
>i win!! i had a prediction and it turned out to be true!! i get to be a thought leader now!!!
idk who he is but openai's GPTs were always gonna be limited as language models alone. entire-brain style shit is the next leap (with more than 2 second memory, reasoning capacity, awareness et al) and that's gonna take something more than billions of vc bux to develop
I don't really know much about ML but it seemed to be that his arguments might work a bit like "you can't parse XML with regex" - that's true in general, but for any given XML expression you can make your regex parse it correctly, so you can always falsify any specific prediction and make it seem like they're "moving the goalposts", which must be frustrating to try to explain
so is there a good place to learn what regular expressions vs what is happening in html are and the difference in complexity? it seems like it gets back to information in a way which might in a very general way be relevant here…
i think there definitely is but sadly i do not know any of it. something about like recursion and nesting probably
