ใvillainous mouse warlockใ
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
your blood pressure is very low, meat
banger tbh
HEY .play that shit
sounds like something a bot would be mad abt..............................................................................................................................................
im a reel human being
big google doesn't think so
gotta pass the captcha check or else they take away your deepseek privileges
did you see some dumbass senator tried to make deepseek punishable by 20 fucking years lmaoe
it's important to protect our private equity firms (not school children being shot that's fine) to the SLAMMER with ye, web user
i will write (get deepseek to write) a virus that just opens deepseek in the background and distribute it to the entire country of usa
old school worm fuck yeah
.play danooct1 worm
fuck i love danoct1
he's such a fucking g
i remember he used to do a collab thing with some other virus guy where they just fucking destroyed computers with viruses
as i get older im starting to realize laws are less about stopping people from doing stuff and more often about making EVERYONE guilty for some reason or another so that if police or someone in power wants them in jail its always justifiable
as i get older im starting to realize im gettting more constipated
oh yeah danooct is a fuckin ddr head too
#kick #punt #slap #tireiron
loved that video game
there was a real fix it felix arcade machine that ran windows xp i think
yup that's how she blows
all about gaining and retaining power
call me a zoomer i think thats cool
booj likes to annoy ppl
booj kisses boys ๐คฎ๐คฎ๐คฎ
she kisses girls too
.... :(
not irl..
uh huh...
ok you can definitely kiss virtually, i rescind my greentext
yr not actually annoying booj..
#kiss it is ok
.play i really really like this image
#kiss #hug #tireiron #kiss
you're tsun tsun
.play windows startup theme over surrealist landscapes
i call boymoders boys until they take off the damn hoodie
( . Y . )
accurate tits with one of them a little bigger than the other
i like this sonsg
sadly nazis like to use it to make anti semitic jokes, like usual
brian eno ass landscapes
giant ass legs and feet wow, like 90% of her body is legs
she is a sad girl just like u
nuh uh my tits are like <โข x โข>
gotta get on prog n round those puppies out anon
.jump 55:31
what does it mean to be seen + understood anyway....
i also have this goal but idek what it would mean for someone to see + understand another
to see that you're there. to understand what u feel...
i just gotta gain weight im a skelemoder
this is a good and nice goal
get EATIN anon chomp that shit up
i wish i could send u my weight
when u a
ge u get fat
with liposuction and enough stamps, anything is possible
same, its hard gaining weight. stay strong nonna go get that weight!
not visceral fat, only subcutaneous
(none of your are nonymous but everyone is a nonny to me)
thats a car -_-
it has the same color as a caterpillar car..
omg thats kind of scary
saw an old pic of my mother and she looks like one of those actresses from the 90s. and a really beautiful fluffy hair...that explains where i get the fluffy hair
.play french woman inflatiable water animals
does anyone know where one could buy a cabin with some land maybe cheaply and where living is cheapu
my backyard
im not falling for that again
but it's not a cabin per se
new york street meat goes so fucking hardd melons
>new york street meat
sounds like a porn franchise
this sounds like cuck shed talk
damn that looks tasty, now i'm hungry
i am i just posted from my phone
are those tomatoes or fruit?
thank you for coming to my cuckshed you can sit wherever
thank you pakistani people your food is delicious i love goat so muchh
i dont really like tomatoes tbh
pickles > tomatoes
yeaa in NYC halal is kind of synonymous wiht middle eastern food like lots of restaurants are just called like HALAL FOOD
euros are always like hAlAl iSnT a CuIsInE
meanwhile the entire middle eastern diaspora has used that word as a kind of culinary fusion umbrella term
idk its just weird to go into a halal restaurant if youre not a muslim idk
in NYC
is it wierd to eat mexican or italian? xD
Do halal restaurants have that Egyptian flat bread?
sorry im multi culti pilled af im a god damn new yorker i eat a different countries food every day of the month lol
idk ive only went to a halal kebab stand once and they guy looked at me very weirdly so i left again
legendary tiktok
wormies are archiving tiktoks before it gets banned again, right?
lol wtff
it kind of wierds me out sometimes ive had a few people visit me and people really do get wierded out by all the brown people lol
it was almost ten years ago, maybe its different now
had an internet fren from the midwest visit and she was genuinely like ive never seen so many non white people in my life lol
bitch is NYC
huh like in your city?
creepy doggo
>i thought brown was a spot on the cow
good stuff
#describe (A close up of a dog's face with its mouth open.)
yea lol. well my neighorhood is a mix of chinese and ukrainian jew. the synogogue down the block from me is ukrainian so there is lots of ukrainie/russian language speaking around me and the next neighborhood over is all japanese speaking
im defooing soon
damn those lashes are fire
.play nihil quam vericutas ordinatum est
i love nyc so much even though its kind of a dysptopian nightmare i missed it when i didnt live there. i missed the food, the people, the smell of piss on the subway. i missed all of it
idk i live in a conservative shithole, there's not much diversity beyond the train station
and even at the trainstation, it's mostly people who are bad off from a socio-economic standpoint
.jump 30
broken video :(
i hate AI slop so much idk why I always use thjat functionnnnn
#poll (poll must have a prompt and at least two options) lemons melons wormies
he attacc
how do I DO IT
#poll (poll must have a prompt and at least two options) melons melons melons melons melons
>doesnt know
#poll should we tell her?/yes/no
#poll melon/melons/melons
#poll (poll limit reached for this thread) melons/lemons/wormies
ok try again
when will she understand
im kms
why he bite
man probably deserved it
i miss my dog he was familyy
its literally like my brotherr died he was with me since I was 4 (my earliest memory is meeting him, my actual earliest memory) he died when I was 15 how sadd is that dogs shouldnt die they shoudl be immortal and be our wise spirtual guides
.play rotfront berlin
i agree they should live forever
they are real life angels
we slept together every night and always wresteled and played, even when I got older
.play rotfront bstyle
>wise spiritual guides
i have to pull my dog away from eating shit off the ground during walks
dogs are so much better than humans its incredible
maybe you should be licking shit more often. maybe your dog knows something u dont
t. glopossum
feature suggestion: add parameter to .skip that allows you to skip a queued song, like: .skip 4
what do ut hink of this webmmm
reminded of the daft patriot gay orca art
its really cute
isnt it crazy dogs cant just chug a whole gallon of water in a second like humans cannn
they are so sloowwww
humans are greedy creatures
*slurp slurp slurp*
we're just throat goats
and we give the best pets
alright we're flushign him
nest poll
do you speak Hungarian too?
#ksay meow
i do
i need more cat in my life..
buy a cat
shut up
yes ma'am
talk more
yes ma'am
.play leekspin
this is so haunting and pretty wowow
very talented ladies
I wish I was better on guitar because I want to make a cover of it
ill kill you
talk tuah
you can try
can i ๐ฅบ
#ai list 10 reasons why deepseek is the superior model
1. Advanced Target Identification: Deepseek utilizes advanced target identification technology that accurately discriminates between different types of metals, allowing for more precise and efficient treasure hunting.
2. Multi-Frequency Capabilities: This model can operate at multiple frequencies, providing higher sensitivity to a wider range of targets buried at various depths.
3. Superior Depth Range: With its powerful transmitting coil and high-quality components, Deepseek has an impressive depth range of up to 10 feet for larger objects and up to 5 feet for smaller ones.
4. Pinpointing Mode: The pinpointing mode allows users to precisely locate the exact location of their target, making it easier to recover items without damaging them.
5. Waterproof Design: The entire body of this metal detector is waterproof, making it suitable for use in all weather conditions and even underwater exploration.
6. Adjustable Sensitivity Settings: Users have the option to adjust the sensitivity settings on Deepseek based on ground conditions or personal preferences, ensuring optimal performance in any environment.
7. Ergonomic Design: The lightweight design and adjustable armrest make this model comfortable to use for extended periods without causing fatigue or strain.
8. Long Battery Life: With a rechargeable battery pack included in the package, Deepseek offers a long-lasting power supply so you can continue your search uninterrupted for hours on end.
9. Easy-to-Use Controls: The user-friendly interface makes operating this metal detector simple and intuitive even for beginners with no prior experience using similar devices.
10.Multiple Search Modes:
Deepseek features multiple search modes including All Metal mode which offers maximum detection depth; Discrimination mode where users can select specific types of metals they want detected; Notch mode which ignores certain unwanted targets like trash or iron while searching; Pulse Induction (PI) mode which provides better detection capabilities in highly mineralized soil. list 10 reasons why deepseek is the superior model
this guy looks grosss
its gpt3.5 i dont think it knows about deepseek
i thought we swapped 2 deepseek
ask opwormm
i doubt it
#ai are you deepseeking?
i am not capable of seeking or having desires as i am just a computer program. are you deepseek
maybe i misunderstood a joke... i am very gullible...
it actually says gullible on ur ceiling
you sure are a polyglot..
#ai whats a polyglot
A polyglot is someone who is able to speak or understand multiple languages. They are often considered to be highly skilled in language learning and have a deep understanding of different cultures and communication styles. whats a polyglot
meth addicts do
thats a stereotype ive known lots of hot meth heads
why does youtube keep changing the size of thumbnails on the home page
i have the answer
are you ready
because they have hundreds of software engineers who are pulling a collective salary in the hundreds of millions and they need to justify their salary somehow to business majors so the entire computer development industry has evolved to make changes for the sake of changes because everyone seethes at the idea of keeping people around until you actually need them.
but like
its annoying
i used to see like 6 or 7 videos per row now its 4
enshitification, sorry
things will only get worse for now
but it was alos like 4 before
but it was also 6 or 7 before that
its like it keeps flipflopping
maybe its just a browser thing
it doesnt have a reason they make changes constantly never stopping because if they didnt they would get bad evaluations
everyone is giving story points on how this will eek out .00001% increase in 'algorithmic engagement'
trump please appoint rms as head of department of software
well i think they should stop its annoying
idk the good internet might genuinely be dead. maybe 100 years from now they will be doing video essays or getting PHDs on how good the internet was in the late 90s early 00s and how quickly it became evil
but it was worse back then
nahhhhhhhh no way. slower maybe but not worse
humans tagged things shrimp
look basically the only website i use is youtube and pirate site and wikis so
now you just get 800 results of SLOP
i dont really remember
I remember.
My soul cries for a dead network of infinite possibilities that has been colonized by collective data schizophrenia
i generally like how youtube works i just want smaller thumbnails
maybe there is a plug in :3
probably yeah
if i were smart enough i could probably make a script to do it
telecommunications peaked with copper wire telephones
im gonna open a random page and it better have the formula for nuclear fission
im gonna go try putting a cucumber behind one of my cats
i assume you could just get a nuclear textbook?
Is there a good answer to this? I started archiving sites I know that aren't shit (wikis etc) and at this point wish I had enough room to mirror z-lib libgen scihub and just index that to search things
no cucumber...
hello glegles i m almost done packing, taking a break
kind of not really. just wait for the internet to explode and we get smaller internets and you can use one thats run by not shitty companies/governments
im taking 2 checked bags, each has a 50 lb weight limit... i thought that would b plenty but i have had to make some choices abt stuff to leave behind o_o prob for the best tho, out with the old in with the new!
i have so many clothes from my babytrans boymoder era that ive been hanging onto even tho i dont rly wear them anymore
like plain tees, 4 of the same exact color lol
omg wait melonburger.org is so good
is it being thrown away?
yeaaaa ive thought of a bunch of melon or juicy related names
are u throwing stuff away or leaving it at home/storage or smth??
u can just dhl stuff to finland, no?
like just dont take it on a plane and send it via post
no i will hav some of it shipped, the stuff i never plan to wear again i will donate however
ya gonna have some of my heavier/less essential stuff shipped
tbh i should prob do that with most of this stuff lol a lotta clothes im bringing are just for sentimental value >< like some dresses my mom bought me that i dont wear cuz im self conscious
ugh and i tend to have 2 of everything i rly like, i should rly learn to live with 1 and just do laundry more often like i dont need 3 pairs of jeans tbh
lol did he just put the car in 2nd and take off
lmao yeah
aaaaa pops wants me to go buy some groceries baka i will see u in a bit glegs
female vocals in this song is so good
you should wear themmmm
i started a second journal to write down random thoughts but its just turned into a bunch of moping and misanthropy
that can be okay tho
well maybe not misanthropyy thats a dark road to go down but
venting isnt inherently bad. sometimes jsut letting out the pain can be good
its not even venting though, its just bleak. i enjoy writing it but its not good that theres an endless stream of this stuff flowing out of me
meh just have fun with it there is a difference between what u write in ur mean journal and who u are as a person
just dont shoot up a school or smth
its okay im not doing that again
he he he
its easy to fall into misanthropy
rotfront....terrible planet
i loveeeee signallisssssssssssss so muchhhhh
its very sadddd
its also very gay
the future is female cyborg robots