γvillainous mouse warlockγ
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
weed is everwhere
oh ya lol
tysm idk if its being responsible i just want to be able to play videogames without being turbobad cuz im on weed
i wish i could make some like raspberry pi automated weed hydroponics thingy that would b fun
ya lol i feel that im so bad at elden ring when im high or drunk
love that game
weed is like cheating for melee
sameeeeeee i love elden ring ive played through it like 5+ times now lol
the kid sticking recorders up his nose is why the internet was made
yr an epic gamer
lol im not that good but my coolest achievement was beating malenia by parryin >:3
i cant watch the videos im at work :<
i learned to parry p much all her attacks except waterfowl dance which i had to just dodge
thats cool as heck i dont really parry anything ever but only parrying is nice
oh nice goo- oh except waterfowl dance oh ok....
when the elden ring DLC came out i randomly decided to try and no hit him because i found the fight so fun that took me a long time
lol u cant parry waterfowl dance!!
but u cant can u? i think its literally unparryable
no its too long lol
idk i rly loved parrying when i started playing but i became jaded after learning how much easier it is to do other stuff lol
i HATE parrying I never do it
i really liked the new elden ring DLC but after dieing to radahn 15 times I just said fuck it and poked him to death from behind a greatshield
i like pressing the dodge button im a very one dimensional eldenring/souls gamer i just dodge
yaaaaa lol
i really regret it :( he was a really fun and cool fight
the fight I got super into and learned really well was Mesmer I helped like 150 people beat him as a summon lol
woa cool ive never tried playing as a summon
i like helping people :)
aw c:
now i like to do a dex build, for a while i was doing dex/arcane and using the dancer set and the ummm eleonora's poleblade and that was fun, but now im doing dex int and i just have moonveil/starlined sword in one hand and a staff in the other
an avacadooo!!! :( thanksss...!!!
yeaaa messmer is my favorite i love him so much
hes hot
my favorite sword in all of elden ring is the Flameberge
this bad boy got wiggles on it
just become like these grandmas when you're older https://english.dotdotnews.com/a/202102/18/AP602df022e4b098609f949e8a.html
i just use the katana in all the games
dog ahead
try crouching and lo! dog ahead!
good dog
my highest upvoted soapstone was i found a bug in the wizard cathedral and it said try jumping and behold a bug!
i love the flamberge
and if you jump you can see through the entire map
I swear a mouse and keyboard isn't fast enough for this site
it was like 900 upvotes
o i was gonna say i play with an xbox controller lol
i had another soapstone that was like whos there? up, dog!
ya i play with a 3rd party xbox controller
lollllll thats dumb
wow you play libpol with xbox??
it had like 600 upvotes lol
yes im very 1337
u dnt?
i got a custom xbox controller with the fancy texture on it that makes it feel really good to grip
oo naisu
u use a dualshock 4 for libpol
i love elden ringg. ds3 and elden ring are both such good games.
elden ring makes me sad cause i dont really like it
i havent rly played ds3 i gotta
i enjoyed it sort of but i just haaaaaaaaaaaaate open world games
its not foreveryone a lot of people really dont like the exploring and non linear aspect YEAAAAAAAA exactly
im rlly talented
yeah thats exactly it
i dont like open world but i liked elden ring a lot
i rly liked the open world aspect, exploring everywhere to find all the secrets and weapons and lore c:
yeaaaaaa for me it was PERFECTTT but I can get why peopel would prefer dark souls and bloodborne level design much more
i dont think open world is bad i just dont like it sadly
ya def
100% valid and reasonable
also wrong
#poll how wrong is schrimp?/wrong/wrongest/ππππππππ
erm ur the one thats wrong
that's so cool,.. writing this with my lightpen rn
i lied im using a keyboardim a FRAUD
did u play armored core???
yeah i didnt beat it tho i got filtered
i beat the first campaign but I wasnt bothered to unlock all the secret giga hard mode bosses
i spent a few hours trying to beat that like uhhh white mecha with the drones in the big lake
i watched the 6 hour long vaati vidya lore video instead
i forgor what its called
and i just kinda lost interest
okay stop wahtever you are doing this is the next 6 hours fo ur lifefff HEHEHEHEH
ive never watched a vaati vidya video
I tried a lot of builds to beat it but I finally got it using the drill arm
its a cool fight
thats one thing i loved about ac is how often it kinda forces u to change ur build up and try dif things cause there are objectively better or worse loadouts for certain fights
I finally settled on a build I called the Demon Arm where I used poke to build up stagger and then I would all in with the drill and double super sniper back weapons for like a big one shot kill move
my favourite build was using two plasma rifles and two plasma rockets and you can basically chainfire them 1 by 1 and whoever ur fighting is literally constantly being barraged by plasma aoe even if they dodge
like a weabuu :3
i love it
i like it
its that shrimple
wrong password.. sorry
thats so cute
dont fuk with me ill fucking kill u with my demon arm
ill counter it with my angel shield
ππππππππππππππππ you couldnt my demon arm is too powerful
its fueled with the rage of a million angry melons
my angel shield is REALLY strong
its blessed by a true guardian angel
thats pretty strong
ur kind of cool i guess
ur pretty cool too... cant lie...
what the heck i didnt say all that
ur getting so hacked rn
stop hacking me...
too late..
help im being messed with bigly
no one can hear you scream...
what do i do... how can i make it stop
ur scaring me
was it anna?
best angel girl
did more packing... most of my stuffies will have to be shipped ;_; but im bringing a couple special ones
do u think 25 is too old to have a bunch of stuffed animals.. idk
well maybe it will be a golbat
i have a bunch of stuffed animals and im 29
how tall are you?
h-hey ><
im 5'8
shes so cooool
ya o_o
i have way too many plushies i feel like... i have like 3 small moomins, a big moomin, a medium size moomipapa, a hattifatti thats like 3 ft, some smaller ones that ive had since i was a kid and this guy
there she goes sarah connor moding #kiss
moomins!!!! :D
i never watched that animation but they are really cute
ya i love moomins c: i have a whole plush collection of them but it makes me kinda embarrassed >< idk mayb its cringe for a 25 yo male...
oh also blahaj
you are a girl thoo
I also have a blahajjj
i added extra stuffing to my blahaj to make him chonkier c:
just infiltrating the navy seals.. #kiss
ive worked with a bunch of navy seals wierd people
i had 2 seal drop outs on my ship as well
lol i like this song (and video) weird it guys r such a vibe
yea half alive is cool i dont like a lot of their stuff but I really love this song
.play walking on a dream
snuffkin! (I think)
not playing the remix
aaaaaaa nostalgiaaaaaaaaaaaa
theyβre like the most crime committing and book promoting special forces group but Iβm sure they do some good work
.play laser gun m83
2010s was such mood
.play colors beck
20m of the sadchan radio programming block STRIGHT TO YOU.
we are live, on air. no ads, just vibes. up next miammmmi HORROR
ya :<
i wanna be a radio host it sounds funn
i wanna go before opna not after tho thats a tough act to follow she would mogg me
.play mgmt kids
it's called multiverse travel silly
.play magdalena bay - killshot
.play crystal castles through the hosiery
.play electric feel MGMT
.play acid rain LORN
based lorn enjoyer
he was the soundtrack to my repper years
.play amarillo gorillaz
: D I like the sadchan radio hour
you voice trained a bunch right?
i just tried to sound more like me for awhile
the rainbow effect on this video is actually kind of fucking nuts
: ) you sound nice
ive been slacking
mgmt in 2014 hot cali rave beach boys
mgmt in 2024 very pushy about getting you to join their cult and keeps saying 'you look like you have an eye for business'
i want that jacket
the rainbow effect is making every vid nice
you can practice if you want but ur great lori
i really like it in the beck - colors video
ok bff wants to read books and liked maus what should he read now?
#editai shock jolt
#editai shock to jolt
#editai replace "shock" with "jolt" after "dual"
whats a dualjolt
>doesn't know
#ai whats a dualjolt
A DualJolt is a type of controller used for video game consoles, specifically the PlayStation series. It features two joysticks (or "jolts") and is designed to provide a more immersive gaming experience with precise control over character movement and actions. The term "DualJolt" likely comes from the combination of "dual" meaning two and "jolt" referring to the vibration feedback feature found in many controllers. whats a dualjolt
voice so pretty it made me start voice training
inspiration is a wonderful thing
where r u from i can't pin ur accent
lol im american i just have autism
like unironically lol
omg i thought u were british..
lol thats interesting howcome
cuz im british and projecting
cheerio bruv
oi there bird wot ya say to a cheeky nandos and a shag ye?
aw at least ur voice is nice
i like british accents its like omg lord of the rings ppl :3
i swear i feel like i have an american accent but ppl call me crazy
mm i can kinda hear it, ur accent didnt seem v strong to me until the end when u were like "so much" u said it in a british way
i gotta work on sounding so american so im not clocked as a brit...
o wow,.. not bad tbh but u should prob keep the blood inside u
u might need it...
sneed feed and seed
krissu are u the /tttt/ krissu
lol ya
formerly known as mariemoder ><
that was such a cute trip
yeah kinda
lol ppl started calling me that cuz everyone used to always say i looked like hank's wife from breaking bad
like marie
no i know i just think it's a cute way to get called i guess
how did u get here i don't remember u were here a few months ago but i might be wrong
fair c:
ya ive visited this place a few times over the years but never participated cuz i was scared >< but now that im basically perma banned from tttt i decided to just jump in and ya this place is rly fun i like it here
holy shit why is that
janny doesnt like me, its this whole thing basically janny tries to hit on certain girls and if they reject janny then janny starts banning anyone who talks to those girls and i asked one an elden ring question like a year ago lol so i got banned for that and things kinda snowballed from there since i was like thats bs and kept ban evading
janny the janitor i hate janny the janitor
#ksay i hate janny
that's sad
i kinda liked ur presence on the board but now that i think about it i think all the girls that used to post there when i started lurking kinda just disappeared
aw lol thats sweet i didnt think anybody liked my presence there lol
like Julie
ya i wonder how julie is doing
i hope she's doing well. honestly i liked y'alls presence there cus you all were kinda psychotic and it was relatable
lolll tru
yeah i sometimes just need to know i'm not crazy for feeling bad bc of dysphoria i guess
are u doing any better
i remember u were like
not ok a year ago or so
oof ya things were p bad like a year+ ago but im doing better now
that's amazing
great to know
i like to assume that girls i was used to see there just stopped using the website cus they got better
c: thanks so much
but i know a few that detransed i think
thats sad
it really is
sometimes being in trans spaces is honestly too much for me cuz seeing how cruel the world is to so many nice girls is tough
yeah same. not that i'm doing any better but at one point it's just too much
it's great to see that some of them are doing well tho, it's like some weird inspo
ya i get u, i was inspired by the trips that came before me too >< i used to be a lurker for years lol
that's interesting honestly. so u were using /tttt/ for years before transitioning?
yuppp i started going there in 2019 as a repper, started transitioning at the end of 2021 and started posting in like mid 2022
oh like around 6 months hrt?
at first ppl wouldnt even like acknowledge my posts lol
u become a very known person there honestly
lol just by virtue of being crazy and attention whoring a lot, but i cant take credit for coming up with that i was just copying girls like mel and cinderblockhon
can't say u weren't crazy honestly
oh mel i follow her on twitter now she's so pretty
ya she was my tttt crush for a while i think she followed me on xitter too but either unfollowed or soft blocked me or smth like that and then i was like MY HEARTTTTT and blocked her idk what shes like now
can't blame u honestly she's really really adorable
she's still brainwormed and stuff
honestly some girls seem to have a bad case of brainworms and i don't think they'll ever get over it
like cafebeef
ya oof
idk i cant act like im not still brainwormed and stuff, i was dooming abt my appearance just earlier today but its not the kind of violent self hate i used to experience
which is fucked up cus some of them are really really pretty imo ;_;
oh well at least ur not doing as bad as before :>
ya c:
i started using that board in like mid 2022 actually so i guess i kinda started lurking when u started posting
when i was like 3 months hrt or so
september 2022
wait no that's like 2 months hrt for me
aw cool we share an hrt anniversary i started in september 2021
oh wait no i misunderstood lol
nono i started at july 2022
but during september is that i started lurking
can't say i did it with grace either
ugh the first year is rough lol idk how i made it thru tbh lol i guess i didnt exactly do it with grace
ive been on hrt for like over 2 years, almost 3 and i still can't say i'm doing it with grace honestly
permaboymoding is crazy
ugh iktf
yeah dw i don't think i'll girlmode anytime soon
i had like a little phase where i was trying girlier outfits and then some bad experiences and just went back to boymode
5 years...
matter of fact i just had a haircut today and i feel so stupid cus i didn't even check at the mirror what i was doing
aw lol im almost at 4
i just took a scissor and started cutting my hair
nooooooooo ugh ive fucked my shit up a couple times too
i got a haircut a few days ago but went to a stylist
i only checked how i look now after a couple hours ago and i feel kinda dumb i might just cut it a bit shorter
i wish i had the facial features to be able to rock a pixie cut girls with short hair r so cool
real and yeah same but i was thinking on just having that messy boy haircut
i don't want it short short but i don't wanna be able to tie it up i guess
i take this boymoding thing a bit too serious (?)
oh i wish but that's too long
i just got mine cut to like a bit above my shoulder so i can tuck it behind my ears
i was thinking on something between shinji and kaworu if it makes any sense
aw lol ya i get u
that's so cute
u don't
i don't even need a pic u just don't
i got that jaw for real
idk prince charming kinda forehead mogs me ngl
his hairline and forehead are kinda okay imo
my hairline is a bit jagged and i have the scar from where they peeled my face off
perma bangmoder
afaik bangs look good on u so i think it's not a bad ending
i guess not but then im like omg all the models have their hair pulled back i'll never be *fashion*
that's fair that's fair
btw what happened to ur twitter account iirc u used to follow me and then just disappeared
honestly idk if i disappeared or u did cus i deleted my account
i'm pretty sure u did cus i posted it on instagram cus it was so random like "damn krissu is following ME??? o.0"