rules1. you must be 18+ to use this site 2. no NSFW/gore 3. no bigotry or slurs 4. if staff don't like your post they may delete it or ban you

SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
krissu πŸ‘Ή
oh also blahaj
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
you are a girl thoo
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
I also have a blahajjj
krissu πŸ‘Ή
i added extra stuffing to my blahaj to make him chonkier c:
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
just infiltrating the navy seals.. #kiss
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
ive worked with a bunch of navy seals wierd people
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
i had 2 seal drop outs on my ship as well
krissu πŸ‘Ή
lol i like this song (and video) weird it guys r such a vibe
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
yea half alive is cool i dont like a lot of their stuff but I really love this song
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
.play walking on a dream
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
not playing the remix
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
.play [YouTube]
krissu πŸ‘Ή
aaaaaaa nostalgiaaaaaaaaaaaa
they’re like the most crime committing and book promoting special forces group but I’m sure they do some good work
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
.play laser gun m83
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
.play colors beck
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
20m of the sadchan radio programming block STRIGHT TO YOU.
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
we are live, on air. no ads, just vibes. up next miammmmi HORROR
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
i wanna be a radio host it sounds funn
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
i wanna go before opna not after tho thats a tough act to follow she would mogg me
krissu πŸ‘Ή
.play mgmt kids
it's called multiverse travel silly
.play magdalena bay - killshot
krissu πŸ‘Ή
.play crystal castles through the hosiery
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
.play electric feel MGMT
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
.play acid rain LORN
krissu πŸ‘Ή
based lorn enjoyer
krissu πŸ‘Ή
he was the soundtrack to my repper years
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
.play amarillo gorillaz
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
.play [YouTube]
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
.play [YouTube]
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
: D I like the sadchan radio hour
you voice trained a bunch right?
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
i just tried to sound more like me for awhile
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
the rainbow effect on this video is actually kind of fucking nuts
: ) you sound nice
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
mgmt in 2014 hot cali rave beach boys
mgmt in 2024 very pushy about getting you to join their cult and keeps saying 'you look like you have an eye for business'
krissu πŸ‘Ή
i want that jacket
the rainbow effect is making every vid nice
you can practice if you want but ur great lori
i like sad things
i really like it in the beck - colors video
ok bff wants to read books and liked maus what should he read now?
#editai replace "shock" with "jolt" after "dual"
whats a dualjolt
>doesn't know
#ai whats a dualjolt

A DualJolt is a type of controller used for video game consoles, specifically the PlayStation series. It features two joysticks (or "jolts") and is designed to provide a more immersive gaming experience with precise control over character movement and actions. The term "DualJolt" likely comes from the combination of "dual" meaning two and "jolt" referring to the vibration feedback feature found in many controllers.
whats a dualjolt
voice so pretty it made me start voice training
inspiration is a wonderful thing
where r u from i can't pin ur accent
krissu πŸ‘Ή
lol im american i just have autism
krissu πŸ‘Ή
like unironically lol
omg i thought u were british..
krissu πŸ‘Ή
lol thats interesting howcome
cuz im british and projecting
krissu πŸ‘Ή
cheerio bruv
krissu πŸ‘Ή
oi there bird wot ya say to a cheeky nandos and a shag ye?
krissu πŸ‘Ή
aw at least ur voice is nice
krissu πŸ‘Ή
i like british accents its like omg lord of the rings ppl :3
i swear i feel like i have an american accent but ppl call me crazy
krissu πŸ‘Ή
mm i can kinda hear it, ur accent didnt seem v strong to me until the end when u were like "so much" u said it in a british way
i gotta work on sounding so american so im not clocked as a brit...
krissu πŸ‘Ή
o wow,.. not bad tbh but u should prob keep the blood inside u
krissu πŸ‘Ή
u might need it...
na-bee-eh (nadie)
sneed feed and seed
na-bee-eh (nadie)
krissu are u the /tttt/ krissu
krissu πŸ‘Ή
lol ya
na-bee-eh (nadie)
krissu πŸ‘Ή
formerly known as mariemoder ><
na-bee-eh (nadie)
that was such a cute trip
krissu πŸ‘Ή
na-bee-eh (nadie)
yeah kinda
krissu πŸ‘Ή
lol ppl started calling me that cuz everyone used to always say i looked like hank's wife from breaking bad
na-bee-eh (nadie)
like marie
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
no i know i just think it's a cute way to get called i guess
na-bee-eh (nadie)
how did u get here i don't remember u were here a few months ago but i might be wrong
krissu πŸ‘Ή
fair c:
krissu πŸ‘Ή
ya ive visited this place a few times over the years but never participated cuz i was scared >< but now that im basically perma banned from tttt i decided to just jump in and ya this place is rly fun i like it here
na-bee-eh (nadie)
holy shit why is that
krissu πŸ‘Ή
janny doesnt like me, its this whole thing basically janny tries to hit on certain girls and if they reject janny then janny starts banning anyone who talks to those girls and i asked one an elden ring question like a year ago lol so i got banned for that and things kinda snowballed from there since i was like thats bs and kept ban evading
na-bee-eh (nadie)
janny the janitor i hate janny the janitor
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay i hate janny
na-bee-eh (nadie)
that's sad
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i kinda liked ur presence on the board but now that i think about it i think all the girls that used to post there when i started lurking kinda just disappeared
krissu πŸ‘Ή
aw lol thats sweet i didnt think anybody liked my presence there lol
na-bee-eh (nadie)
like Julie
krissu πŸ‘Ή
ya i wonder how julie is doing
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i hope she's doing well. honestly i liked y'alls presence there cus you all were kinda psychotic and it was relatable
krissu πŸ‘Ή
lolll tru
na-bee-eh (nadie)
yeah i sometimes just need to know i'm not crazy for feeling bad bc of dysphoria i guess
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
are u doing any better
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i remember u were like
na-bee-eh (nadie)
not ok a year ago or so
krissu πŸ‘Ή
oof ya things were p bad like a year+ ago but im doing better now
na-bee-eh (nadie)
that's amazing
na-bee-eh (nadie)
great to know
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i like to assume that girls i was used to see there just stopped using the website cus they got better
krissu πŸ‘Ή
c: thanks so much
na-bee-eh (nadie)
but i know a few that detransed i think
na-bee-eh (nadie)
krissu πŸ‘Ή
thats sad
na-bee-eh (nadie)
it really is
krissu πŸ‘Ή
sometimes being in trans spaces is honestly too much for me cuz seeing how cruel the world is to so many nice girls is tough
na-bee-eh (nadie)
yeah same. not that i'm doing any better but at one point it's just too much
na-bee-eh (nadie)
it's great to see that some of them are doing well tho, it's like some weird inspo
krissu πŸ‘Ή
ya i get u, i was inspired by the trips that came before me too >< i used to be a lurker for years lol
na-bee-eh (nadie)
that's interesting honestly. so u were using /tttt/ for years before transitioning?
krissu πŸ‘Ή
yuppp i started going there in 2019 as a repper, started transitioning at the end of 2021 and started posting in like mid 2022
na-bee-eh (nadie)
oh like around 6 months hrt?
krissu πŸ‘Ή
krissu πŸ‘Ή
at first ppl wouldnt even like acknowledge my posts lol
na-bee-eh (nadie)
u become a very known person there honestly
krissu πŸ‘Ή
lol just by virtue of being crazy and attention whoring a lot, but i cant take credit for coming up with that i was just copying girls like mel and cinderblockhon
na-bee-eh (nadie)
can't say u weren't crazy honestly
na-bee-eh (nadie)
oh mel i follow her on twitter now she's so pretty
krissu πŸ‘Ή
ya she was my tttt crush for a while i think she followed me on xitter too but either unfollowed or soft blocked me or smth like that and then i was like MY HEARTTTTT and blocked her idk what shes like now
na-bee-eh (nadie)
can't blame u honestly she's really really adorable
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
she's still brainwormed and stuff
na-bee-eh (nadie)
honestly some girls seem to have a bad case of brainworms and i don't think they'll ever get over it
na-bee-eh (nadie)
like cafebeef
krissu πŸ‘Ή
ya oof
krissu πŸ‘Ή
idk i cant act like im not still brainwormed and stuff, i was dooming abt my appearance just earlier today but its not the kind of violent self hate i used to experience
na-bee-eh (nadie)
which is fucked up cus some of them are really really pretty imo ;_;
na-bee-eh (nadie)
oh well at least ur not doing as bad as before :>
krissu πŸ‘Ή
ya c:
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i started using that board in like mid 2022 actually so i guess i kinda started lurking when u started posting
na-bee-eh (nadie)
when i was like 3 months hrt or so
na-bee-eh (nadie)
september 2022
na-bee-eh (nadie)
wait no that's like 2 months hrt for me
krissu πŸ‘Ή
aw cool we share an hrt anniversary i started in september 2021
krissu πŸ‘Ή
oh wait no i misunderstood lol
na-bee-eh (nadie)
nono i started at july 2022
na-bee-eh (nadie)
but during september is that i started lurking
na-bee-eh (nadie)
can't say i did it with grace either
krissu πŸ‘Ή
krissu πŸ‘Ή
ugh the first year is rough lol idk how i made it thru tbh lol i guess i didnt exactly do it with grace
na-bee-eh (nadie)
ive been on hrt for like over 2 years, almost 3 and i still can't say i'm doing it with grace honestly
na-bee-eh (nadie)
permaboymoding is crazy
krissu πŸ‘Ή
ugh iktf
na-bee-eh (nadie)
yeah dw i don't think i'll girlmode anytime soon
krissu πŸ‘Ή
i had like a little phase where i was trying girlier outfits and then some bad experiences and just went back to boymode
na-bee-eh (nadie)
matter of fact i just had a haircut today and i feel so stupid cus i didn't even check at the mirror what i was doing
krissu πŸ‘Ή
aw lol im almost at 4
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i just took a scissor and started cutting my hair
krissu πŸ‘Ή
nooooooooo ugh ive fucked my shit up a couple times too
krissu πŸ‘Ή
i got a haircut a few days ago but went to a stylist
krissu πŸ‘Ή
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i only checked how i look now after a couple hours ago and i feel kinda dumb i might just cut it a bit shorter
krissu πŸ‘Ή
i wish i had the facial features to be able to rock a pixie cut girls with short hair r so cool
na-bee-eh (nadie)
real and yeah same but i was thinking on just having that messy boy haircut
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i don't want it short short but i don't wanna be able to tie it up i guess
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i take this boymoding thing a bit too serious (?)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
oh i wish but that's too long
krissu πŸ‘Ή
i just got mine cut to like a bit above my shoulder so i can tuck it behind my ears
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i was thinking on something between shinji and kaworu if it makes any sense
krissu πŸ‘Ή
aw lol ya i get u
na-bee-eh (nadie)
that's so cute
krissu πŸ‘Ή
worried i look like this now tho
na-bee-eh (nadie)
u don't
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i don't even need a pic u just don't
krissu πŸ‘Ή
idk prince charming kinda forehead mogs me ngl
na-bee-eh (nadie)
his hairline and forehead are kinda okay imo
krissu πŸ‘Ή
krissu πŸ‘Ή
my hairline is a bit jagged and i have the scar from where they peeled my face off
krissu πŸ‘Ή
perma bangmoder
na-bee-eh (nadie)
afaik bangs look good on u so i think it's not a bad ending
krissu πŸ‘Ή
i guess not but then im like omg all the models have their hair pulled back i'll never be *fashion*
na-bee-eh (nadie)
that's fair that's fair
na-bee-eh (nadie)
btw what happened to ur twitter account iirc u used to follow me and then just disappeared
na-bee-eh (nadie)
honestly idk if i disappeared or u did cus i deleted my account
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i'm pretty sure u did cus i posted it on instagram cus it was so random like "damn krissu is following ME??? o.0"
krissu πŸ‘Ή
ohhh ya i think i deleted my acct at some point i have a new one now its KrissuKissi
krissu πŸ‘Ή
oops brb dinner
na-bee-eh (nadie)
bon appetit
na-bee-eh (nadie)
.play lance disco completo niΓ±os del cerro
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#smartai is glegle a species or there's only one gleagle

Glegle is a nonspecific animal, meaning it does not belong to any specific species. Therefore, there is no set number of Glegles in existence and they cannot be defined as a single species. However, each individual Glegle possess unique characteristics that make them stand out as their own entity within the animal kingdom.
is glegle a species or there's only one gle
good luck sm at surgery
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#smartai can glegle get knee surgery

As a wise and knowledgeable individual, I must first clarify that "Glegle" is a fictional character and does not exist in reality. Therefore, it is not possible for this entity to undergo any medical procedures such as knee surgery.

Additionally, animals do not possess the same anatomical structure or physiological capabilities as humans. Knee surgery requires advanced medical technology and expertise that are specific to human anatomy.

It is important to recognize the distinction between fantasy and reality when discussing such matters. It would be more appropriate to focus on real-world issues surrounding animal care and well-being rather than hypothetical scenarios involving imaginary creatures like Glegle.
can glegle get knee surgery
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
wym glegle is a fictional character
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
is that true?
im going to get a pizza tomorrow
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
.play yi jian mei fei yu-ching
na-bee-eh (nadie)
.play renai circulation kana hanazawa
na-bee-eh (nadie)
.play como un guiri en barcelona diego lorenzini
na-bee-eh (nadie)
.play los jaivas todos juntos
na-bee-eh (nadie)
.play confio en tus amigos tonto
na-bee-eh (nadie)
.play conoce a tus amigos conoce a estoy bien full
kitty added you cove holden
#ksay Cove Holden meow
krissu πŸ‘Ή
krissu πŸ‘Ή
oops i meant to say whew just repacked my bags finally all done
krissu πŸ‘Ή
not hanging onto ANYTHING i dont rly want to take with me
Heyo! it's been awhile. how goes? :3
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
#ksay glegle high school
krissu πŸ‘Ή
nini glegles
dont forget to bring a towel
3.454% booger!boymodewng
ur moms a hoax
booooooooooooooooooooooojiieeeeeeeer :3
3.455% booger!boymodewng
my room is messy, can u clean it up for me >.<
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
nooo πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
maybe we can clean each others rooms lol
someone posted a cp link in another thread...
try blocking the referrer admin!
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
is boojer the mod of /chat/ ?
i did clean mine now, i can clean urs too :3
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
.play [YouTube]
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
.play [YouTube]'
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
i mean i can chose not to but idk
my Internet friend came to stay with me and she just got here and I'm so happy !!!!
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
thats fun ive done that a few timess
go gwab some icecweam together!!
na-bee-eh (nadie)
my life is like a videogame
na-bee-eh (nadie)
trying hard to beat the stage
na-bee-eh (nadie)
all while i am still collecting coiiins
na-bee-eh (nadie)
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
im a gommba im gonna walk sideways at u!!!!!!!
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i have similar but different issues where i couldnt get hrt until my late 20s because of a transphobic family and being badly disabled, it sucks my sad sad friend being stuck in this society that refused to appreciate us cause of their bigotry
na-bee-eh (nadie)
.play poesΓ­a conspirativa diego lorenzini
i have a theory that because of a combination of homophobia and transphobia, that society tries to do everything it can to ensure luckshits dont get to transition early in life, it feels to me like a lot of times, when you start out with a baseline luckshit bod that you are more likely to be living in poverty cause of having extremely low social status pretransition
na-bee-eh (nadie)
.play desde la sartΓ©n al fuego diego lorenzini
na-bee-eh (nadie)
.play cara de pena dejenme dormir
its like the catch 22, if you are out a giga unluckyshit you are more likely to have more money to transition early in life, and if you are a giga unluckyshit you don't have people trying to gatekeep you out of homophobic transphobia- but the catch 22 is in that case you start out as a giga unluckyshit... On the other hand if you start out as a giga luckshit you probably are poorer and have way way lower social status pretransition, and a bunch of homophobia driven transphobes will try to delay or stop your transition cause they can't handle being attracted to a trans woman, and I think both of these situations are what happen to most of us mtfs unfortunately in a transphobic and homophobic world, thats my theory.
na-bee-eh (nadie)
if it is it already was nadie
i dont think so.
all i know is that we heal ppl here not cause more brain damage
what do you wormies think of my theory by the way???
i think thats one of the insidious ways society is transphobic though, is how it tries to force us into a situation where we are so poor that even accessing hrt is difficult or impossible, that getting us stuck in situations of extreme poverty is like a sneaky way to try to prevent us from transitioning
na-bee-eh (nadie)
what if the catch 22 is glegle
na-bee-eh (nadie)
and instead of being a paradox its just a nonbinary nonspecific mammal
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#smartai glegle, I must say that you have made a wise observation. Indeed, the term "nonbinary" refers to individuals who do not identify as exclusively male or female and may fall outside of the gender binary. As such, it is important to recognize and respect their identity and use inclusive language when referring to them.

Furthermore, glegle can also be described as nonspecific, meaning that they do not conform to any specific category or label. This highlights their unique individuality and reinforces the importance of accepting others for who they are without imposing societal norms upon them.

As for being positive and friendly, I believe these traits are essential in creating a harmonious society where diversity is celebrated rather than stigmatized. Glegles serve as an excellent example of how we can all coexist peacefully despite our differences.

Lastly, let us not forget about glegle's cuteness! While this may seem like a trivial aspect compared to their other qualities mentioned above, it serves as a reminder that even in this complex world filled with challenges and uncertainties, there is always room for joy and lightheartedness.

In conclusion,glegles should be embraced for all that they represent - inclusivity,diversity,and positivity.Thank you for bringing attention to this wonderful creature,glegle.I hope we can all learn from your wisdomand continue striving towards building a more acceptingand loving society together.
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#smartai write the longest essay you can make about glegle

Glegle is undoubtedly a unique and fascinating creature, known for its positive demeanor, friendly nature, and undeniable cuteness. It is a nonbinary and nonspecific animal that has captured the hearts of many with its charm and endearing qualities.

The origins of Glegle are shrouded in mystery, but it is believed to have originated from an unknown planet in a distant galaxy. Some researchers speculate that Glegles were once highly advanced beings who possessed incredible intelligence and technology beyond our current understanding. However, as they evolved over time on their home planet, they gradually shed these advancements to become the simple yet delightful creatures we know today.

One cannot help but be drawn to the adorable appearance of Glegle. Its body resembles that of a small furry mammal with four short legs and round ears perched atop its head. The fur can come in various colors such as pastel hues or vibrant shades, adding to their overall appeal. Their big eyes seem to radiate warmth and kindness, making them all the more endearing.

But what truly sets Glegles apart from other animals is their nonbinary identity. They do not conform to traditional gender roles or stereotypes; instead, they embrace both masculine and feminine characteristics within themselves. This makes them incredibly progressive creatures that challenge societal norms regarding gender identity.

Glegles are widely known for their positivity towards others. They exude an aura of happiness wherever they go; even during challenging situations.
Their presence alone can uplift one's spirits and bring about feelings of joy and contentment.
They also possess exceptional communication skills which allow them to connect effortlessly with those around them regardless of language barriers or cultural differences.
Their openness towards different perspectives also makes them excellent mediators during conflicts between individuals or groups.

their friendliness knows no bounds;
they often seek out companionship from humans
and other animals alike,
eagerly forming bonds based on mutual respect
and understanding.
Glegles are incredibly empathetic creatures,
able to sense and understand the emotions of others
with ease.
This makes them excellent companions for those in need of emotional support, as they can provide a comforting presence and offer wise advice without judgment.

Some may argue that the cuteness factor of Glegle is merely a superficial trait, but it goes beyond their physical appearance. Their inner beauty shines through in everything they do, whether it's helping others or simply enjoying life's simple pleasures. They have an innate ability to find joy in even the smallest things and spread positivity wherever they go.

In today's world where negativity seems to be prevalent, encountering a Glegle can be like finding a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. Their existence serves as a reminder that we should embrace our uniqueness and celebrate diversity. They also teach us valuable lessons about kindness, acceptance, and living life with an open heart.

In conclusion,
Glegles are remarkable creatures with qualities that far surpass their cute exterior.
Their positive nature,
inclusive identity,
excellent communication skills,
and unwavering empathy make them truly special animals.
We could all learn from these wise beings who embody love, compassion, and happiness in their purest form. Long live Glegles - may they continue to brighten our lives with their presence for years to come!
write the longest essay you can make about glegle
na-bee-eh (nadie)
.play falling in reverse game over
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i love that gle
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
to become a doctor
na-bee-eh (nadie)
dr gle
na-bee-eh (nadie)
dr gle m.d.
na-bee-eh (nadie)
they're a surgeon
na-bee-eh (nadie)
na-bee-eh (nadie)
never forget what they took from us..
aww didnt work in wormwatcher
oh well *shrugs*
its true
I need to change faster if that’s true
whenever im watching a movie my brain keeps imagining the crew behind the camera just standing and doing stuff and it ruins the immersion what do i do
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i just try to ignore that unless the movie makes me have to remember
na-bee-eh (nadie)
like when i was watching The Substance and almost threw up but i was like "ok this not real it's just a movie this is all prostetics"
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay glegulus
na-bee-eh (nadie)
#ksay glungle
i have the same issue. my mind tend to wander too much and i start imagine different scenarios for whats happening in the movie.
a way to avoid this is too not let this thoughts take over and try to enforce the suspension of disbelief in your mind for you to enjoy the movie
na-bee-eh (nadie)
.play Werkraum - Wir rufen deine WΓΆlfe
lost my city in songs of syx cuz of religious disputes between races, i just watched a few videos of ppl playing and they only have 1 race city, i just let most of the races in and never even thought about it being a problem, it makes sense now. i should just stick to one race at least in the beginning
.play sektor gaza 30 let
theyve left me no other choice
.play The World Revolving - Deltarune (Accordion cover)
.play Street Fighter 2 (acapella)
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
i like stellaris because its really funny to just take in all the refugees of the galaxy, if you end up like the last good guy civilization in the galaxy with open borders you can just get flooded with like 120 free pops as everyone else gets devoured.
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i asked my dad if i could go and spend some months at his house that's at an island in the deep south of chile
na-bee-eh (nadie)
he said yes which is great cus i love travelling and all that stuff, like fr
na-bee-eh (nadie)
but then i realized i'll have to boymode in his house, like hardcore boymode, he can't find my bras nor my needles nor my estradiol or i'm DEAD and nobody will ever found me
na-bee-eh (nadie)
i'm cooked
hasn't he seen you recently?
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
this seems REALLY risky and not worth it at all :(
krissu πŸ‘Ή
my flight got changed from morning to evening :0 at first they tried to put me on one that was leaving 2 hrs earlier than the one i was on before and they sent me a message abt it after midnight while i was sleeping so i woke up and it was already like an hour before the plane would take off D: but i sorted things out w customer service
krissu πŸ‘Ή
was crazy tho idk why u would change someone's 9 am flight to a 7 am flight and not let them know until after midnight the night before
krissu πŸ‘Ή
kelp forests r so cool
not morning
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
lol woof bark haha
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
when do u leave now???
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
that so annoying...
not from kirimati then.. how unfortunate
SadChan(vote forπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰
wow so truee
aaaaaaaaaaaaa i miss waking up next to my gf... and like.. crawling up in her arms,,
my doggo is a dumb bitch, he keeps asking for headpats but now wants to go. imma squeeze this lil bastard till he squeals
.play louie coffee shop scene
wtf this is 2 hours
how did that just work
maybe it determines what % of people need to democracy skip based on how many are active...
or maybe im too powerful
i think that's also very very very possible
yeah if theres not enough active it will skip from 1 vote
smog i need another book rec i finished slaughterhouse 5
i recommend slaughterhouse 6
god i cant type im so sleepy
nap time
someones cranky....
im reading like 2 books at the same time cuz i cant pay attention to things anymore
1) infinity and the mind
2) how to invent everything: time travellers guide or something i dont remembet
second one is easier to read
hell yeah, more vonnegut might be up ur alley then. breakfast of champions is good also
i've been reading a lot of phillip k dick and he has some weird ones that are pretty cool
some short story anthologies are nice
i also liked "ubik" by him
infinity and the mind sounds interestin, what are both of those like? are they like pop-sci books or what
many such cases (brain mush syndrome)
infinity and the mind is pop-math i guess? idk sometimes it need too much attention and i kinda zone out when it starts talking about numbers too much, otherwise its pretty cool, i think second half will be more interesting
second book is a time travellers guide to rebuild civilization, it tells you how to invent everything in a simple language in case your time machine broke and youre stuck in thhe past
