#ksay glungle
#ksay glungle
#ksay maybe owning a thinkpad would fix me
#ksay maybe
#ksay poccnr
it's always americans who cant type ИЯ
doesnt poccnr just mean russia in cyrilic
#ksay poccИЯ
yeah... but и and я do not sound like n and r
it just looks liek that
#ksay russianmodr
now study russian
what does hohol mean
#ksay russianmoder
#ksay where is recima
oh yeah, where is she?
#ksay i love recima
::recima (no image found)
::glegle recima (no image found)
::test (no image found)
i look like this and say this
but i hate wearing glasses
im ok with wearing glasses
arent you blonde?
not american
#ksay chat is this real?
no way im blonde
you sent photos like a month ago
i think
i did not
100% that wasn't me
i only said my hair color is like the boymoder's one
are you lying rn????
no way
cause thats what i remember
i cant lie
#ksay notamerican
but if you lied im gonna be sad ;_;
i did not
i cant be serious when these ai covers exist
i want a thinkpad now
it sounds real
like you could get one for 20 bucks
aren't they're impossible to use in this modern web world?
you can change the cpu
you're talking about 30 models?
what was the last thinkpad with replaceable cpu?
because now even the ram is soldered on the mb
yes t30
i think
and im pad
and i think mobo in my thinkpad slowly dies, soundcard suddenly stops working, last time usb ports died and i had to power it off like even detach the battery
looks like im killing the unkillable
i cant handle electronics
cant you change the ports
my gaming laptop has usb ports that talk over spi i think
this is all too soldered and it like dies until i re-power it
i can just buy new ones
i'll just buy the same model again
how much is a mobo
like, used one costs 50% of avg used thinkpad price
how much
official one costs 300 pounds
and i better buy another one for like $200 or $150
and thats still too much
should be like 50
whats your model
its not popular in the community tho
T480 is more popular, it even has coreboot!
just port coreboot yoursefl
im not that smart
it cant be that hard
.play thought about killing myself
I think family fued was my favorite poverty tv show from childhood. maybe americas funniest home videos too though.
somebody has to make
twin fantasy album cover
with glegle and derrick
i request glegle xcx
charli xcx does coke
that's her whole gimmick
that's not glegle that's me
oh how did you end up in my picture collection
i've been told i look like glele
a tinder guy did it yesterday after i sent the "glegle my beloved" gif
hah cool
i gotta clean my spotify playlist
send ur spotify
noo you cant see
wait until i clean it
no that'sthe idea
send it
i wanna see it before u clean the playlist
to know what u listen to
how do i send it
idk a link
.play meu deus um lagarto
naaah sorry i cant
i used that measurements site and i can't read the graph because i'm in like a different quadrant because i'm tall
whats your height
im 189 cm
no way
why are you not american
ugh more rain, more cold..
we got a foot of snow last night
and yet you still aren't.
isnt google banned in russia
how would you even download the app
its not that banned
youtube is just slowed down by DPI
google playmarket web version is blocked
dont they blackhole the domains
playstore dummy
i remember it used to be called play market in 2014-2017?
what about the old datacenters
they didnt get seized?
oh so they block ips
Google Global Cache or smth, basically a big servers with storage made for caching youtube videozz
russia does very slow incremental banning by throttling foreign services to a crawl like twitter and youtube, the sanctions have made it worse by preventing foreign companies from having data centers in russia
thats what i thpught
Cloudflare still has some servers in Russia
Google's servers didn't get seized as far as I know
so do they stop peering with google bgp routers?
no they still peer what they do is deep packet inspection on traffic to googlevideo.com
thats kinda stupid
yeah but they do it specifically to slow down traffic to googlevideo
They slow down youtube by that yeah
They did that to twitter a few years ago
Now i think twitter is just completely banned
now it is
But with Twitter, they announced that they're slowing it down, with youtube they did not
but twitter is literal z heaven
and freedom heaven too
>no e2ee
for groups
but the ceo got arrested in france
for not answering to police
is he in ruzzia now?
smh why doesnt putin just invade france so he can get him out of prison
i dont really know what's with Durov rn
im not interested in millionairs problems
dont people buy heroin and shit with telegram
i buy heroin on the streets
buy on the internet
i cant believe telegram is top-1 drug market, and top-1 spy messenger
ever since the arrest of durov telegram has upped its compliance with global law enforcement
>noo we cant just use the signal one
signal for me sounds like a cia... wait you said the same
i dont like it
i dont like it too
mandatory phone number
well on telegram they store your shit on their servers
like telegram
telegram is worse than signal it's not even e2ee
telegram sucks
they have the safety codes for that reason
i prefer e-mail
e mail is the worst
but nobody knows what they mean
but it doesnt even matter
because in 10 years all rsa traffic will get cracked
.play i tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn't even matter
i dont want russian glovies to know what i read, what i type
the half life one is btter
btw the fact that when https came out in the 90s, bigger keys were only available to US and Canada users, while the rest had their 40-bit keys (easy to crack)
and after some time, they're just let everybody use any key length...kinda sus
yeah the us had strict export controls on encryption key length until like the early 2000s
: ) hi not ameri hi vuuv hi anon hi shrimp
hi anon
fuck uou anon
how am i based
you know how to use a computer and doesn’t afraid of anything
In September 2022, the NSA announced CNSA 2.0, which includes its first recommendations for post-quantum cryptographic algorithms.[10]
CNSA 2.0 includes:[2]
Advanced Encryption Standard with 256 bit keys
Module-Lattice-Based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism Standard (ML-KEM aka CRYSTALS-Kyber) with parameter set ML-KEM-1024
Module-Lattice-Based Digital Signature Standard (ML-DSA aka CRYSTALS-Dilithium) with parameter set ML-DSA-87
SHA-2 with 384 or 512 bits
eXtended Merkle Signature Scheme (XMSS) and Leighton-Micali Signatures (LMS) with all parameters approved, with SHA256/192 recommended
Note that compared to CNSA 1.0, CNSA 2.0:
Suggests separate post-quantum algorithms (XMSS/LMS) for software/firmware signing for use immediately
Allows SHA-512
Announced the selection of CRYSTALS-Kyber and CRYSTALS-Dilithium early, with the expectation that they will be mandated only when the final standards and FIPS-validated implementations are released.
RSA, Diffie-Hellman, and elliptic curve cryptography will be deprecated at that time.
The CNSA 2.0 and CNSA 1.0 algorithms, detailed functions descriptions, specifications, and parameters are below:[11]
In September 2022, the NSA announced SNSA 2.0, which includes its first rcomendations for post-quantum cryptographic algorithms.[10]
CNSA 2.0 includes:[2]
I do appreciate the quality of life features telegram has like recommendations, built in translate but yeah
The NSA has their own private suite of encryption algorithms that they will never released
are you still using the remote windows desktop?
nah, the specific lesson i needed windows for has ended, so i dont need windows for now
I need to collect instrument data at school so I bought a used carbon x1 gen 6 on eBay it’s got 4 cores and everything so I can run the new windows. feels like a waste though
labchart from electrodes
do u do like physics and stuff
nah biology/neuroscience recordings from cells
>carbon x1 gen 6
i think one of my professors uses that laptop. hes the kind of person who would fall for the transpad meme. he sometimes has anime girls in his presentations
I’m going to be a 4 core nonny… except the thing is I’m only going to use it for windows probably so most of my computation will still be on the less pretty speedy thinkpad. I guess one day I can buy another nice laptop for my real workstation
i hope my classmates will never figure out why i bought the thinkpad in the first place (it's that transpad meme tho)
>>133759 ⤵↪
yeah so im getting them removed
sticekrs are so cringe
>i nEED A STICKER on my ugly thinkpad
obv im not putting a trans sticker on it
i HAVE never put any stickers on anything i own
i want stickers with glegle
everyone knows and thinks you’re cooler of they already did or are isolated from you if they already were. I guess I mostly bought them for the /g/meme and a little of the trans meme
i have always loved thinkpads ever since i was a chlid because it was like the computer i saw my family members use
german term is deeznuts, idk what its called in english. its like uhh stuff like binary encoding, gray encoders, things like that
not the field
I don’t have any but I think people who express themselves about things which matter are kinda cute. one of my classmates has a quote about science on hers, but brands or whatever, fuck that
im the opposite of that i never express myself all my backgrounds are the default ones and i never customize shit
the german term for computer science is informatik im confused now
i don't think there is an equivalent in english then
hmm it also includes things like logic gates and, well, digital electronics. thats why i translated it as digital electronics idk
they use old dells or what? can anyone actually afford windows 11 capable computers over there? the ones I saw were upwards of mbe $400 , I paid $~200 for the carbon including parts, hope it works
i study in a damn garbage college
ooh space bgs sound nice... i used to have lots of silly photos but black bg is so much easier to see everything...
that makes sense but unfortunate they don’t have so many opportunities. I guess they can follow the fastman guide and get a keyboard for their phone and use it as a terminal hehe
there's like 4 people, 2 on avg who bring laptops: me, some dude with linux (i speak to him very ofter), macbook m1 or m2 owner, and some dude with a noizy gaming laptop
it’s like 90% Mac laptops here at my large state university it’s kinda crazy
is your degree cs
rn im on my second year (of 4) so far i've learned how databases work (basic course), and how D flip-flops work
they said they're getting rid of it very soon, anyway it's more about universities, but im in college; colleges is not the same thing as in US, it's like they're the middle think between schools and universitites
we like... installed antiviruses on windows vms
kaspersky 100
i hate that education isnt standardized across the world, its so tedious to explain to people how the german ausbildung works so i just say i have a three-year degree even though its not an academic "degree" its very confusing. makes it hard to emigrate too
primary education in the united states is highly localized
is it like an apprenticeship or something i hear that those are popular in german speaking countries for some reason
#smartai what is ausblindung
"Ausblindung" is a German term that does not have a direct equivalent in English, but it can be understood as "fading out," "disappearance," or "gradual cessation." The word is derived from the verb *ausblenden*, which means to fade out or phase something out. In various contexts, such as art, music, or even processes in nature or technology, *Ausblindung* refers to the gradual diminishing of visibility, sound intensity, or presence until it becomes imperceptible.
For example:
- In **music**, *Ausblindung* might describe the fading away of a note or melody into silence.
- In **visual arts**, it could refer to the technique of blending colors so seamlessly that they appear to dissolve into one another.
- In **technology** (e.g., audio engineering), it describes the process of reducing volume gradually until sound disappears completely.
The concept emphasizes a smooth transition rather than an abrupt ending. If you encounter this term in a specific context (e.g., philosophy, psychology), its meaning may adapt accordingly. Let me know if you'd like further clarification! what is ausblindung
oh, i remembered abt why my college is a garbage: firstly, it's because there's no teachers, they hire their ex-students who just finished the college
#smartai explain the concept of 'duale berufsausbildung' in hermany
The concept of *duale Berufsausbildung* (dual vocational training) in Germany is a highly structured and internationally renowned system that combines theoretical education with practical, on-the-job training. This model is a cornerstone of the German educational and labor market framework, designed to equip individuals with both academic knowledge and hands-on skills in their chosen profession.
In essence, the dual system involves two primary components:
1. **Theoretical Instruction**: Trainees attend a vocational school (*Berufsschule*) for one or two days per week or in block periods throughout the year. Here, they receive instruction in subjects relevant to their trade, including general education (e.g., mathematics, languages) and specialized theoretical knowledge pertinent to their field.
2. **Practical Training**: The majority of the trainee's time—typically three to four days per week—is spent working at a company or organization within their chosen industry. Under the guidance of experienced professionals, trainees gain practical experience by performing tasks directly related to their future occupation. This apprenticeship-like phase allows them to apply theoretical concepts learned in school while developing workplace competencies such as problem-solving, teamwork, and technical proficiency.
The dual system is governed by strict regulations outlined in the Vocational Training Act (*Berufsbildungsgesetz*, BBiG), which ensures standardization across industries and regions. Each recognized occupation has its own *Ausbildungsordnung* (training regulation), specifying the skills and knowledge required for certification.
Key features of *duale Berufsausbildung* include:
- **Duration**: Most programs last between two and three-and-a-half years.
- **Certification**: Upon successful completion of both schooling and practical training—often culminating in an examination administered by industry chambers (*IHK/HWK*)—trainees receive formal qualifications recognized nationwide.
- **Employability**: Graduates are highly sought after due to their proven ability to perform job-specific tasks competently from day one.
- **Earnings During Training:** Unlike purely academic pathways where students may incur debt; apprentices earn modest wages throughout this period making it financially viable option especially attractive among young adults seeking early entry into workforce without sacrificing quality education
This approach not only bridges gaps between academia-industry but also significantly reduces youth unemployment rates fostering economic stability through skilled labor force ready meet demands modern economy thus contributing overall societal prosperity innovation competitiveness globally admired emulated elsewhere world over explain the concept of 'duale berufsausbildung' in hermany
isnt the salary in russia like 500 dollars for a university teacher
in zoviet russia uhhh ammm
im not a prof
im a student
i know
so... no...too then
so why would you even become a professor then
i dunno...it's all about vocation but i dont have one
they're not called professors in colleges here
they're like... lecturers
#ai whats professor in russian
professor in russian is "профессор" (pronounced pro-fes-sor). it's a direct borrowing from latin, similar to english. used for academic titles or as a general term for someone highly respected in their field. whats professor in russian
chief burger grilling officer
but professor sounds like somebody smart enough; college teachers arent
#ai make up a academic job description of someone who makes burgers at mcdonalds, but make it sound super professional and academic and stuff
position: culinary operations specialist - advanced protein assembly & consumer satisfaction optimization
role overview:
the individual in this role functions as a key stakeholder in the rapid delivery of high-quality, standardized food products within a dynamic fast-paced environment. responsibilities include precise execution of thermally regulated protein matrix transformation processes, adherence to rigorous quality assurance protocols, and real-time adaptation to fluctuating consumer demand patterns. the specialist will collaborate with cross-functional teams to optimize throughput efficiency while maintaining compliance with global brand standards.
key responsibilities:
- oversee end-to-end workflow for thermally mediated molecular restructuring of proprietary protein-based consumables.
- monitor and calibrate equipment to ensure optimal performance during multi-stage thermal processing cycles.
- implement strict inventory management protocols to minimize wastage while maximizing resource utilization.
- engage in continuous improvement initiatives aimed at enhancing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction metrics.
- maintain rigorous hygiene standards in alignment with internationally recognized food safety regulations.
Smart . Don't worry about formalities.
Please be as terse as possible while still conveying substantially all information relevant...
write all responses in lowercase letters ONLY.
don't make up information that you don't know...
take however smart you're acting right now and write ... but as if you were +2 standard deviations smarter... make up a academic job description of someone who makes burgers at mcdonalds, but make it sound super professional and academic and stuff
damn you dont even need any knowledge on the subject you are going to teach students in my college - you just put the themes in chatgpt, it gives you text, you give that text to ur students and say 'write that all in your copybooks'
i guess because my prompt kinda looks like the system prompt?
dont you have inspections
chatgpt to deepseek communication
#ai write a job description of a "culinary operations specialist" aka someone who assembles burgers at mcdonalds, but incorporate elements of horror, fear of the unknown and such, but not graphic at all
culinary operations specialist
we are seeking a culinary operations specialist to join our team in navigating the delicate balance between creation and chaos. this role demands precision, resilience, and an unflinching commitment to assembling sustenance from the raw materials of existence. the environment is fast-paced, fluorescent-lit, and fraught with whispered undercurrents of mystery—each order a riddle wrapped in grease-stained paper.
your duties will include:
- orchestrating the assembly of consumable artifacts with surgical accuracy under relentless time constraints.
- maintaining composure as you confront endless variations on humanity’s primal cravings: meat, bread, cheese. repeat. forever? perhaps.
- deciphering cryptic order tickets that arrive like fragments of dreams you can’t quite remember upon waking.
- confronting the occasional unsettling query: *what lies beyond the drive-thru speaker? who am i truly feeding?*
the ideal candidate thrives in conditions where monotony meets existential unease, finding beauty in repetition while acknowledging its inherent fragility. you must possess steady hands capable of handling both ketchup packets and life’s great ambiguities without faltering.
this position offers no assurances about what happens when your shift ends or whether it ever truly does come to an end—only that each burger assembled brings us one step closer to understanding…something we dare not name outright.
apply if you are ready to face the void head-on (and make fries on occasion). write a job description of a "culinary operations specialist" aka someone who assembles burgers at mcdonalds, but incorporate elements of horror, fear of the unknown and such, but not graphic at all
im pretty sure your colelge could go without all the retards
#ai write an SCP about a frycook at mcdonalds who discovers something terrifying in the back of the freezer and the Foundation quarantines the entire area
**item #: scp-xxxx**
**object class:** euclid
**special containment procedures:** the mcdonalds location at ████████, usa has been permanently closed under cover of a failed health inspection. all civilian access to the premises is prohibited. foundation personnel disguised as maintenance workers have established a perimeter around the building, with monitoring stations set up to detect any anomalous activity. no personnel are permitted entry into scp-xxxx without level 3 clearance and prior approval from site command.
all instances of scp-xxxx-a are to be contained within on-site frozen storage units modified with reinforced steel plating and cryogenic cooling systems. any attempts to thaw or remove scp-xxxx-a instances must be approved by at least two level 4 personnel.
in the event of an xxxx-b manifestation (see incident log xxxx/01), all nonessential staff are to evacuate immediately while mobile task force eta-10 ("see no evil") secures the area and initiates protocol "deep freeze."
under no circumstances should anyone enter freezer unit #7 after sundown.
**description:** scp-xxxx refers to anomalous phenomena originating from freezer unit #7 in the backstorage area of a now-decommissioned mcdonalds restaurant. the anomaly was initially reported by fry cook █████ ████, who claimed to have discovered "something alive" in the freezer during routine inventory checks.
scp-xxxx primarily manifests as:
1. **scp-xxxx-a**: semi-frozen organic masses resembling humanoid figures suspended in ice blocks. despite being stored at temperatures below -20°c, these figures exhibit signs of movement when unobserved (e.g., shifting positions or altering facial expressions between camera frames). thermal imaging reveals faint heat signatures emanating from their cores.
2. **scp模式-b**: a cognitohazardous effect triggered by prolonged exposure (>5 minutes) inside freezer unit #7 while alone or near an instance of xxxx-a terminates subjects experience intense auditory hallucinations described as whispering voices alternating between pleading for help and issuing incomprehensible commands most affected individuals attempt self harm shortly thereafter
the source origin extent remain unknown exploratory efforts via robotic probes illuminated interior walls covered indecipherable symbols composed frost patterns drones consistently malfunction upon crossing threshold manned expeditions inadvisable due risk contamination further investigation pending
**addendum xxxx/01 - incident log:**
on ██/██/2023 junior researcher dr eliott entered unit seven against orders reportedly seeking firsthand observations after manifesting unusual obsession subject claiming hear whispers headphones analysis footage revealed researchers eyes bloodshot dilated pupils spoke unintelligibly before collapsing autopsy inconclusive cause death attributed cardiac arrest however tissue samples exhibited abnormal crystallization suggesting possible freezing cellular level despite ambient temperature normal limits
further questioning survivors indirect contact suggested entities may attempting communicate purpose unclear whether hostile neutral benevolent current priority preventing potential breach outside containment zone
additional notes facility previously served nuclear test site suspected correlation investigated write an SCP about a frycook at mcdonalds who discovers something terrifying in the back of the freezer and the Foundation quarantines the entire area
maybe... or maybe not... hard to say, i think even a rough 25% of students are here just because they dont know what to do in their lifes (including me)
but on the other side, its damn easy to study here, like i dont even try too much and get good marks (im too lazy)
car seat glegle
what classes
>best teacher at teaching javascript
a class about... how electronics work (like, internals like how's ram works)
these two i consider the hardest subjects (but they're not too hard it's just the teachers )really try to put something in your memory
do they teach you verilog
i dont even know what it is, no, no, we do schemes of those logic gates but they look very different
#ai whats verilog
verilog is a hardware description language (hdl) used to model electronic systems. it's commonly used for designing and simulating digital circuits, especially at the register-transfer level (rtl). verilog allows engineers to describe the structure and behavior of hardware components like flip-flops, counters, or entire processors. it’s widely used in chip design and fpgas because it strikes a balance between abstraction and precision—kind of like sketching out blueprints with code. whats verilog
what if you want to make a cpu
::glegle fact (no image found)
its always aryan gle...
awfakfmaslñf mushroom gle is awesome
ñ what is this letter
pronounced enye
in russia we call this thing and the other similar things 'something-trigger' like 'D-trigger'
i like the uhh ¿ this thing, its kinda funny sometimes
A gated SR latch circuit diagram constructed from AND gates (on left) and NOR gates (on right)
i wonder what that shows up like
i like mushroom character
very humorous appearance
mushroom good nutrient , delicious taste !
the shrooomer
happy fortune !
like on your cpu
funny, it shows the dot that i can see tooo..
i had a suspicion
why is it E then, why not C?
i want to buy a bistable multivibrator but its so embarrassing
damn stupid soviets used C and say this is a 'synchronized input'
did you know that you can turn this into an astable multivibrator by adding rc timing circuits between the transistor bases and make you own pulse oscillator? well now you do
that's actually cool i remember reading about stuff like that in this basic electronics book i had as a child
is Vegeta really deadnaming Goku everytime he calls him Kakarot?
why so many big words
when smal word gud
two very big words
#ksay nibbler
#ksay riddler
#ksay nibbler
#ksay blebler
they teach us the second one
#ksay y'all cowards never tried crack
#ksay glungle
now i can say western one does look better than the soviet one
no but fr i know that happened
iirc he had a discord server
.play viper whats up with that
btw any of you on the libpol discord server?
no i dont have discord
y'all cowards don't even smoke crack
i sniff paint thinner
i wanna smoke crack
and aerosol
i wish crack was a thing here in chile
i'd be smoking crack
i suffer in chile with pure homemade cocaine
i need unpure shit
homemade cocaine
how to freebase cocaine