γvillainous mouse warlockγ
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
the lack of any savantism
lol i should show it to him he used to love usenet
he actually ran an early internet company in those usenet days it was for playing bridge on the internet, my twin bro who studied cs once had a professor who recognized his name cuz he played on the site lol
"good autism and bad autism" like that meme >>126569
autism is a disability because i think it makes u wierd -an ascended genius
im gonna play the shooty shooty game
it is really funny, to see like, tiktok they/thems talk a lot about autism and kind of ignore the common case of "autistic schlob guy with no social skills"
which shooty shooty game
fr it kinda grinds my gears tbh theres so much talk about autism and autism awareness but like... a lot of autistic ppl are still treated like crap cuz they dont fit this stupid quirky idea of what autism is like
oh no yeah. and a lot of the time even that autism (/awareness) is infantilizing
There are different levels of Autism and different presentations because the DSM-5 combined multiple previously separate diagnoses into one single diagnosis of Autism. Of course most of the people you see on TikTok and Tumblr, etc are not actually diagnosed by a mental health care professional but they read some meme and decided to say that they have autism
heroin simulator?
ya right
i got the tism prob from my dad :/
no valorantt
it's funny that they made House MD an autistic but they couldn't help themselves but give him a million normie ass romances as if he would just be completely NT in that one single aspect of his life
sometimes i wonder if the reason my mom and dad got along is cuz shes finnish and finnish culture is kinda autism adjacent
i probably got my autism from my moms side bc when i was young and i would stim by flapping my hands my mom would be like "oh ur uncle did that too". except the only word ive ever heard to describe how he was was "retarded"
i havent played valorant in forever
its really funny that she (n her side of the family) was surprised when i got diagnosed
i always thought hand flapping was cute >< my stims r boring i just like tap my feet a lot or grind my teeth or um whats the word rock back and forth
awawawawawawaa.... i get told that one a lot. oh the teeth grinding stim is rly annoying i have that one too. annoying in the sense of "im totally fucking my teeth up by doign this"
Chad Nordic ancestry
i actually do that in real life however i am not autistic i promisee
the monetization in valorant is absolutely crazy
part 1 of my 5 part essay on why i need to play valorant again:
so you see theres a spray that goes meow and i need it. the thought of adorning the walls of haven, ascent, bind, breeze, icebox, lotus, sunset, and abyss with a cute little kitty that goes meow has gotten me so hyped to play the game.
ive already been brainstorming ideas of the best places to put the cat that goes meow on each map, i really cant sleep at night when i think about how i could be putting a cat on the walls and telling my teammates to look at the cat. just knowing that i will be able to start every round putting my cat spray up fills me with joy
i hate how every media portrayal of autistic guys is awful
oo or like stretching my face/blinking a lot ppl in school used to think i had like a tic or smth but it just felt good
retvrn to tradition play csgo with me
that game is ugly boys game
i feel like they got a lot of other behavior about him being autism correct though, but yeah, they can't be fucked to really do it properly
starts crying and peeing and shitting and wailing
cs2 is too raelistic and dark world i need cartoon game valarante
valorant has girls in it so the moids are less annoying a lot of the time
play cs 1.6 do not play valorant it is for 17 year old women and guys only
yeah honestly valorant is so much of a nicer experience compared to cs. can still be toxic morons but its like wayyyy better. even way better than league
cs 1.6 is so so so so so bad
im 2 stupid for valorant, i would play and that one agent would throw out his clone thing and i would shoot it every time bc i forgot it was a thing
im not good at shooty games but i do like tf2
i dnt like shooty game
im right and u know it
cs 1.6 is the only good counter strike
tf2 is a shooty game unless ur on trade_minecraft_v23989348 or whatever
god my fav thing back in the day was hiding somewhere and sniping ppl with the ambassador before they NERFED IT FUCK YOU VALVE GIVE ME BACK ITEM SET BONUSES TOO
yea people are generally pretty nice or dont talk. ive met a few chuds but honestly they are vary rare.
1.6 spread sucks and every wall is made of paper
that's irrelevant
my funniest tf2 story is having the substring "boymoder" in my name and proceeding to get cyberstalked for like 3 days by some guy who got really really mad at me for being transgender
now i like demoman the best cuz hes just so powerful
does anyone want 2 play? :3
You deserved it
what a fucking creep
perhaps ill download it...
ughhh i was into helldivers 2 when it came out but i had no friends to play with so i would join these helldivers discords and ppl would always either give me shit for my voice or start trying to hit on me and asking like oh are u a femboy
im not home..
i like valorant though
probably. my medic is all gay and transgender and such
it was honestly quite hilarious i kept going like "ok why are you mad at me" and he would be like "YOU NEED TO STOP BEING A FAG NOW!!!!!!". i found out later that it was all bc he had weird psychosexual issues about his femboy friend who turned out as a drug addict
PLAY IT WITH MEEEEEEEEEEEE i have no friends who play it :(
i don't know half of the games people talk about
hd2 was fun until they patched the sc farm
all chasers must be captured and put in a zoo nd trans girls can walk around and see their profiles and interact with them a little bit and then decide if they want to have them or not
i have 3k cause i just put 20 bucks in so i have every warbond forever idc
ya id love to c: once i get my pc set up
all the warbonds are like $100
nice :)
this is how discord feels
they are 10 but you get some of hte money back lol
im a t4t chaser
yeah true
chaser to t4t pipeline
i think i only got like half of them now cause i stopped playing for a long time
are you a femboy
no i am transgirl :3
awwwwww gothic glegle
these are bad glegles
very fancy gles
ooooo pretty gle
literally me glegle...
t4t is cool in theory i guess but its gone really badly for me every time
god i wish my shoulder were smaller
glegle crotch area is NOT flat like that
what the flip
you dont know what glegles crotch area is like
i think theres tape so u cant tell if theyre tucking or have vego
the creature on the left is glegle and the creature on the right is not glelge but some nasty demon
theres no way u can get tucking to be that flat
one time i was doing cosplay stuff with a tboy friend of mine and i needed to learn how to tuck bc it included like a bodysuit thing and i tried on the bodysuit to find out if some of the shit i was putting on it was in the right spot. and he saw me and was like "oh i see you learned how to tuck". i was not tucking
i think you should need a license for sex
cuddles ONLY
gotta do a test like for your drivers license
Pally San#NA1
im installing
glegle asexual cuddle pileon
as long as its asexual :3
ofc thats the best part c:
they are taking the most pure comfy thing and associating it with the most evil and gross thing they are truly lost and already infected by devils they cannot be saved and should be in a zoo
i think i would still be embarassed by a cuddle pile im extremely touch starvedd
They are sexual
It's like the thing you do after sex
ya idk if this is a bit too real but all my experiences with intimacy have been like lets cuddle o-oh ur doing that now
i will add u when i get home
but what if im not playing thennn
you will go into my queue of like 15 unadded friend requests
do you want me to tell u before hand when i log in
YEAH why do they do that
i feel that
nah its okkk xD
Its fucking evil
ya :(
if you sound like a girl u get a lot of friend requests in video games
im like kinda jealous of the poly cuddlepiles, but at the same time im too selfaware and scared to interact with any of those people
happened 2 me recently
platonic cuddling should be more normalzied
im sorry #hug
the only thing i can imagine is the smell
i feel like asexuality seems to be a v common occurrence in trans women... not all of them but a certain subset for sure
most poly cuddlepiles are the peak of the cule
It is because taking estradiol exclusively lowers your libido almost entirely.
i feel like its fairly obvious why this occurs. not even re estradiol
u can add me instead if u want its Pandobra#7030 i think
Im actually in my natural state pretty sex ambivalent i have no desire to go out of my way to do it but I'm not inherently grossed out. BUT THE WAY EVERYONE ELSE TRIES TO DO SEX ALL THE TIME NO MATTER WHAT IS WHAG MAKES IT GROSS STOP IT AND GO AWAY AND SEEK RELIGION
ya right :/ i have a fren whos post op and even she is still asexual
i like keep going between this state of hating sex forever and being unbearably horny and its very annoying for figuring out wtf i want in general
idk id say im like ace leaning, kinda. like cuddling is fine, but anytginh beyond that meh..
lol same
I would only have sex for the purpose of birthing a child
i only rly have sex to please the other person cuz it never winds up being enjoyable for me
i would probably enjoy sex a lot more if i didnt have to clean out to get penetrated
ya that aspect sucks but also at least for me getting um yknow pend doesnt rly even feel good to me except maybe as the fulfillment of some psychological thing
#poll ban sex/yes/YES
um. yea same,, i have to kind of psyop myself to enjoy penetration as it stands but i feel like maybe srs would fix me
non penetrative sex exists
sex makes me feel good idk
tbh i kinda just wanna get srs and then still have sexless cuddles w another trans girl probably
its kind of boring, at least to me, in most forms
i think its like 99% a combo of residual teenage boy pornbrain + dick no work
horny is supposed to be solved with masturbation privately and quietly like eating a meal when ur really.hungry after work and then its done and you dont let it dictate your life or interpersonal relations thats what god intended
cuddles w no yucky thing getting in between
i Miss waking up in gfs arms so much :-:
i hope i can move in with her at some point
No you are supposed to never masturbate
i believe this 1000000000%
aw :< #hug
i wanna wake up in someones arms aaaaa
even tho i dont like sex i loooove cuddles sooooooo much
can confirm waking up in gf arms feels awesome
I find human relationships to be generally entertaining to watch and hear about, but I would never actually want another human to be intimate with because I would find it disconcerting.
shadow the hedgehog:
ya this is mainly why i wanna date another trans girl so we can both be on the same page abt it
shadow canonically gets pussy tho
also normies cant even be fucking normal about sex all of them watch way too much porn and think like slapping and choking and stuff is just part of it and thats so fucked
Normal people do not watch pornography
the fact that this place is so onboard with being sex negative is insanely based you are all wonderful
literally not true sorry
Men, yes. But your average woman does not watch pornography.
sssure i would think that you cant really say "normies dont watch pornography" when like 80% of men are pornbrained
the claim that the average woman doesn't watch pornography isn't backed by dataβstudies show a significant portion of women do engage with it, though perhaps less openly or frequently than men. societal stigma might make it seem otherwise, but interest in visual stimulation isnβt exclusive to one gender. maybe it's time to broaden the lensβer, perspective.
no but they read porn books instead
would u date a femboy
I think young people are way more sexual but also more prudish at the same time. it's very self-flagellatory
ya im not rly picky abt that kinda stuff i just like cute ppl
tbh i kinda couldnt.
i feel like a lot of femboys have transmisogyny issues and so they would be kind of odd to date
but if i found one that was normal i wouldnt have any conceptual problem with him
thats true, and femboys tend to be kinda young as well
yea and a lot of it is like internalized, like there's a lot of them where being a femboy is kind of a repping thing
i would date someone if they loved me very much
riot client asked for admin perms 6 seperate times wtf
to be tbh i have only met 1 cool normal femboy and he basically just used that identity interchangably with like flamer. every single other one ive met has been a secret (or not secret) nazi who is actually just a trans girl who is too ideologically opposed to le transgenderism to actually call themselves trans
chinese rootkit installed
most femboys nowadays are ftms
this happened to like 3 guys i knew lol
s/guys/girls now but...
lol ya...
totally a grass is greener phenomenon for me but i would kill to be an ftm femboy
feels weird when i was younger i cam across femboy communities and they were a lot smaller since that was before the femboy hooters meme and it was kinda just like boys exploring femininity which honestly helped me
are u a vim user...
never known a femboy i assume if they exist they are repressors who will be trans later
have met a few traps tho
i feel like the thing that rocketed femboyism into the mainstream was finnster rather than femboy hooters or w/e
what bugs me a bit abt ftm femboys is that once they started being part of those groups it kinda made the cis femboys idk lesser
most people that were femboys that i knew are mtf now but i think this is just me not knowing any one who's ftm except for a few exceptions
There were multiple events which caused the term "femboy" to increase in popularity in the zeitgeist
only a little bit. ironically i most know s/text/sub from discord having implemented it...
finnster is evil
yea i can accept this as a take
i just feel like femboy hooters is not a good explanation
u should try Helix, its great
nowadays i kinda feel like femboy stuff is generally just fetishy stuff
i knew someone who did this and then went back to nvim because plugins are way better on it
yeaaaa i feel like a lot of femboy spaces are probably heavily ftm dominated just bc its hard to be like. fem enough for most straight men to be attracted to u if ur amab
yea helix doesnt have plugins, but tbh i like that, it does like everything i want
ya u take a bunch of boys that r already insecure abt their femininity by virtue of being male and now they share a space w ppl that were born female...
it wasn't like this before 2022
ive heard about this but i probably also dont want to dedicate time to learning the helix keybinds
i like that even if the editor doesn't do everything i want, i at least have the option of putting more stuff into it. i know it's possible to make helix plugins but why would i do that when i can use slop vim (lazyvim)
its hard to convince me that i should learn vim in the first place lol im like 99% a vscode user
lol i was happily using vscode for a little while but updating macos recently caused my vscode to not open hence why i went back to vim
i have like brain problems about this because i get the feeling that a lot of my emotions about this are driven by internalized misogyny + my own dysphoria but like. yup
i just looked for a preconfig with the features i liked from vscode
ya same i feel like its problematic for me to think that way cuz its not like theyre trying to do anything wrong but idk...
i use both still, nvim for small or config files and vscode for anything real
i have to like beat back the little demon in my brain that tells me that ftm femboys "have it easy" or w/e all the time
lol u dont use nano for small stuff?
nano sucks ass be real
nano is fine
ig but its always there
idk, different philosophies i guess, but even with vscode i prefer having very few plugins.
mostly stuff thats deeply integrated works kinda better than addons. and just like, installing one thing and having sane defaults is really nice.
u never even have to install it
so is `vi` :^)
vim is preinstalled on most things nowadays
hm fair
basically any system i own has nixos on it anyways so it has neovim as soon as i toss my flake on
it just werks ok
my gf recently got a macbook m4 and the battery life is pretty enticing
i haven't had any issues but i've been using macos for a grand total of 5 days so oops
oo nice ya idk i just like my macbook tbh >< i never had any apple computers before like a year ago when i got this as a gift but i have to admit i like it... i like the premium feel, i like the display...
you want to be able to teach a 1 hour lecture and not have your battery drop even 1% don't you
and all the stuff i like from my linux system i can still get on here for the most part through homebrew
i have like moral qualms with the idea of not running linux, a little bit, but i otherwise feel like macos might be what i actually underlyingly want
m2 macbook:
i still have my old laptop tho ive been meaning to install freebsd on it actually
windows i can understand. linux i can understand. but macOS? there's literally no reason to use it unless you're developing apps for the iphone
fuck wait i think i forgot to bring a usb with me shoot
honestly windows has had a lot of issues on a laptop for me. the taskbar randomly pops out of existence, icons unload for no reason, etc. macos has it's Issues (such as promotion [120 Hz] slowing down animations for some reason??) but i think it's a balance between usability of linux and design of windows
idk to me macos smells like "linux that doesnt suck"
its just a solid unix-like os, things dont break
macOS isn't linux, it's POSIX
yes i know it's not linux blah blah you get what i mean
it's real nerd hours on libpol now lets fucking goooooo
it has a normal terminal that you dont have to install a whole virtualized linux environment to make work. unlike windows
what version of windows are you using. if you are using 11 it's just like that
i'm using 11 because i have a very modern intel processor and running 10 would be shooting myself in the foot
in a pure land they would make Good Linux and it would have a pretty wm and everything would Just Werk...
nixos with the wm of macos save me
i've heard a loooot of issues with nix-darwin and i do not want to touch it. there's an issue that's been open for years about a call for more darwin maintainers and it just seems badly supported
yr so good
you can use pantheon
nahh all those things can be changed but its like a million different individual settings. its annoying but because im a windows user i just go toggle all those things when I get a new computer
local goat freaking pwns
this boat race looks crazyy
what's that?
they are going SO FAST wowowow
i really don't like the smell of things that are trying to be other things tbh
it's the window manager from elementaryOS which is the distro that tries really hard to look like macOS
me when i hate transgender
:( lit me
in an ideal world things will have good design and also be open source with normal developers, unfortunately this does not exist. gnome looks pretty good but is strange with implementing anything and they're a major reason wayland isn't farther ahead
good designers and open source are anathema because it is open source/free software meaning they are doing it for free therefore they do not have the time to make a polished UI
unless ur on freebsd π
freebsd is primarily a server OS
this is why all of the Apps of our day are getting put on macos first because of swift ui
i dislike gnome since they changed the entire UI in gnome 3
u can use it as a desktop just fine! its got a standard look and feel across the whole thing and doesnt break as often as linux
yeah i messed around with it once in a vm because it still has i686 support
didn't they make cinnamon for this
woa lol
the fact that ur options for making a desktop app in the modern day are like, chromium redistributed, gtk, or qt is so abysmal
well everything is a web browser now
tru i have embraced the idea of just writing everything to be a web app esp with like webgl i can do all the funny graphics stuff i want
i live in a wonderful world where i don't have to touch java/typescript but i am cursed to manual memory management on embedded
memory management is fun
its like driving a sports car π
web is so good for this
today i had to debug like 10 people's valgrind errors and the experience has me contemplating novel forms of suicide
yes u cant beat that portability
aaaaa im up past my bedtime gn glegs i luv u <3
gn kurisu
there's like cosmic now i guess
not for making apps but like a new DE
for making apps? i thought that was a de
there's also qt
unfortunately i have never seen a good looking qt app
and tcl is also a thing still
i mentioned qt
it sucks BALLS
i rly rly rly wish i could just do webdev type programming and have it render to the desktop without having to do it in js and without having to bundle chrome with my app
swift ui is one of the only modern good looking things nowadays and it's awful because it's macos exclusive ( i think )
swift is cross platform
i hate the audacity of so many programs thinking i want them to start immediately after i boot my computer by default
it's not ugly. it's just information dense
modern design is just spacing everything apart as much as possible
unserious opinion i'm sorry
/g/ type cope. it _is_ ugly, and it could be made to look better while being as information dense
i LIKE ugly.
you should use unmodified sway then
did u get that opinion from ur dad
bc ur mom is ugly too
programs should be ugly
the computer should be beautiful
i don't care how the computer looks as long as it functions
i think that the frontend should be pretty but it should also have a cli interface that is the most arcane information dense tool to satisfy both crowds
the computer is a reflection of pleroma, the pure noumenal plane, it's a perfect land unlike the material world we have, and its beauty should reflect its inherent form...
my problem is that you could have a ui shaped exactly like this but with better color choice and a better font and i wouldnt really mind how it is
i think thats pretty :)
are you a fruit aero enjoyer or smth??
r u still palying val
yea could be was shitposting on the chans
not rly although frutiger aero type designs are kind of cute
i add you
ahahah wtf is tha tname hahha xD
its supposed to make ppl flame me so i get attention
oh true
i hope ur ready 2 GAME
melonburger.org GOES FORTH
oh shit im sorryyy
i just had to change binding
im carpet bombing your house
i have enjoyed the many (Yous) i received. i cherished them dearly.
one more for the road
good jobb
i use mac exclusively for stuff that doesnt work on linux or like work/school stuff where they have strict requirements about the computer because it's very slightly more touch and go than windows and i want to minimize my time on gross non-linic os
(you) here you go :)
that makes sense. i have a windows laptop i use for stuff like that
most confounding
what does it mean
why did you erase it
no YOU are confounding
.skip (voted to skip this video)
.skip (voted to skip this video)
.skip (video skipped)
.play meow meow i am a cat
there is a great illness (unshared) (unshared) (unshared)
meow meow i am a cat
we are cats
this is gud and you should feel gud
and that is that
what did she mean by this
hi opwormulon :3
oil investor are u ok
it is generally considered to be "inadequate"
but it scrapesss by with cunning
hell yeah