico was far smaller. the only way for the Virginia company to get a profit out of the colonists was by bargaining with them for rights to land and voting rights
at least according to the book, it's very condensed mostly to illustrate the difference between approaches to organization of power in mexico and the US
sorry i was playing duck game
hilarious that their plan failed cause there wasn't enough ppl to subjugate and force to work for them. they just assumed there'd be millions of bodies to do their bidding
colonists can eat my asshole
what animal is this... looks like a goat or a dog or something
how long do u think these twentysomethings will be making these vids
are they even twentysomethings
i'm just guessin cause they got way too much freetime... idk...
2 years
i think we've seen this already
.play jreg new manifesto dropped
god i love jreg
cancelled for being anti violence
if a mass shooter made a video essay i'd watch that
.play camille infinite hotel ad
>be patient
all these communist/socialist youtubers/podcasters either look very tired with dark circled eyes or dead inside
i havent done a wall staring session in a while
should get back to it
do you mean meditation? lole
luo ji coded
just do whenever you feel like it
phrenologically analysing the socialists to understand why they're so crazy and nutty
guy in a book who stared at a wall
the language models shall inherit the earth
is the upscaling for artistic effect?
idk my phone asked me and i pressed yes
when i was cropping
how did u notice
it looks slippery
can tell by the pixels
the original also looked like that
oh look, a wall
these pixels are particularly slippery
nice photo-realistic letters
tbh I haven't really seen crazy ones on YouTube
what app did you paste this from?
paint.net, my one and only
maximum sharpening twice, resize to weird dimensions, save as jpeg @ like 30% quality
could tell because of the marginal line errors lol
yeah pasting from paint.net jiggles the pixels around for whatever reason...... it adds to the image's mystique
what's your favorite plugin?
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tbh the ones by boltbait are great, but they're more like functional than anything....
i think the ones that emulate fancier editing software functions, like anything to do with removing background and alpha channel fuckery, those are great
sometimes i just mess around and try random plugins and their effects to find cool shit
it's fun to try them on your own stuff..
wait i'm your favorite plug in???
omg bloober
what's your feature?
being annoying
where can I download you?
where did everypony go
they are sleeping
but it's only 4pm
i am asleep then....
you're writing from your sleep??????
it's only afternoon for the 'muricans
what's wrong with the 4chan
all my problems would be solved
oh signalis is cool
you probably wouldn't think that it's actually fully 3D at first glance
'sup ano'
the little walking vignettes are cool, yeah
#samrtai what are considered x686 computers?
#smartai what are considered x686 computers?
X686 computers are personal computers that use the x86 architecture, specifically 32-bit processors such as Intel Pentium and AMD Athlon. They were commonly used in the late 1990s to early 2000s before being replaced by newer architectures such as x64 (64-bit). The "x" in front of "686" refers to a placeholder number for various models within the x86 family. These types of computers are now considered outdated due to advancements in technology, but they played a significant role in shaping modern computing. what are considered x686 computers?
back in the days when people still used chip IDs for computer models
when i guess it was somewhat more common technical knowledge to know how to take a processor and other components and arrange them into a complete computing system
this looks really neat
any walmart
#dumbai what are considered x686 computers?
idk what x686 computers are, but i think they're like really old computers from the 80s or something. like the ones with the big floppy disks and stuff. i heard they were called x686 bc they had 686 megabytes of memory or something. but rn, computers have way more memory than that so idk why anyone would still use those old things. maybe some people just like vintage stuff? afaict, they're not really used anymore except for maybe in museums or something. but idk, i'm not really into computers so i could be wrong lol no what are considered x686 computers?
good morn :3
tbf complete off-the-shelf systems for home users existed since the 80s and there are still a lot of people who choose the parts, which is even easier today with pcpartpicker and the like
good morning (2am counts as morning right?)
hehehh it's actually 3 am here
but yes
time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so
so sayeth Douglas Adams
time is relative.
time is a sphere, time is infinite. we are all connected.
time is a cube (epic timecube reference)
have u seen the lecture at some university that person gave?
i have not
i only mostly know timecube from the caves of qud item the devs put in as a funny reference (it spouts quotes from the timecube guy when you use it and gives you a giant pile of free turns)
pc parts have a different character to something you actually can look at the datasheet for
do you mean they've gotten exceedingly complicated?
hmm how long do i have to stay awake to fix my shleep
Something you could feasibly assemble yourself and introspect
8pm sounds fine i think
lmao, shadow wizard sleep deprivation gang
I mean you would never realistically have assembled a CPU for example..
A CPU is a discrete component
But you can read what comes in and out of it
a cpu is anything that processes numbers
I can create a CPU using logic gates, and have done so in the past
an abacus is a cpu
You need an ALU, instruction fetch and decode, and then various inputs and outputs
no, you are