「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
#ksay glungle
now you get it????
#ksay maybe owning a thinkpad would fix me
#ksay maybe
now i get what poccnr stands for
#ksay poccnr
it's always americans who cant type ИЯ
doesnt poccnr just mean russia in cyrilic
#ksay poccИЯ
yeah... but и and я do not sound like n and r
it just looks liek that
#ksay russianmodr
oh cool
now study russian
what does hohol mean
#ksay russianmoder
#ksay where is recima
oh yeah, where is she?
#ksay i love recima
::glegle recima
i look like this too
i look like this and say this
but i hate wearing glasses
im ok with wearing glasses
arent you blonde?
not american
#ksay chat is this real?
no way im blonde
it looked like that though
you sent photos like a month ago
i think
i did not
100% that wasn't me
i only said my hair color is like the boymoder's one
are you lying rn????
no way
cause thats what i remember
i cant lie
#ksay notamerican
but if you lied im gonna be sad ;_;
i did not
i cant be serious when these ai covers exist
i want a thinkpad now
it sounds real
arent old thinkpads like really expensive now?
like you could get one for 20 bucks
aren't they're impossible to use in this modern web world?
you can change the cpu
you're talking about 30 models?
what was the last thinkpad with replaceable cpu?
because now even the ram is soldered on the mb
yes t30
i think
and im pad
yeah its really sad
and i think mobo in my thinkpad slowly dies, soundcard suddenly stops working, last time usb ports died and i had to power it off like even detach the battery
looks like im killing the unkillable
i cant handle electronics
cant you change the ports
my gaming laptop has usb ports that talk over spi i think
this is all too soldered and it like dies until i re-power it
i can just buy new ones
i'll just buy the same model again
how much is a mobo
like, used one costs 50% of avg used thinkpad price
how much
official one costs 300 pounds
$80 maybe
and i better buy another one for like $200 or $150
and thats still too much
should be like 50
because it's not X230 or something else
whats your model
its not popular in the community tho
T480 is more popular, it even has coreboot!
just port coreboot yoursefl
im not that smart
it cant be that hard
.play thought about killing myself
I think family fued was my favorite poverty tv show from childhood. maybe americas funniest home videos too though.
somebody has to make
twin fantasy album cover
with glegle and derrick
i request glegle xcx
glegle would never do cocaine
what?? why cocaine?
charli xcx does coke
that's her whole gimmick
that's not glegle that's me
oh how did you end up in my picture collection
i've been told i look like glele
who told you that?
a tinder guy did it yesterday after i sent the "glegle my beloved" gif
hah cool
i gotta clean my spotify playlist
send ur spotify
noo you cant see
wait until i clean it
no that'sthe idea
send it
i wanna see it before u clean the playlist
to know what u listen to
how do i send it
idk a link
.play meu deus um lagarto
naaah sorry i cant
i used that measurements site and i can't read the graph because i'm in like a different quadrant because i'm tall
whats your height
im 189 cm
put lebron in there
a pointcloud....
pherenology 2
no way
why are you not american
why did you decrease in boogerness..
ugh more rain, more cold..
we got a foot of snow last night
thats nice
this is not the first time you ask me
i'm aware.
and yet you still aren't.
sorry they dont give out us citizenships on the streets here
i literally don't know what you're talking about
lol that's nothing
you haven't even tried
true tho
you got snow????
why is there a qr code
it's an NFT
as far as i know you can download some app and scan with it and get ar image of what's on the bill
isnt google banned in russia
how would you even download the app
its not that banned
youtube is just slowed down by DPI
google playmarket web version is blocked
dont they blackhole the domains
uhh, how it's called now
playstore dummy
i remember it used to be called play market in 2014-2017?
why dont they just block youtube tho
some isps do hijack dns, others dont
it's not just DPI they don't have any data centers in russia anymore either
because people will get mad, uh i guess
android market or something
yeah, there's only some GGC servers left in Russia, on some ISPs networks
what about the old datacenters
dns over https
that works only to get DNS records, what about... connecting?
they didnt get seized?
oh so they block ips
Google Global Cache or smth, basically a big servers with storage made for caching youtube videozz
not really, they dont block cloudflare ips tho
which what?
russia does very slow incremental banning by throttling foreign services to a crawl like twitter and youtube, the sanctions have made it worse by preventing foreign companies from having data centers in russia
they block or they dont
what exactly?
thats what i thpught
Cloudflare still has some servers in Russia
Google's servers didn't get seized as far as I know
so do they stop peering with google bgp routers?
I dunno
no they still peer what they do is deep packet inspection on traffic to googlevideo.com
thats kinda stupid
They do DPI on everything
yeah but they do it specifically to slow down traffic to googlevideo
They slow down youtube by that yeah
They did that to twitter a few years ago
Now i think twitter is just completely banned
now it is
But with Twitter, they announced that they're slowing it down, with youtube they did not
but twitter is literal z heaven
telegram is literal z heaven
and freedom heaven too
>no e2ee
yeah so the FSB will always know what's up
for groups
but the ceo got arrested in france
for not answering to police
is he in ruzzia now?
no, he's still in france, waiting for his court
smh why doesnt putin just invade france so he can get him out of prison
i dont really know what's with Durov rn
im not interested in millionairs problems
dont people buy heroin and shit with telegram
they do
i buy heroin on the streets
buy on the internet
i cant believe telegram is top-1 drug market, and top-1 spy messenger
yeah, btw in russia telegram is considered a very very secure messenger
ever since the arrest of durov telegram has upped its compliance with global law enforcement
dont they have their own schizo protocol
>noo we cant just use the signal one
they do reinvent everything
yes it's called MTProto it was made by Pavel Durov's brother
i use signal but nobody's here
well signal is just a cia product
signal for me sounds like a cia... wait you said the same
i dont like it
i dont like it too
mandatory phone number
well on telegram they store your shit on their servers
like telegram
telegram is worse than signal it's not even e2ee
telegram sucks
on signal you can get mitm-ed
they have the safety codes for that reason
why do you care, what do you have to hide
i prefer e-mail
e mail is the worst
but nobody knows what they mean
i think the high risk people like journalists and such that actually need to care about that stuff know how to use it
but it doesnt even matter
because in 10 years all rsa traffic will get cracked
.play i tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn't even matter
by whom
i dont want russian glovies to know what i read, what i type
quandum gompuders :DDD
i thought they could already do this
the half life one is btter
btw the fact that when https came out in the 90s, bigger keys were only available to US and Canada users, while the rest had their 40-bit keys (easy to crack)
and after some time, they're just let everybody use any key length...kinda sus
yeah the us had strict export controls on encryption key length until like the early 2000s
in the 90s im pretty sure they already looked through http traffic for key words
i guess irc too
: ) hi not ameri hi vuuv hi anon hi shrimp
hi anon
fuck uou anon
based nonamerican
how am i based
you know how to use a computer and doesn’t afraid of anything
not you
In September 2022, the NSA announced CNSA 2.0, which includes its first recommendations for post-quantum cryptographic algorithms.[10]
CNSA 2.0 includes:[2]
Advanced Encryption Standard with 256 bit keys
Module-Lattice-Based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism Standard (ML-KEM aka CRYSTALS-Kyber) with parameter set ML-KEM-1024
Module-Lattice-Based Digital Signature Standard (ML-DSA aka CRYSTALS-Dilithium) with parameter set ML-DSA-87
SHA-2 with 384 or 512 bits
eXtended Merkle Signature Scheme (XMSS) and Leighton-Micali Signatures (LMS) with all parameters approved, with SHA256/192 recommended
Note that compared to CNSA 1.0, CNSA 2.0:
Suggests separate post-quantum algorithms (XMSS/LMS) for software/firmware signing for use immediately
Allows SHA-512
Announced the selection of CRYSTALS-Kyber and CRYSTALS-Dilithium early, with the expectation that they will be mandated only when the final standards and FIPS-validated implementations are released.
RSA, Diffie-Hellman, and elliptic curve cryptography will be deprecated at that time.
The CNSA 2.0 and CNSA 1.0 algorithms, detailed functions descriptions, specifications, and parameters are below:[11]
then who
In September 2022, the NSA announced SNSA 2.0, which includes its first rcomendations for post-quantum cryptographic algorithms.[10]
CNSA 2.0 includes:[2]
post quantum http when?
I do appreciate the quality of life features telegram has like recommendations, built in translate but yeah
seethe lol
The NSA has their own private suite of encryption algorithms that they will never released
never used even 90% of that features
yeah what did you think dummy
ur too 1337
are you still using the remote windows desktop?
nah, the specific lesson i needed windows for has ended, so i dont need windows for now
I need to collect instrument data at school so I bought a used carbon x1 gen 6 on eBay it’s got 4 cores and everything so I can run the new windows. feels like a waste though
i guess they discussed every public ciphers with CIA
what instruments
labchart from electrodes
do u do like physics and stuff
nah biology/neuroscience recordings from cells
>carbon x1 gen 6
i think one of my professors uses that laptop. hes the kind of person who would fall for the transpad meme. he sometimes has anime girls in his presentations
I’m going to be a 4 core nonny… except the thing is I’m only going to use it for windows probably so most of my computation will still be on the less pretty speedy thinkpad. I guess one day I can buy another nice laptop for my real workstation
wow thats so cool wish i did that ;_;
i hope my classmates will never figure out why i bought the thinkpad in the first place (it's that transpad meme tho)
did you stick shit onto it
no, only a couple of stickers from hacktoberfest
dr. john 50
yeah so im getting them removed
sticekrs are so cringe
>i nEED A STICKER on my ugly thinkpad
not all stickers are cringe
obv im not putting a trans sticker on it
cool! my life goal frfr
i HAVE never put any stickers on anything i own
he teaches computer science right?
i want stickers with glegle
everyone knows and thinks you’re cooler of they already did or are isolated from you if they already were. I guess I mostly bought them for the /g/meme and a little of the trans meme
yeah they are
i have always loved thinkpads ever since i was a chlid because it was like the computer i saw my family members use
digital electronics
in my group, 95% doesnt know what thinkpad is
german term is digitaltechnik, idk what its called in english. its like uhh stuff like binary encoding, gray encoders, things like that
what does he actually teach
not the field
I don’t have any but I think people who express themselves about things which matter are kinda cute. one of my classmates has a quote about science on hers, but brands or whatever, fuck that
#oracle () #check (checked)
#change digitaltechnik to deeznuts
isnt informatics computer science
im the opposite of that i never express myself all my backgrounds are the default ones and i never customize shit
the german term for computer science is informatik im confused now
the thinkpad has fallen
i don't think there is an equivalent in english then
hmm it also includes things like logic gates and, well, digital electronics. thats why i translated it as digital electronics idk
they use old dells or what? can anyone actually afford windows 11 capable computers over there? the ones I saw were upwards of mbe $400 , I paid $~200 for the carbon including parts, hope it works
that's probably cose enough
do they teach you semiconductors like pnp gates and shit
transistors? no thats the electrical engineering class
lil nonny all big and computing herself now awww
/g/ family
they use computers at college
black background power user gang
nah i actually have variety installed and it selects a random space picture
i study in a damn garbage college
cant you switch to another school
banana peel teacher
apple core students
empty pizza box classroom
eeeh, it's one of the best colleges in the region btw
nah now one has a company macbook instead of a company thinkpad and the other is retired lol
>i live in siberia btw
then why is it a garbage school
ooh space bgs sound nice... i used to have lots of silly photos but black bg is so much easier to see everything...
that makes sense but unfortunate they don’t have so many opportunities. I guess they can follow the fastman guide and get a keyboard for their phone and use it as a terminal hehe
there's like 4 people, 2 on avg who bring laptops: me, some dude with linux (i speak to him very ofter), macbook m1 or m2 owner, and some dude with a noizy gaming laptop
well the space pictures were like a default setting so
if it ain't broke don't fix it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
it’s like 90% Mac laptops here at my large state university it’s kinda crazy
how mnay people use linux at your college
i dunno about college, but at least me and one dude too
it's like macs too expensive in russia yknow
is your degree cs
hard to say, im gonna be a 'computer programmer' by the end
they’re too expensive in America too! at least for me lmao
do they teach you about context switching and shit or is that not in the program
so there's only one kid with a silver spoon in his mouth in my group
rn im on my second year (of 4) so far i've learned how databases work (basic course), and how D flip-flops work
do you have bologna system in russia