「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
github but its an imageboard
you think you can. freeze. ME?
alas ive been btfo...
visit github.com/brilliant
its ok its a learning moment
>click the link in the description
cant believe ppl still fail for this smh
i have learned nothing.
#editai change fail to fall
basically, freezefaster
heres another tip
type #freeze in the bar at the top and copy it so you can paste it so people dont see you typing freeze and hit enter before you freeze them
ok well.
now my feelings are hurt.
no time to react
i dont think there should be a license for being a surgeon, why not let selftaught people into it like in programming
stack overflow but for doctors would suddenly be a very lucrative website
first they ignore you then they laugh at you then they fight you then u win
you have terrible opinions #meow
I need not explain myself
it would be nice tho
better prepare an elevator pitch now
nope i'm not an ontreepreenoore
i'll let some other soulless monster take the credit
im entreprenooooooring
#edit add crazy fucking emoji
\\pouting cat
read that as poutine cat for a second
canadian brained
now that looks good
thats pasta
thats a pasta ca.t
the cousin of chips
i like his six paws
bad bot
chat im pumping
wishing you a good dump in 2-4 business days
well if you're pumping then i'd hope you'd also be dumping soon
i hit 400dps off a bunch of crits and using my strongest cooldown
400 dumps per second is quite a lot
ee booght
#reply translate into english
I bought. translate into english
.play when the french accent isnt sexy
it was nearly 4x my normal dps
ok that's kinda nutty actually
cause im a rogue and its like
normally i just hit people
but the ability lets me hit TWO people at once
and then a bunh of crits so its
parrallelisation of dmg output very naice
doing numbers
i LOVE big numbers
great number
thats huge
i love small numbers
pico is way too large
beat you to id
to id?
id software, makers of doom. IDiot
what about 1ee-12. how about that
double e...
you can just keep stackin em
it's fucked up
ok what about... 1eee-12...
a new arms race begins
no way
ok how about
you could chain em forever
numbers are so fucking fucked
they should stop eventually
this is what it all leads up to in the end
rolling grandma down the horse annihilator (it's her time to go)
we are all sons of horses
i agree
everyone wants to be smart and funny and successful therefore im trying to be stupid and lame and unsuccessful
you'd think there wouldn't be a lot of competition but it seems pretty busy at the bottom
i just am those things except sucessful or funny or smart
0 outta three ain't bad
.play simpsons what was the third thing you said
the important part is that im trying my best!
#this (love this) #thissomuchthis #somuchthis #tsmt
im still thinking about dinoscape
yeah but none of them are trying
velociraptors with 99 agility living in ur dome rent free
99 mining on those guy with the club tails
trying to be at the very very bottom sounds kinda hard actually yeah
you'd have to like shit yourself down lower than anyone else
maybe each dinosaur is suited to a particular skill and they get relevant xp boosts
moving to the poorest country on this planet
#ai whats the poorest country inna world
As of 2021, the poorest country in the world is South Sudan. whats the poorest country inna world
alright flights should be cheap
yeah id do something like that maybe or make it so certain dinos can only do certain things but you can like swap dinos on the same char to do dif skills or smth
#c south sudan gdp 2024 ($12 billion per year)
#c hungary gdp 2024 ($178.8 billion per year)
#c canada gdp 2024 ($2.14 trillion per year)
a dino for every occasion......
#c libpol.org gdp (cannot compute)
1 per skill
#c usa gpd 2024 (cannot compute)
#c google gdp 2024 (cannot compute)
#c united states of america gdp 2024 ($29.7 trillion per year (us dollars per year))
oh wow
a country four orders of magnitude poorer than america
wow 29 usd per year
#c highest gdp country (the highest country by gdp at exchange rate is the united states. the gross domestic product of the united states is about 25.5 trillion us dollars per year)
#c second highest gdp country (the 2nd highest country by gdp at exchange rate is china. the gross domestic product of china is about 18 trillion us dollars per year)
oh wow
#c country with highest drug abuse (cannot compute)
#c how are you doing today wolfram alpha (i am doing well, thank you)
#c hello kitty native country (cannot compute)
#ai country with highest drug abuse
The country with the highest reported rates of drug abuse is Iran. According to a 2020 report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, an estimated 4.2% of adults aged 15-64 in Iran have used drugs in the past year, making it the country with the highest prevalence of drug use globally.
Other countries that have high rates of drug abuse include Russia (3.6%), Kyrgyzstan (3.5%), and Estonia (2.9%). However, it is important to note that these statistics may not accurately reflect actual rates of drug use due to underreporting or limited data collection methods in certain regions.
Factors such as poverty, social inequality, political instability, and lack of access to education can contribute to higher levels of substance abuse within a population. Additionally, cultural attitudes towards drug use and availability/accessibility of drugs also play a significant role in determining levels of drug abuse within a country. country with highest drug abuse
#c i just got a blue drop from a mob worth 13 gold isnt that cool? (cannot compute)
#c 41 in ascii (cannot compute)
computer is shy and doesn't like to talk sometimes i guess
#c convert hex to ascii: 41 (cannot compute)
#c ascii(42) (cannot compute)
crikeuy venodrs are shafting u for it
bad calculator!!
yeah vendors dont pay well
but the auction house...
i think its cause its fire res so its good for molten core
the raid
cause theres lots of fire
#c ascii(ඞ) (cannot compute)
#c ඞ (cannot compute)
#c utf codepoint of this character: ඞ (cannot compute)
#c i'm disappointed in you (cannot compute)
do you think you'll sell it or keep ?
.play lady gaga paparazzi
im not sure yet
probably sell and end up buying it later unless theres like better ones
why is youtube so shitttttttttt
omg lady gaga yay
shes so iconic
.play lady gaga alejandro
omg what is that lipstick how do i get mine to look like that
.play call me maybe
.play lykke li i follow rivers
gaga used to be my "guilty pleasure" musician.
nowadays she is just my muse
listening to most music isn't a pleasure for me
yay c: i can relate >< gosh there were so many musicians like that actually... i remember trying rly hard to convince myself that there was nothing gay abt listening to the smiths when i was still in the closet lol
i physically cringe turning on the radio nowadays
boomer opinion
survivorship bias
i mean there is good stuff
but i never really liked the music thats popular
pop music is mostly bad to be fair
i can appreciate a good n catchy pop song for what it is idk
iktf sis #hug
idk charli xcx said i think artistry speaks for itself and that rly sums up how i feel abt pop music/modern music... like we can tell the difference between art and just commercial idk stuff meant to make money
i usually only listen to brian ferneyhough
.play charlie xcx 360
i love listening to music especially songs n stuff
i used to study musicology lol
snoot :3
i love how long snoot doggies always look a bit shy/guilty
i love music, specially songs and albums
so true bestie
have u heard the 360 remix w yung lean i like it ><
.play charli xcx yung lean 360
.play charli xcx 360 aphex twin remix
woa wtf i didnt know there was an aphex twin remix
me neither
.play charlie xcx 360 autechre remix
.jump 30
.jump 30
hai hai
look what i picked up
omg based lol that one under the antifascist one goes sooo hard i love the freebsd logo lol
makes me feel like we never left 2011
whered u get that stuff
brussels, fosdem
woa cool
it was way too overcrowded :((
aw that sux i hate crowds
it was cool people though, so only half as bad ig
ya that makes sense
but like, i didnt get to watch any talks that i wanted to see :(
god imagine the smell
i was wearing a mask so i didnt really..
aw what kinda stuff did they have going on
uuuugh, i wanted to watch some bsd / llvm and rust talks
and the one that daniel stenberg (curl dude) held
.play pepe the rust programming language
.play rust in a nutshell
woa neat
i wish i could write one of those funny little programs everyone uses and then just be the fizzbang person
im leaving for finland tomorrow o_o wont get there till the day after tho
and im not coming back!!
can you say hi to that finish ecologist for me i forget his name
mm not familiar sadly ><
are you moving to finland?
ya im excited but also nervous but also i dont want to stay in the us if i have a choice at this point
#wiki Pentti Linkola
are you gonna study there?
oh hes dead lol
prob just get a job, im a citizen so moving there isnt too hard and ive already got a place to stay for as long as i need
that's pretty great
ya i hope things r easy and work out ok
i was considering some northern eu states too if stuff in germany goes to hell
scary :< why is the world becoming so scary
elon musk is like.. current day goebbels kinda
the way he interfers with german politics is just grotesque
ya i just dont get it, how tf can he even like whats his stake in german politics its like he literally just wants to spread far right politics as far and wide as he can
.play john adams hiroshima
and hes a drugged up lunatic to boot, idk what anyone sees in him
i lied i dont have netflix take your shoes of were listening to philip glass
.play philip glass einstein on the beach
I think I had heard this kind of music somewhere I just don't know where I would have
minimalist classical music? the style is very popular for film music
no, something exactly like this one
ah yes i think this exact piece was in some movie score
god i always wax poetic when i think abt the development of quantum mechanics and relativity in the 20th century... to think that such wonderful, beautiful discoveries abt the nature of reality would culminate in the creation of nuclear weaponry :(
its all gay, extremely gay i hate physics and i hate thay i have to study it
aw fair lol i always struggled in physics even tho i majored in math
physics has all these rules and its hard... math u kinda just figure it out yknow lol
math = beautiful and pure physics = gay and retarded
you have to know so much for physics. with math you can usually figure it out by yourself
ya thats exactly how i felt about it
i was enrolled for a distance degree in pure math for a while but it was too much worj next to my jobbu...
skill issue
aw im sorry :< i feel that, it took everything i had to make it through a math degree and i was fortunate to not have to work
im not gonna debate that, i have no skills whatsoever
me either... i was just being mean...
then i went to grad school and it totally kicked my butt and i dropped out lol
i can imagine. its a rough degree
#editai put ">" after "="
ya, esp if ur a loner... so many of my classmates would form groups to work on stuff together but i was always by myself cuz i was too timid to talk to anyone
hey youre mean too? so am i! maybe we should be mean to people together
math is better than pure and beautiful physics, which is better than gay and retarded. checks out
too fucking real
i'm only a kind of play mean that isn't actually mean when u dig beneath the surface
i want to be mean, real mean. i have been way too nice to people in the past
exercising the hate muscle to protect yoself... i feel it... good to not be a pushover when others start getting nasty
.play glassworks
the people pleaser to misanthrope pipeleline is real
that pretty much describes me yes
ping ponging around from one mode of social conduct to another
i think to be a people pleaser u have to have first experienced smth at the hands of someone else that made u scared to make ppl unhappy
i switch between these two about 5 times a day
yeah wanting never to repeat a "bad situation" again by never causing it yourself
good morning wormies i love you <3
.play arnold schönberg verklärte nacht
guten morgen anonynounysnnmns
good morning anon i have no opinion on you
warum so viele Deutsche hier heute?
it's a very german board sometimes
das internet ist in deutschland
the only people with computers can also speak german #sciencefact
i wish we could have at least focused on the good part of it and switched over to nuclear for most of our energy, it would have delayed all this climate change stuff a few decades i feel like
i think humans will find a way to turn unlimited free energy into something to kill eachother with eventually. we're very good at that
yeah, i dont disagree, it just would have been nice if we could use the unlimited free energy part to make unlimited free energy too :(
deep cut back to this, nuclear weapons sre awesome actually
i want to die by nuke
would be super swag 100%
done complete
welcome to heaven it's exactly like being alive
because being alive is so epic and awesome
i have no words
what if there was already another life and this is purgatory already
purgatory? are you really having that good of a time?
i'd hate to see what pre-purgatory looks like then......... scary....
have you ever met a dog
there wouldnt be dogs in hell.
Theres lots of really really bad stuff but also theres a couple things that are so good that this cant be hell
Do you know what time it is wormies??? it's time for the... Anti TERF island anthem
good things are an illusion. it all turns to shit in the end
about quarter to nine
also like heroin
i dont think youre allowed to feel that good in hell
>sunlight is an illusion. it all sets beyond the horizon in the end
so, purgatory probably
its like a dominant major chord before a minor chord, it serves to make the pain worse
maybe hell feels so good that you can't escape it
nuh uh theres plenty of people who just do lots and lots of heroin and then accidentally die very quickly and painlessly their lives are probably like averaging extremely high happiness and comfort
proto pleasure cube
if i pluck a newborn from the womb and inject it with heroin then kick it off a ten storey building, you gotta admit that kid is doing some great pleasure numbers before it hits the ground
>heroin addicts are happy actually
based based based take
ive met a few functional opiate addicts in their 50s, its definitely rare but doable to be on opiates most of your life
1. baseline life is miserable 2. heroin addiction makes one more miserable therfore a functional heroin addict is more miserable than the average person qed
your post made me want to get into heroin, thx for the rec :)
new post on r/heroin:
hey everyone, new user here! what's the best gague needle to inject with?
hmmm ill see what's going on on wormtube while I'm waiting for my next class....
i think you have not tried heroin
i think it stops being fun very quickly
ok ill just step out lmao
anti-heroin user detected, sending automated junkiebots to your location with rusty needles and a fuckload of dope
love late romantic harmony
woah. I'm not worried the junkiebots will just do all the dope themselves and pretend they did it
to be fair it's a bad thing only cause you get so fuckin needy for the high that anything less becomes undesireable so u forego all the normal shit a human has to do
the juice itself is fine but the squeeze is where the hurt lives
i mean. okay look i really dont want to make opiate abuse sound appealing because it is genuinely life ruining. BUT like 1 in 10000 opiate users actually has enough self control to slowly ramp up their dose over many years and periodically go cold turkey to reset and they are basically always in the good part of the high
i like those odds
they would still be "happier" being sober (still miserable)
nice odds. i can do it.
it's true we have a real problem with the junkiebots
all im saying is if this is hell theres 0 in 10,000 who are allowed to do that
agree w/#this don't do drugs
look youre free to do as much heroin as youd like you dont need to convince us
i didn't have my name onnn
peoples have to know my stance on sad things
we need someone to corner each market of emotion
you got sadness on lock
this is purely a thought experiment to prove this isnt hell DO NOT START TAKING OPIATES WORMIES i swear to god
#edit thought to thot
you're such a bitch
lmao even
damn smog get owned
it's true
i can't lie
both nice videos
i'm getting amazon tomorrow so get owned
what did you order
.play john cage water walk
gel pens
vaccum cleaner
water proof boot thing
leather curing boot thing
it's true