「villainous mouse warlock」
Cove Holden!!j7dIStOkC.
when i came out my parents were like well we kinda suspected this and i just thought gee thx for helping guys
I feel like we are similar type of transwomen too the super self hating dysphoric type lolll
me too that sounds awful >>124944 yeah so many of us and for some reason almost always trans women more so than trans men, our transitions get delayed because our lives are so violently out of control for so long generally
yeaa... like, not having a family to invest in my going to school or having a normal life just puts you 10 years behind everyone else. it really sux.
do you still talk to that friend?
yea actually hes a perma virgin at 30 lol very wierd guy but nice enough. was very aggressive about gendering me correctly and stuff which was kind of nice hehe
i remember sadchan i knew i needed to get an orchiectomy by the time i was 16 years old, and i almost got an orchiectomy in my late 20s, i ended up getting one finally in my 30s and fortunately with almost no testosterone in my body past my late 20s, i was scared as fuck about like you know not getting fixed
>its not a fetish
>very aggressive about gendering me correctly
aww thats kinda wholesome..
i lowkey wish i had someone in my life whom i knew like for a long time.
I didn't really have a social circle irl prior to like moving away and transitioning.
so idk what it's like.
i dont talk to him often like .5 times a year but hes an interesting person. last time I talked to him he was talking about the next time he visits japan he wants to visit a brotherl but was really scared too lmao
my childhood friend became transitioned to being a man
i've known him since we were both in primary school
i prevented my body from any more masculinizing at around the age of like 27, and got my orchiectomy one year ago, i lived in terror for so damn long, i'm glad i stopped getting testosterone in my body at 27 instead of like 50 or something which was my deepest fear
better late than never T_T
it really didnt accelerate for me until like the YEAR Before i finally could get on HRT. not all late transitioners are because they 'didnt realize' until they are 30. i knew from 10 i just couldnt access it. :(
it was mostly funny to me cause of this
>anxiety about the orchiectomy procedure existing
white men are literally the biggest fucking snowflake fragile babies in the world its fucking insane
i know that, most trans men start transition from like 18 to 25, meanwhile most trans women start transition at 30, and i think its cause the double standard of violence, i technically transitioned slightly earlier than most trans women at 27
call any white man short he will chimp out even if hes 6 5 lmao
hiii solluxanon
i feel like cats and dogs do this because they are evolved to have spatial awareness through their feet because they cant see behind them so its literally like blinding them
white people in general
I was able to start transing at 27 just because i finally got lucky, i even almost got an orchiectom yat that age
she would not say that
idk past your puberty it's more about genetics than it is about age anyway, like i started at 20 but idk.
maybe it's worms, im not sure, but i really feel like im really bad off.
I don't understand the last part because testicular cancer is among the more aggressive cancers and one of the main treatments for it is an orchiectomy
i know the feel sadchan, of wanting to transition since like puberty started yet not being allowed to its a horrible feeling, i transitioned only slightly earlier than you, and it was mainly cause i finally got lucky i took some risks and it was worth it, i couldnt transition any earlier cause i had so little control over my life and there was so much violent literally violent gender policing
.search south park testicular cancer
>south park
>south kino
right sorry *keyed
rip me :(
this is a FUCKING MYTH and is NOT TRUE. the masculinization that occurs in mid 20s is insanely potent.
besides people have been cutting off their penises for centuries.
i sure hope so, if that's true i really dodged a bullet..
I think it's genetic.
its both but to say if you missed puberty it doesnt make a difference is insanely disingenious. you continue having new terminal hairs all the way to your 50s, most mens bones keep growing until 25, you put on large amounts of muscle in your late 20s, male pattern baldness is a life progression and you can have irreversible hair loss, male patternvisceral fat deposits can take decades to decades to die off.
Like I'm a regular guy and I remember that my voice didn't drop until I was like 14
actually the bones can keep growing until 50, not most of the bones but some of them, thats the reason why like, a lot of us, our greatest fear is the thought of having to start transition at 50
#trvke (that command can't be used in this board)
John 50 (its literally over)
yeah the john50 meme... its an mtf dysphoric nightmare, and everyone who became a john50 is a victim of extreme injustice, like literal john50s most of them ended up that way because of extreme transphobia
*zaps you with the john50fication beam*
Saying if you missed puberty it doesn't matter is a fucking like, dangerous myth that can fuck transwomen over very badly. Its always better to trasnition earlier if you ahve the option to do it safely....
sry i wasnt mad at you more PTSD from literaly regards on /tttt/ spouting off about what makes a 'lateshit' with no understanding of the changes the body goes through in your 20s.
i mean, from that point of view, i think you're right, sorry for speaking about things i dont really know that much about
I love reading 4chan's lgbt board as a regular guy because they're arguing and nitpicking about each other is highly entertaining. I've never seen such a dramatic group of people
>sry i wasnt mad at you
i get that, but i still think you're right upon reading it again and reflecting on it^^
and 20 is much better than 30. the more time you live with T the worse it is. it continues changing and molding your body for your entire life until around your 50s when your hormones taper off.
im about to turn 24 is it over #oracle ()
are you trying to transition??? no get on HRT Now!!! lmao
anon you want my advice, better to transition in your mid 20s or 30 then at 50
better now than later i say
no i haven't done anything lol
All the memes about Twink death are directly applicable to trans women lol
go to your fav diy seller and get on hrt asap lol
i would recommend anyone with androgenic dysphoria to not allow their body to keep getting disfigured until they are 50
i have 0 money
if you dont tranistion you will experience 'twink death' and stop being a boy and become a fucking actual man
better start selling butt pics
nah you don't want to see that
i have done nothing so there is nothing attractive there
yes twinkdeath, ever since i learned twinkdeath existed and shit i knew i had to prevent it from happening to me
ill throw in 50bucks
i think i still look pretty young. like im not white so that may play into peoples view of me
tbh for fem gays who want to preserve their looks i think its totally valid to take HRT to prevent twink death xD
i am so glad i dont have balls anymore cuz those things would have eventually given me twinkdeath and made me into a john50
i mean u could just take HRT too lol
we should normalize hrt as a bodymod
valid point tho i read horror stories of like a trans women who went into a coma and qanother trans woman in prison denied hrt and they both heavily masculinized and thats when i came to the conclusion hrt isnt enough i need an orchiectomy
there's that billionaire who is taking B-estradiol in order to prevent aging
I agree totally lol.
Bodymoding should be normalized and considered based.
However, that shouldnt distract from trans people who need it to treat dysphoria.
There is a difference between Gender Affirming Care and Cosmetic Treatments and I will fight to the death on this issue.
work over gtg wormies
Philosophy Tube please KILL YOURSELFFFF
so true fujo
very fair... I just want SRS though.
c u l8r
i remember when i was in grade school the later grades, and they had puberty class, and told me that my body would basically eventually turn into a john50 bod, and that a lot of the john50fication was gonna happen in just a few years, and i was scared as fuck. i was horrified when i learned androgenic hair existed and that i was about to develop it
bryan johnson?
everyone ages. i feel like a lot of people want to remain a virile 20 year old forever and that trying to stop it is an affront against life
i dont mind ageing, i just want to age as a woman :(
just looked at vids of his, wtf, i kinda cant believe that hes 47
well aso I dont want to age too lol i guess
that's kinda weird. I still remember in secondary school they took the girls to watch the old walt disney movie about mensturation and the boys watched some like 1990s tape about puberty during the lunch time and it was very boring like just figures and diagrams about like your voice changing and the descending of the balls
i had a textbook on it in a class called health class. we covered male and female genitalia with like in depth graphs and such and also it had sections on drug and alcohol addiction and a bunch of other topics like that. basically just a class on understanding how to make healthy safe choices I think classes like that are important. i was very like ahead of the other high school kids on understanding that stuff though so it was really boring but I see the value for someone who was insanely sheltered
i was sharing too much information there
did u delete post?? xD
i didnt see it, but you cant overshare more than me hehehe
I dislike this guys lighting setup
dont bully jammi pleasee
#itsover (125)
9 users
worrmie tube is poppin
i had such a bad sleep i kept waking up
dont eat guac before u sleep
itll fuck u up
lmao u had the guac sweats
.skip (video skipped)
im a weird dog
i saw a red light underneath my plate of food and i thought i was actually losing it but it was just my phone
russians luv u
opna is that u?
its true
echidnas are such silly guys
thats knuckles
look at this silly irishman doing wood crafts
very wholesome man
theres something sus about him...
hes wholesome
hes not a rapist or into wierd porn or going to harass minorities online
hes killed someone for sure
i hate men
ur right
its possible though, that the person he killed, was worthy of death
a healthcare CEO?
going thru old pics is rlly weird
yeah i just dont do that
i keep finding pics from when i had no idea how to take care of my eyebrows
i still kinda dont know, but its better at least
easier to just shave them off tbh
like entirely???
My favorite things about estrogen are, no androgenic hair/mpb stuff, and my cheeks and thighs seem to be getting progressively bigger iwth time, my mother had very thick thighs and very thick cheeks and the longer i am on estrogen the more it seems like my thighs and cheeks expand, which makes me feel way better than becoming a john50
>never pet a seal
this is fucking big sea lion propoganda
that would look bad on me..
you draw them on after
doesn't look right most of the time unless you have a steady hand
hah i dont have a steady hand, its so bad that i can not read my handwriting a day after i wrote it
so i just dont do it and use a keyboard instead :3
maybe i should learn how to do steno, it seems like a fun hobby, to be able to type like 250wpm
you know whats interesting sadchan is that the average male body actually has more genetic mutations than the average female body, and like well, a lot of what i like about estrogen is it just, it feels a lot less extreme to the human body than testosterone for lack of better term, the stuff it does is nice, and it feels less holy shit yes it is me anon how did youy know??
lol is that you kitty
im giggling about how you knew it was me i find it touching and hilarious for some reason and now i am curious how you knew
your typing style is very unique and easy to tell apart from others
lmao thats so gud
im on sealtube :)
nice command very nice :D
oh they castin a SPELL
kitty here gonna play sum planetside 2 to keep my vrain occupied while waiting on my doctors checkup, i really really love all my cherished wormies, you wormies never change and are the nycest people
#catbounce >^•-•^<
#catbounce >^•-•^<
#fish 🐟
i like that game its funnn but its only fun like 1/5 of the time but when it is good its soooo coool
so endearing ;3
im a bad person
all u have to do to be a good person is stop being a bad person
how r u all today melons???
c: im ok i was helping my mom make dinner
finnish momm
ya c: my mom is the best
me n who
ur mom sounds based
hug hug enjoy! and I hope it went well!
okay I doomscrolled for 2 hrs i have to cut off today no more doom scrolling
dungeon almost wiped except ppl saw the danger before it got to us
somehow pulled a fuckton of mobs
hard core?
i never did that dungeon in vanilla because its in a weird place to go too, but I did the cataclysm version a bunch of times as a level 85 heroic
yeah hardcore
yeah as horde its out in th eastern kingdoms but the levelling guide i follow has you go there anyways
its a good dungeon for loot too
good job
i finished showering and stuff c:
le sigh
you ever have one of those dreams where you wake up and your awake-brain is like whaaat
yeaaa i had a shitty dream this morningg :(
i hate english class so much
yeah so anyway, i had this messed up dream i was homeless and underaged and having to do sex w*rk for food and stuff
sleeping in a sleeping bag on the sidewalk n shit it was brutal
i slept in a park when i was a kid for a few years but I didnt have a sleeping bag
it wasnt that bad, in the winter i would go to suburban train stations
when i was homeless in the winter and lost my bed at the shelter i slept in the university across the street from it
lots of hiding spots
for awhile I would sleep at work, going behind the movie screens ( i worked at a movie theater for a year or two)
im thinking about that guy who lived in an ikea
ikea sounds like a nice enough place to sleep but i feel like it would be impossible to get comfortable. ia ssume they ahve night guards and i would be paranoid all the time plus if you sleep in a place like that I feel like people would start to recognize you
bony face returns yess #hug
oo aa so eepy sleepy
me2 but i just had a monster
ur on finnish time noww
yuppp still p jetlagged
say something in finnish :)
perkele :3
whats that? :3
swear word
hehe i thought so
suomi on niin kiva!
vittu perkele
saataa perkele vittu!
Kuka perkele sa olet, ja mita teet minun talossa?
i recognize the question mark
mom the stripper archer is in my algo again
my math professor is so cool
i think he doesnt like me very much tho lol
its probably just in my head. i always manage to convince myself that everyone hates me. but maybe its not in my head. it doesnt matter in any case
.play beatles penny lane
i feel like a boomer for saying this lol but the beatles r so good fuck
their melodies are so unique and so pretty it has the aura of like idk mozart or smth classical like that
them and the beach boys altho im not a fan of the beach boys earlier like surfing cars & girls stuff lol
professors are bullies ime, especially STEM professors
aw im sorry
my best (only) friends in college were my math professors lol they were so cool
i had such bad experiences as a STEM major in college that I actually converted to Christianity just so I could legally tell scientists to fuck off
.play beach boys wouldnt it be nice
my fav professor was this kind old man who was an algebraic number theorist and i talked with him a lot
idk i dont think hes a bully. he seems pretty nice actually. i just think i was very loud during the earlier lectures and left a bad impression lol. ive just been more quiet since the start of the semester, and he interacts normally with me in class. he just doesnt say hello when i say hello to him outside of class lol
yeah maybe you were loud but he can get over
aw yknow the thing abt professors is that they interact/have interacted with lots and lots of young ppl yknow theres not much thats new to them im sure its worse in ur head
>number theorist
do u like algebra c: i loved it altho it was one of the harder subjects for me
omg ya right lol... i feel like number theory is what everyone wants to do but not many get the chance
yes i like algebra its probably my favorite subfield but i still dont know very much, almost nothing really because we dont really do that in engineering maths
rly? youd think analysis would be the popular field from the outside
aw sounds like ur not much different than i was lol
do u like groups c: that was my fav part
ring theory was the only class i got a c in in my college career though o_o
eh theres def a lot of ppl in that field but number theory is kind of like the rockstar field that many of the best and brightest are drawn to but it has relatively few like faculty positions so only the best get to do it for a living
now that you mention it, schulz and wiles come to mind
ya c: u know ur stuff!
it makes me really sad when I think someone is cool and they dont like me :(
lol not really
same :(
if ur interested in math u should consider going to ur professor's office hours c: that was an invaluable resource for me, and math professors love talking to ppl about math!
idk if my school has that, its dual education its different from normal university
there were some classes where prob the only reason i got the grade i did was cuz the professor knew me and cut me a break cuz i was interested in the material lol
oh gotcha, well if u get the chance i highly encourage u to c:
but thank u for the advice :)
math ppl are some of my fav ppl... the school i went to was kinda competitive but the math students were so chill
i've never had this experience, professors are bullies who give me F's because they are prejudiced against my religious beliefs
im sorry that sounds awful
how can they even do that
that sounds really cool. engineering students are massive assholes but you get used to it lol. you grow a thicker skin after a while
i love math
i love u!
i want to kiss math on the lips
now marry
ya i heard that, i have a twin bro who studied comp sci and from the sounds of it his classmates sucked
i will never marry
yeah its even worse in other engineering fields. engineers are extreme hylics
math ppl were all like mega geeks and stoners and stuff lol
whats a hylic
ya lol
i should try that game it has been in the back of my mind for years
basically a gnostic idea, pneumatics are people who are naturally closest to god, uhh i forgot the second category and hylics are those with no spiritual awareness whatsoever
ohh ya
dw i googled it
i dont really play vidya but ive seen some gameplay of that game and it seems WEIRD
its very funky lookin
its probably this yes
anyone know of any like, good low-budget options for media player? something that isn't cucked and full of spy/adware
right yes correct
sponsor is more than video sponsor than video is more than
yes! exactly!!1
i was thinking of getting a raspberry pi for music and tv shows and shit, is it worth it?
probably not gonna be using it for 4k video, but is it okay for like, 720p and 1080p?
me trying to be as hylic as possible because the pain of being human fucking asssss its assss i dont want to be awareeee
maybe ill be a cockroach in my next lifee
i think according to the religious schizo stuff the hylics are the most human though, because they can only experience pleasures of the flesh
yeaaa thats what i mean though like being a normie, chasing material pleasures etc
ah i see
i personally want to focus on higher things but higher things keep rejecting me
such a magnificent doggo
underrated post and same
hell yeah
sometimes its hell yeah sometimes its oh no
probably true for marriage too though
i just dont think marriage is for me
i mean i dont think its for me either but why in particular
anyone got recommendations for dry herb vaporizer for under $200?
marry me and ill change ur mind
sure! dont do drugs
>t. gold digger
.play kanye west gold digger
but i dont know anything abt ur financials
my mind doesn't jump to money when i think of marriage...
can someon please send me a cool half a milly to get SRS and FFS procedures ty
i just dont wanna commit that hard, its a religious thing, regular relationships are suffocating enough to me already
i see. loving that freedom
its probably also me being a bit of a contrarian like, i dont need some societal ceremony to define my relationship with someone
but its like a nice memory and celebration. having all the people you love and know coming together to celebrate 2 people being in love i think thats nice
oh so youd still be open to living in a marriage-like relationship with someone without getting married?
yeah id be fine probably doing that but theres no promise itll last forever
my ideal relationship would be like being a third wheel to a more dedicated couple i think
based cuck
no id have sex with them
ah so poly stuff basically
who wants to be part of the dedicated couple with me
yeah im poly
im only dedicated to yo aunt
im dedicated to the grind
im dedicated to videogames
i dedicate this fist to ur face
im dedicated 2 being a loser :)
but i dont know you anon
and also you dont want me pinky promise
shrimp needs someone to beat them into being a housewife. this is why we should retvrn to tradition
based, i just want to give up
im not opposed to it but itd have to be a mighty beating
hahah lmao
an almight beating, i swear to god
im very dedicated to videogames
what if an eldritch god dropped you into ancient sumer what then, HUH?
we could fix eachother
i guess id just like. chill. do some gathering
ah yes how all good relationships start
you cant fix ugly and mentally ill tho
if ur lonely, and im lonely... we can be lonely... together
ugh some very creepy theatre teacher made us recite a poem along those lines in elementary school and i have to think about it everytime i read that gross
lol it makes me think of futurama
i feel this but mainly because i have brainworms telling me i don't deserve to be in a committed monogamous relationship (lol years of sexual ab*se will do that to a gal)
i just right clicked it and hit download wat r u gonna do about it hehehe
i only have 2 classes this semester, i thought 3 was minimum but apparently not? so i only have to go outside twice a week now, idk if this is better than 3 classes
i wish this were my life very often tbh
well unlike japan in western countries you just end up homeless because your family doesnt feel obligated to provide for a leech
no1 her eis ugly is the crazy thing
i think a lot of it for me is definitely trauma related too but i aint got time to unpack that rn
thats just america tho
or ever
im ugly! :S
#slap no youre not
don't lie to my face
unironically the western idea that you have to be independent once you're 18 isn't even a traditional western idea, just 20th century globohomo banker psy-op
if im not ugly id hate to see what you think is actually ugly... lol....
.play sean connery on hitting women
>banker pysop
yes, banker psy-op
we know you mean the jews. dont be like that
no i don't
i said what i meant and i meant what i said, you're the one who immediately went loljews
i just need to look inna mirror, looking good is not one of my talents
because everyone who says "global bankers" mean the jews its an antisemtitic dogwhistle