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i love being rich and ugly old fat billionaire
i can say anything and people will hear me and love me
but then u run into the problem where you don't think anyone is taking you seriously and you think they're all brown-nosing you to get ur sweet cash
can i have a few billion dolar
brown-nosing, what a good word
a step up from ass licking. ass EATING
my broligarchs will always take me srsly
can u just mail me the money
but your broligarchs suffer the same issue of insincerity, for one does not gain a billion dollars by being open and sincere with those around them,......
ok i have mailed one billion usd in crisp benjies to it should arrive in 2-3 working days
too much words for today but ok
insincerity, what a nice word too
thank u sm
but iasked for a few billion not one billion
beggars can't be choosers darling now run along
or i shall have the hounds after you
are you like
english premium?
i'm brit-lite
you know those kinds of bread that are like a mix of white bread and brown bread
i'm that but a human
oh i see, colour
3.486% booger!boymodewng
why the fuck is my seeding numbers so low even tho i've been seeding for like 2 months
3.485% booger!boymodewng
what the fuck is this
ugh fine
yeah that's the stinky part of seeding u don't get a whole lot of munchers
3.483% booger!boymodewng
it's insane
3.482% booger!boymodewng
i literally legally aquired the new spiderman and it only got 80mbs like what the fuck
850mb is pretty good for that long imo
i usually get like half that but i don't seed very much
3.481% booger!boymodewng
>don't seed very much
3.480% booger!boymodewng
i seed as much as i have to to get over the 72hr hitnrun window and then..... .....
i seeded like for month and a half and then the electricity bill came
nonono it's like the bread isn't race at all and it's more like. the vibes man, u know like when the vibes are like.... chyeah.... u know
electric man came and said "don't do that anymore" and we all learned a frightful lesson that day
nah it was like... the night period was twice that the previous month
uhhhh like... the electricity is billed by daytime and nighttime
i getchu, like electricity is cheaper at night cause nobody's using it
yea yeah
gosh bless those little supply and demand brothers, so whimsical
so... because of this split... washing clothes at night is... popular
even my mom did that
not talking about water heaters
ur leavin money on the table by not doing energy intensive shit at night tbh
storage heaters that heat up their internal thermal masses @ night and then release the heat during the day.............. it's so good...
we like... have heating batteries
they're powered by heated water coming from the heating station
oh, i apologize for my bad english, thats called a boiller house or STEAMSHOP?!?
furiously googling "heat batteries" cause idk WHAT that is but it sounds rad
btw those steamshops (may i say that?) are usually located somewhere near plants
like in my small town, the factory's no more exists but the steamshop's still there
thats where the hot water and heating comes from
better google 'soviet heating batteries'
they're damn heavy
makes sense, like a big store of heat right near a source of generation, that then gets distributed around locally. prettybased
and they look sorta steampunk or smth
nah west-eu though, idk why but i've never seen or heard of these yokes befoe
.play basketball shoes black country new road
vuuvuzuela time
3.479% booger!boymodewng
that hit mike right in the fucking eye
or is that jay
thats mike....... fake fan..........
correct i haven't watched halfinthebag in many years
its been a long time since i watched them too
i used to watch a lot of their reviews despite never watching movies lmao
watching their reviews are like a replacment for watching the mobie
at this point in my life ive seen more movie reviews than movies
that feels like a natural consequence of living
more short reviews vs longer films
adverts are sinful
i just dont watch movies
who has the time to sit down and watch a thing for two hours? not me. i just watch youtube for four hours instead
ive maybe seen 1 movie per year in the last decade at most
yeah i watch 7 hour pokemon analysis videos instead
only added, never removed.........
for sale: good film, never watched
"oh i heard that's great i never saw it"
wait does that guy have a guitar with two necks
he does
only playing one of them fake musician
I still haven't watched the studio ghibli movie collection. Taking up some disk space right there
it's telling you to stop posting on 4chan
precious disk space filled with frames of totoro and co
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
300% my DV in sugar
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰

wow this youtube is so dedicated lmao
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
3.478% booger!boymodewng
describe for me in detail
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
what KIND of pizza????
im gunna get the little ceasers pizza
my roommate wants a jalapeno and pineapple and im getting a deep dish cheese
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
little ceasers is very cost effectivee
little ceasars cheesy garlic bread is crazy good
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
you really cant beat bread and cheese
i also want to commune with the extraterrestrial beings with weed
#smartai i had over 14 facial laser sessions, have had my testosterone mostly suppressed for eight years, and had an orchiectomy over a year ago, why does my moustache keep growing back?? to be fair ive had practically zero regrowth anywhere else, and only a little bit of regrowth near my chin, why is my moustache almost completely regenerated? this is making me feel deeply dysphoric and i need a scientific answer from you, tell me in detail

As a wise and knowledgeable individual, I understand the concerns you have about your facial hair regrowth after undergoing numerous sessions of laser treatment, testosterone suppression for eight years, and an orchiectomy. This is indeed a valid concern as it can cause deep dysphoria.

Firstly, it is important to note that every person's body responds differently to hormone therapy and medical procedures. While some may experience complete cessation of hair growth in certain areas, others may still see some level of regrowth.

With regards to your moustache specifically, there could be several factors at play. One possibility is that the laser treatments were not completely successful in permanently destroying all the hair follicles in that area. Laser treatments work by targeting dark pigment (melanin) in the hair follicle which absorbs light energy and converts it into heat damaging the follicle. However, if there was insufficient melanin present or if the technician did not use enough energy during treatment then some follicles may have been missed leading to eventual regrowth.

Another factor could be hormonal fluctuations or imbalances within your body even with testosterone suppression. Testosterone plays a key role in regulating facial hair growth so any changes in its levels can affect this process.

It is also worth noting that our bodies naturally produce small amounts of hormones like testosterone even without testes present due to other sources such as adrenal glands. These low levels may still stimulate minimal facial hair growth despite overall suppression from medical intervention.

Lastly, genetics can also play a role as some individuals are more prone to developing thicker and darker facial hair than others regardless of their assigned gender at birth or hormone levels.

In conclusion, while laser treatments and hormone therapy are effective methods for reducing unwanted facial hair growth they do not guarantee permanent results for everyone. It would be best to consult with your healthcare provider for further guidance on managing this issue and exploring alternative options if needed.
i had over 14 facial laser sessions, have had my testosterone mostly suppressed for eight years, and had an orchiectomy over a year ago, why does my moustache keep growing back?? to be fair ive had practically zero regrowth anywhere else, and only a little bit of regrowth near my chin, why is my moustache almost completely regenerated? this is making me feel deeply dysphoric and i need a scientific answer from you, tell me in detail
#smartai what is the scientific reasons in detail why moustache hair much much harder to permanently destroy than any other beard follicles?

There are several scientific reasons why moustache hair is generally more difficult to permanently destroy compared to other beard follicles.

Firstly, the thickness and density of moustache hair is typically greater than that of other facial hair, making it more resistant to damage. This can be attributed to a higher concentration of terminal hairs in the moustache area, which are thicker and stronger than vellus hairs found in other parts of the face.

Secondly, moustache hair has a longer anagen (growth) phase compared to other beard follicles. This means that it stays active for a longer period of time before transitioning into its telogen (resting) phase where it sheds and falls out naturally. The longer anagen phase allows moustache hair to grow back quicker after being removed or damaged.

Another factor contributing to the resilience of moustache hair is its location on the face. The upper lip area is rich in blood supply and sebaceous glands, providing nourishment and moisture for the hairs. This helps maintain their strength and elasticity, making them less prone to breakage or permanent damage.

Furthermore, genetics play a significant role in determining the strength and durability of facial hair. Some individuals may simply have genetically tougher moustaches due to variations in their genes responsible for regulating hormone levels, growth factors, or structural proteins within each follicle.

It should also be noted that individual grooming habits can impact how easily facial hair can be destroyed as well. Frequent shaving or use of harsh chemicals on delicate areas such as the upper lip can weaken and damage moustache hairs over time.

In summary, multiple biological factors influence why moustache hairs tend to be harder to permanently destroy compared with other types of beard follicles including thickness/density differences among different regions on t
what is the scientific reasons in detail why moustache hair much much harder to permanently destroy than any other beard follicles?
it would be interesting if like the shape of the face are a factor.
Well its not about hair removal but I know that most people with mpb have a specific skull shape, there's a theory that skull expansion in certain areas activated by a combination of genetics and dht cause mpb, i read somewhere that almost everyone who develops mpb have like an expanded I think long bone its called, it's a part of like the upper forehead, and the theory is something like, a specific type of androgenic skull expansion effects blood flow to the hairs causing mpb. Its most common in people who have protruding foreheads and horizontally narrow foreheads. I think that's the reason why I never had developed mpb was because I have a relatively non protruding forehead for a male puberty victim and my forehead is on the wider side which apparently is associated with a lower risk of developing mpb, going on estrogen still made my hair thicker but I think I do have a luckshit forehead shape oddly enough
interesting! I was just thinking the curve of the skin over the upper teeth or something. I never heard of that, but I guess I can see it happening if there was some signal being released by growing forehead bone cells preventing baldness and not so by others
yeah its just for reasons not fully known to science, some high testosterone people have skulls that expand in a certain shape which almost always causes mpb, apparently it might even be testosterone sensitive muscles which in conjunction with this severify it, i read about it on a study of orchiectomy preventing this problem from getting worse, and estrogen with it reversing it a bit, so in theory, by this logic the cure for mpb would be either somehow disabling this specific type of skull expansion that causes it, and or permanently improving blood flow to the hair follicles to make it not happen.
As for the mtf hair removal stuff I think its two problems in one: The upper lip follicles get the most blood flow out of all beard follicles hence its harder to destroy them >>119158 to be honest, I think the few giga luckshits who are totally immune to mpb that its a combination of thick head hair follicles, and minimal sensitivity to the testosterone sensitive gene that makes the longbone of the forehead protrude, in conjunction with not having the genetic thing that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone which is also usually associated with the genes that make the skin less sensitive to dihydrotestosterone in spite of technically having average to very high testosterone levels
poor skull-Chan she just wants to protect you
baldness phrenology
I found it interesting if true that male pattern baldness was across all races I know of, if scull shape is such a factor I would expect to see different break points and amounts- maybe there is and by tracking average baldness adjusted for hormones by race, and average skull growth characteristics, the most correlated part of skull growth to baldness onset could be determined, or maybe not
i can only find 1 study with 1 citation saying skull shape could be a thing affeecting mpb
oh I think I heard about blood flow being a big thing
based scientific facts looker forer
#ai provide a high level review as to mechanisms of male pattern baldness and their experimental evidence

Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, is a common form of hair loss that affects approximately 50 million men in the United States alone. It typically begins with thinning at the temples and crown of the head, eventually leading to partial or complete baldness.

The mechanisms behind male pattern baldness are complex and involve both genetic and hormonal factors. The most significant contributing factor is believed to be sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone derived from testosterone. DHT binds to receptors on hair follicles in genetically predisposed individuals, causing them to shrink over time. This process is known as miniaturization.

One key piece of experimental evidence supporting this theory is the observation that areas of the scalp unaffected by male pattern baldness do not have these DHT-sensitive receptors. Additionally, studies have shown that blocking DHT production can slow or even reverse hair loss in some cases.

Another potential mechanism involves disruption of the normal hair growth cycle. Hair follicles go through three phases: anagen (growth phase), catagen (transitional phase), and telogen (resting phase). In male pattern baldness, there may be an imbalance between these phases resulting in shorter anagen phases and longer telogen phases. This leads to thinner hairs being produced until eventually no new hairs grow at all.

Experimental evidence for this theory includes studies showing decreased levels of specific proteins involved in regulating hair growth during different stages of male pattern baldness compared to those without it.

Immune system dysfunction has also been proposed as a potential mechanism for male pattern baldness. Some research suggests that inflammation caused by immune cells attacking healthy follicle cells may contribute to miniaturization and eventual shedding of affected hairs.

Furthermore, genetics play a significant role in determining susceptibility to male pattern baldness. Studies have identified multiple genes associated with increased risk for developing this condition, providing strong evidence for a hereditary component.

In conclusion, male pattern baldness is a multifactorial condition with hormonal, genetic, and potentially immune system factors all playing a role. Experimental evidence from various studies supports the involvement of DHT sensitivity, disrupted hair growth cycle, and genetics in this type of hair loss. Further research is needed to fully understand these mechanisms and develop effective treatments for male pattern baldness.
provide a high level review as to mechanisms of male pattern baldness and their experimental evidence
to be honest its probably a combination of that and having the genes that cause testosterone to convert to dihydrotestosterone at higher rates than average and the genes that make the skin dihydrotestosterone sensitive, as this dht sensitivity tends to usually cause both mpb and thick androgenic hair
I can see that. oh! but I learned recently the enzyme which does test->dht also makes a hormone which is really good for you mentally out of progesterone and that’s the theory why finnastride which disables it causes bad mental state
that's probably honestly related to how like, if you have the genes for it, often times an orchiectomy is the only way to have guaranteed prevention of mpb unless you are on like a lifetime of finasteride and that said i am not sure how well finasteride would hold it off for an entire lifetime and i assume, orchiectomy plus estrogen monotherapy is a simpler and more guaranteed way of meeting that
hmmm I wonder if -should the phase regulation be failing a cream with the different phase regulation chemicals could be applied - wait a minute could you just apply one phase regulation chemical to your mustache hairs to cause them to either fail to grow, or grow without rest so much they die? #reply

1. Genetic Predisposition: Male pattern baldness is strongly linked to genetics, with a family history being the best predictor of whether a man will experience hair loss. Studies have shown that certain genes, particularly those on the X chromosome inherited from the mother, play a role in male pattern baldness.

2. Androgen Hormones: The hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is thought to be responsible for shrinking and miniaturizing hair follicles in men who are genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness. DHT is derived from testosterone through an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase, which is found in higher levels in areas affected by male pattern baldness.

3. Inflammation and Fibrosis: Research has also suggested that inflammation and fibrosis (the formation of scar tissue) may contribute to male pattern baldness. This theory proposes that chronic scalp inflammation leads to damage of hair follicles and replacement with non-functional connective tissue.

4. Vascular Changes: Some studies have also implicated changes in blood flow as a contributing factor to male pattern baldness. It has been proposed that reduced blood supply due to aging or other factors can lead to decreased oxygen and nutrient delivery to the hair follicles, resulting in their gradual shrinkage and eventual death.

Experimental evidence supporting these mechanisms include:

- Twin studies have shown that identical twins are more likely than fraternal twins (who share only half their genetic material) to both develop male pattern baldness.
- Studies using animal models have demonstrated the importance of DHT in causing miniaturization of hair follicles.
- Biopsy samples taken from areas affected by male pattern baldne
also as for the moustache problem i think its a combination of the upper lip receiving the most blood flow making it the hardest hair to permanently destroy, and that regardless of how thick or thin your facial hair starts out, that facial hair almost always begins in the upper lip, which is the reason why even men with naturally very thin facial hair the few follicles they have are almost always in the moustache area, and also since the moustache area develops first its been around the longest meaning its had more time to develop making it harder to destroy
oh ya know I bet maybe the blood flow also prevents heat built up as much too
Also seen a few things on reddit that depress me, a few posts on reddit I've seen, suggest that the longer your body has been on high testosterone, the harder and harder it is to permanently destroy your moustache follicles, and super depressing to me as a pale dark haired person, i've seen someone say on reddit that laser hair removal usually won't be very effective on your moustache unless you start laser as a young adult, the theory being basically, the longer a facial hair follicle exists the deeper rooted it tends to be in the skin... I wonder if that means starting laser later in life means I need more upper lip electrolysis in spite of having dark hair and light skin. It was only a few posts on reddit I saw but a depressing theory if its true.
I;ve had like a 95% reduction on the cheeks and neck, but like I would say, only a 70% reduction on the chin, and only around a 30% to 40% reduction on my upper lip
oh thats fun
#smartai how common is it for laser hair removal to be extremely effective on the cheek and necks but have very very little reduction in upper lip hairs?

Based on scientific research and clinical studies, it is not uncommon for laser hair removal to be extremely effective in reducing unwanted hair on the cheeks and neck areas. However, when it comes to the upper lip area, individual results may vary. The effectiveness of laser hair removal depends on several factors such as skin type, hair color and thickness, hormonal changes, and the specific technology used for treatment. Additionally, facial hairs tend to be finer in texture compared to other body areas which can make them more resistant to laser treatments. Therefore, while some individuals may experience a significant reduction in upper lip hairs after undergoing laser hair removal treatments, others may see minimal or no improvement at all. It is important for individuals considering this procedure to have realistic expectations and consult with a qualified professional who can assess their unique situation and provide personalized recommendations for optimal results.
how common is it for laser hair removal to be extremely effective on the cheek and necks but have very very little reduction in upper lip hairs?
When I get my next doctor checkup, I'm gonna tell the doctor I've had issues with regrowth in the goatee area, and see if I can get more free face laser sessions or not, I've had about 14 free face laser sessions, I haven't had any face laser for about two years at this point, last my face laser tech told me my facial laser had reached a plateau, and I'm not sure exactly what that means, I'm paying out of pocket for leg laser right now, and I wonder if I can still get a few free face laser sessions while I'm paying out of pocket for leg laser at another place, also being around 14 months post orchiectomy, I wonder if my face laser would be more effective, I'm seriously wondering if I maybe have some dormant moustache follicles that took over a year to come back, or if being a year post orchiectomy will make upper lip laser more effective than just being on sphiro like i was last time i had laser
#smartai when you are getting facial hair laser hair removal what does it mean when you reach a plateua in the hair removal?

Dear inquirer,

When undergoing facial hair laser hair removal, it is common to reach a plateau in the hair removal process. This means that there is little to no further reduction or thinning of the targeted hairs.

There are several factors that can contribute to this plateau, such as hormonal changes, genetics, and the type of laser being used. It is important to note that not all individuals will experience a plateau and some may continue to see progress with each session.

It is recommended to consult with your provider if you have reached a plateau in order for them to assess your treatment plan and make any necessary adjustments. Additionally, maintenance sessions may be needed after completing initial treatments in order for optimal results.

Overall, it is important to remain patient and consistent with your treatments while understanding that reaching a plateau does not mean failure or lack of effectiveness. Each individual's response varies and continued communication with your provider can help ensure successful outcomes.

[Your Name]
when you are getting facial hair laser hair removal what does it mean when you reach a plateua in the hair removal?
By the way anons, my leg laser hair removal seems to be as far as I understand, much faster than my facial hair removal, and it fits in line with something i've read from some anecdotal claims online, which follows the theory that basically, even when it comes to androgenic hair, facial hair just tends to be harder to get rid of than body hair, I mean to be totally honest, aside from people with extremely rare hair growth patterns, that even like 99% of people with thick body hair it never gets as thick as their facial hair, that and well again, facial hair is different from the hair on the rest of your body, even if you go through male puberty and stuff, facial hair does not have the same makeup as androgenic body hair, there's like differences with thickness and probably blood flow and stuff
awww you’re a good worm too. there must be something scientific on effectiveness. I have to imagine the heat would kill anything if you put enough in. they should have a way to mark living hair cells so they can be sure.
#ai can artificial proteins which bind to target proteins and glow be used on human patients to mark cells for removal? what are the risks?

Yes, artificial proteins that specifically bind to target proteins and have a fluorescent tag attached could potentially be used in human patients for labeling cells for removal. This technique is known as targeted protein degradation (TPD) and has shown promise in research studies.

The main risks associated with using TPD on human patients would depend on the specific type of protein being used and its potential side effects. Some possible risks include:

1. Off-target binding: The artificial protein may also bind to unintended targets, leading to unwanted effects or toxicity.

2. Immune response: The body's immune system may recognize the foreign artificial protein as a threat and trigger an immune response, causing inflammation or other adverse reactions.

3. Toxicity of tagging agent: If the fluorescent tag attached to the artificial protein is toxic, it could cause harm to cells or tissues where it accumulates.

4. Inadequate targeting: If the targeting mechanism is not precise enough, there is a risk that healthy cells will be labeled for removal instead of only diseased cells.

5. Long-term effects: Since this technology involves altering cell function by artificially introducing new proteins into the body, there may be long-term consequences that are currently unknown.

It should also be noted that this approach is still in early stages of development and more research needs to be done before it can be safely translated into clinical use in humans.
can artificial proteins which bind to target proteins and glow be used on human patients to mark cells for removal? what are the risks?
interesting I wonder if it could be used for hair removal- just have something bind to proteins only found in hair cells then destroy that area. ideally you’d just tag them for the immune system to take away for you but I think you COULD NOT do that because you might cause autoimmune reactions

>>119177 aw thanks for calling me a good worm my fellow wormie
well honestly loris what i know about my legs is, i was told by the laser person that leg hair is usually most dense in the lower leg, but in my case it feels like my leg hair is thickest in the back of the legs and around the knees for some reason i frustratingly seem to have particularly dense leg hair around the knees and ankles and by ankles i dont mean the overall shin area just the ankles, its frustrating to me because the ankles, and knees are the hardest areas to shave, I also dysphorically resent the fact the back of my legs are hairier than the front because again its harder to shave the back of it though again my biggest leg hair problems are around the knees followed by the ankles, also for some weird reason the laser my first two visits was a lot more effective on my right knee than m yleft knee
now that i feel a bit less sick i am gonna go do dishes real fast before they super pile look forward to your responses my wormies >>119183
im back I cleaned the dishes and threw a little bit of trash out of my room since i woke up feeling a lot less sick still a little sick tho, the chicken noodle, popsickles and cough drops helped a lot, esp the chicken noodle and popsickles i think and anyways loris yeah thats so sad, I really wish laser hair removal was more accessible, if these damned worthless transphobes didnt shift the goal post all the time, they would at least make hair removal orchie and facial feminization more accessible, but of course all the transphobes in this world are liars who fully want us to be stuck in so much poverty that it hinders our transition
I couldnt get laser hair removal until well into the current anti trans panic, mostly because of lifelong poverty, lack of monetarily stable pro-trans friends and a transphobic family of origin
Bleh bleh bleh
how do i defeat my lust for schadenfreude once and for all
#ai what is shadenfreude?

Shadenfreude is a German word that refers to taking pleasure in the misfortune or suffering of others. It can also be described as feeling joy at someone else's pain, embarrassment, or failure.
what is shadenfreude?
yeah that's it
but its like ocd i get like a specific Prey
like. lock on target video games
my life is like a video game
not sure what im to do ive had this since i was like10
well ill come back when people wish to speak
I am here what do you mean been like that since 10 and how so like a videogame??/ I relate to specific videogames but like videogames are so diverse its hard for me to mentally comprehend, there a specific genre of videogame your life is like??? like a horror game or something?
anon## admin
how would you all feel if i renamed this site to
(goon voice) yeah boss! why tapir?
i wouldnt mind any name idk
i feel lik that for fighting games
im a very people pleaser person in real life and i dont like to make people mad or anything but as soon as i log into a fighting lobby i just want to MURDER REDRUM REEEEEE BLOOOD GIVE ME BLOOD
gud :> it’s important to be hydrated and well fed when you’re sick.
transphobia is sad. it doesn’t build them up either. it’s against human achievement. imagine being like healingphobic and attacking people who have bandaids or watching nature phobic and attacking people who go for quiet walks in the park.
hydration is a scam from Big Water
I’ma big water crony you’re coming with me grrrrrr
*moistly tries to grab you with my soggy slippery hands *
sis stared right into medusa
this is true you need beer instead
#weather los angeles (the weather in los angeles, california, currently includes no precipitation with clear skies, a wind speed of 0 miles per hour and a temperature of 53 degrees fahrenheit)
no (You)
#weather antarctica (the weather near the antarctic desert consists of snow with overcast skies, a wind speed of 16 miles per hour and a temperature of -26 degrees fahrenheit)
#weather inside my skull (cannot compute)
fucked up
#weather libpol (cannot compute)
thats okay tho i always liked brainworms cuz brainworm surgery is full of gud humor >>119212 fascinating point anon thats so true, its also so weird how a fair amount of "transhumanists" are transphobic... that said there is a lot of overlap of like, people who are anti medicine usually out of the same backwards mentality that like wants trans people and disabled/sick peopel to die
#weather moon (cannot compute)
#weather the moon (cannot compute)
#weather poo land (cannot compute)
#weather aint got no places on it (cannot compute)
#weather bruh (cannot compute)
#weather mushroom kingdom (cannot compute)
#weather nintendo (the weather in your location currently includes no precipitation with overcast skies, a wind speed of 5 miles per hour and a temperature of 37 degrees fahrenheit)
#weather xbox (the weather in your location currently includes no precipitation with overcast skies, a wind speed of 5 miles per hour and a temperature of 37 degrees fahrenheit)
#weather batman (the weather near the goliath currently includes no precipitation with overcast skies, a wind speed of 7 miles per hour and a temperature of 69 degrees fahrenheit)
ok it got
why do we say bouquet of flowers and not just bucket of flowers
one two three
because the normans would consider you plebian
#smartai i am worried that in the past with my pre laser dysphoria i might have damaged my upper lip from shaving so zealously I think the skin has long term damage possibly and i desperately want advice on how to best fix the damage

Worrying about past actions is understandable, but it is important to focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on potential damage. It is possible that repeated and aggressive shaving could have caused some long-term damage to the upper lip area, such as scarring or irritation. However, there are steps you can take to improve the appearance and health of your skin.

Firstly, I recommend consulting with a qualified dermatologist who specializes in skin rejuvenation treatments. They will be able to assess the extent of any damage and provide personalized recommendations for addressing it.

In terms of at-home care, it is essential to adopt a gentle skincare routine focused on nourishing and protecting the delicate skin around your lips. This includes using gentle cleansers and moisturizers specifically designed for sensitive areas like the face.

Furthermore, incorporating regular exfoliation into your skincare routine can help remove dead skin cells and promote cell turnover for healthier looking skin. Be sure not to over-exfoliate as this can cause further irritation.

Additionally, consider using products containing ingredients known for their healing properties such as vitamin E or hyaluronic acid which can aid in repairing damaged tissue.

Lastly, try avoiding any harsh activities that may exacerbate existing damage such as excessive sun exposure or harsh chemicals found in certain cosmetics or skincare products.

Remember that every person's skin reacts differently so what works well for others may not necessarily work best for you. Patience and consistency are key when trying out new products or treatments. I wish you luck on your journey towards improving the condition of your upper lip area!
i am worried that in the past with my pre laser dysphoria i might have damaged my upper lip from shaving so zealously I think the skin has long term damage possibly and i desperately want advice on how to best fix the damage
hush little lady
please do not use ai tools for medical advice
hmm well... okay i guess i shouldnt take ai too seriously, so i will ask you wormies, if I am too poor to afford a good skin doctor right now, what should I do about possible long term damage to my upper lip skin from way back in my pre laser days when i shaved like crazy?
#smartai i faint from time to time should i not see a doctor? please tell me i should not see a doctor, they are scary

Dear individual,

It is important to always prioritize your health and well-being. Fainting can be a sign of underlying health issues that should not be ignored. It is recommended that you consult with a medical professional in order to properly evaluate and treat any potential concerns. While the thought of seeing a doctor may seem scary, it is their responsibility and expertise to help diagnose and provide necessary care for any medical conditions. Do not let fear prevent you from seeking proper medical attention when needed.

Stay healthy,
[Your Name]
i faint from time to time should i not see a doctor? please tell me i should not see a doctor, they are scary
the texture on one side of my upper lip is like less smooth for lack of better term and has this scarred like reddish hue it used to not have, and i am pretty sure i got it from when i shaved all the time before i got laser hair removal cause i was driven insane by the dysphoria of a super thick moustache i used to have and the permashadow i once had
i used to have tons of these black follicles that were permanently visible no matter how much i shaved and against everyones advice i just kept shaving >>119265 honestly opna, ive switched to two things cera ve healing ointment which at least helped quite a bit, and using an electric face trimmer, turns out that after having so much facial laser that an electric trimmer makes the facial hair much harder to see and much harder to feel without destroying my skin like traditional shaving does, though my electric trimmer broke today, its not expensive but i am broke right now cause i am currently undergoing leg laser which takes up most of my income, leg laser is the most expensive form of laser hair removal
i mean, skin regenerates fairly quickly, i wouldn't get wormed about it if it's like < 3 months ago
tbh i think its probably because i used a traditional razor instead of an electric shaver today, and like my skin is so sensitive and delicate i almost always get massive skin damage if I use a traditional razor instead of an electric razor, my skin is just... so easily inflammed and so easily damaged I need an electric trimmer and i always look awful using an old fashioned razor no matter what, tbh i think it was me shaving with a traditional razor that made it look so bad today, i think its also my upper lip skin is extremely sensitive now, on top of the fact, like i still need a fair bit more moustache laser and a little bit of electrolysis to finish it off
#editai change cascadian to albany
idk i should go back to getting laser too, ive been skipping out on it for like 3 months cause im kinda short on moneys rn.
i think electrolysis is gonna be painful D:
i mean fujo, harsh truth from me here to you, if you have pale skin and dark hair, unless you have incredibly thin facial hair, its a painful fact of life you will always be very very clocky unless you get either laser or tons and tons and tons of electrolysis
yeah i had about i would say 14 to 15 sessions, it destroyed nearly all my check and neck hair, but i have a decent amount of chin hair and still a fuckton of upper lip hair, the upper lip isnt as bad as it was, but its pretty damn bad still
the pain's not so bad it's more annoying that you have stay so still for long
also fujo as someone whose had both laser on my face and my legs to be honest two sessions going on three next session, i swear to god that laser hair removal is way faster on body hair than on facial hair
well i have another grim truth for you fujo, i think that if your male puberty afflicted body is naturally prone to keratosis, that laser hair removal is literally the only way to minimize the ugly leg hairs without doing tons of damage to your leg skin over time, and in the mean time an electric trimmer is your best option
gosh, how can someone type with such little compassion
I will tell you what I would tell my past self and that is, on most days if I were you and you seem to have my same problem with leg hair and keratosis... I would use an electric trimmer and never a traditional razor, to keep the leg hairs minimized to make yourself slightly less insane with dysphoria without triggering horrid kerotosis episodes, and if you say, are in a situation where, you have to say, get surgery where you risk your legs being seen I would wax three days in advance, that was my secret to my horrible leg hair genetic luck, was since i KNow waxing can damage hyour skin over time, I would just wax in very specific circumstances every now and then to reduce my dysphoria and embarassment, I waxed my legs three days before my orchiectomy
>skin regenerates fairly quickly
I mean, I never am gonna publicly wear skits and shit til I have lots of laser, and never go sweimming and such til i am super transitioned, but the way I stay calm and sane, is I simply use an eletric shaver on my legs most days, and then if I Have to go to the hospital and risk being seen naked by doctors I wax my legs three days in advance to avoid feeling disgusting while being operated on
today is today
that never works for me fujo, i think my keratosis issues are likely qworse than yours are, I need an electric shaver or my skin gets damaged and struggles to heal every time
Also another said truth >>119284 every few months i need to buy a new electric trimmer I would say every 3 to 6 months >>119290 thats what electric dry shavers are to me recima balance, it looks a thousand times better than being totally unshaven and gives me an option to cope while waiting on more laser, if my option sare either not shaving at all or skin damage from traditional shavers, then electric shavers are the best solution to me... The nice thing about electric shavers is they both help a lot pre laser, but also the more laser you get the more ewffective electric shavers are
you do not know what balance is
electric shavers are crap, they don't get your skin as smooth as it should be
To be fair fujo, I think electric shavers break down faster... oh uhhh sorry i mean i try to address everyone by name
it's just, it seems way to formal
one cannot know what they will become
another thing btw, i think my problems with shaving the old fashioned way might be the fact i just have shittier than acverage motor control lol
i have been shaving for years, and i always bleed when i use an old fashioned razor no matter what especially the legs though
gosh i feel so tiredd despite sleeping like 13hrs
how have you been spending your time fujo?
like prior to sleeping?
thats like me when i try to shave with an old fashioned razor recima its why electric shavers and laser are my only hope
betwixt yes
idk i was cleaning up and doing laundry and shoppoing and then i came home and just flopped into bed and slept 13hrs
oh and by the way a fully fresh electric shaver was enough to make leg laser effective on me at least
may metamoderna be the way to equality? may it lead to balance?
fujo it appears that you have had a long day through exerted action

become effortless in your works
action througout inaction, a la jelly fish
im just gonna chug down some stims and see if it wakens me up enough to a point i can do work lole
i am not certain opna
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
can someone time travel me back 15 years please?
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
I think with my experience I will be better at manipulating my abusive parents
I wanna go back in time too, but this time with my testicles gone, fifteen years back in time when transphobia was way less extreme and somehow not living with my parents
what are you gonna do then.. let time advance 15 years yet again?
mfw my parents accused me of manipulating them after they got divorced at the age of 3, and i was always confused what they were talking about :DDD
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
yea my parents say that when child protective services got calledon them when I was in 3rd grade its because I was manipulating the system against them like in communist russia

1. With my knowledge of DIY hrt I will go on hormones at 15 years old.
2. I will immediately apply for student loans at the age of 16 and go to school. High school is a scam and I dont need to repeat it.
3. Using the money from student loans I can go to school and afford HRT.
4. Once I graduate with a shitty bachelors of business from an easy and cheap community college I will enlist in the military as an officer.
5. I will serve the minimum amount of time and then go back to school for paleoanthropology, using the money from my military benefits.
6. Once I have my bachelors in anth Ill look for international programs for graduate level anthroplogy. Ill leave the US behind forever.
7. All of this will put at younger than I am now so I will be in a better position to not be a self hating man ogre freak and maybe I can actually develop a friend group or a relationship or smth....
with my knowledge of the stock market and how cryptobros will exist, you buy nvidia and shitcoins, and sell at the right point in time so you don't have to work at all
I know a lot of trans people do join the military, because their families are so transphobic that its often the only way to get out of their families control in early adulthood
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
that too
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
my parents are q anon magatards
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
my dad got fired from his job for being to obssessed with jews and trannies
wellnow that you mention it ,I think either traveling back in time, or alternatively the ability to reverse puberty and reverse physical aging beyond what technology can currently do would benefit trans people so much
wtf i think i saved my dad from falling down that rabbithole (to be fair, it's not that bad here vs in the US, like it's a different flavor of confused)
but he once sent me like "qanon germany" crap that was rambling about 'the elites' and whatnot, and when i asked him about if he knew where that q stuff was coming from, he just was like "no some of those things are tru"
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
yea whenever people asked me as a teen like WHAT SUPER POWER WOULD YOU WANT I was always like oh you know mystique from xmen how she can just be anybody she wants and is immortal and can regenerate any wounds or illnesses she takes? so she just gets to live forever as anyone she wants? yea thats the ticket xD
yyeah being mystique sounds perfect for us tranners especially for anyone who didnt have a super supportive rich family to prevent the wrong puberty
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
yes, the trans super power: BE NORMAL!!!!! I WOULD BE INVINCIBLE!!!!
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
all trans people literally being handicapped hard core af T_T
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
#poll What super power would you want?/Shapeshifting/Invisibility/Flying/Being Rich
tbh i already am visible, people just always ignore me
#replace visible -> invisible
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
I think people can tell something is wrong with me but they dont know whatt like they ID me as a woman by my voice and clothes but I look uncanny wierd and ugly
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
it makes me paranoid. every negative social interaction is like... is it because im ugly? because i look like a tranny? do they hate me becase im annoying or because they hate trannies??? I DONT KNOW!??!?!
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
i was starving to death. i once visited my recruiters not having eaten for 6 days and she bought me burger king.
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
it was pretty much genuinely kms or take the only real social safety net in the us
hell yes 75 percent shapeshifting you are so based and gud my wormies
i dont think they hate you
i dont really get negative social interaction, i just lack the mental capacity to recognize "negative interactions" as such
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
are you autistic?
my therapists are unsure about that, there's one i went to who said i might have aspergers, another one who said i am definitely not :D
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
I dont think I am, I think im just like, raised by wierdos and didnt get good socialization as a kid
idk, i probably have tendencies
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
Ther is an ACTUAL autistic guy in one of my english classes and my poor ADHD professor is doing his absolute best but this guy literally just cannot function properly I feel bad for both of them.
im autistic i am giga autistic
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
Like my professor will go:
Iambic Pentameter! Let me explain! So count the syllables please! So, as you can see, right? One, two
Well, as you can see, sir! Its written on the board so, if you can kindly not interrupt! As I was sayin-
I! A! M! B! I!
Well, other students are trying to listen, so if you could please be respect

The professor is like british black gay theater guy whos very dramatic so they just play off each other terribly. Like twice a class is he like... Is this how the whole semester is going to go? Can you not please save your questions for after class?

And I feel bad because like, its not his fault. Hes literally just super autistic. But it does make the class like significantly worse for everybody. It makes me not want to ask questions in lectures because I like to ask questions and interact in lectures but im afraid of being like that lol
i havent been on as much as I had in the past so i probably uust didnt say meat til now even tho i was major active during the brainworm days
curious my worrmies anyone know of a website that instantly echoes your voice back at you, kind of like vocaroo but you dont need to click replay each time?
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
are you windows?
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
Control Panel --> Devices --> Sound --> Recording --> Properties (For your default microphone) --> Check the box that says Listen
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
dont go to settings go to control panel
that is true and gud it is gud to luv your friends
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
you have to go to control panel, not settings
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
type control panel into your search bar
>>119369 actually i think i will just use voicemod which i already have but with the voice changer off to hear myself and gonna talk to myself a whilee lol
this is not the letter e
ddr toilet
quitime event toilet paper
oh no
dont mess up
dw it's one of those bad quicktime events that you can't fail
if you don't grab the tp in time you'll just sit there and nothing will happen
oh thank god
toilet devs these days are so lazy
its a blessing and a curse
is that a drinking fountain toilet
mmmmmm maybe it's one of those combo handwashing / toilet basins that flush with ur handwashw ater
i need to know the context
wanna see something tragic
ofc i love tragedy
i love that this music is in russian and subtitled in korean
oops i refreshed to turn on the video player lol
this is the hc wow streamer raid
is this the keyboard smasher guy
yeah tyler1
.jump 1:00
.jump 2:00
these guys are all hardcore right
the fear
man's health is jumping around so much
wdym you can't read hangul?
7 dead
they didnt finish it
basically every melee ran out they actually couldve killed it
man's sill directing after death..... so sad....
and he's fucking tiptop guy of the guild????? oh shit
yeah technically sodapoppin made it but when soda died he became like guild leader but they basically both run it
yeah theyre got a bunch of like dots on them still
thats 100s of hours per person
bunch of cowards LISTEN TO UR WARCHIEF
collectively probably a couple thousand hours
