「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
>>124324 apparently it’s end to end encrypted! so literally better than discord. I always thought it was some dumb poor ppl bad version of fancy rich people messengers but it’s e2ee. signal still better.
"i don't have much spanish"?
no conoco? no se, i thought that was an acceptable way to phrase it in spanish idk
It uses the Signal Protocol
if u think abt it. documentaries are fun to watch because it has visual stimulation to keep u entertained but u actually learn the information when u read the text that is explaining in detail abt certain subject
"i don't know" = "no sé"
si sinorita
nadie como nobody
no usar accentos en internet :P
hay que aprender a usar los acentos!!!
because they're important, if you don't use them the change of some words could change
por q
todos mi interacciones de espanol esta en internet, habladoras (?) nativo no usar ellos en internet? o no?
I think most good things do but that’s great! though I doubt it really protects metadata
the meaning*
the meaning of the words could change
spanish is very common in the internet...
because reading makes me engage and do something while documentaries just play. 1-1 tutoring is still probably the very best but who can afford that
pero nobody en internet uses Que neither
They say q mostly
i mean yeah but you are NOT them
but I'm trying to learn properly so i dont seem stiff and weird idk
they do it because they know how to speak fluently
what's the difference between pq and por q
idk is there one?
you tell me
you wanna use them
no se thats why im trying to learn
that's why u gotta learn formal spanish first
that's how i learnt english
first you gotta be able to speak it "the right way" (no such thing really) and then u can start using slang and stuff
it means
tell me what pq means
oh damn
it means
it CAN mean
por que
es lo mismo no???
it can mean
"porque", "por qué" and "porqué", and SOMETIMES it can also mean "por que"
pero todos de estos estan muy similiar no?
yeah but they're not the same at all
can u explain why?
Why = Por que
porque = Because
no ;_;
Porqué = Reason
why = por qué
okay but in my brain "why" is acceptable to use in place of Because, Why, or Reason in english
if someone says i do it why its fun
I understand the meaning
"lo hago porque es divertido"
"i do it cus it's funny"
rules of lenguas estan stupidos
they're not they're necessary
they are fake
"why" = por qué
"because" = porque
[cause of something] = porqué
[preposition] = porque
lo hago pq esta divertido
I do it for what it's fun makes sense to me in english and if someone says it to me in english i understand what they mean and thats all i rly care about crossing cultural boundaries n shit
they're all completely different >>124395
porque por qué por quë porquê pór què aefrsgrtdgnfjekbwhuidfvhbjedfdhbhduscdhbedhudfhvbfdedhudfivhbdedhjdufjbndejfdiudjhbenddhfuvifdhjedbhdfuijhwbjfduivdhjbedjfdvudhjbedwehhdfuvidhjebwdjhdfuvdjhedidfbejdfbedjdfbedwjudfhbwdhsducjfhdbnddjsduhdbndjhsduhfbded
odio odio
ok a good sentence to show it's necessary to understand the difference is
¿por qué no quieres entender el porqué porque y por que son distintas?
But thats like a tongue twister ;_;
who says that
es el mismo en ingles con "Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo"
I mean i know ur right but im just saying my motivation and executive function to learn a full language to fluency formally is just not there, if i can learn slang at least i can communicate a bit in chatrooms and games and thats mostly what i would use it for abyways
it's not just "buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo"
okay that'd be understandable understandable but you'll basically just putting urself in an uncomfortable situation
cus you gotta learn basic grammar to be able to communicate and start using slang
should i just not talk to them then :c
pero tengo un poquito
a bit of what
In Ujishūi Monogatari there is the following story about Takamura that illustrates his wit. One day in the palace of Saga Tennō, someone erected a scroll with the writing "無悪善" (NO EVIL GOODNESS). No one in the palace was able to decipher its meaning. The emperor then ordered Takamura to read it and he responded:
"It will be good if there is no evil (悪無くば善からん, saga nakuba yokaran),"
reading the character for evil (悪, aku) as "Saga" to indicate Saga Tennō. The emperor was incensed at his audacity and proclaimed that because only Takamura was able to read the scroll, he must have been the one who put it up in the first place. However, Takamura pleaded his innocence, saying that he was simply deciphering the meaning of the scroll. The emperor said, "Oh, so you can decipher any writing, can you?" and asked Takamura to read a row of twelve characters for child (子):
Takamura immediately responded:
neko no ko koneko, shishi no ko kojishi (猫の子子猫、獅子の子子獅子),
using the variant readings ne, ko, shi, ji for the character (子). This translates to "the cat's young kitten, the lion's young cub" or with annotations:
"the young of cat (猫, neko), kitten (子猫, koneko) and the young of lion (獅子, shishi), cub (子獅子, kojishi)."
The emperor was amused by Takamura's wit and withdrew the accusation.
en espanol
i mean
you literally didn't put the most important verb in that sentence
which is
to know
But thats true in english too?? like if we're talking about grammar and someone says "i have a bit :c" you know what they mean right? you don't usually repeat the subject of the conversation over and over no?
yeah but not in spanish
oh yeah, in spanish you can skip it, but in that case your sentence wasn't making much sense because, basically, grammar is not something you posess, but something you know. you said "i have a little", not "i know a little"
I walked the dog, oh, where did you walk the dog, i walked the dog to the park
i walked the dog, oh where, the park
should i use conosco then
conozco is not the same as saber
yeah i know how to say more stuff than i know how to spell cause i learned a bunch of this in school
conozco is like, tangible stuff
yea, "yo sé sumar"
ah okay
so if i know an abstract concept its saber?
"yo sé restar"
fuck im so bad at conjugation
entender is to understand
or entender would that be acceptable for something like that
entender un poquito de epanol per no mucho
oh yeah that'd make sense
"entiendo un poco de español, pero no mucho"
yeah entiendo fuck
Conjugation ;_;
you can also say
"puedo entender"
"i can understand"
cus you're conjugating the verb "to can" (poder) so you don't have to do the same with the next one
why is it se no sabo thats really confusing to me
i guess like did/will makes no fucking sense either
or go/went
short explanation: cacophonic
it just sound bad
ah okay makes sense
when is conocer used then
like knowing a person or place or something?
"conoces a ella"
Conoce ella? etc
talking abt a person
"la conoces?"
okay this is a good lesson thank u im procrastinating my work tho so i gotta go actually do that
did they not teach you spanish in school
They did but like a decade ago
i gotta say
it's really cute that you think it'd be "no sabo" because that's a common "mistake" little kids do when they're learning spanish
it's a playful way to say you don't know something, actually
"dónde dejaste las llaves?" (where did u left the keys??)
"ah, no sabo" (ah, no clue)
we all gonna know what you mean but if u say it with a convincing accent we gonna asume you're being silly
ah hehehe
however if u have a foreigner accent we gonna think "aww he's trying his best" or something
my spanish is pretty halting i dont think id be convincing lmao
but my accent is maybe pretty good because one of my spanish teachers made a really big deal out of it but shes from spain spain not mexico
And she was from the region where they lisp some words like on purpose so i lisp some things xd
espanol latinoamerica es el mejor espanol
ohhh like
they do that
no i thought that was using tu instead of vos
but i still do have to stop mid sentence a lot to think of words or just like... use the english word and try to mimic it with my hands and look pleadingly at them like im so sorry ;_;
oh no wait that's seseo
that's not the name either
yeah that's when u use "vos" instead of "tú"
very common in argentina
dont some places not use vosotros at all
most of latin america don't use "vosotros"
its like just nos or ellas or whatever
"nosotros", "ustedes", "tú", "ellos"
instead of
"vosotros", "tú"
nosotros is we and vosotros is basically
important distinction
despite the fact they sound similar
fuck i have a whole ass essay to write in 3 hours
in english not spanish
about what
byebye wormies
byebye anon
buena suerte
gracias <3
y gracias for ayuda me apprender mas
you're welcome !!!
hasta luego
hasta luegooo
my head hurts now imma sleep
cya sistetrs
a mimir
me too
me voy a mimir
two mimir
#itsover (121)
Its gonna be fun tbh
But im just in a time crunch
oh rip gone already
hoi, how are you?
@opworm new paging feature prevents us from searching in the entire thread
we JOB to thread searches....
tru i'd also like to get entire thread view back so u can archive it
lol and lmao and rip anony..... i've tested ff android beta and it works fine for me so might be something wrong w/ur keyboard
im very togglepilled i think we should just have a massive settings menu and have all of these things be options. It does increase maintenance and compatibility work a lot tho...
toggles make da world go round tbh, user customisation is necessary imo when diff choices are mutually exclusive.....
work go up is the unfortunate consequence of UI + UX improvements
at least in this case, the old "show entire ass thread" format used to be used so could be slapped back in
but.... 30k post limit....... will be ouchie.... to load @ once
at the moment the dev cost is kind of absurd compared to the userbase, like a whole number percent of active users are also active developers, i think stuff like this might make a lot more sense once we have more users
altho i do agree, and for whatever my opinion is worth i will support togglepilling the site :3
it's still there
ai posts?
gambling is bad
#riskflip (heads) #riskflip (tails) #riskflip (tails) #riskflip (tails) #riskflip (heads) #riskflip (heads) #riskflip (tails) #rekt (122)
government stooges are turning the guaremalans trans
i'm a government stooge
#change guaremalans to guatemalans
stop stooging around
fear not cove holden for i am here i have a doctors checkup routine one today
gud meowning anon
#ksay cove holden
hi kitty :3
now you've been disappeared
does anyone know why voice messages were removed from brainworms?
watch this i can read your runes illegally
#skeet (skeet must contain text or image)
#bleet (bleet must contain text or image)
what the FR*ck that used to work
#bleet (link to bleet)
i dunno :c i liked them
my name isn't rude it's booger
#tireiron #slap #kick #punt #melt #kiss #hug #rekt (123)
ugh time to go to WORK
this is BULLSHIT
#textflop (unknown error)
WHAT they ruined schizotextflop
Where is my ancient persian and calculus
we used to have someone who went by the name cr0w who left all sorts of amazing voice messages, also loved leaving voice messages in anon mode
they're still there i think, the mic input is just hidden by default...
settings (top right) -> extra -> show mic button
damn deepseek is NOT schizophrenic enough
sometimes i sleeeped and sometimes im awakkeddd :D :D :D
gm melon gang
i feel like i just summoned a ghost or smth like this is the ring but an audio clip please dont kill me
omg based togglepilling has begun :D
My psychic influence must have gone back in time and told opwormie how cool toggles are
i miss robin williams he was a cool guy :(
fear not sadchan for my wormies are safe
aaaaaaAAAAAaaAAaaaaaaaa frens i thought i had a 3 month supply of all my medications but i only have like 2 more weeks of spiro
i gotta speed run figuring out how to get more in finland
just stop doing spiro so you even need it after years of Hrt???
Your balls should be inert
but they can come back cant they...
im on spiro mono
not really if you are on a good regimen of hrt
t. mono E with no AA
idk i just switched from injections to pills again cuz pills r more common in finland
oh damn :(
i would see if you can still do injections because injections are just better
ya but they dont like to prescribe them here
even still idk if you even need an AA at this point. your T should be annihilated
its p low in all my tests but still... scary... i kinda wanna keep taking aa's just for peace of mind
spiro has awful health effects is it worth it to spress normal female levels of test?
idk i dont ever want that stuff back in my system
i get that. i couldn't do spiro it almost killed me
ive tolerated it p decently
mono E chads rise up
i guess if i can figure out a place to get diy hormones from i could switch to mono
hmmm i know someone in the uk who diys i'll ask her
ask hrt gen on 4chan they normally have good advice if one is up.
i do think of you are years on hrt though you probably shouldn't need an AA anymore because you aren't making test.
your whole body should be on the estrogen operating system
jokes aside as a mono e person, ive been off bica for like over 2 years now and my t has never went up
my understanding is the reason doctors started proscribing AAs is it makes the regimen take faster. once your are years on HRT you have no androgens to anti. the estrogen will keep your balls deactivated
>put something lumpy in my drink
>drink it
>wtf theres something lumpy
also you could always consider an orchi if u haven't had srs
i want the snibbidity snabiddidi toilet but i can't afford :(
also you can get the ole snibbety snab :DDDDD
Its a fucking racket. do you know how much it cost to get a dog neutered? Like 45 fucking dollars. Do you know how much it costs for a human with the SAME EXACT FUCKING MEDICINE AND PROCEDURE AND LEVEL OF SANITATION AND CARE??? Like thousands of dollars FOR NO GODDAMN REASON ITS THE SAME THING ITS THE SAME EXACT THING IF THERE WASNT FURRY DOG THERE THE SURGEON COULDNT EVEN TELL THE DIFFERENCE UNDER THE IPERATING SHEET THINGY
ugh i want orchi so much is such bs the eunuchs of yore lived long healthy lives so why is there even any like gatekeeping around orchi just let me yeet that shit
i wonder if i could find a back alley veterinarian to do it
yea... that's like all medicine though
how do i motivate myself to get orchi
can u get one from finnish healthcare?
call doctor ask for referral
testicular torsion
ummmm mayyyyybbbbeeeeeee all the trans stuff in finland u have to go through this one clinic with like a 2 year wait time
i dont have a doctor
well step 1 should be to get a doctor and regular medical care lol
testicular torsion and get admitted to the ER and run out on the bill and ignore the bill collectors they arent allowed specific details about your case because of HIPPA violations and also it wont lower your credit rating. Unironically you can run out on medical debt your entire life and suffer exactly 0 repercussions except annoying assholes call you or show up at your door sometimes
makes sense tiny country that's sad though
i did this for a stab wound then tried to pay it 8 years later dnd it didn't exist anymore
anon this is very specific, was this your process
it sounds like a good idea but i think im too much of a coward to give myself testicular torsion
did you see the John Oliver bit where he bought like 40 million in medical debt for 40k usd and forgave it all? sent all the people a letter saying there debt was forgiven.
no comment.
yeah its worth jack fuckint shit because the debt collection agencies dont even get to see what its for and if they do you can sue the doctor for gross hippa violations and win more than the price of the debt.
they get your name and a dollar number and thats literally it
debt trading its something that should be punishable by death
If you just simply say "no that's not me and this state has castle laws and i am heavily armed and extremely litigious" they will run like the scared little fucking babies they are
apparently people still win legal battles all the time if they do to court over it, because its legally true you have no financial agreement with whatever scam company buys your debt
sometimes its based being American. we are a violent and insane people, kind of like Russians
yep. And if you go through the motions like you genuinely will sue them then theyll drop your case because its not worth the effort
they rely on scaring you but at the end of the day they are private citizens and they have zero authority over you and if they do anything illegal they can be areested for it
they just want old people to pay
>Massachusetts 278-8a Section 8A. In the prosecution of a person who is an occupant of a dwelling charged with killing or injuring one who was unlawfully in said dwelling, it shall be a defense that the occupant was in his dwelling at the time of the offense and that he acted in the reasonable belief that the person unlawfully in said dwelling was about to inflict great bodily injury or death upon said occupant or upon another person lawfully in said dwelling, and that said occupant used reasonable means to defend himself or such other person lawfully in said dwelling. There shall be no duty on said occupant to retreat from such person unlawfully in said dwelling.
Switzerland defense just make it clear it will be an uphill battle for basically nothing, and theyll drop it and go away
"i will shoot you and then sue you" has always worked for me
ok but all of this goes back to step 1: giving myself tescular torsion. idk i dont like pain
yep stand your ground is shitty and used to justify a lot of terrible killings but medical debt collectors aren't people and the buddha doesnt care if you kill them
does this apply for surprise ER visits
i had a dream this morning i had a few dates with a guy and it was going well and then i went back to his place and we ended up having sexx and then when he woke up and saw me candidly with my hair all messed up he vomited because he realized he had sex with a man :) thank u brain hehehe
you dont look like a man
we should pull all the worms out..
i smell a deleteposter...
sorry, didnt mean to imply that.
delete poster :3
no no i mean like, i know people find that annoying im not trying to do that..
i've never seen u do that
i try not to but i think it every teim
gives the same energy as this meme format
i can never enjoy this meme because the reeses puffs commerical is so funny and hype to me that its all i can hear hehehe
idk what reeses puffs are im european
you know reeses pieces candy?
dont think i do?
idk i dont think i ever saw them around here
well Reeses Puffs are basically that made into a cereal
ah, its like peanut buttery?
my gf sometimes buys me these as a treat
id love a bowl but im 25 and will probably not touch a sugary cereal for thines health
come to NYC we will have a bowl of sugary cereals as a treat
Okay silly story time:
8 months ago I made a post on a youtube short about a new york pizza place saying 'New York Italian guys like this make the best slice, sorry thats just how it is! :)'
And I still get insanely malding replies from northern italians saying sicilians arent people like every other week or so LMAO
four hour drive for me. hmm
LMFAO based destroy all cis
like and I reply to all of them like LMAOOOO italians think they own pizza get that shitty bread ass looking outta my face FR
Making c*s uncomfortable is gods will
wtf lmao
yea I get replies from like 'If you actually come to italy and see a guy whos skin is this dark you will know we do not call these people as Italians'
if i woke up and realized i had sex with a transer i would be like THANK FUCKING GOD i thought it was a nightmare and i accidentally did sex on a cis
italians try not to be racist against their own people challenge level: impossible
literally the italian city state civil wars are still alive lol
Yea so its literally just italian dudes malding over
1. all the americans calling the italian guy italian (we call people who immigrate here what culture they come from very often, like peopel identify really strongly with their heritage in america)
2. our pizza is better than theirs
American Pizza > italian pizza
the rules of the kitchen are meant to be broken
americans are better at pizza because they have no inhibitions about it. americans will say fuck the sauce, fuck the cheese, we're putting apples and cinnamon and sugar on this and calling it apple pie pizza and it's fucking immaculate. italians could never comprehend the idea
that being said, i once had a pizzahut pizza in my life, and it was AWFUL
it's like a tomato cheese cake and its awful
honestly looks yummers